I cheated on my husband last week, and I’m having a hard time feeling bad about it [m/f]

I do feel bad, but more so because I can't stop thinking about it…and how incredibly hot it was. That's why I'm posting. I feel like I need to try and re-live it a bit…see how it makes me feel and try to decide what to do going forward I'm a manager of a chain grocery store in a very small town in western Canada (3000ish people). My husband is a teacher in the same town. We've been together since high school, and I've never been with another guy before…with the exception of one time in university when I was kissed by a guy. We were studying together, I totally didn't see it coming and I didn't let it last very long…I was honest with my now husband about it, since it really wasn't my fault. He was still very upset with me, and I know he's had issues trusting me ever since then…he says I was naive to put myself in a situation alone with the other guy…that I "crossed a line".
I'm 29, and ever since I was a teenager, I was always on the slightly chubby side. Not fat by any means, not even really chubby, just never really in shape. About a year ago, I made the decision that I was going to change that, and really put a lot of effort into working out…and I think it's really been showing. My husband isn't exactly the most confident man in the world…I know he's proud of me, and I know he likes the changes I've made, but at the same time I can tell it makes him more insecure about himself, and worried that he won't be good enough. Honestly it's kind of a drag when I've been working so hard to feel good about myself and look good for him, and all he can worry about is how it will affect him. Anyways…enough background. Last week I had meetings and seminars all week at our headquarters in the capital city of my province (sorry, don't really want to say which one). We have them every year around this time, and it's always kind of a nice getaway for me to spend some time in the city. I'd been looking forward to spending some time shopping, so I went up a little early on Sunday. One thing about my new body is that it doesn't seem to be willing to give up by butt…well my boobs too, but that's hardly a problem :) My bum definitely got a lot more firm and round, but it definitely didn't shrink at all (if anything it got bigger!) I think I pull it off quite well though, so I decided to just embrace it…unfortunately, the area I live in doesn't exactly have a lot of selection for anything that would actually fit my proportions and look good. I found a couple stores at the mall that had an amazing selection of jeans and pants that hugged my butt perfectly! Seeing myself in the full length change room mirrors made me feel so good about myself…trying on clothes that showed off my body rather than trying to find ones that would hide it. I bought a really nice tight fitting black evening dress and strapless pushup bra to wear to a dinner they'd be taking us out to on Wednesday evening. I even ventured into Victoria's Secret for the first time in my life!

Monday morning was the first time I saw him…I walked into the hotel's breakfast area. He was sitting at a table by himself, in a tight fitting light blue t-shirt and jeans. I remember admiring the way it fit over his rippling arms and chest…he had short dirty blonde hair, a beautifully chiseled jaw line. As I walked in, he looked up from his newspaper and our eyes caught…he smiled at me, I tried to smile back, and could feel myself start to blush. I walked up to the buffet, and could see him out of the corner of my eye checking me out. We shared glances a few more times throughout breakfast before he got up to leave, looking back at me once more smiling before walking out.

After Monday's meetings, I ran into him again in the hotel lobby. We rode the elevator up to the 5th floor together…we learned each other's names, his was Brad. He learned I was there on business, I learned he was there on a training course for his job in telecommunications. We learned that we were on the same floor as each other, almost right across the hall from each other. We smiled as we each went into our separate rooms, and when I closed my door, I'm pretty sure I took a breath for the first time in a minute! He was sooo beautiful…his body, his face, his voice, his smile…and it was only magnified by the feeling that he was attracted to me too. I had never had that feeling before, to be checked out or flirted with by someone so beautiful!
I ran into him again later that night, I walked down the hall to get some ice, and on the way back, he was on his way to get something from the drink machine…I was wearing my "watch tv" outfit which consisted of a fairly low cut tank top and my favorite cheap colourful walmart leggings. I'm pretty sure my jaw dropped when I saw him in his tank top undershirt and pj pants…his beautiful muscular arms and shoulders…I've never seem someone look so amazing dressed so casually. We had a brief exchange, then continued on in separate directions, looking back at each other embarrassingly at the same time…looking back again and smiling. I was paying extra attention to the way I was moving my butt as I walked slowly…I know he was checking it out, and my leggings wouldn't have left much to the imagination. I pretended to fumble a bit with my key card as I opened my door, making sure to stand as to give him the best view of my curves from the side as I could. I looked over once more, smiled, walked in, shut the door, and started breathing again. I had never…ever been that turned on before. That little exchange of flirting, seemingly innocent bit of showing off, just knowing what he probably wanted to do with me…knowing what bit of control I had over someone so amazingly beautiful…strong…and sexy. I spent the rest of that evening in a tailspin of porn, masturbation, and fantasizing about the man across the hall from me. I tried on all my new underwear and imagined standing in front of him in it. I even shaved my pussy for the idea of him.

