Vegas sex club – My {28F} experience as a sex slave

after reading the story posted on reddit ( i felt compelled to share my own experience at this club. this happened a little over a year ago.

in a nutshell, i agreed to have sex with a group of men in front of a huge audience at a vegas sex club. like the other girl said in her story, parts of it was amazing. having 3 and 4 guys give you a sensual massage and take turns licking my pussy and bring me to orgasm was out of this world like a dream. while many parts were just complete domination and raw and powerful sex that took me through a myriad of emotions and left me physically ravaged. my body was used beyond what i was capable of handling but i walked away with over $78000.

the show the other girl did that i linked to above was an opening show and they are more tame and a mini-version of what happened with m. i was the girl who did the ending show of the night. i was the main "attraction" so to speak. not because i'm the hottest girl out there. but because i was desperate enough to say yes. willing enough to have the sex they wanted. and pretty enough to fit the mold of what the audience paid to see. for reference i'm brunette, 5'6", 125 lbs with 34B boobs.

just to back up a little. i did the show because i needed the money. student debt, bad credit card habits and just plain poor money decisions saddled me with over 60,000 in credit card bills alone. an ex boyfriend also stole money from me that i still haven't gotten back. i looked into all kinds of ways to make money and pay off my debts. i worked two jobs. sold stuff. didn't have cable. and then i realized i was surviving but not living. i decided to look for another way to make more money but faster. i explored stripping, porn, topless cocktail waitressing and dozens of other things. i finally decided to post on seeking arrangement to find a sugar daddy and see if that would work and that led to me to club.

without getting into a lot of detail about the club, lets just say it's a private and secret place in vegas where millionaires pay to see live sex. they go to great lengths to keep it a secret. it's first class and it's not unheard of for members to spend up to $50,000 in fees, tips and bottle service. there are some private type shows, kinky stuff and then some that are in this main stage area like i did.

it took a few months of talking to a club owner but i finally was chosen and agreed to everything they wanted. i willingly admit they were very upfront with me about what was expected. did i fully comprehend what that meant? definitely not. but with very few limits the bottom line is i was what amounts to being a sex slave / porn actress for the duration of the show. while it was safe in that we were all std tested. there were no condoms, no safe words. no ability to make it stop. i was fully committed whether or not i wanted to continue after it started. there were things they did to help me prepare both physically and mentally thankfully.

as i lay under a sheet in front of several hundred watchers, bright lights pointing at me and 3 guys massaging my body through the sheet, i couldn't help but be incredibly turned on. i thought i would feel nervous and i did but there is something about a sexy massage that makes you forget about where u r and the gravity of the situation. even when the sheet was removed and oiled hands began touching me, i only felt pleasure and forgot about the audience.

i don't think i was ever more turned on in my life as every inch of my body was covered in oil. fingers had found their way inside of my pussy and butt. my nipples were kissed and pinched. even my head and feet were massaged. my legs being spread open led to a face between my legs and my first orgasm came crashing over me. there was an applause and some comments that came from the audience and it was the first time in a while i remembered my situation.

it wasn't long before a tongue was replaced by a penis. and then another slowly taking turns until all 3 guys had slowly fucked me for a minute or two changing places. it seemed somehow natural to have a guy fucking me while another slid into my mouth. i'd never been with two guys but i knew what to do. what i wanted to do. my body was electric and i kept having tiny little orgasms.

when i was asked to flip over, i noticed a 4th guy was near me. their hands touched me again while my butt was caressed and lube was applied. i knew what was coming next and was glad that i had prepared beforehand. i always wondered how porn stars prepared for anal and i got to experience it first hand. the fingers inside of me were replaced by the thickness of a cock. thankfully they went slow. the other guys massaged me. someone reached around and was playing with my clit. my senses were overwhelmed. inch after inch entered me making small movements. i remember the pleasure and pain of it. having had anal sex before, i knew what to expect and how to relax and move to allow the invasion. but even though the smallest of the guys was entering me, it still felt like a baseball bet going inside of me.

