[M]y Dirtyr4r request come true, (f)rom someone outside of reddit

I had made a post on /r/dirtyr4r last week. I was looking for something a bit different, and didn't expect much out of it. I did receive one message asking why I had taken it down, so I re-wrote it as this: https://www.reddit.com/r/dirtyr4r/comments/3n7jcw/m4f_can_i_watch_you_pee/?ref=share&ref_source=link

I had also been asked about it by a girl I'm messaging with over another matter, and it's for her that I am posting this story. Kind of funny how things worked out because it's something I've been thinking about wanting to experience and it actually came true in IRL. Here is my story..

I'm not into "watersports", as it's referred to in the world of kink. But there have been a few times in my life where I've been in the presence of a girl peeing, and found it to be very erotic/stimulating. I'm always up for exploring these little naughty thoughts that I always have, so I posted an ad, seeking someone to indulge me. That same day, I was having a drink at a local happy hour and started a conversation with a pretty redhead who is close to my age. We hit it off well, shared a couple shots, even had a "best selfie" competition, from the photo galleries on our phones (all SFW). We left with each others numbers and a "maybe we can get together this weekend".

She began texting me early Friday evening, telling me where she was going to be. This was sooner than I had expected. Friday nights I'm usually dead tired from the work week, and can't even get into the shower before I crash out. By the time I'd finally pulled myself out of this near coma experience, she was already done for the evening and heading home. My suggestion to "hit me up if she was bored and couldn't sleep", was immediately answered with "where do you live?"

Well fuck..I thought I was going to get away with a text conversation. I jumped into action and power showered while sending her by the liquor store. My house is a mess, and my very large dog is not fond of visitors, so I had her meet me in my complex's club house. As soon as she arrived, she was doing the pee pee dance and wiggling around. I took her to the bathroom on the other side of the building. She told me not to leave, that she didn't care if I saw her pee. Are you fucking kidding me?! My mind was nearly exploding! She pulled down her pants, revealing a large, upper thigh tattoo, on the side I could see (another fetish/desire of mine). It was perfect. She sat in the exact position I had imagined..panties just above her turned in knees, jeans around her spread ankles..bare feet in flip flops with her toes angled in toward themselves..Had this bitch read my post, and knew what she was fucking doing???

It took her a minute to get started. She had some saying like "ok..1,2,3..pee. I have to break the seal", and she started to giggle as it trickled out. As soon as it started trickling, her face relaxed and her hair fell forward over it. It started to flow strongly, and she let out a satisfying moan of relief. I couldn't believe what I was getting. When she was finished, she stood up and wiggled back into her jeans. I made it known that I thoroughly enjoyed the show, and that I had to pee too, but it would be a minute. She said "go ahead", and sat up on the sink counter to watch. When I had finished, we went back into the club house, opened some beers and talked for a while, checking each other out often. After a while, she said she needed to pee again, but didn't want to go outside. "Can I just pee in the sink?", she asked me.

"Of course you can", I replied smiling. The second scenario of my fantasy was about to happen. I walked her to the kitchen, turned her around, unbuttoned her jeans.. and in the same movement, I hooked my shoulders under her arms, lifted her on the sink and pulled her pants down. I had my hands into the back of her black lace panties, so everything came down at once. She had wrapped her arms around the back of my neck, and we stayed there, close to each other, with my hands on her thighs as she said her little jingle, " 1,2, 3..pee..", and out it came. I could hear it spraying into the porcelain, and this time, her moan was a little more sexual, shorter, and higher in pitch. I reached behind her and pulled a paper towel off the rack. She wiped with it and threw it into the nearby trash can. I lifted her down, sliding her jeans and panties up as I lowered her safely to the floor. She was drunk, and needed to go home. I offered to drive, since I had only had two beers. When we got there, she needed to pee again. I was indulged by a more distant, voyeuristic view this time, from her studio living room, through the open door of her bathroom. I told her it was perfect, and snapped a picture of it on my phone. Unfortunately, that made her look up at me in a surprised, "oh hell no" kind of way, and I deleted the picture. It didn't matter though, I'd seen exactly what I had wanted to see.. a sexy, drunk girl peeing.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/3niire/my_dirtyr4r_request_come_true_from_someone