Happy Ending Home Invasion [F,F BD]

Lila stared blankly at the television with unfocused eyes. The aging news anchor was droning on about the local prison, where one of the convicts had escaped earlier that afternoon. A manhunt had been called, but they had lost his trail hours ago. Lila heard none of this, lost in her own thoughts. She shot an irritated glance sideways at her girlfriend, Kate. They were in their early twenties, fit, attractive… Lila couldn’t fathom how their lives had become so boring so quickly.

For years, they had maintained the kind of spontaneous, romantic relationship that couples dreamed about, never suspecting that they too would fall into the dull rut of married couples. Now, Lila had to nearly grovel for sex, a humiliating experience, made even worse by the fact that she was almost alway rejected. Not two hours ago, Kate had once again pushed her away. Now Lila sat huffily on the couch, while Kate played Candy Crush on the opposite end.

“I’m going to bed,” Lila said, swinging her long legs to the floor.

“Night,” Kate said distractedly, not lifting her eyes from the screen.

Lila rolled her eyes and flipped her auburn hair over her shoulder angrily. “She doesn’t even care that our relationship is falling apart!” she complained inside of her head. She stalked off to the bedroom, pulling her shirt up over her head as she walked. She tossed it into the hamper and paused to unhook her bra. “I try so hard, and she doesn’t give a damn.” Lila sat down on the bed and tugged her jeans off, letting them fall to the floor in a heap. She pulled an oversize t-shirt from the floor and tugged it over her head. As she settled into bed, she noticed that the closet door was standing slightly ajar, her pet peeve. Kate was always leaving drawers, cupboards, and doors wide open. “Damn it, Kate!” Her anger was intensified by the sting of Kate’s rejection earlier.

Lila slid to the floor and stomped over to the closet, hoping Kate could hear her angry footsteps from the living room. She reached out a hand to swing the door shut when a shadow inside caught her eye. “What the…?”

Suddenly a hand reached out and grabbed her by her t-shirt, hauling her inside the closet. Lila let out a tiny cry of surprise before a hand was clamped tightly over her mouth.

“Don’t you dare scream,” a voice growled in her ear. He pushed her roughly up against the wall of the closet. Something pressed against her temple, hard and cold. “You feel that?”

Lila nodded frantically as the gun barrel pushed against her skull. “One wrong move, one scream, and you’re dead. Got it?” Again, Lila nodded. “I’m going to take my hand away from your mouth, you'd be wise to keep it shut.” He pulled his hand away and Lila tensed. Half of her wanted to scream for Kate to run and get help, but she feared the deadly consequences.

As his hand dropped, he let his fingertips graze the shape of her body beneath her oversize t-shirt. Lila breathed in sharply as his hands found her naked thighs. “Not bad,” he breathed in her ear. “What do you say we take that shirt off, huh?”

Lila’s body froze. She shook her head quickly. “Please, no,” she begged.

The gun barrel pushed hard against her temple. “Don’t make me ask twice.”

With shaking hands, Lila crossed her arms in front of her and lifted the t-shirt up over her head. Her auburn hair fell in messy waves on her shoulders as she dropped the shirt to the floor. She shuddered as the intruder’s hands once again played down her body. His fingers moved over her soft dips and curves, grabbing her ample breasts so hard that she whimpered against him. At the sound of her pain, the intruder laughed and slid his hand even lower, slipping his hand between her legs. Lila stiffened as his fingers explored every inch of her, sliding beneath her thin panties.

The gunman grinned as he felt her getting wet beneath his fingers. Lila’s hips involuntarily pushed up against him, urging him on. “You like that, huh? Your old lady can’t give it to you as well as I can,” he laughed. Lila cursed her body for betraying her, and she cursed Kate for leaving her so sexually frustrated to begin with. As his fingers pulled out, she let out a small sigh of disappointment.

“Sorry, darlin’, I’d love to, but now’s not really the best time.” He looked around the dimly lit closet for a belt, a shoelace, a..scarf! “Here we go,” he said, pulling a scarf from the top shelf. “Hands behind your back.”

“Please, you don’t need to do this, I’ll give you anything you want!” Lila begged.

“Right now, all I want is a safe place to stay without the cops finding me.” The intruder tucked the gun into the waistband of his jeans and grabbed Lila’s arms, tugging them behind her back. Crossing her wrists over one another, he wrapped the scarf in a figure-eight, cinching her wrists together securely. He tied the ends so tightly that Lila winced in the darkness.

Lila felt him duck down, his hands roving around the closet floor. “What are you doing?” she asked shakily.