when he felt fully in, he made little movements in and out of me. the headrest my face was resting in was removed and my mouth was filled with the 4th guys cock. he was huge and i could barely fit my lips around him. this time it didn't feel as natural having a cock in my mouth and ass as it did my pussy but i wasn't objecting either. words of encouragement were shared by the guys as they told me how hot i looked and good i felt. this was enough to make me want more and i think this was realized. i remember hearing someone say "let me fuck her ass" and one guy was replaced by another. a new smaller cock was placed in my mouth and pushed deep towards my throat. i pulled back and gagged but a hand gripped my hair not allowing me to fully let him withdraw. the guy in my ass was fucking me with long slow strokes followed by going deep and making little movements. the finger that entered my pussy was too much and i started cumming yet again.

this went on for a while and before too long even the largest guy took his turn in my butt. but by then i was very relaxed and it actually felt really good and full. it was the best anal sex i ever had as the guys were gentle and seemed to know how to move just the right way and how to touch me to keep me on the verge of ecstasy.

one of the things that i anticipated and fantasized the most was dp and having a cock in my butt and pussy at the same time. we had moved from the massage table to a bed and with my butt completely relaxed and well prepared, dp was easier than what i thought it would be and harder in others. while straddling one guy and lowering myself onto him in my pussy, the other guy entered my ass from behind in doggie. i handled both of them inside of me easier than i thought and words can't describe the feeling or fullness. as i adjusted to the invasion i felt their slow movements like they were amplified inside of me feeling every twitch, movement or change in their hardness and excitement. positioning is the hard part though and i realized that porn made it look easy. but they finally achieved the right position and movement and i was being fucked by two guys at once. a third cock would occasionally make it to my mouth. it was then that i felt the most sluttiest. i wanted this so bad. the feeling of multiple guys using me. fucking me. i can still remember the feeling of it all like it happened yesterday.

it was during this time that one of the guys came in my mouth. i swallowed what i could but the movements meant some didn't make it and some went in my hair or on my face. this was followed by another guy as he stroked himself into my mouth. i was only vaguely aware that new guys had entered the room. but when i was lifted off the bed by the guys, i saw some new faces and bodies. and i swallowed a few more times.

things got progressively rougher from there. i actually remember thinking i can't believe i'm getting paid for this. but that feeling would pass quickly as i got tired and almost numb from it all. i had numerous orgasms and was on this incredible high for so long. there was a point where i was hoping it was almost done when one of the guys whispered to me "Are you ready to have your brains fucked out?"

i figured all i have to do is get through this and i'll be done. i was moved to a padded box or piece of furniture and pushed onto it so that my butt was in the air. it was like standing doggy. the guys in the room were the new guys and they weren't as gentle. a cock was pushed into my pussy and my hair was grabbed and one was shoved into my mouth. the thrusting from each end began. at first i was turned on again. i liked being forced and my body was alive again. the guy fucking me hard was replaced by another and yet another and fingers found my clit and i managed a huge orgasm.

but minutes later i had hit my limit. i wanted it to stop and tried to fight it. i pushed my hands back to try to push the guy inside of me out. my ass was smacked and my hands were grabbed and held and the fucking got harder. the grip on my hair and smacking got the signal across that i wasn't supposed to fight back. but i did. i was told this part would happen. i knew it was going to happen and i tried to not fight it but i had to. it felt like self preservation at this point. i got up all my strength but the grip was too tight and when i fought, the pain of my ass getting slapped and my hair being pulled was paralyzing and I'd stop and then fight back when they let up.

finally i just realized i couldn't get away. i was told of this step before hand. i realized i had entered into the acceptance phase and that i couldn't do anything about what was happening. i didn't realize how physically and mentally spent i would be when this happened. i actually didn't think i'd get to this point. i thought i'd be stronger and it wouldn't be as dominating as it was. after that things were a blur.