The next morning the breakfast bar was a lot busier. The only table left was a table for 4, which I would have felt bad taking up by myself, luckily Brad waved me over to his table. We actually had a really nice breakfast together! Of course there was a bit of tension in the air, but we didn't seem to have any trouble finding things to chat about. I didn't run into him the rest of that day, but Wednesday morning we had breakfast together again.

That evening was the night the bosses were taking us all out to supper at a nice steakhouse. I was getting dressed for the evening, putting on my pushup bra and a black lace thong…my mind started to wander. I don't know what came over me, but I got the perfect most mischievous idea to tease Brad a little more. My dress zipped up in the back…if I'd really struggled I probably could have done it myself, or I could have gone to one of my female co-workers rooms and have them help me (we were even all on the same floor), but instead I walked across the hall, my arm across my breasts holding it up, and knocked on Brads door. His eyes were wide when he opened the door…and I shyly explained my situation and asked if he'd mind. I turned around as the door clicked shut, wondering how I looked standing in front of him…with my dress tightly showing the form of my ass…the top of my thong just visible…knowing he was one motion away from my dress being on the floor. He put his hand on my shoulder, and slowly pulled the zipper up as I held my hair out of the way. I nervously thanked him. As I walked away, he told me to enjoy my evening, and offered me a nightcap when I got back if I felt so inclined…I knew exactly what that meant, and I gasped to myself when he said it. There was no chance I could or would do it…but just to hear him say it was sooo exciting!

I thought about him the whole evening…more and more after each glass of wine. I returned to the hotel at around 10:00. As I got off the elevator, I imagined myself walking past my room and knocking on his door for that "night cap", but I didn't. I walked into my room, threw my purse onto the dresser, and started fumbling with my zipper until I got it down….then I paused, and probably stood there for a full minute, thinking. I pulled the zipper back up, walked across the hall, and knocked on his door. I wanted to tease him once more…I wanted to make sure he went to bed as horny and uncomfortable as I knew I would be. He answered with a smile on his face.

"Can you unzip me?" I asked with a little grin? "Of course." he replied casually.

He slowly lowered my zipper, finishing with his hand resting lightly on my round butt.

"So how about that nightcap?" he asked confidently.

I turned around, with my arm across the top of my dress preventing it from dropping. It took me a while to answer…because I was honestly having a difficult time saying no. But I did…I apologized, said I had a long day ahead of me, and wished him a good night. I walked out of his room before I could change my mind, walked across the hall, and realized I'd left my room card on the dresser…

I knew I was close to the point of "crossing lines", and my inhibitions were weakened by a few glasses of wine and a lot of desire. So I knew I should go to one of my co-worker's rooms, but I didn't. Again, I knocked on Brad's door…

"I locked myself out…" I said…slightly embarassed.

He chuckled, and stepped aside for me to walk in. He wearing the same shirt and pj pants as the other night…so I felt a little overdressed.

"Zip me back up?" I asked. "Sure!" he said, with a bit of disappointment in his voice.

