Bored. [M/f, BDSM, Gangbang, Fantasy]

The whole day has been a drag. You would think Hell would be non-stop Funtime depravity but today…it just feels off.

You woke up, had your male servants wash your seductive figure. Enticing them with each curve of your body. Observing the dozens of erections that surrounded you while you were objectified. Making them carefully caress your full breasts with soap and cloth. Washing your luxurious red hair with scented lavender. Ensuring sensitive and delicate caresses of your full ample bottom. Teasing them with the occasional breathy sigh. Opening your legs almost enough to see their only glimpse of heaven here in Hell. Letting your amazing legs and thighs brush trembling cocks ever so slightly while your flawless alabaster skin is cloth dried and moisturized. Your tongue even "accidentally" lashed one especially healthy length of manhood to taste his uncontrolled flow of precum. He was promptly punished by being sent away to watch from a distance.

While being dressed in your blue satin top and bottom your hands "accidentally" brush up against men in their most sensitive areas. Forcing deep groans of lust and shudders along their turgid manhood. You even made them polish your four inch horns. You sat lounged as raging hardons bounced up and down on front of your face and around your head as they delicately and lovingly worked.

Feeding on their lust. Infusing you with near limitless sexual energy. The power that you control is extensive. Suggestion. Influence. Command. And sheer physical prowess. These are at your disposal and grow in vastness with each seed you claim from a man. You're wired for it. An unearthly wetness builds between your legs at just the thought. Creating a firm warm softness that no man can last through.

Then you used them until they begged for more. Then you used them until they were so drained of seamen the begged you to stop. Then you used them till they passed out. While fun. It felt routine today. All the male seed you collected, exciting though it was…was missing something. Your powered to the gills. Unchecked energy and raw command exudes from you. But you're clearly in one of your strange moods that hits you every few decades. So here you sit. Bored.

With a sigh of exasperation you lounge out and think of what to do. Flog the new arrivals? Take the latest virgin? Make one virgin take another for the first time? And just how does someone get to Hell as a virgin anyway?

Any form of sexual release at your beck and call. Any whim you might have eagerly sated by any happy male, or female. Your most deviant desire fulfilled.

All, but one.

Shaking your head you resign yourself to watching the Succubi and Incubi entertain themselves.

Then you feel a light pull on your right ankle. Startled you look down to see what's there and…nothing. Before you can process it you feel the pull again but not just your ankle, your right wrist as well. Almost rhythmic.

While this has only happened a few hundred times in your millennia you recognize it right away. You roll your eyes. While slightly different, it's clearly summoning. Again you feel the pressure. This time it's more of a tug. But on all wrists and ankles. Usually it's felt across your whole form and less firmly. Never so focused. So strong.

Well…Few have successfully summoned you. And you hope this is the break you need today. The whoosh of metaphysical energy will pull you through to the physical realm. Where you'll arrive standing and waiting impatiently for some silly soul exchange.

No one does anything fun anymore like back in the Pagan days every. You pout inwardly. Christianity and Muslim religions persecuted all the fun people.

You pass through. Manifesting, things feel just different. Your on your back and spread eagle. Clumsy oaf didn't setup the pentagram correctly. There isn't a retaining circle along the outside of the pentagram. Instead a thick black chalk outline for the limbs of a body extend to the five points of the pentagram. Long smooth slopes for the legs, thinner lines for the arms, and the final point shortened to accommodate the head. The chalk is a sharp contrast to the flawless white marble floor. Each pentagram point capped with a thick black candle that burns with an eerie blue flame.

This should be easy to get out of.

Sitting up you're suddenly stopped. Your wrists are anchored firmly to the points of the pentagram. You let your inhuman strength pull and there is no give. Your ankles are equally firm. Only your neck and head are mobile.

Turning your head you look closer. While the chalk is simple black the pentagram is pure silver. Meticulously inlaid into the marble itself. The detail is masterful. Each line of the star a flawless straight edge meeting in a seamless point at every tip. And the inch thick strips of silver have old script etched onto them. So ancient you only recognized a few letters of a dead dialect.

