[mf] A Ski Bunny Gets Stuck

The first day back at the mountain is always a wonderful time. The magic of snow covered everything, the happiness and excitement everyone shares, and all the hot boys in their snowboard outfits getting ready in the parking lot. Today you had a day off from classes and decided to go for a Friday solo snowboard trip. Life has been a little overwhelming recently and a long day of snowboarding seemed like it might help take your mind off things.

As you drive into the parking lot you are directed to pull into a spot across from a group of rowdy looking young men who are getting ready to hit the slopes. They immediately take notice that an attractive girl in a hard to miss blue SUV just pulled in without anyone in the passenger seat. Having jumped straight into the car this morning, you are dressed in whatever was on the floor this morning which was an unflattering shirt and black yoga pants, and need to figure out some way of getting into your snowboard clothing without putting on too much of a show for the now very interested group of guys. You reach to the far corner of the back seat and pull your flashy snowboard outfit up front, but mid way through, you realize that your tight little yoga pants adorned ass is aimed straight at the now gawking men through the front windshield. After a momentary embarrassment you actually decide to tease them a bit and continue rummaging around for nothing in particular, wagging your ass around and arching your back a little more to emphasize your assets. You wonder if the fabric is thin enough for them to see the outlines of your lacy pink thong. Once you deem they have had enough eye candy, you quickly turn to sit down and catch them all turning away in unison to kick at snow, adjust a binding, and generally try not to look guilty as hell. The first to look back up at you receives a wink and a deviously subtle smile from you as you decide where to start getting dressed without completely exposing yourself.

As you slide your pants off and get into your snow gear you notice that the same guy who unabashedly watched you is also getting ready to change. Your snow pants remain at your ankles while a finger starts lazily pushing against your clit. He expects the car door to hide him and you see his pants and shirt quickly drop to the ground underneath the car door. Your shirt comes off quickly and is replaced by a hard to miss, flashy, neon yellow sports bra, all the while keeping your eyes on the now fully nude but hidden man 20 ft away. As he bends down to get into his snow pants you see a quick flash of movement and his protective car door is suddenly slammed shut by his "friends." Almost as if embracing the prank and owning it, he calmly turns 90 degrees to you, obscuring his manhood but also presenting a VERY attractive muscular body. Your distracted fingers now rub up and down the thin fabric covering your pussy, each movement teasingly shifting the thin string ever so slightly up and down your ass crack.

The stranger bends down and slides a muscular leg into the pants, and slides everything up but leaves the pants fastened well below his waist giving you a comfortable view of the "v" of muscle tracing down from his hips to his groin and the top of his shapely butt. There is only bare skin visible; he must be well groomed down there! As he straightens up he suddenly makes direct eye contact with you again, almost as if to ask,'Did you enjoy my show?' You realize after he keeps staring, that your erect nipples are nearly cutting through the bright yellow fabric holding your breasts back! Your face a quickly flushes with embarrassment at the excitement you've exhibited, as well as getting caught staring at his shirtless body. It is his turn now to flash a devious half smile and then continue getting ready. As you step out to get your board you hear the guys giving your new friend a hard time over the unintended exposure, but he seems to shrug it off, far more interested in what your are doing than what his friends are saying.

Fortunately or unfortunately, the path to the lift line takes you directly past their car. On your way past the guy acknowledges you with a sheepish,"Hey, how's it going?"

Without missing a beat you reply back, "Oh not too bad, just enjoying the scenery." and walk off. You wonder why in the world you would ever say something like that! It is certainly out of the ordinary, but something about his unabashed eye contact seemed to have gotten to you a bit. And he did have some lovely eyes to stare into…

A quick stop off at the ladies room on the way reveals a familiar tingle and the beginning of some unexpected wetness. You quickly dismiss it, finish, and head out the door to hit the slopes. The line for the new gondola is long and chaotic but this is definitely the quickest way to get to the best snow up high. Maybe today will be your lucky day and you will have a chance to really rekindle the wonderful feeling of floating in the powder again.