I don't know whether it was on purpose or not, but I heard a snap, and immediately knew the zipper had been pulled off on the one side.

"Oops…" he said…I could hear the sarcasm in his voice.

I turned around and smiled.

"Now what?!" I kind of jokingly asked.

We started into each others eyes…I didn't even notice that when I'd turned around, his hand transitioned from the small of my back to my hip. He pulled me in, and kissed me. It was electric…it was amazing, he was such a good kisser, so good that I dropped my hands to his waist and let my dress fall to the floor…so good that for a brief moment I totally forgot that I was married.

"I can't do this!" I said as I pulled away. "You can and you want to…" He whispered looking me in the eyes, then down at my half naked body.

I backed away, once again admiring his beautiful build…he was probably about 6'2" and I'm guessing 200lbs, but there couldn't have been more than a couple pounds of fat on him. He peeled off his shirt…and for the first time I saw his perfectly chiseled abs. His pj pants looslely draped over what had grown into an enormous bulge…

I hadn't even thought about what his cock would look like. I had only ever been in the presence of one naked man before…my husband. And not to sound mean, but he left a lot to be desired physically. He was about as average as a man could be…average height, average weight, average build, very average penis…but that had always been perfectly fine with me. I'd never been that caught up on looks…until now. Brad was turning my view of men, and my world, upside down.

As all of this was going through my mind, Brad had managed to close the distance between us again…his hands were on my waist…then were grabbing my ass. Mine were up on his chest…running my fingers down to his stomach, feeling his muscles and his soft skin. His hands went from gently massaging my bum, up the small of my back to my bra, which he expertly undid. The lack of straps and pressure from my D's sprang it off my chest and it dropped to the floor. He gasped. We took in each other's bodies for a moment longer…

"This isn't fair…" I whispered "What isn't fair?" "I'm almost completely naked…and you aren't" I replied…he smiled. "You can get rid of the rest if you want to see more…" He said

I thought about it…I knew I could leave at this moment and not cheat. I had crossed so many lines…but I had not cheated. I could justify keeping this as a little secret…a little treat to myself for getting into shape…a little bit of revenge on my husband for not appreciating my efforts. But I had already crossed lines…I was standing topless in a thong in front of another man. What difference would it make if he was wearing pants or not…he was perfect…I had never seen someone so perfect….I had never seen someone so perfect, naked. What difference did it make if he was naked? If I was going to walk out…it might as well be after seeing his whole body….I put my fingers into the waistband of his pants…but he stopped me.

"NNNnnnnooo….pull them down from your knees" he whispered. The way he told me to…he didn't ask…he told me to. If I wanted him naked, I had to do it this way…It was such a fucking turn on…I kept looking into his eyes as I dropped to my knees, dragging my fingers down across his chest and stomach as I did, until they rested at is waistband. I gently pulled down on it, the bulge in his pants trying to prevent me from getting them off, until it finally sprang free….the most beautiful, rock hard, huge cock I ever could have imagined. I moaned when I saw it…he smiled when I did.

I stared at it in amazement…I never thought I could be so attracted to another man's penis…or want it so bad. It was like a huge symbol of his perfection, and I didn't know how I was going to stand up and leave the room, but I had to…eventually. For the moment I just stared at it, then up at him, and his beautiful torso, his beautiful face looking down at me, then back at his cock…as I rubbed his muscular thighs. I was crossing a pretty defined line…and I knew it. I was inches away from his cock, massaging his legs, and his hard round ass. I was already exploring his body with my hands, what fucking difference did it make which part of his body it was? So I wrapped my hand around his dick and slowly started pumping it as he gasped. It seemed even bigger in my hand…I couldn't touch my fingertips around it…it was so warm, so smooth. He was circumcised, my husband isn't. My husbands is small, it's hairy, it's all foreskin, it's not something look at and want to put in your mouth….Brad's was. But I couldn't go that far…that was too sexual. This was crossing a line, but it wasn't sexual…it was very very inappropriate, but it wasn't sexual. It was exploration…

I made the decision that it wouldn't go any further…as I pumped his cock only inches from my face. But that didn't matter, because when I squeezed it and from the tip of his swollen head came a drop of precum, no amount of reason could have stopped me from licking it off…and that was it. I took him in my mouth and began sucking his cock. He gasped and moaned…he'd done it…he'd broken down a married woman, now she was on her knees sucking his cock and she loved it!