Slightly frustrated you yell out, "What is this, and who dares to try it on me?!" Your hips thrust upward off the ground. Flexing your shapely thighs. You realize it's just your wrists and ankles that are anchored.

"Careful with your frustration, I need that energy later." States a deep and calm voice from the shadows at your feet.

Tilting down you see a tall lean man, wearing nothing but a black loincloth…which does nothing to hide his thick manhood.

"Who the fuck are you?" You demand. And before response add "This is an awful way to start a soul deal."

A grin crosses the shadow's face. The blue light of the candles prevents you from seeing clear features even given your sharp eyesight. You could destroy this man in a single gesture. He's clearly stupid or arrogant. Or both.

"I'm not looking to trade my soul just yet, vixen. While I can't hurt you, nor would I want to, you do have something I need." Says the smooth, deep voice.

Both. He's clearly both, you decide. Who summons a minion of Hell with No purpose? Morons, that's who.

"Don't waste my time. You're dead as of this moment and there is only one quick way out of that death. Release me from this archaic design, and quick." The words leave your mouth with calm and an edge no mortal could resist.

"That's not for you to decide." The man quips and briefly steps out of your vision.

What. The. Fuck. He's dead and it will take a century before you end it. You'll power out of these bindings, take him, then return home.

With great force you start to stand. Nothing gives. A full thirty seconds you pull your right wrist and not a millimeter.

"Please stop, like I said your energy needs to be saved." Soft and oddly soothing.

Then you realize something. These restraints. The submissive psyche that rarely shows herself pushes on her door and you shudder across your body. Your helplessness sinks in. And a deep carnal urge settles into the back of your mind.

"I planned to apologize for disturbing you but seeing your form…well…I cant say I'm sorry. You're more attractive than any spell book can do justice. But, I need your energy and I'll have to help you build it up before I can harness it for myself."

A Want that starts in your brain and runs down your spin, energizing your full breasts till goosebumps force your nipples to harden. Continues down warming your abdomen and courses through to rest between your legs. Where it settles. Firmly.

Happiness and panic set in together. What will happen? Who cares part of you says. As long as you get used…and well.

Used? And well? The shrinking part of your psyche scoffs. This isn't appropriate at all. You're the dark queen of lust. Your loins alone have brought the mightiest men in history to their knees. Literally. So they could serve you till their jaws and tongues were sore.

And yet less and less of your thoughts focus on your dominance. And more they turn. To focus on your submission. The need to be taken. Fully. So long since you haven't had to assert yourself and just surrendered. The focus of a man's lust you didn't command or control. But instead had his own desires that would meld you to his will. It's been so long since a firm hand has had you in its palm, made you his and took you.

None of the incubi have tried in ages. They were predictive. And you quickly lose interest as they treat you like another normal female. Not the insatiable sexual bundle of femininity you are.

Distracted you missed as his soft bare footfalls brought him back into sight. He's close now. About to kneel next to your head and you see he is maybe just over six feet. Less than two hundred pounds. Light hair. Maybe early thirties? Yet too young to command this kind of power. But his eyes. Piercing. Focused. Intense. You've not see that intensity in a mortal man in decades.

You can smell him. Clean and washed in a scent you haven't smelled before. But he smells…amazing. You can't resist and inhale deeply. Your chest swelling and your full breasts and erect nipples jutting into the air straining against the material.

"What is…THAT?" You say as your breath leaves you. And you realize your chest has distracted him. His gaze lingers and finally he meets your eyes again. He is still focused but clearly interested in more than just power.

A low chuckle leaves his lips and he follows "Honestly, it's a pheromone I synthesized."

"Tell me how you synthesized that and I might let you live." As the words end your luscious tongue seductively and unconsciously flicks over your lips.

You see his breath quicken. So…while he might have control you still have a submissive's influence over him. Clearly he wants you.

"Well, I can't give away all my secrets." He states with a wink. "Also since when do succubi wear clothes? Of cyan satin no less."

"Hey, I happen to like this outfit and…you do as well." You arch your back again to prove your point. Sending your amazing breasts skyward…and his eyes devour the view you provide.