Several lines of riders are funneled into one main line and low and behold, who should be suddenly standing behind you but the group of hot guys from the parking lot. Was this just luck or by design you will never know but their awkward silence behind you says they have also taken notice of the likelihood that at least one of them will have the opportunity to ride up with a cute snowboarder chick. And you kind of like the idea too come to think of it! A momentary fantasy of the possibilities of being alone in a gondola car for 10 minutes with two of the hot guys flashes through your head. Just a quick flash of fogged up windows, fingers dragging across your exposed flesh, and the ecstasy of bodies grinding against each other is enough to drive your nipples to press against the inside of your jacket once more.

You pretend not to notice them and let the line play out but in counting the bodies ahead, you realize that inevitably one of them will be in the same gondola as you. The thought excites you a little, thinking of the possibilities, but then the reality of it hits; no one ever actually does that! …Do they?

Upon stepping into the gondola you realize this one is full of several boxes intended for the summit lodge and there is only room for one more person. Your friend with the nice butt is happy to oblige and after a noticeable moment of bashful hesitation he slides his long board into the rack and steps in. You both shoot polite smiles and quick glances at each other as the car grips the cable and is whisked into the air above the resort. "You excited for the new snow today?" He asks after a minute or two of enjoying the view.

"Oh yes, very excited." you respond, aware of the secret double meaning of what you are saying.

No sooner had the words left your lips and there is a sudden lurch and the car is swung forward hard. A box topples forward into the others and you are thrown off balance straight into his lap! The confusion of the moment dominates but you realize as you push yourself off him and he helps you up that he is able to lift you almost effortlessly back to your feet. And he smells verrry good! Looking up you see the other gondolas swinging wildly but stopped in place as well. "Shit. Something must have broken. We might be here for a while!"

Your response surprises even you as you say it, "Oh I can think of worse people to be stuck with at least!" Where is this coming from inside you?!! It's as if you suddenly have no filter and are taunting him to hit on you! He raises an eyebrow and looks at you hard trying to figure out if you are really implying what he is hoping you are implying.

"You are right, stuck on a gondola with a cute lady such as yourself is the thing fantasies are made of!" Good, at least he has the same affliction as you are experiencing today. It was a very bold comment and one which makes you blush a little.

A PA speaker in the top corner of the cab announces technical difficulties were preventing the restart of the gondola and a mechanic was on his way but it would likely be an hour or more before the power was restored. "And what are we ever going to do for an entire hour??" he asks knowingly. Your response is a little more guarded this time but you comment that he seems to know something you don't.

"I know just how to pass the time." He says and produces a joint from a secret pocket.

"Do you burn? I was saving this for later to burn with the guys, and they will probably kill me once they find out we smoked it, but I am sure they will understand." You nod and he passes it to your outstretched hand. In passing it, your fingers brush eachother's and the soft warm touch of his hand is electric.

Lounging in the glass gondola in the direct sun is causing the cab to heat up and after several minutes of showing off with smoke rings and other stoner tricks the heat finally overwhelms and he pulls off his jacket and under layer revealing a T shirt stretched taught over a very perfect set of abs and chest. His scent is also released and floods the cab with a combination of sexy sweat and smoke. Suddenly you find yourself rather flushed and warm as well. "Good call, it is getting warm in here isn't it," you say as you start peeling off layers. You would love nothing more than to strip down to your sports bra to escape the heat, but the thin base layer top will have to do for now. Once you have piled your jacket in the corner you catch his eyes checking out your breasts. Looking down, your nipples are erect once again and putting on quite a show for him.

Oh well, no hiding your excitement now! The combination of pot and the flashes of that earlier fantasy are getting to you now and you can feel the warmth radiating from your groin. "I must say, I couldn't help noticing you looked really good when we were all hanging out in the parking lot earlier. You must work out a lot to have such a tight ass!" You are a little taken aback that he would comment on your form while you were changing but also secretly happy to field the compliment.

"You weren't too bad looking yourself!" you reply with a knowing smile. "But I really didn't get to see that well with that pesky car door in the way. Thank goodness your friend closed it for me!"