If I thought it felt big in my hand, it felt absolutely massive in my mouth! Every time I sucked I could taste his precum, and it only made me want him more. I had both my hands wrapped around him, and could still barely fit the rest of him in my mouth! But he didn't seem to mind, he was running his fingers through my hair, moving his hips slightly as I eagerly sucked on him. He backed up towards the chair in the corner…and I eagerly chased him on my knees. He sat down and leaned back, his cock looking extra beautiful sticking 10" up into the air. I went back to work, bobbing my head up and down on it, working my tongue around his head…the smooth underside of it…the defined ridge.
Every now and then I would remember my situation…usually when I'd glance at my ring, but it didn't matter, because that ring finger was wrapped around Brad's perfect dick…and I'd look up at his perfect stomach…and chest…and his face looking down at me in pure bliss…moaning as I worked it with my mouth.

Nothing could take me away from it at that point…nothing. I could see the muscles in his pelvis and stomach start to twitch…I knew what was happening. I picked up the pace, and focused on his head while pumping with both hands. I didn't want him to warn me…he couldn't hide it anyway…his body couldn't hide what it was about to do. I kept moaning. "Mhmmmm! Mhmmmmmmmm!" to make sure he knew I wanted this…to make sure he didn't go and do anything stupid like pull me away. He didn't….he just let out a loud moan, tangled his fingers in my long brown hair and focused every beautiful muscle in his perfect body into blowing his load into my eager waiting mouth.

He told me afterwards that every bit of that load, I'd earned from the first time he saw me that morning at breakfast…I'd been wearing a fairly tight fitting skirt with a blouse…and I had one of the nicest asses he'd ever seen. He'd decided at that moment that he was not going to make himself cum as long as we were both in that hotel together. The night before, seeing me in my leggings had made it especially difficult for him. It made me feel so fucking sexy to know I could have that effect on someone…someone so beautiful in my eyes.

I didn't want him to stop, and didn't seem like he would….I just kept my lips locked on him and gently sucked as he filled my mouth. I looked up at him…our eyes locked until I knew he was finished, and swallowed him.

He picked me up, carried me to the bed and laid me down. My panties came off instantly and without hesitation, his head was between my legs. His fucking tongue….all over my shaved pussy…I can't even describe it! I feel like I had never came before that point! His fingers found their way inside me…reaching places inside that I didn't know were there, while his tongue explored my clit. His finger found it's way into my ass…something totally new to me that made me cum even harder!

He moved his way up beside me, we kissed…exploring each other with our hands. He rubbed the head of his cock on my clit, then down along my soaking wet pussy. I thought I'd be able to stop things after we both got each other off…but once he did that, we were going all the way. I grabbed hold of his ass and pulled him inside of me. His cock fit surprisingly well…good thing he made me soaking wet first!

We fucked…in every way possible I think. I came multiple times, in multiple positions. With him behind me fucking me doggy, I thought he was going to rip me in two. He got his thumb wet with my cum and slid it into my ass, sending me into an orgasm that almost made me black out! I collapsed onto the bed, trying to regain my composure, and felt a liquid running down my ass crack. I looked back…he had a bottle of lube and was rubbing it onto his cock…he looked at me, momentarily stopping, like he was waiting for me to say something…something like "no", but that wasn't going to happen. He dare ask me permission and I didn't dare tell him no. Instead I just wiggled my butt invitingly and arched it up towards him.