they put me in different positions but each time the sex was very rough. i fought a little but i was spent. it felt like hours were passing as each guy would go hard and fast in my pussy or ass for a minute or two followed by the next and the next. my mouth was almost always full and i was vaguely aware of the moans i was making. the sounds of pleasure mostly gone. i remember having my ass and pussy filled a few more times in different positions. and i remember the audience screaming things. some things i could understand but the ones i couldn't i found out later they were saying "break her". i was broken and they got what they paid for.

i remember guys cumming inside of me. i was thinking it's almost over. but with 8 guys it wasn't over yet. i think i must have been in and out of awareness since i remember some parts like how hard they fucked me. but then suddenly things were changed and I was in different positions not knowing how i got there.

the next thing i remember is laying on my stomach with a pillow or something under me and i could hear people talking. i opened my eyes and looked behind me towards the voices and could barely make out members of the audience near me. looking at me. talking about my body and the cum running out of me. the condition of my pussy and ass. and other things. i noticed poker chips were all around me with people tossing more. tips for my performance. money was thrown as well. i tried to move but my arms and legs were tied to the bed. my butt was sticking up towards the audience and for a brief moment i panicked thinking someone else was going to fuck me. i passed out.

the next memory i have is being in a warm bath and 3 of the original guys were washing me. i know i was startled but they handled it well in hindsight and talked to me like i was 5 years old explaining every single detail. after the bath they lifted me out of the tub and helped me to stand and dried me off with the softest towels i've ever felt.

i tried to walk but i was exhausted and sore so they carried me to a bed. i didn't even notice at that point that i was in the nicest suite in a hotel i had ever seen.

when i woke up around 1pm the next day, 2 of the guys were still there and they ordered room service for me. i ate and then slept the rest of the day only waking up a few times to them hugging me or caressing me. i found out later they called this after care and i was so happy they were there. after what happened i had so many mixed emotions. but them being there was special and sweet. at around 9pm they took me to dinner where i think i ate more food at one sitting than i ever have.

the next morning i woke up to my 2 guys again. sore but feeling better. they handed me a sheet of paper with my schedule for the day. there must have been $1,000 worth of spa treatments i was scheduled for.

in the end including tips i came away with over $78,000. it was way rougher than i ever thought it would be. but it was also more erotic and pleasurable than i ever thought it would be. overall i'm ok with everything. there was a few times afterwards where i felt taken advantage of. but on reflection, i agreed to it all. they told me it would be rough, raw and long. but in my mind i minimized their statements. now with so much time passed i'm mostly grateful for the money but also the sexual experience. it has opened my mind to so many things. but that's another story.

sorry this was so long but i could have written so much more.

PS. It wasn't until I was home that I saw this. But just above my butt in faded magic marker were the names of 8 guys who fucked me. At one point they signed my butt and had no idea. Kind of embarrassed that I went through all the spa treatments with that on me and they never said a thing.



  1. I have been to that club. I was there two years ago. Off the hook place. The girls were girl next door hot too so you must be a looker. Thanks for sharing your story. I’m trying to go back. Have you gone back to do it again?

  2. i haven’t been back. it served it’s purpose for me. i never heard from anyone there again.

  3. After reading the story you linked, posted by /u/maydoporn, I’ll admit I was very curious what the experience was like for the girls who do the more extreme show like you did. Thanks for posting this. It was very insightful and descriptive. I’m glad you see the experience as a positive one.

  4. I know she said they don’t do video recordings, but if there were one, would you watch it? Or do you prefer your foggier personal memories of the rougher parts?

  5. I hope you don’t have any regrets sweetie. I totally respected the girls who did it. I loved going to the club and now because of your story I have to go back there.

  6. i tried to get a recording right after because i wanted to know what happened. but they told me they don’t record it. i think i want to know what happened. i want to see the sexier parts a lot. i think about that a lot. i want it for my private viewing and not to put out there. it’s a little unnerving to be missing time and have no clue what happened.