The gondola lurches without warning again in a failed attempt to restart and you are thrown forward onto him. This time you get your hands up just enough to catch yourself but one hand happens to come down right onto the top of his thigh. Immediately you feel his cellphone and pull your hands away, but was that his cellphone or something else??? From his expression as you look up and catch his eyes you know immediately that was NOT his cellphone!

Your first thought is that it was more than a handful and wouldn't it be fun to peel his ski pants off to get a closer look! "Shit! Sorry!" You say while pulling yourself upright again.

"That was a close one. You almost nailed me good right in the sack!" He replies as his hand adjusts his now bulging cock back to a less visible place. As it slides across his thigh the outline is unmistakable; your new friend is hiding something very ample and appetizing.

Now it is your turn to stare, and after a moment you look up to see him watching your eyes. "What! You are hot!" is his excuse for the engorged manhood you felt. "Did you like it?" He asks after another awkward second. You nod. He reaches back, grabs the joint, and takes a deep rip from it, then motions you forward. You lean in, aware of the craziness of the moment, but not willing to let it escape either. He slides his fingers up your neck and through your hair until the hand is on the back of your neck, instantly creating a wave of chills across your body. His lips press into yours. His tongue pries your lips apart immediately and then you feel a rush of smokey air fill your lungs! As you hold it in, his tongue continues to probe past your lips. Upon pulling back, you cough in hard fits as he helps you stay upright. The sensation of the firm grip on your waist isn't lost even as you tear up from such a big hit! In your mind you know that in several minutes once the thc floods your system you will be lost in the sensations of the high and very open to his advances. Pot has a way of removing all your inhibitions.

Once you have ceased coughing you look up at him and both laugh. "Sorry" he says. You stand up suddenly, almost in a trance, and lean forward to kiss him again. He is surprised at this for a second, but quickly you feel him accept your advances and then take over, pushing into your lips and pulling your hips close. It is quickly apparent that with the swinging of the gondola, you need to sit down or fall down, and knowingly he grabs one leg and then the other, pulls each over his lap so that you are now straddling him on his seat. You let out an approving "Mmmm," which encourages him further. For several minutes you take turns exploring each other's soft lips, sucking, licking, caressing, nibbling, dancing loops around and around. You feel his hands slide from your hips down to your ass. Each hand now is wrapped around a cheek, his fingers slowly curling and digging into the taught nylon. A hand rises back to your head and pulls your lips hard into his, this stranger's tongue probes deeply for the first time and the aggressiveness of the action has you melting in his hands immediately. You unconsciously drive your hips into his as he pulls you close and feeling this, he helps you along with the hand still clenched firmly around your ass. He begins to pull you rhythmically into him and your hips oblige, grinding repeatedly into his now fully engorged cock.

After a few minutes of this, you are beside yourself and losing control quickly. You pull back abruptly and take stock. On one hand, your now soaked thong begs to be removed in a very rough fashion, on the other you don't even know this guy's name! So many things could end up badly with this situation, but you quickly give in to the primal urge for more pleasure. "I never even asked you your name!"

"Ian. Nice to make your acquaintance. And yours?"

"You don't need to know yet." You both breathe heavily for a few seconds, staring at eachother and smiling bashfully, waiting for the other to make the next move. He suddenly picks you up, takes a step forward and pins you to the opposite wall of glass. You wrap your legs around him and pull your hips together even harder as he bites your lip and mischeviously smiles. You feel a hand leave your butt and trace a finger up your side slowly leading to the fabric of your flashy bra. His eyes never break from yours and your passionate gaze silently urges his hands to explore more. He releases your lip, leans back slightly, and drops his gaze to your breasts as his free hand cups one for the first time. In complete and utter submission to his touch, you look to the ceiling and push your chest into his exploring hands.

He sits you back on the bench after caressing your an cup perky breasts for a bit and quickly strips his shirt off, then looks at you expectantly. You look around before disrobing. The gondola is conveniently at the apex of a tower and the other stranded groups are all below your cab, out of view. Mostly. The gondola ahead of you is almost level with yours and at the right angle could get quite a show. This revelation causes a momentary hesitation, but before you know it Ian's hands are sliding your shirt up and off. As his hands pass your breasts you feel two fingers deliberately brush past your nipples. Then you are standing, facing him, both shirtless, your sports bra hiding nothing of your excitement, his ski pants trying but failing to hide his.