I was nervous…this was well outside my realm of comfort, and he was so big! He placed a pillow underneath my waist…I had another one in front of my face. He slid his thumb into my ass while he pumped his hard beautiful cock…I buried my face in the pillow and prepared myself for what was about to happen…I had the nicest butt he'd ever seen, and I wanted to give it to him.

I felt his cock against my ass…rubbing up and down, spreading the lube around. He pushed against it, but it fought back. I arched my back a bit more, he pushed a little more…his cock swelled…I pushed back against him, and the head of his perfect dick slid into my ass. I moaned into the pillow…it didn't hurt, it felt uncomfortable in a way…it felt foreign….it felt fucking huge! He slowly slid it in, then back out. He was fucking my ass…I was married, and this perfect guy was fucking my ass! He lowered his head to mine and kissed me, sinking his cock all the way in…all 10". He got back up and smacked my butt…telling me how perfect it was. I felt so fucking sexy, I loved making him feel that way, I loved being wanted to badly…He grabbed my waist with this big strong hands, pulled me up into doggy position, and pushed down on my back to arch my big butt up towards him…then proceeded to fuck my ass doggy. I looked back at him…I could tell he was close. He looked at me…

"Cum in my ass baby, give me your cum in my ass!" I whispered.

I'll never, ever forget that look on his face…the little grin he gave me…I know what he was thinking….2 days ago he saw me getting breakfast…he saw my ring…he took it as a challenge. Now I was bent over in front of him…I'd already swallowed his cum and was now begging for him to cum in my butt while I vigorously played with my clit.

He smacked it hard with both hands then squeezed it tight…the muscles in his arms, shoulders, chest and stomach bulging out as he screamed, unloading inside me as I once again almost blacked out from an orgasm.

He collapsed on me…we passed out like that. I woke up at 5:00, my ass still sticky from lube and cum. I wandered into the shower. Halfway through, he joined me. I sucked him off, swallowing him. I thought about him all day. When we both returned after 5:00, I sucked him off again, swallowing another somehow huge load. He sent me back to my room, and told me to meet him by the ice machine at 8:00 wearing my cheap leggings. We made out there…him groping my ass. He led me to his room…he didn't take them off, he tore them from the crotch up to the waistband and fucked me in my pussy and ass while I was wearing them…like he'd fantasized about doing that night. We passed out again…I woke up to shower at 4:00 this time…he followed again, I sucked him off again…we went for breakfast, we went back to the room, we fucked, we checked out.

I miss fucking him already….I love my husband, but I know I'll never have that with him. And I think I need that in my life…I honestly don't think Brad's the type I could have a relationship with, but I'm starting to wonder how long I can go without fucking him…without that beautiful dick in my mouth. We've been keeping in touch the past week…we're already planning how we're going to meet up again.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/3md55b/i_cheated_on_my_husband_last_week_and_im_having_a


  1. Savagely hot and intensely written. Your guilt and rationalization just amps up the sense of empathy with the reader, to the point where I’m having a hard time telling you that you did the wrong thing. I can’t say I wouldn’t have done the same in your place. Please write more when/if there’s more to tell!

  2. Excellent story, but prepare to get ripped a new one by this subreddit. They hate any sort of unfaithfulness with a fiery passion.

  3. The unsolicited judgement in this sub is really starting to ruin it for me. We are here to read about sexual encounters, not read the hate speech of a bunch of judgmental assholes with a moral imperative.

  4. As a man who is divorced due to his ex-wife’s infidelity, congrats on being a cheater. If you weren’t ready for commitment, you shouldn’t of made your husband think you were. I won’t blast you much more because I’m sure you’re going to get it on here but he’d be better off without you and I hurt for him not knowing what a cheating whore he’s married to.

