Fucking a homeless chick

So I went to a casino with a lesbian couple. They went and played roulette or some other complicated table game. I didn't want to do that, so I went to the video poker bar; easy game, free drinks.

There was one other person there, a woman about my age with a nice body but the face of an itinerate turnip farmer. She was nursing a Heineken and sloooowly playing what must have been her last dollar.

I sensed an opportunity, so I moved next to her. We chatted a little bit. She admitted she was out of cash. I suggested we go outside to a bench by the valet stand and cuddle and kiss a little. She was down- yay!

After a lot of kissing and just generally being affectionate, I said we should take a cab to my house. My friends would need my car to get home; they'd had enough foresight to get my keys when we separated LOL.

So, at my house, first she ate everything I had: a couple of eggs, an onion, and a potato. She fried all of this up into something. Then, she took a shower. It was around this time that it occurred to me that homegirl's housing situation might not be entirely settled. Also, her purse was roughly the size of an oil drum, and full of miscellaneous crap.

After her shower, she came out in my bathrobe and sat down. Not sure of the physics of this, but I fondled her tits a little in the chair, and then penetrated her with my raw, unsheathed penis; no consent app, no protection, just passion.

We fucked in a pretty conventional manner. I'm not really into weird stuff, I just really like human contact and affection with a lot of people.

What a body she had, though. She was soft, curvy, and thin… just right.

I fucked her when we woke up, too, and this time I nailed her pretty fucking hard. Afterwards, she looked at me in genuine amazement and said, "wow- good sex, and from a white boy!"

Oh, and a few minutes later she told me (with the same look of incredulity): "you know, I could have robbed you at any time!"

Good thing I fed her well and fucked her well. I guess the revolver would have come out of that giant purse otherwise.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/3ntn7n/fucking_a_homeless_chick


  1. I was scrolling through reddit, no intention of fapping. I see the title of this post, gg no re, fap or not I have to read!

  2. Yeah, it was an awesome experience. I think about her a lot. Saw her mugshot on the web a few months later LOL

  3. Hands-down the most hilarious presentation I have ever read in this sub. a high-five you sir!

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