Finally he kneels next to your head. His right knee pointed upwards and left down. But the dark loin cloth falls to the side and you get full view of his engorged thickness. A perfect circumcised head is just inches from you. And the smell is even stronger. He must have doused himself in it.

The scent fully in your head fogging your mind is unbearably delightful. You feel playful and ready. The heat settled between your legs is so intense you have to focus on it…and unconsciously your lips part and jaw drops slightly as your tongue reaches out for him. Just the tip you think. And stretching your tongue you're able to lightly touch the edge. He jerks and moans low and long. He's doomed. But the twitch of surprise takes him out of range of you.

The taste. And explosion of amazing colors blow your mind. He tastes sooooo good. Let's do that again! You think as you try to lift your head.

Then he firmly pushes your forehead away. A metal band on his wrist glows slightly as his strength, which shouldn't be this firm, wins over your lust.

"Sorry, but there is a process here and I aim to be successful with it, vixen." He says.

You pout slightly. Then your mind clears a bit. "Process? What exactly is happening here." You shift your hips to aim them towards him slightly as you smile. And you get the desired effect, his eyes flick down to your shaved mound. No one can not look regardless of gender or orientation. Your pussy is beautiful and you know it.

Eyes coming back up…slowly roving over your spread form…to meet yours he says "Well, I need some of your power and I have a plan to take it. It will cost me, but I think the trade will be worth the reward."

Curious. No one has every taken the power of lust from a succubi. At least as far as your aware. And to what end?

"Not possible mortal. But your welcome to die trying. Would be a shame though. You dying that is." You say with a slow wink.

He grins again. "True, I could be wrong but I have a plan. I intend to harness your sexual prowess with this collar…" He holds up a sigil etched silver collar an inch thick. "…and then channel it back into me via an exchange between us."

The collar looks like real business. But Exchange? What is that and how would he do it. And why? Silly mortals. So consumed with power without purpose. Besides, any sexual energy taken here is so powerful compared to home. You'd be glad to grab it.

"Again, not possible. But please…do try." You quip as your eyes look down to his manhood. Oh so delicious. To have that fill your mouth…mmmmm… Your thighs tighten and you feel the goddess like wetness build within your canal.

"I will. But first we have to charge you. And it won't be simple. In my mansion above there is…a sort of party going on. One that your special kind of femininity would appreciate. Several dozen men are waiting to meet my "newly trained" slave. Their attentions will energize you. Fully. And then I'll take that built energy for my own." He states this and then reaches out with the collar.

"Like I said you're welcome to try." You smile. Relishing the one basic fact. Again, Sexually energy obtained in the real world is an order of magnitude more potent than in Hell.

You feel the cool silver touch your neck and an odd sensation comes over you. It's more psychological than metaphysical. Your submissive side responds and your eyes lower as you raise your chin. Offering yourself to him. And then a click as the collar comes into place. And you gain an urge while losing something. Strength? Or Power? Both.

Suddenly the ethereal restraints on your wrists and ankles are gone. And you reach up to push against him. But your hands stop just short. You push hard but can't reach him. Squirming you meet his eyes.

"My will is tied to the collar. I can't fully control you but I can strongly influence your actions regarding myself. It also limits your strength enough." He stands and extends his hand "Stand up. We have people to meet."

You reach out and take his hand. Now you can touch? But not before? These rules are terribly frustrating. Gracefully you stand and decide to test something. If this is bound to his will ad influence maybe there is a type of loophole. As you stand you shift slightly so your side face him…and you arch your back. His eyes dart to your extended butt and dance over your body. And you lean into him. You bottom brushing his loincloth and the erect cock underneath. Slowly though you involuntarily shift your weight. "Now, now, Miss. No time for this."

Well at least you can influence him. Maybe you can use that later.

You follow him to the stairs at the back and think delightful thoughts about what might happen next. Dozens. You smile. This should be fun.