  7. thank you. that means a lot. i guess in some ways i owe you a thanks for helping me get out of my financial mess even if you weren’t there the night i was.

  8. At the same time, your imagination makes certain parts of it better and probably some parts worse than they actually were. If you want recordings of yourself having sex, there are good ways to do that too!

  9. > At the same time, your imagination makes certain parts of it better and probably some parts worse than they actually were. so much of it was done without seeing. i saw some of it but i felt so busy and things were happening so fast or with my vision always blocked for obvious reasons. > If you want recordings of yourself having sex, there are good ways to do that too! i will never be in that position again so making recordings of that exact situation can’t happen. i caught glimpses of myself on a screen near the stage so i have those visions from a third party point of view. a few of those very much are etched into my mind. but it was like looking at another person sometimes or was just focused on penetration up close.

  10. How long did it all lasted ? Since you started and till the show ended ? Did you had any per pause ? Water served to you ?

  11. i honestly am not sure exactly. i think it was about 3 1/2 hours. there were no breaks but i was able to drink water and i drank some alcohol a few times. the only thing that could be considered a break was switching positions i would say.

  12. there were times after i felt like whore and got really down on myself. so hearing you say that means more than you know.

  13. Don’t sweetie. You aren’t a whore and did nothing wrong. You should be proud of solving a problem and also doing things that many girls may dream about but will never do. Just know this. There were probably 200 guys in that room that would have wanted to fuck you. If you were a whore you would have let them all fuck you. Just kidding. I envy you in a lot of ways. As a guy we can’t experience anything like you have.

  14. thank you. i have in the past. it’s hard not to think that. but i realize it’s outside influences that make me feel that way. if i take that away, i don’t feel like a whore, slut or anything. what i did was slutty but i don’t feel like a slut. if that even makes any sense.

  15. You can act slutty and be sexual without being a slut. Being a slut isn’t even a bad thing. Our culture sucks in how we put down people who aren’t like us or who live life differently. You had courage to do what you did. You should never be ashamed. I love women and have complete respect for them as people and sexual beings. Seeing a woman dominated is a major turn on just like seeing them be dominant is. I hope others are telling you what a great person you are.

  16. Thank you for the story, but it kind of hits me with mixed feelings. On one side its hot and sexy on the other its ‘you can do whatever you want if you have money and connections’ good or bad. I really feel intrigued about the whole story. I am not rich and wont be enough in the future for this kind of shenanigans, so i guess why break my head over it. I am glad it was a positive experience for you.

  17. i too have that feeling. but i am also appreciative of the opportunity. the people there were incredibly nice and also very generous. in talking to someone a long time ago they asked me would i have felt better about it if i hadn’t have been paid. at the time the answer was yes. if i was just doing it for the sex then i felt better about myself. but now i am beyond all of that. i really try to take it for what it’s worth. it was crazy sex beyond my wildest imagination and i got out of a financial mess. to put it in perspective. i still think about the sex from time to time and it turns me on. that probably says a lot.

  18. I’m glad you enjoyed it so much, definitely tilts the mood the the hot and sexy one. If you don’t mind a question, I’d like to ask how your sex life was before the event and is after it? Did it change your sex life to the better or did it stay the same? Also regarding the story, is the audience involved in any way into the performance except for watching?

  19. This is the hottest thing I have ever read, it must feel amazing to share it :)

  20. > If you don’t mind a question, I’d like to ask how your sex life was before the event and is after it? Did it change your sex life to the better or did it stay the same? i was sexually active since i was 17. in college i had some boyfriends and a couple fwb / one night stands. I had sex with 8 guys total before the vegas club. i did anal and some other stuff like tying up my boyfriend or him tying me up. that was about it. now i’m still alot like that. i like rougher sex more than i did before. > Also regarding the story, is the audience involved in any way into the performance except for watching? the audience wasn’t involved but i heard they have been in the past or at least a few that pay more were. i was asked if i would allow strangers to touch me or put their fingers inside of me but i said no to that. i think some shows that happens in the private rooms.