After checking to see if the other gondola is watching, you kneel in front of him and begin unfastening his pants to release his cock into your control. With a few deft movements you have his pants in a pile on the floor and you have a nearly naked man in front of you, awaiting your touch, begging for you to free his rock hard manhood. You oblige, slowly tracing your nails up his thigh, up the bulge in his tight underwear, and then into the elastic waistband. Slooooowly it slides down until the swollen pink cock suddenly springs free. You lean forward, and tenderly kiss it while looking up to see his expression. It is one of gratitude and enjoyment. For the next several minutes he is silent and still as your head nods back and forth pleasuring the erect cock before you. Your hand squeezes the shaft firmly, your tongue works it's way all over the engorged head, tracing the sensitive edge of the mushroom shape. An occasional sucking/slurping sound and his frequent moans and grunts are evidence of the pleasure experienced.

As you take his sack and roll the smooth naked flesh around in your hands he begins to lose control. After being we'll behaved for so long, primal urges take over and a gentle thrusting eventually turns into full blown mouth fucking. His hands find their way to the back of your head and hair, he enmeshes his fingers in your hair and suddenly he is the one in control of the moment. He pulls your head back until it is held against the boxes behind you, no where to escape his ever insistent abuse of your mouth. His cock is continually pushing deeper with every thrust until you feel it press the very back of your throat. Any deeper and you don't know if you will be able to handle it. You push his hips back a little but this only causes him to grab your hands and relocate them; one your dripping crotch and one to the tender shaven skin below his swinging balls. As he literally fucks your mouth and forces his cock down your throat, your fingers rub frantically at the soaked clit hidden inside your clothing. While he uses your mouth, you slide your fingers out of your underwear and offer them up to be sucked on. He greedily accepts them and sucks them into his mouth, cleaning every last drop of your honey off with his swirling tongue. Once released they quickly slide back down into your panties as you renegade your swollen nub.

Your other hand is teasing his nether regions with gentle fingernails dragged across the most tender parts of his body. Each time your fingers venture near his ass his thrusting seems distracted for a moment as if he is relishing and focusing on the taboo sensation. This encourages you and becoming bolder your fingers are soon directly pressing against and caressing his clenched asshole. Your wet hand comes up from rubbing yourself and wraps around the shaft once more. Now with a finger teasing his ass, one hand working up and down the length of his shaft, and mouth sucking on the tip of his cock, you are again in control. He leans his head back, removes the hair entwined hands to the grab rail on the ceiling, and lets out a primal groan of pleasure. In this moment you look up to see his whole body tensed in pleasure and realize this is the perfect scenario you had envisioned in the parking lot! This fantasy is really happening!

Several minutes of pleasure go by and then he abruptly pulls away from you, pulls you up to a standing position, and kisses you deeply while sliding a hand under your bra to explore your perfectly shaped breasts. His touch is rough at first, but he quickly slows down and begins alternately rolling your nipples between his strong fingers and firmly cupping your breasts while still probing your mouth. You feel a second hand unfasten the button on your pants and you kick them away as they fall to the floor. Now you are standing in your tight, revealing, yoga pants again, just like when he first laid eyes on you. The windows are beginning to fog with the heavy breathing. Ian puts his hands on your hips, turns you around so he is behind you, and guides your hands to the grab bar at the ceiling. When your hands find it, his wrap over yours, fingers entwining around the rail, and you are suddenly a captive to his lips as he kisses you. Your neck, your collar, your shoulder, back to your neck. Your head rolls to the side giving him complete access to your most tender and sensitive skin as each touch pulses like an electric shock throughout your body. ep your hands there," he commands as he removes his hands from yours. As you stand there you feel him excruciatingly slowly drag his nails down your side, hook under your bra, and pull it up revealing your breasts entirely for the first time. He steps in close to you as both hands wrap around your breasts. His throbbing erection presses perfectly into your ass crack as he leans forward to take advantage of your exposed chest and nipples. As he grinds into you and fondles you, you look out the window to see two faces pressed against the glass of the gondola ahead of yours. They have noticed. Ian is too engrossed with your body to notice, but you like the idea of helping them to pass the time stranded on the gondola and embrace the idea of letting them enjoy the show. He presses his cock to your round, perfect ass and you grind right back, sliding your firm round cheeks back and forth in a dance of lust.