“Just a little insurance policy,” he said, standing back up. Clutched in his hand was a thin camisole, plucked from the floor. “Open your mouth.”

“Oh no, please, you don’t need to- mmph!” Lila’s protests were cut off midsentence as the gunman grabbed her hair with one hand and stuffed the cami between her lips. With thick fingers, he pushed it deep into her cheeks until they bulged.. Lila struggled against him, but his hand gripped her auburn hair tightly. His heavy body pushed her against the closet wall so that Lila gasped for breath through her nostrils.

“Stop struggling!” he hissed. “I don’t want to hurt you!” The gunman pulled another scarf off the shelf and wound it around her head twice, sealing the cami deep inside. He knotted the fabric tightly at the back of her head. Lila whimpered softly into her gag as it pressed hard against her face.

“Lila?” Kate’s voice called from down the hall. “Who are you talking to?”

“Damn it!” the intruder swore. He grabbed Lila by the arms and hauled her out of the closet, tossing her onto the bed. Pulling the gun from his jeans he pointed it at her. “You try to run, your girlfriend gets it first, then I’m coming back for you, understand?”

Lila nodded, her green eyes wide and scared above the thick gag. She could hear Kate’s light footsteps padding down the hall. “Lila? Are you ok- aghh!” Her question morphed into scream as the gunman ran into the hallway, weapon raised.

“Oh my God! Is Lila hurt? What did you do to her?” Kate asked, unaware that her entire body had started trembling.

“She’s fine,” he growled. Get in there, you’re going to be joining her for the evening. He motioned towards the bedroom. “Now!” he barked, shocking Kate out of her paralysis.

Kate walked into the bedroom on shaky legs to find her girlfriend face down on the bed, nearly naked. Her wrists were tied and her mouth was completely stuffed. “Please don’t do this,” she begged. “We have money, you can take the car…”

The gunman chuckled. “I got the same song and dance from your girlfriend. I just need a place to stay, but on my way out, I’ll be sure to take that money and car, thanks.” He grinned at the look of hopelessness spreading on her face. “So let’s see, I think we need some more scarves to make you just as comfortable as your friend. Any idea where I can find those?”

Kate remained stonily silent, so the gunman began poking through their dresser drawers. “I know who you are,” she finally said. “You’re the guy that just escaped from the prison.”

“Will Dawson, at your service,” he said cheerfully. “Oh wow, this is…unexpected.” He had opened the bottom drawer of Lila’s nightstand, a relic of when their sex life had still been exciting. A mess of rope, gags, and toys stared up at him. He grinned at Kate, who was now blushing furiously. “This just made my job a hell of a lot easier.”

He waved the gun at Kate. “Clothes off, now!” As Kate stared back at him defiantly, he turned the gun on Lila’s body. “I’m not picky about which one I shoot.”

With an angry sigh, Kate slowly pulled her t-shirt up over her head. Her thin body contrasted with Lila’s more curvy frame. She slowly slid her sweats down her hips, letting them puddle on the floor. Her hands instinctively crossed over her body for protection from the gunman’s gaze.

“Oh no, all of it,” Dawson said, gesturing at Kate’s lavender bra and panties.

Her blue eyes were daggers above her flaming cheeks as Kate reached behind her back and unhooked her bra. As she let it fall to the floor, she noticed Lila glancing up at her small perky breasts. “Is she actually enjoying this?” Kate thought in disbelief. She hooked her thumbs in her panties and pulled them down to the floor.

“Now your girlfriend. Help her get a little more comfortable.”
Kate crawled onto the bed beside her girlfriend. “I’m sorry,” she whispered, as she tugged Lila’s panties down her legs. As her hands grazed Lila’s thighs, she heard her mew into her gag. “It’s okay, don’t be scared-” Suddenly, her hand felt the wetness of Lila’s panties. “Oh my God,” she said disgustedly. “You’re not scared, you’re loving this!”

“Maybe you could learn a thing or two from her,” Dawson said with a smirk. “Try and enjoy the ride. C’mon, hands behind your back.” He pulled her arms tightly behind her so that her breasts jutted forward. In the cool air of the bedroom, her nipples had become peaked and erect. Dawson tied her wrists tightly together, making a quick series of figure eights with the rope.

From behind, Dawson cupped her ass in one hand, slowly sliding his fingers underneath her until he reached her soft folds. He felt her body stiffen as his fingers moved in slow circles. He slipped one finger inside of her, smiling as he felt her start to get wet. Dawson placed the gun on the bed and let his other hand slide up her body, gently cupping her breast. He lightly pinched her nipple, increasing the pressure as he felt her body react. He chuckled as she leaned her weight into him, letting him take control.

