Suppressed erection on a bus [m/f]

A few days ago the train system had broken down in Toronto so they were using shuttle buses to move people around through the busy streets instead. I was on for about 90 minutes and of course the buses were really crowded. There was this rather attractive girl–Indian I believe if that's needed to visualize– who kept staring at me. I would check out of the corner of my eye to see how often it happened. Once we were finally moving at a proper pace she started rubbing herself against me while making it look like it was because the bus was shaking too much. I was well on my way to getting an erection but i had to focus and "tame the beast" because of the old lady sitting in front of where i was standing. As hard (no pun intended) as it was, it kept me occupied and entertained for the long ride (again no pun intended).

Summary: a girl was rubbing hereslf against me on the bus and i had to hold back my erection because of the old woman in front of me.

I can't prove that this happened but i can prove that the subway was closed on Thursday evening. Somewhere here i believe?



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