Finally after what seems like an eternity of teasing he kneels down behind you and begins to peel away your tights and thong. As the fabric is pulled down, his kisses press closer and closer to where you so desperately wish him to go. Your back arches, offering up your dripping hole to whatever he sees fit to pleasure you with. The kisses continue briefly then each hand grabs a handful of flesh, spreads you open exposing your bald muff and ass completely. You feel him lean forward, feel his warm exhaled breath, and then nearly collapse in ecstasy as his tongue lightly grazes your clit for the first time! He wastes no time lapping at the honey dripping from your hole with long slow licks that run the length of your pussy. You feel his tongue circle lightly, exploring the folds and curves of your womanhood. Then he drives it deep into you, searching out as much of your sweet wetness as possible. As his tongue pleasures you, his hands still have your ass cheeks spread wide. Suddenly an upward lick continues past your pussy and lightly grazes your tightened ass. This guy is kinky!! You remove your hands from the bar above and lay across the boxes offering him unfettered access to your most private places. Looking out to see if the other gondola passengers are watching it is apparent man is still intently watching the show but the woman is just barely visible as a head bobbing up and down just below the window. Good to know you two aren't the only ones making the best of being stuck!

"Spread your ass cheeks for me." you hear him say, and oblige happily! He immediately plunges two fingers into your dripping pussy, one on your clit, and then his tongue dives back into your ass. He knows what he is doing and you are quickly enveloped in overwhelming pleasure as his flicking tongue finds a rhythm with the fingers slipping in and out. After a moment you realize that his second hand is not on you but has been put to work pumping up and down the length of his dick. You pull your round ass cheeks wider then push your back door into his tongue and start humping his fingers and tongue, wildly out of control, blinded by lust. Your orgasm builds quickly, the thought of being bent over, completely under the control of a complete stranger is too much to take. He owns your pussy and ass in that moment and you begin to shudder and convulse as the orgasm consumes you. Every muscle in you tenses and as soon as he realizes it, he groans with approval at your gift of even more wetness as it gushes onto his fingers and tongue.

After an eternity, your mind returns to the limp body draped over the mess of boxes and clothing. You hear him slowly stand up behind you, there is a momentary rustle, and then a warm, soft, blunt, familiar sensation presses against your wet slit. With one hand on the small of your back firmly holding you in place, and the other guiding the organ to its resting place, he slowly enters you from behind. Too exhausted to resist and secretly wanting more than ever to feel him inside you, you push against him until that wonderful, thick cock has filled you completely.

He rests for a moment once inside you, partially to gauge your reaction, but mostly savoring the sensation of being enveloped in your silky warmth. Every slight movement you make sends a new wave of electricity from his rod to the rest of his body and causes a slight, low groan to emanate from him. Both hands on your hips, he begins a slow, rhythmic rusting, ensuring that every thrust buries his manhood completely within your wetness. Your ass cheeks press into his groin and hips with each invasion of your most sacred of places. As he enters you each time, you feel the swollen head of his cock stretch your tender engorged flesh. The fat cock caresses your G spot with each thrust until you are silently praying for climax again.

Before you are allowed to cum, he slows his fucking and lifts you upright to a standing position against him, still within you. He pulls your back close to his chest and wraps both arms around you, one hand comes to rest on your breast and one explores your other breast briefly, then drops lower to your tan stomach, then slides lower until it rests on the inner skin of your pussy where his member meets your warm mound. His thrusts slowly begin again, and those fingers feel wonderful dancing around your perky nipples and circling your clit. You can tell he enjoys feeling his skin pierce yours. His fingers move to create a V over the full length of your lips, cupping your sex completely. The other arm tightens around your chest, a hand roughly grips a handful of breast and the other hand encircling your mound matches the firm pressure holding you in place for his pleasure. His pumping becomes more insistent, more frantic. His hand squeezes your breast even harder holding you in place while he pleasures himself inside you. The calm, gentle man from a few minutes ago is now a passionate, focused fucking machine! He releases your breast, leaving a pink hand shaped mark and focuses on your ass as it slaps into his hips.