  21. Wow. Just reading that was intense…I can’t even vaguely imagine experiencing it! First of all, thank you for sharing this. Please know that it takes someone of amazing strength to not only be willing to experience something like this, but to get to a point where you see it in a positive light. And it should be! You just lived a fantasy I’m sure lots of both woman and men would love to have. And honestly, it was sexy as hell reading about it! I’m with you on the whole wanting a recording of it. Wow, that would be so intense to see yourself, not from within, but like you said a third person perspective. Kudos to you.

  22. thank you. responses like this make me glad i shared my experience. i’m smiling. :)))

  23. Ya it must feel incredible. Keeping that bottled up for so long will drive you crazy. One of the most important life decisions you have ever made, plus the circumstances surrounding it were obviously tattooed to your brain. I can’t even fathom having to keep that a secret. You are a stronger person than I. Respect all the way :)

  24. Amazing and intense story. I literally felt both the pleasure, the pain and the depth of emotion you articulated. Thank you for sharing your story. I’m curious: have you had any strong, supportive, caring relationships since this happened?

  25. yes. i have an amazing boyfriend i’ve been dating for a while. i took a break for a time after this all happened until i found my current boyfriend.

  26. that’s great. perfect coda to your story. does he know about your experience?

  27. no. we talked about past sexual experiences after we first starting getting intimate. he told me then he didn’t care what i did before and didn’t want to know. i feel like i should tell him for some reason. i should probably post that question on reddit or have someone post it for me.

  28. I think given the depth (and ‘depravity’) of what you experienced, it’s better not to share it with him. You can be oblique if you want and say that you participated in a group sex experience once. But that it was caring and protective and nothing you have interest in again. I’ve been in enough relationships and done enough things myself to know that details never help, and can ultimately hurt.

  29. i think that is my plan. it’s not like i was in the porn business and there is a chance he or others will see me. i don’t want to lie to him either. but don’t ask don’t tell seems to be the best way to go.

  30. Ok. Thanks man, I’ve really been working on it. Mabel one day i can spell good also.

  31. that is what one of the guys at the club said to me when he met me. he said you are small and tan. so I figured I’d use it for this post. he was 6’5" and could snap me like a twig so I was small to him.

  32. no but they were all kind of tall I think. a couple were like the original 3 guys. 6′ or more. and toned or strong. me likey.

  33. I asked /u/maydoporn the same question, have you seen the movie Behind the Green Door? There are plot elements in the movie that immediately jumped out at me when I read both of your stories. It’s an older porno (1972) but I think you’d recognize some similarities in the story.

  34. How do you participate? What are the requirements and how much does it cost?

  35. i was not aware of that movie until i saw you mentioned it on her post. but i read the links you listed. i didn’t see how it was similar but maybe watching the movie there are some.

  36. "but minutes later i had hit my limit." this is where the story stopped being hot for me. I hope you are ok and that you have the support needed. I know you wrote that in retrospect you are ok with it and that you agreed to it all, but you see, you need to agree to it as it happens. I dont understand otherwise how it’s not rape. Even in these extreme domination settings there are safe words, or other mechanisms to verify consent.

  37. what if you change your mind? what if what you thought you agreed to wasn’t what actually happen? speaking for myself, this is not a valid argument.

  38. I still consented. I knew what was going to happen. I ageed that I couldn’t withdraw consent. If I didn’t want that, there were other shows at the club I could do.

  39. I don’t know how to particioate but it was about 2k a piece to watch. You have to be approved as a member too.

  40. whether it was a written contract or you have agreed to it has nothing to do with the fact that the law may state otherwise and therefor the "contract" in not legal. At least in California (where I’m from) under the law, consent is defined as "affirmative, conscious, and voluntary agreement to engage in sexual activity" that "must be ongoing throughout a sexual activity." So it’s not only my personal take on it…

  41. sorry but not really interested in having this conversation. if i say i wasn’t raped, that should be enough. i agreed to what happened period.