"They think your just a normal woman who likes to dress up as a demon. That's how I explain the horns. Stopping just before the stairs he pulls down a ring gag that's wide. "Come here." He says as you almost simultaneously step forward and open your mouth. Pulling your hair back into a pony tail he secures it with an elastic ring. Gently but firmly he places the gag between your teeth. Suppressing your tongue slightly. You let out a heavy sigh and shake your head. Such a wasted opportunity.

To make matters worse he retrieves an eye cover from the wall. Full and large these will certainly obscure all but the lower edge of your vision. You roll your eyes and stare at him. Then close them as the cover comes up. Tapping your foot as he pulls your pony tail up to be sure it's secure.

He smirks "Come on, Queen Impatient." And takes your hand, leading you up the stairs. It takes several flights before your at what you guess to be a door. Hearing the muffled murmurs of what sounds like many people coming from the other side.

His amazing scent fills your nose as he leans close and whispers "For this just do what you do naturally. Your nymphomatic submissive side is so apparent it should just guide you."

And with that you hear the door open and he carefully guides you through. A hush comes up and then soft murmurs of appreciation as you move forward with him. Then he stops, takes your hand, and moves you many yards until you feel a mattress at knee height. Inwardly you giggle. Mattresses? How quaint.

You climb up on your knees and then wait. His hand comes up to cup the left side of your bottom as his other comes up to gently pull your shoulders back. Leaning into him. Your head fogs. That scent again. Your urge goes forward and you feel the wetness build again between your legs.

"Gentleman, per usual nothing too unsavory. Physical abuse, beyond firm spankings, is out. Only two ways to enter her and I call the stop. After the first few moments we will remove the blindfold. Understood?"

A round of yes and what you imagine to be head nodding happen. But you don't care. You arch your ass back into him. Smiling in your mind as you feel his loincloth slide and warm precum smoothly runs along your satin panties.

Mmmmm…your usual dominant side in a distant part of your mind thinks "this one, you might let live a little while, until your fun is done."

Then he steps back and hands come forward to feel you.

Firm, muscled hands. So many. Rove over your body. Caressing. Groping. Touching. Fingers trace delicate lines. Palms smooth over your curves. Hot breath hits you everywhere. You here the murmurs. Appreciative. Respectful. But also full of barely controlled desire.

These men want you. Badly. Your form. Your sexuality. Your femininity stir a part of their libido they can't contain. It's only a matter of moments before they have to have you. Take you. And that will be their downfall. While the won't die they will leave drained tonight. Fully. It will be days before they feel 100%. And this night will never be matched for them. You're about to ruin the sex lives for two dozen men…and they will thank you for it till the day they die. This moment will be the one they look back on and think of as their closest time to heaven on earth. You smile wickedly to yourself…if they only knew how opposite this was.

Hands pull your top up. Exposing your nipples and the warm softness of mouths encompass them. Tingles run through you as they guide you to your back and you feel hands caress you. And mouths run up your thighs as your breasts are adeptly sucked.

Slight teasing as what you guess to be a nose brushes your lower lips and stubbled cheeks caress your thighs. And the moment of teasing is done before it starts. Your blue panties pulled aside as a tongue eagerly licks. One taste. That's all it takes. And he's done. His arms come up to cradle your hips pulling you to his mouth and temporarily pushing other hands away. His mouth firmly sinks into you…no melts…as his hunger to taste you pushes him to the edge of control. You can hear his muffled moans and vibrations from his throat as he licks his way to euphoria.

But it doesn't stop there. Men take your hands in theirs and guide each to their hard dicks. The tips slick with precum you waste no time stroking. And are rewarded with writhing bodies as their hips involuntarily jerk in reaction.

Here's the problem with mortals. Most aren't accustomed to this level of stimulation and fail to last long until properly trained. Several of these men have been trained but it's clear most have not. Which is validated as the man in your right hand swears softly and starts to cum. Quickly you turn your head to catch the spurt. Some splashes your face but most gets into the gag. And your power beings to grow. His seamen metaphysical transforms into raw and unbridled lustful energy as you take it inside your mouth. The glow of power blossoms in you. But feels restrained or captured. By the collar? This must be what he was talking about. No matter. It will be fun to try and "overload" it. The first spent man fades into the crowd only to be replaced by another.