“Now, now, we can’t get too carried away. Now with your girlfriend laying right there,” he chastised Kate. Lila craned her neck around curiously. “I need to figure out an escape route, so I’m going to get you two all bundled up so I can get to work.”

“You’re going to leave us tied up?” Kate asked with a slight note of panic in her voice. “There’s no one around for miles! Please don’t leave us- mmmph!”

Dawson jammed a thick ball gag into her mouth. He pushed the bright red ball past her teeth so that it settled deep in her mouth, holding her tongue firmly down.

Kate struggled against the gag, her screams amounting to no more than a steady stream of “mm mmph mmph!”

Dawson buckled the strap tightly behind her head, cinching it so that it pulled tightly against the corners of her mouth. “And look at this! What do you suppose this is for?” he asked in mock confusion. Dangling from the front of Kate’s gag was a second ball and strap. “I think you and your girlfriend are about to get reaquainted,” he said with a wink. Dawson grabbed onto Lila’s upper arms and hauled her into a kneeling position, face to face with Kate. He quickly unknotted the scarf and unwound it from her head. Lila tried to spit the cami from her mouth, but it was too large, and Dawson had to pull it out for her.

Before she had even managed to take a full breath, Dawson leaned her towards Kate and pushed the second ball into her mouth. The rubbery texture slid easily between her teeth, filling her to capacity. The two women’s faces were now mere centimeters apart. Their lips, spread wide over the ball gags, just barely grazed each other. It was as if they were frozen in the split second before a kiss.

Dawson pushed Lila’s body towards Kate’s, so that they could both kneel upright. Lila’s large breasts pushed up against Kate’s smaller ones, sending small jolts of electricity through her body. “How long since we’ve used any of this stuff?” she thought to herself. Lila felt a little ashamed of herself for feeling so aroused, especially as she stared into Kate’s terrified blue eyes.

Behind them, Dawson was pawing through the nightstand drawer. “Warming oil…that sounds like fun, huh?” He tipped the bottle over into his hands, filling his palms with the liquid. Turning back to the women, he started with Lila, running his hands down her body. He completely covered her breasts, massaging her nipples until they peaked. His fingers slid down her belly, slipping between her legs. The oil began to heat up almost immediately, and Lila squirmed with delight at the heat building in her slit. She moaned into the thick gag.

As Dawson turned to Kate, she flinched against his touch, embarrassed at her earlier weakness. His hands roamed her body, spending more time massaging her sex, trying to get her to loosen up. As he massaged the oil deep inside of her, she felt her body rocking against his touch, suddenly needing it. His tongue flicked out and licked her nipple, and Kate gasped into the ball gag. He licked her slowly, moving in steady circles. Kate’s hips were pushing steadily against his hand now, and Dawson laughed as he pulled away. “The ice queen melteth,” he said, turning to Lila. “You can thank me later.”

He turned back to the drawer, rummaging through its contents. Lila’s hazel eyes locked with Kate’s. She was amazed to see the punch-drunk expression in her girlfriend’s eyes.

“I think you two need to be a little more secure,” Dawson said, hauling the contents of the drawer out onto the bedspread. He untied Kate’s arms and then pulled them forward, so that they wound around Lila’s body. Moving behind Lila, he untied the scarf and did the same with her arms, locking them in an embrace around her girlfriend. Knotting both sets of wrists tightly, he stood back to admire his handiwork. The two women were tied in an embrace, their oiled bodies rubbing tightly against one another now. Lila’s ample curves pushed up against her girlfriend. She relished the feel of her skin pushed up against Kate, the heat of the oil was intoxicating. Without thinking, she spread her right leg, so that he straddled Kate’s thigh. Her hips rocked forward, pushing her exposed sex to rub against Kate’s oiled skin. The sensation sent ripples of pleasure through her body. Lila pushed her left leg forward so that Kate could rub up against her. For one split second, Kate didn’t move, frozen in her indecision. But then her pelvis dipped, and she rolled her hips. A shudder went up her body as she moved in and out. Lila grabbed Kate’s ass and pulled her forward more forcefully, making the sensations in her girlfriend’s sex more intense. As Kate groaned into her gag, Lila wished the balls could be removed. She wanted more than anything to taste her lips, to run her tongue over Kate’s…

“Hey now, that’s enough!” Dawson cut in, pulling their legs straight again. “I don’t want you two getting tuckered out just yet. There’s a lot of good stuff in here!” His face had lit up like a Christmas tree as he explored their collection. “Look what I found!” He held up two mini vibrators. They were less than three inches long, bullet-shaped, and powerful. In their early days of dating, they had spent many long hours pleasuring each other, often simultaneously. Lila’s eyes lit up at the memories.