  42. I never said that. I said that is how I’d see it. Also this is a free discussion, and I want others, women in particular, to understand this situation from that perspective as well.

  43. How did you hear about it and get invited to watch? How are you vetted? What goes on as an observer?

  44. What an intense and incredible story. You really made me feel it with you. Thank god for that aftercare. I can’t even imagine. Was the audience all guys, or were there women there too? Or did you not really see them?

  45. what I didn’t include were some details about the audience and some before show info. prior to the show I met a lot of people in a VIP bar area and then the main bar area. I was introduced along with others who were performing and then mingled some with people there. It was mostly men but there were some women. mostly couples but I saw at least two groups of women together.

  46. > You can be oblique if you want and say that you participated in a group sex experience once. I think this is sage advice.

  47. I’ve read a lot of stories here, but I think that one tops them all. Kudos to you for posting this – it had to have been very cathartic.

  48. I have found it far easier to tell strangers anything about it than it ever would be to tell someone I know even if I was vague about it.

  49. it felt good to put it out there. it was bottled up inside me for a long time.

  50. I don’t know why but I feel that would make me feel more reassured on some level, somehow. Really amazing story, thank you so much for sharing.

  51. Someone I knew was a member and invited me. At the time they were allowing guests of members. I had to do a background check ahead of going. I don’t know what they were looking for exactly but I think they want to make sure you aren’t law enforcement or anything. I’ll share a bunch of stuff so you get the idea. The place is really secretive. They picked a bunch of us up at the meeting point on the strip in this stretch blacked out limo. We couldn’t see out. We were told not to bring any electronics (phones, cameras, etc.) and they checked us before getting into the limo. Someone had a phone and they took it from them. We get to the place and when we get out we are inside a building. It’s like a big warehouse. We get checked out again. ID check and my buddy paid for me. It was 2k. We go inside and there’s a bar area and a lit stage with tables and some seats. There are some other private rooms and we could get into some of these while others you had a wrist band to get into them. I was told that was like 5k or more for VIP status. We had drinks and then some of the girls and guys that are in the show are introduced and they walked around some so you could talk to them. The girls are so normal but cute as fuck. No fake tits or tats. Like the cute girl you might see at Starbucks. There was an auction of this girl where you go in a private room and could direct her with these 2 guys she was going to fuck. Someone bid around $15k to win that. Money was flowing. I do okay but I felt poor there. The girl that talked to me I tipped $200 before I saw her get destroyed on stage. Some shows start in private rooms. There was some fetish stuff we got to see. We mostly waited for the main stage area to get cranking and drank. As an observer you just watch this crazy shit go down. It’s real sex it appeared. No fake porn moans so it’s quieter than you’d think. The main area had cameras that showed video on TV’s throughout. Mics above the stage picked up a lot of the sounds. Fucking awesome shit as you get to watch some amazingly cute girls get fucked. The final one is where things get crazy. I saw the cute girl I tipped $200 be seduced with guys going down on her and then eventually get her brains fucked out. People were cheering at points and getting really into it. After that one was done they let you walk up close to her. She was laying there legs spread and her pussy and ass torn up. They creampied her several times over. People were tossing tips into a tip basket. Most were hundreds or poker chips you could buy at the bar. Craziest shit I ever saw.

  52. i was nervous doing that but people were nice. that’s when the tipping started. never been the center of attention like that and it was both reassuring and fun to get that type of attention and compliments. my 15 minutes or more of fame. :)

  53. Oh my god I can only imagine. It’s something I’ve fantasised about a hundred times, the crowds, the roughness – it was really amazing to get an insight into how it would really feel. I don’t know whether I’m sympathetic for you or jealous of you, it’s 49% to 51% but I can’t tell which is which!