The mouth worshipping you between your legs doesn't fail to stop and a familiar pleasure starts to build in you. You can feel an orgasm building and none too soon. Moans escape you and your body twists and arches ever so subtlety. This movement coupled with sounds and your own seductive aura only succeeds in driving the men harder. Their murmurs turn into goans and compliments.

"Never have I lost this much control."

"I can't wait to taste her."

"I have to feel her."

"Raw radiant beauty…I feel too close to the sun."

As someone cups your head in their muscles hands you feel the ring being sealed. The head of a penis touches your tongue and while you can't get the tip to it you can roll the flat against it. And do so. Only to be rewarded with firmer and consistent licking which sends you over.

Your body starts to clench up. And your mind bends time. Slowing down as the first hard orgasm in a long time rolls through you. It comes from your center and flows through you making your body sing. Delightful squeals muffled through the gag send these men into another round of murmurs. And then the release. Like crashing waves across the beach it runs over you. Flowing out as the man between your legs never stops licking.

And like a pulse across the room your orgasm sends your admirers into shock. They jerk and restrain trying to control themselves but the ones you are touching lose it. They not only cum, but cum hard. The head in your mouth swells and the man who owns it swears in surprise as he spurts off seven times into you. Each one building more energy and sending you higher into the sphere. The two men in your hands release inhuman orgasms into your hands. While not as fulfilling inside you your body can still convert their raw energy. None have ever cum so hard, they exclaim. Not even porn stars have shoots like this.

But the poor man between your legs. He gets the full effect. Your heavenly pussy gives him a taste no mortal should be unprepared for. And he cums…almost painfully releasing thirteen times back to back while he pants and breaths uncontrollably. His orgasm the last thing he will experience tonight because he's literally passed out.

Again the crowd murmurs as his sleeping body is taken away. People say things like "Divine intervention" and "Goddesses among mortals"…relaxing slightly you think to yourself if they only knew.

And just as quick it's on again. Your body carefully pulled so your ass up with knees on the edge of the bed. Bend over doggy. Fully submitted with no restricted access. Hands pull your panties down to your thighs and your top is roughly pulled up higher fully exposing your fantastic tits. And then hands. Again then amazing hands of so many men that have to caress you or leave tonightknowing they have never truly lived, touch you.

Then the real moment starts. Your blindfold is removed. An odd thing happens. The light socks your eyes a little and your vision is blurred. You can see very far for some reason. You can make out shapes and anything close to you is clear. Like hands…or that amazingly large thick cock six inches from your face. But looking up you can't quite make out faces. Muscled forms of men sure. But the details slip as lust claws through your mind and ruins your focus.

Hand rest on your buttocks and your mind goes carnal. You know what's next as a slight pressure is felt just at your opening. Carefully and firmly this man starts to push and you can make out what he feels like. Hard…beyond hard…like steel…you worry his blood flow might cause him to faint. But then the tip enters you…so full and round. Stretching you just enough to be comfortable. He eases into you and you can hear his groans. You smirk. Hopefully he can keep it together long enough for you to get what you need.

You let him set the tone and don't move. Just arch the small of your back down making it easier to enter you. And he takes the cue. Firmly he pushes into you and that hard rod fills you till his pelvis meets your thighs. Not long but thick enough. You let him pace fearing you'll lose him if you try to enjoy yourself too much too soon. And he backs out slowly…clearly worried…his breathing focused as he clenches his teeth just on the edge. You smile to yourself again. Just one push back and this guy loses all of it. But you feel his thickness between your lips. He's thick enough that your walls firmly grip him. Can't blame the guy for being careful. Hopefully he doesn't look down and just keeps his eyes closed. Because the sight of your alabaster heart shaped bottom and the amazing outer lips of your pussy making that firm extended grip around his cock will end this pleasure right then and there.

It seems there is some hope. He starts to thrust after getting his focus. And they feel great. Just want you need and wanted. Inside of you. Edging you up towards and orgasm again. And then the man in front of you…with the gorgeous cock finally figured out what he's doing and eases himself into your mouth. Your form accommodates them both as you let them drive. Easing in and out of you they struggle. Just making you feel even better. Yet hoping that others can do beat their performance. This will do for now but you'll need more.