“One for each of you!” Dawson said. He pushed the small power button on each. “You first, ice queen,” he said, looking at Kate. “I have a feeling you could use the extra attention.” He slid the vibrator between the two women’s bodies, so that both Kate and Lila could feel the steady buzzing. As he reached their slits, he turned in towards Kate, letting it slide over her folds. He moved it in a slow circle, just barely grazing her outer lips. Kate’s breathing through her nostrils was ragged. Her chest jerked up and down as Dawson slipped the vibrator inside of her, keeping his slow, steady pace. Kate moaned loudly as he neared her clitoris, never fully giving her the satisfaction that she wanted. He grinned as he pushed the vibrator inside of her. “We’ll just leave that there for a little while.” Kate didn’t even seem to hear him. Her eyes were closed and her body rocked lightly against Lila’s.

“Your turn,” Dawson said, grinning at Lila. He stood behind her and reached between her legs, spreading her with his fingers. He slid the vibrator inside of her, watching as she lowered her hips, trying to get him to position it on her clit. “Greedy girls,” he laughed. He pulled his hand out, leaving the vibrator inside of her. Now both girls were moaning, rubbing their oiled bodies on each other, trying to find some release. With their gags attached, they weaved together, holding onto each other’s waists for support. Kate, all sense of dignity and outrage forgotten, grabbed onto Lila’s ass and tugged her forward so that their slits rubbed together.

“One last finishing touch!” Dawson said, pulling a long length of rope from the pile. The women ignored him, lost in the feel of each other’s bodies. Dawson stood behind Kate and draped the rope over her neck, letting the ends hang loose between her breasts. He tied a quick knot in the two ends and tugged it between Lila’s legs so that the knot pushed up hard against her clit. Lila cried out as he pulled the rope taut between her legs and knotted it to Kate’s hands behind her back. Now whenever Kate moved, the knot pushed against Lila’s clit, sending a shockwave of pleasure through her body.

Dawson did the same for Kate, draping a second rope over Lila’s body. As the knot burrowed into Kate, she gasped and moaned into the thick red ball. She bucked against Lila as the knot pushed her closer and closer to orgasm. The vibrator pulsed inside of her deliciously. Her breasts heaved against Lila, and the oil had made her entire body tingle. Every sensation was heightened as she rocked her hips against her girlfriend. She could feel her orgasm approaching, building up with every thrust. Her hands gripped Lila’s full ass and slammed it towards her, causing the knot to slide back and forth over her clitoris.

Lila couldn’t close her eyes. The sight of her girlfriend, tied, gagged, and completely submitting was so incredibly sexy. Her hands cupped Kate’s ass and pulled her forward, relishing the feel of the knots pushing into her. She moaned as the rope pushed the vibrator even deeper inside of her. Her hips rocked forward, matching Kate’s intensity as they moved faster and harder. Her orgasm was building, and she jerked faster, wanting relief so badly.

She gasped and cried out into her gag as the first wave hit her. Her fingers dug into Kate’s ass and held on as her body was overtaken by orgasm. She felt Kate’s body stiffen and then release with her. Kate’s eyes fluttered open at the intensity and she moaned loudly, the sound barely muffled by the ballgag. Their bodies rolled together, as wave after wave of orgasm ripped through them. As soon as one would stop, Kate or Lila would move, triggering the knot to set off another round. The girls were locked in an endless cycle, one that neither was sure they wanted to escape.

They groaned, holding onto each others’ bodies as another round of delicious torture began.

“Well, I hate to break up the party,” Dawson began, “But I really ought to get going. Can’t stay in one place too long, not with the cops out looking.” He looked at their delirious expressions. Their hair was wild and sweat-soaked, and their bodies gasped for air. “I’ll just leave you two like this. Seems like you both might enjoy that.” With a wink he turned and left the bedroom, leaving the two women squirming in their bonds. Neither watched him go, they only had eyes for each other.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/3nhiyz/happy_ending_home_invasion_ff_bd


  1. Thank you, I really enjoyed writing this one! I’ve seen much more complicated versions of this set-up, but I had to dumb it down a little for the purpose of clear reading/writing. I think this would still work though. If you give it a try, let me know how it goes.

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