  54. i understand. i bounced back and forth between it too. maybe it’s because time has passed but now i feel very fortunate to have experienced most of it. and obviously the money was really good too.

  55. Oh yes I forgot about the money, I was thinking more about the waves of orgasms :)

  56. The fact you fought and they kept going makes me uncomfortable. Were there any safe words? Man… I’m very happy you view all this positively, and I’m all for rough sex, but that part just really really makes me uncomfortable

  57. i knew this going in. i consented to no safe words and there was a limits list. that is part of the deal and one reason why it pays so well. they would also stop if i was injured. but i probably should have explained that they told me a lot of things that would happen and even how i would react and most likely resist and that they would keep going throughout all of this and that i needed to understand and agree to this. granted i thought i was strong enough that i could just deal with it but i resisted like they said i would. someone brought up that this was rape but i don’t view it this way. i was in way over my head but i had agreed to it all with full disclosure.

  58. Yes, lie. There is no easy way to break this to most boyfriends, and the reactions would likely be negative, so if it doesn’t affect your current state of mind or relationship, it doesn’t need to be out there. Would you have done it had you not been in debt (But still got paid)?

  59. i actually have never really talked about past sexual relationships with boyfriends so it probably won’t ever come up. i’m really not sure what decision i would have made then. i never would have known about it had i not looked into options. but it would have been very tempting if somehow i knew about it.

  60. I’m Ultimately you’re the one living with it all, and you can put whatever rationalizations you choose in place. In the end though, no matter what was on a (likely extremely professional, well prepared) contract and whatever you were told, the definition of "you wanted to stop and things didn’t"- that’s rape. Not worth citing the legal definitions- it’s pretty plain. For what it’s worth, you can’t consent to that any more so than you can consent to me physically beating you within an inch of your life. That’s called assault, whether or not you are OK with it and regardless of how much I may pay. As well, no amount of spa services or paying hospital bills offsets this regardless of how it may assuage my conscience. Many here are supportive, and some clearly get off on it. That’s fine. I was in here reading dirty stories too. But I will say, you should consider whether telling someone your story in a safe, therapeutic setting is something you want to consider. You mentioned it was cathartic to share here but none of us are equipped to discuss how you internalize this and accept it. You can swallow it and lock it away and rationalize that you enjoyed some of it so its all OK all you like but it is clearly a profound incident that may impact you in ways you don’t yet grasp. If you’re looking for any of those resources to talk to, I’m sure you know where to find them – I’m also happy to help should you choose. Note- this is well away from any other legal implications; those can be wholly separate. Any therapy is protected far better than that contract you signed. Good luck to you whatever you choose. this is the first story Ive read that turned my stomach a bit and prompted me to actually post. Here come the downvotes…

  61. thank you for sharing your opinion. i stand by everything i’ve said. i was the one that heard the terms by which i accepted this role. i was the one who understood i couldn’t withdraw consent. rape is without the consent of the person. i know some people want to make me feel remorse and say i was raped. but i can’t lie and say i was when i wasn’t. just like i didn’t walk away from my debts and the decisions that led to that, i am not going to now say i was raped when i wasn’t. if i hadn’t of consented, my stance would be different. and while i reached a point of it being things to stop, that doesn’t make it rape. you may be able to point to laws that say different but that doesn’t mean i’m going to use the law to say i was. i had a contract with another party. they lived up to their end and i’m living up to mine.

  62. Appreciate the response and I’m certainly not trying to argue with you. I’d only like to point out (ignoring contractual/legal constructs), that if you found the experience here cathartic and still have any desire to talk, there are those that will happily listen and can provide far more of (whatever you feel by sharing this) than a bunch of folks on the Internet can. Best of luck to you. :)

  63. thank you. there is way more personal things than I care to share on this forum but just know I am doing great. it’s really outside views of something like this that cause me to pause more than my own internal feelings about it.