  5. Just remember that Karma is a BITCH! Just because you lost weight and someone shows interest in you does not mean you fuck them. What about your husband who married you and loved you when you were not at your best? You will see that he will find out, the hotel guy used you as a conquest and you will be alone. I hope that cock was worth it.

  6. While that sub never ceases to amaze me with its negativity, this is why a sub like /r/MGTOW exists. It’s also why I have trust issues myself and am headed towards rejecting the idea of marriage. Hot story and its clear that your husband has some issues that activated your female DNA and desires for passion and raw, animalistic attraction and sex. But, as hot as it was, its kinda sad. The real culprit here is society. I’ll leave it there.

  7. She was a teenager. Maybe her husband should man up, take more pride in himself and fuck her properly, or at least be understanding of her sexual needs and find her someone who can.

  8. It is sad in some ways, interesting in others. Societies have always dictated relationships by virtue of collective necessity to make them sustainable. However, just like society, that dynamic is always shifting and relationships need to shift with it if they want to survive. It’s Darwinian.

  9. So in your world it is okay to break a promise? A promise she made when she got married. You may not want to be monogamist, which is fine. But this story she was in a committed relationship and because of low self esteem she decided to fuck the first stranger that showed interest. Being in a relationship does not mean you have to stifle sexual urges. Having urges does not mean you have to act on them either. She should have been flattered but then pushed her husband to motivate himself and possibly introduce another lifestyle that she can feel fulfilled without cheating. Heaven forbid someone has a different opinion than you (they are trolling). Get off your soapbox.

  10. That’s not why we are here. If her cheating bothers you, don’t read it and move on. You are on the soapbox. It was made evident in the title. Do you enjoy compounding the guilt of others?

  11. One of the best that I have read. Absolutely pure animal lust. That ass must be fantastic.

  12. That was one hot…fucking…story! I created a throwaway just so I could tell you how hard I got reading that. I’m sitting here, in my home, with my wife and MIL twenty feet away, hoping there’s no reason for me to have to stand up from my desk and explain why I’m so freakin’ turned on. Thanks for painting such a vivid picture for me.

  13. What a great story. I cheated on my wife, and while it was a very positive experience, it wasn’t nearly as hot as yours. :) For what it is worth, I had a lot of guilt after, but I don’t regret doing it. It took me a while to find that equanimity. Oh, and superbly hot retelling. *clapclapclap*

  14. At least one person agrees with you. No one seems to understand where we come from, that we’re just big giant buzzkills. These stories don’t do it for us and just make us hate people.

  15. My only issue with the story is you say he fucked you in the ass with a ten inch cock… I’m a solid 7 on a few and far between great day and from my experience the chicks that I’ve convinced to let me put it in their ass tell me it hurts a lot the first time. That being said great story you really drew me in with your writing. I felt very drawn into the story.

  16. Then maybe don’t read them? No one wants your relationship advice and whining here. You literally came to a story called "I cheated on my husband last week, and I’m having a hard time feeling bad about it" to go off topic. This is not what this sub is for, so keep your pointless moralizing to yourself. Look, if I really hate every story in which people have dogs, I’m not going to click on a story called "I love my dog and here is a story about how I pet him all day" and then go to the comments to bitch about a dog being in there.

  17. That’s my view too. Reading that made me think fake purely because as a woman who’s regurally done anal it hurts.

  18. Congrats on the fantastic experience. You are a great writer. You never know your husband could be down with it.

  19. Gotta say, this story is really hot. Cheating is bad, and you can do for your husband what you did for you. I’m someone people always said this about my gf " Don’t know why you are dating her, she way below the type off girls you used to date". Didn’t listen until later, the we’re right. I’m a fucking great dancer, and when I go out, it’s easy to get a smoking hot girl. But I fell for my gf not for the looks but for what’s inside. Last year she started doing fitness with me, and we started shopping together. In only 6 month she changed from a 6 to a solid 9. And god i’m so happy I didn’t give up on her. Now I laugh my ass off when guys try to hit on her when we go out. And she keeps thanking me for staying with her, and helping her become like this, beautiful, sexy confident and a nice person ( she always was that in my eyes ). Just wanted to say, help your man out, you did it for yourself. So do it for him too, and fucking that dude now is fun. But after a while it will go over and the guilt will come. But for now enjoy your life, fuck him if you really want to, but don’t give up on your man. He was there at the beginning, and i’m sure he will be willing to get better like you did.

