So last night escalated quickly 21F & older M

I went out last night for a friend's birthday and we were in a local club at around 3am, I told them I was shooting off to the toilet but I'd be right back and as soon as I did, everything went to shit!

I did take about 15 minutes but when I came back they were nowhere to be found and while I was looking around to see if I could see them anywhere, this guy caught my attention. He came over to ask if I was lost and I told him that I wasn't, but my friends were aha I asked him if he'd come outside with me while I rang them to see where they'd gone.

I didn't know the guys name at this point but he seemed nice enough and I just wanted some company if I couldn't end up finding them. First friend I rang didn't answer so I started to panic and rung another, she picked up and told me that the first girl threw up just outside the club and got kicked out so they all took her to a taxi and got in with her to make sure she got home okay, it'd be nice if they cared about me as much!

I was livid at this point and started ranting to the stranger before I realised I hadn't asked him his name. He told me he was Craig (just in case you happen to be on redding and fancy finding me again haha!) we talked outside for the next 10 or 20 mins until he made his move and kissed me, before I knew it we were stumbling around the corner from the club.

Now, I was on my period and I live with my parents so couldn't take him home and didn't want to go to his. As soon as we got to the end of the street I told him I'd need to get a taxi home and we went to the taxi office, they told us it'd be around a 30 minute wait so as we walked back outside I put my fingers inside his belt, pulled him with me and told him to keep me occupied while I had to wait.

He jumped at the chance and we walked around the back of the taxi office where I slid his belt open and reached into his jeans and got a tight hold of his cock. He went to run his hands up my leg and I told him he wasn't quite that lucky, it was the wrong time of the month and I could see his disappointment. I told him not to worry because I'm not a selfish girl and as soon as the words had left my mouth I was on my knees.

I was stroking his cock with one hand and sliding my shoulder straps off with the other. He reached down to lower my dress and I let him feel me up, I'm a petite girl but I know that something's better than nothing! Aha it was then that I took him in my mouth, not far at first but just as a teaser before I licked him from tip to base and ran my tongue along his balls. I took him all the way in and started working his cock with my mouth, as I did I was playing with his balls with one hand and had the other stroking the bottom of his abs.

I could hear him moaning and as he tensed up I knew he was going to finish soon so I slowed down, looked straight up at him and said "I just wish you could be cumming inside me instead" I think this made him lose his shit because he came in my mouth almost as soon as I put him back in my mouth. I swallowed him whole and licked him clean before I stood back up and I've never seen anyone look more grateful for it.

By the time I adjusted my dress and he pulled his jeans up we'd managed to kill about 20 mins so he took me back to the office and even kissed me goodbye when I got in the taxi. Fairplay, what a gentleman! Haha



  1. You said "rang" instead of "called"! At least, that’s what tipped me off. Don’t know about the others

  2. I didn’t even know that was a British thing! Haha I thought that was what everyone said :p aha

  3. Well yours is scary accurate! Haha I’m sure you can guess a lot more about me if you tried! Aha

  4. While I’m no Craig, this scene feels a bit like a typical Saturday night here across various places I’ve been to in London. All it’s really missing is the 330-5am Kebab.

  5. Yeah don’t know why but I read this as being British from the start?? I think our girls are just that much better at blowjobs than Americans!?

  6. Also the use of "shooting off to the toilet". North Americans would have said "shooting off to the bathroom"

  7. I might-of licked yer click anyway!!!!! I’ve got my redwings, but I can do clit anytime!!

  8. Yeah fancy is pretty British haha that’s a good eye! Someone’s read this more than once :’)

  9. Well I dunno about the rest of us Brits, but I can assure you all I definitely am :p aha

  10. Ah, not my intention. Ladyfriend/ FWB, much sex was had, she liked lots of things, but for-whtatever-reason she never masturbated. -shrug- I fingered her clit whist she was at that time of the month. And she liked it plenty. (I’ve never done a good deal of hand/ finger stuff. Mechanic, my hand aren’t always pristine.) I’m finally semi-retired.

  11. |Why didn’t she? I never explored it enough. She definitely like the fooking and oral. And I really liked doing her oral. She was sort of slightly religious, not always at ease, but like I said she liked sex. I missed a few chances at some outdoor sex, totally my fault. |semi: I’m an older fart, getting outta shape. Still turning heads, and sometimes some *way* too youngn’s :-)~ (16 is too young in the States dammit)

  12. Think someone needs to set up an experiment and find out which part of the UK does it best…. It will be tough but I am willing to put my body on the line for this!

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