And then it happens. The man behind you starts to quicken. You can feel him swell…to bursting. And he lets go. Leaning forward as he pushes into you and releases. His energy directly feeding into feels amazing. His hips push as he jets a second, third, fourth and fifth time. He practically moaning gibberish as he looses himself.

And the man in front puts his hand on you head. He lets off a groan that builds into a yell…and he's done. Over and over his cock cums in your mouth. The delicious release fuels you to a new level and builds the burning need inside you.

Without hesitation two others step up to your still doggy postured form. Now they enter you more roughly. Enjoying it you push back. If they think they can take it lets see what happens when you push it on them.

Their exclamations of surprise are no surprise to you. Pushing back onto the man behind you you can feel he's longer and it feels great. He tries to back off but you hook your heels on his thighs and pull him into you and he moans loudly. The crowd chuckles. Actually chuckles and you get the sense they appreciate he's gotten more than he bargained for.

Not missing a beat you "kiss" the length on front of you with your throat and he jerks forward and sucks in a deep breath. His hands fly off your head as he jerks to one side trying to control himself as he steadies his body.

To their credit they don't lose it like the others. And you decide to fill your deep need with them. Your rock between them occasionally tilting your head or rolling your ass. Their minds almost fracture as they turn into base animals for the moment. Just feeling you around them. Time is short you realize as they throb inside you best to make the most of this.

Hand still firmly groping you and caressing you, you being to back your pussy up hard. You feel his balls slap against your clit. His hands no longer on you…his mind fully focused on just lasting. And he doesn't need to last long. With each impact your clit is delightfully rewarded with much needed pressure and stimulation. Soon your body is rolling hard against him as the man in front has to inch forward to remain in your mouth. The intensity inside you is almost too much and another wave of energy starts to roll down your spine. Goosebumps cover your skin as your feminine energy rushes through you. Slow at first then forcefully at the end. Down your inner tract and out. Hard.

You cum. And it's glorious. These two guys down know what hit them as the energy leaves your body and crashes into them. Forcing their balls to empty more cum than is humanly possible. They splutter, gasp, beg then inevitably thank you with screams of pleasure. All for you. And shockingly the energy is so hard you feel shots of cum hit your right side. The man gripping your right breast exclaims "My god, I'm not even being touched!" As hot jet after hot jet hits your waist.

And so it goes. After these seven it is man after man. An orgy that won't be matched for several years (Sequel?). You devour delicious orgasm after orgasm. They worship you over and over by surrendering their sexuality to you. They can't stop themselves and even though they are sore and spent they return. Again and again to please you. So many times you cum. Some light and small. Some hard and drawn out. Building more and more energy within you. It's getting hard to contain yourself with each release. Each time you cum you feel more need within you. Yet undaunted you submit to each pounding. Your cloths long discarded your pushed on your back. Then on your stomach. Then on your side. Your hands are used. Your mouth is used. And between your legs…? It eventually they can't stop themselves. As if they all silently agreed repeated they worshiped inside you. Until they were spent physically and mentally. After each spent sexual warrior you defeat you edge closer to a foggier state of mind.

"Enough." You vaguely make out its the voice of the man who summoned you. Loud and clear. Your mind sexually drunk realizes he must not have taken you. Slowly people start to get up. Struggle to leave. Fully tapped out save the audience. There was an audience! You blearily see them now. The room is huge. Almost a hundred people along the walls. Some just watching clothed. With lust filled eyes. Others totally taken by your energy as it radiated out and forced couples to just fuck right on the spot.

They come together as he walks up to collect you and your cloths. You realize this audience is helping some of the men you've rendered unconscious out. But no time to focus. His hand takes yours and helps you off the bed only to steady you as you find your balance. Your cloths in his other hand he leads you back down the stairs and into the summing chamber.

The candles in the pentagram burn low and you struggle to remember something important about that. But the amount of sexual energy and tension running through you is so much it's hard to focus.