  20. Someone I can have an intelligent conversation with and understood what I was getting at. And you make a good point. They are Darwinian within the construct of this particular society. Which to me is what was actually sad about this story. For all you knee jerkers on the downvote button, what I was trying to say that this woman for so long never had the pleasure of being desired on a general level. And within this society, we tell this woman to not act out on her desires because she is married. In a monogamistic relationship. And if she does, she should feel shame and guilt because this society frowns upon infidelity because society says that our relationships must monogamistic. And actions like this by women have pissed off a whole section of our society, no matter how small. It’s made them so upset at the actions of these women who break these unwritten rules of our society, that they create an entire community of men that have sworn off any type of relationship with a woman. That’s what you find at /r/MGTOW. It’s sad what it has come to. And my comment about not getting married and trust comes down to the fact that I view marriage as unnatural. I don’t want to lock a woman down to the point where when a day comes that she may physically desire someone other than myself, that it will completely change my life in a negative way. I just won’t do that. Even an open relationship is silly.

  21. The husband sounds like a fucking loser. Pick up his game and don’t expect to just keep a woman who is trying to better herself for him while he just sits back on his fat fucking ass pretending he is the be all and end all. Especially with couples that have only known each other the times will be tough as each one of them try and think what could have been.

  22. No ragrets. Keep the boy at home for that stable home life but don’t be afraid to live your life. You only live once, fuck them all (literally).

  23. Similar, but not as bad, are the people (who I am pretty sure are marketing and advertising interns at Trojan) that like to troll these stories and chastise people who did not use protection. Sorry folks…people fuck without protection all the time. Real talk. Edited: grammar

  24. > all 1 my ex girlfriend thought mine was 9 1/2 inches biggest shes seen by far she said its a little over 7 so maybe his is 8 who knows every girl is different.

  25. Why the story is HOT * Chubby girl deciding to work out * Stranger Fuck * **uncircumcised husband** * shower fuck RATING 8.5/10

  26. This was fucking hot. I love cheating stories. Especially ones where the wife/gf goes in thinking they’ll be able to control themselves but slowly lose control due to lust. Let us know about any future encounters you have!

  27. Women regularly misjudge the size of a man’s cock, particularly when they have little experience like OP. My gf thinks my cock is massive even though it’s just average/under average (I do little to dissuade her from this opinion ;) , and she’s not the first girl to say that. Men think women obsess over cock size when in reality the vast majority don’t give a shit except in extreme cases. I reckon the guy probably had a 7" cock and OP just thought it was bigger.

  28. You’re in a fucking porno story subreddit and you’re whining that you can’t find an intelligent conversation? We’re here to make ourselves horny, possibly have a wank, not have a deeply philosophical conversation about the fabric of fucking society or whatever it is you’re bleating about. Get a grip.

  29. It’s basically too good to be true. The writing is splendid, not something you’d expect from a layman. Even the School of Life when they were making Porn as Therapy had a lot of challenges, mainly writing. There aren’t many writers people out there who are wiling to be identified and could write such a beautiful erotica. This my dear is erotica, even the most gifted writer out there can’t write such a thing if they hadn’t have their fair share of mistakes and experiments in it. It’s really just like writing movies, you need experience, but not so much experience or it will diluted your imagination, because you want to satisfy people’s imaginations. Reality is boring, that’s what I learned.

  30. I forget to mention that this story has very similar sentence to a lot of the stories of “throwaway” accounts, I wouldn’t really be surprised if there someone (be it a guy or a gal) writing a few of these. Or maybe it’s a content farm. I worked with one before, and I did all sort of stupid shit.