  64. Long time lurker. This story tipped me over the edge to post. You did what you had to do to honor your obligations. Most people would have walked away from it. At least you enjoyed parts of it and got paid. People have done a lot worse for nothing. I can’t help but feel quite sad that you were desperate enough to put yourself through this. At least they provided that after care because you did not sound emotionally stable. I cant help but want to visit that club and yet I never want to go in.

  65. i didn’t want to walk away from my own mistake regarding my bills. i learned from it. while my search began out of desperation, i also did this because there was a certain appeal to it. i may not have said that but obviously i had a choice. i take the good with the bad.

  66. Great story, It was good to read and was actually quite emotional. Just a quick question – I’m all for rough sex, but how was your vagina and ass after this? A girl I know had a small tear after 1hr of rough sex with her partner :S

  67. We are the sum of of every consequence that our decisions lead to. You wouldn’t be the person you are today if you walked away. At least you learned something about yourself.

  68. it probably didn’t help that i hadn’t had sex in about 4 months leading up to this. and the guys being larger too. so yeah, i was really sore. they used a lot of lube so that helped plus i was really wet to start. my butt hurt the most and i had some bleeding for a few days at times. not really enough to go to a doctor but i started to think about it. it was probably a good week or two until i felt completely normal.

  69. Just wondering. If you were contacted to do it again would you? If not, what about if you could choose when it ended, would you do it again? Assuming same money.

  70. i used to think about that a lot. i still don’t know the answer and realized it doesn’t matter since the invite will never come.

  71. Didn’t think I saw this question here, so hopefully it’s not a repeat – how did the guys who participated get to be "chosen". Did they pay to be IN the show? (I’m not asking about the guys in the audience)

  72. Well, it’s not exactly the same as your experience. The kidnapping part is obviously different. However, the main character gets an explanation very similar to yours how the night will unfold. She then has a 4-5 person massage to get warmed up, then is placed on stage to become the star participant in this group sex "show" for a bunch of rich observers. Afterwards, there’s some aftercare if I recall correctly. Like I said, it’s not a factual account of what you did, but I wouldn’t be surprise if the people who organized your event used the movie as inspiration. The plot lines are similar. I think it would be fascinating to have you and /u/maydoporn watch that movie together and see what your reaction would be.

  73. Wow, what an interesting event. Thanks for describing it from your point of view. Super fascinating. > The girls are so normal but cute as fuck. No fake tits or tats. Like the cute girl you might see at Starbucks. If only more porn was that same way. I can’t stand plastic enhanced bodies. I crave realism, even if that means a few extra pounds here or there. If they’re natural, I’m on board.

  74. All natural when I was there. I’m with you as far as the typical porn star. I like lean, athletic and natural bodies and it was like a buffet of them there. It was like they hired the local women’s soccer team.

  75. i don’t know the exact process but i know they get paid too. i also split tips with them so they got 20% of that. the guys were all in really good shape and athletic. and while they weren’t all like porn star sized (some were) there weren’t any small guys in the penis department. they appeared to be selected and not just random guys willing to pay.

  76. i met another girl who "did the club" and we could all watch it together. we did talk about meeting up and i hope that happens.

  77. Whoa! That’s incredible. Off topic, but have you seen the girls of crossfit subreddit? Whew!

  78. You could charge admission to that party! Minds would be blown by the stories you girls could tell.

  79. Nice story girl. I was a FWB with a girl who got banged at this place. She had me go along to make sure she wasn’t raped or some shit. Like OP says, rich dudes watching talent get railed. My FWB was fucked on that main stage by 3 guys, 2 black. She’s white and had a tight body. 5’2" about 105. She made $15000 and gave me $2000 so I wasn’t complaining. I should write my own gone wild story about what happened there. She was railed hard and got off on it. She wasn’t fucked until she passed out but she took a lot of cock in a short time. Good times.

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