Carefully he guides you to a large feathered cushion in the corner and lays you down. Even though you're still bursting at the seams with energy your need drives you and your hand reaches up to caress up his thigh as you start to lay down.

"Didn't work." You mutter as if drunk. "Still didn't overload." Almost in a tone of voice that says Neener Neener.

Leaning over your curvaceous form his mouth comes down to your ear as he whispers "There's still one step left." And his tongue delightfully slides along your lobe and teeth gently grip you.

A gasp escapes you. And completely unconsciously, your thighs spread. You didn't even have to think about it. It's just instinct now. Base need within you. No control. No thought. Not a single desire but to be taken. Finally and fully.

He leans back. You look up and lock eyes with him. Softly you say "Please…I want…no…need to be…" He doesn't say anything. Your soft begging is almost too much. He whispers "Quiet…you're almost too much." Again you open your mouth to beg. Knowing it will push him. But before you can speak. You feel is long, thick rigid cock, as he moves his hips between your thighs. This is exactly what you've been waiting for. Once he enters you, overloaded or not, you're in control. You let him press against you slowly. Feel like he's in control. Mischievously you arch your back pushing your gorgeous breasts into him. The tips, so excited, press against his chest and he doesn't just moan…he shudders uncontrollably. But strangely he doesn't lose it. He continues to enter. A long slow firm pressure between your legs. Filling your pussy.

A strange energy sings through you as he enters. It's mind blowing to finally feel his length probe you. Deeper and deeper. The intense concentration on his face. Quietly you whisper "Thank you." As you clasp your legs around his thighs pulling him into you. Your tongue lashes out along his neck and he cries out in total pleasure. But still no release.

And the firm and slow strokes into and out of you begin. Methodically. Carefully he measures his time. And picking up the rhythm you meet him with each thrust. Gripping him to the hilt before you let me edge back. Tingles run through your firm wet walls as you're milking his shaft. These tingles build as you pull him inside yourself deeply. And then finally his pelvis hits your clit. Gently at first. Then several strokes later firmly. Until after what seems like minutes strokes turn to thrusts. Forcing you to greedily roll your hips into him. Small whimpers leave your full lips each time he connects.

And momentum and speed build…almost impossibly. He should have cum but you don't care. The more he strokes the more cum he'll release into you. He's groaning hard. He must be close…but so are you. In a strange intense way your body begins to shudder like its never felt pleasure. Your eyes loose focus. Your legs open wider. Ankles roll back further up until you cradle his arms with your thighs. You're open fully to him and he wastes no time. Losing himself at the pleasure you're creating.

Unprotected your gorgeous pussy is pounded against. Firm, well timed, decisive thrusts savage what's left of your awareness and you start to cum. Your back arches up. Eyes roll back and lose focus and a long slow throaty moan clipped only by his thrusts escapes your mouth. Your mind screams yes but you can't even speak. Everything that's happened tonight hits you at once. You've been the soul focus of his intentions the whole time. Every time someone took you it might as well have been him. And all that tension is being poured out and traded for pleasure.

Colors flash. Your body trembles between a total cold freeze and raging molten lava. The energy flow snaps…fills…and crashes out into you like a damn bursting agains the pressure of every ocean. And finally your waves of orgasm come. Each pulse a mental thunderclap forcing your body to clench and release. Milking this firm masterful shaft…until it swells dangerously…stretching you wide…and finally pumping you full of his cum. Each bursting jet sending mini tremors as they match your own orgasmic waves one for one. Silence from him as his breath catches caught in paralyzing pleasure.

But his seed doesn't metamorphosis…instead you feel a catching sensation. A joining. Slowly you realize you're locked to him. His pet. To be his and used by him how he sees fit. And still you submit…even pull him harder into you.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." You whimper over and over.

Then blackness.

You wake. Moments later. Him next to you. Asleep as well but oddly not drained. His naked form enticing as you snuggle close. He shifts in his sleep to let you near and adeptly you brush your ass against his groin…and are rewarded with the building of a firmness just starting to press against you.

You haven't felt this sated in a long time…but one more wouldn't hurt.