  31. Very hot, I wrote one like this for my husband, same scenario, stranger on a business trip. Mine was true.

  32. yeah people do the same thing on the /r/relationships subreddit. A lot of those stories have exactly the same writing style.

  33. I stopped before finishing the first paragraph, because there is so much identifiable personal info there that I can’t believe this is real; you’d have to be stupid to leave all those breadcrumbs.

  34. I mean, I get it. I come here for the hot stories too. But it really does annoy the shit out of me when these people claim to have cheated. Cheating shouldn’t be glorified, it’s literally taking advantage of someone at their emotional expense and that’s shitty. But I’m not about to rip on a tirade about it. 90% of these stories are BS anyhow.

  35. Same here, my girlfriend thinks I’m huge when I’m only average as well, she just has only been with two men.

  36. Ha-ha I didn’t get a ruler out and measure it…but based on being able to fit both my hands around it and still suck on him, I think it’s a pretty close estimate.

  37. Ha-ha I didn’t get a ruler out and measure it…but based on being able to fit both my hands around it and still suck on him, I think it’s a pretty close estimate.

  38. I’ve definitely been noticing more guys doing the look-back when they walk by me…

  39. Doctor, it hurts when I do this! THEN DONT DO IT Read something else if its not your thing

  40. Except from the same site, Genre: Informal Female = 9399 Male = 5980 Difference = -3419; 38.88% Verdict: FEMALE I wouldn’t exactly call a gone wild story formal writing

  41. Something tells me you missed my point entirely. Like I said: I agree with the anti-cheaters, but I’m not about to say anything about it. Apparently I typed too much for you to handle. Also, that "don’t like, don’t ______ it" argument is shit.

  42. Then don’t even bother reading and move along. I mean it mentioned cheating on the title. I’m not into transgender porn therefore I don’t read transgender stories on here. Nor do I hop into the thread to tell them that I don’t find them sexy. I find the inability to simply avoid things you don’t like mind numbingly bizarre.

  43. Do you ever think that a woman can provide for all of a man’s intimacy and partnership/companionship needs? If so why can’t a man do the same for a woman? It seems hard for me to believe that /r/mgtow guys have no intimacy/sexuality/companionship needs. Your generalizations of women and relationships are so broad it makes me wonder how you generalize your own sense of self. Are there things you find attractive (both physically and intellectually) about women that require skill and hard work? Have you looked into yourself to develop similar things women find attractive? My own experience is that once a person feels confident and loves themselves, it’s easy for others to fall in love with them too. Believe it or not, this is a love that can last and be mutually beneficial. So ask yourself what in your personal experience reinforces these generalized ideas about women and relationships, and what you have done about yourself to foster the kind of relationship you want with the same dimensions as you would look at a woman. Or don’t. I’m phapping and looking at porn and dirty stories just like you.

  44. I didn’t miss your point. You’re not her mom, and if you’re not the target audience for her story then read a different story. She shared her story, I enjoyed reading it. Newsflash: people are kind of non moral sometimes. That is human nature.

  45. Yeah, ideally learn to use it, but also: to be charitable, learn to read it where it isn’t. It didn’t take me long to figure out what the poster was saying.

  46. Read the sidebar next time. "If you have a story that is a work of fiction, please post it at/r/EroticLiterature."

  47. I really loved this story. So well written, so erotic. It’s testament to how authentic much of it sounds that you have the indignant ethical responses. But I still don’t believe it’s real! It’s a case of a story so hot that I’m willing to suspend disbelief as I’m reading.

  48. You missed the point of my post and are looking at it from a micro perspective. I’m looking at it from a macro perspective. Take a step back. My post is talking about how we as humans have developed our society and its unwritten rules about relationships. They go against what our DNA tells us to do. That’s my point.

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