Your hands are back on the railing as he roughly pounds you. Your breasts sway and bounce and sway, matching the slapping sound each time he drives his cock into you. Looking up, you see the couple in the gondola watching intently as you are manhandled by your new friend. You throw a disheveled smile across the divide and they smile back. Ian realizes now who you are looking at and whispers in your ear, "Do you like being watched?" Your nod confirms what he already knows. He slides his member slowly out of you, letting a small river of your wetness drip down your thigh as he does. "Lay back on the boxes. Spread your legs so that they can enjoy your sexy body as much as I do." You oblige and orient yourself so that they can watch as he kneels and tongues your clit and laps at your swollen lips. As you lay back his tongue drops lower, enjoying the tender skin at the base of your pussy. The tongue parts your lips, then ever so slowly rises up to settle on your clit. It pushes under the skin covering your clit and a shot of pleasure envelopes you again. The pleasure is palpable and the couple watching can see your enjoyment as he pleasures you.

"Fuck me." you whisper. "Fuck me hard!" Ian stands over you, manhood hard as a rock, quivering with excitement. He steps forward, you feel the blunt, warm head push into your sopping pussy. It slides in effortlessly and your eyes roll back in your head once more as he begins driving into you. Each thrust is meaningful now. He is a man on a mission; focused. You reach down and grab his butt to show him exactly how you want him to fuck you. Your nails dig into the tightened skin and you enjoy the feeling of muscles tensing with each thrust. His curved shaft presses into your G spot again and the combination of these deep, deliberate thrusts and his thumb rubbing your clit pushes you over the edge in record time. As the waves of pleasure subside you realize that you have left deep marks in his skin with your nails. He looks down at them, meets your gaze, and flashes a smile of enjoyment. Suddenly he grabs your wrists, pins them over your head and rams his dick home hard. The violence of it surprises you but there is nothing you can do to escape… Or want to do to escape. The helplessness, his power over you excites you beyond belief and you feel another orgasm building. "I am gonna cum again if you keep this up." You say, and this only causes him to redouble the effort. In an instant you are blinded by explosive waves of ecstasy, each wave triggered by each pass of his flesh across your G spot. As your body curls he holds you in place as he continues fucking your pussy.

Without missing a beat he flips you over roughly, never letting go of your wrists, and begins fucking you doggy style over the boxes. There is a spitting noise behind you and suddenly a wet sensation is glued to your spread asshole! No sooner has this new sensation registered then you feel pressure from a finger right in the center of your cute little ass. From the sensation of four fingers clenching your cheek, you realize it is his thumb which is attempting to violate your upturned ass. With a firm but gentle push, the digit enters your tensed backside. As each new knuckle passes your tight opening, arousal begins to overwhelm. The feeling of fullness is too much to take. His cock, his finger, it is all just too much and you explode onto his cock once again but this time a flood of warm cum drenches you both as he continues to pound away at your exposed pussy.

In an instant you feel Ian hesitate, then jerkily push forward again. His rhythm has been interrupted. A guttural, low "Uhhhhnnnngggg" is released from his lips, his thumb unconsciously pushes deep into your asshole, and with one spectacularly forceful thrust he buries his shaft inside you. You feel his manhood spasm inside, emptying spurt after spurt of hot, milky cum inside you as he matches your orgasm with one of his own. Each jerky thrust is punctuated by another groan until you know he has emptied all his semen inside you. After several more deep, shuddering penetrations he slips out and collapses next to you. Most of the hot cum drips onto the floor but some remains glued to your pussy lips. You reach down and slide a finger up your gooey slit, spending extra time on your clit, savoring the slipperiness, and raise it to your mouth, tasting him without ever breaking eye contact. He breathes heavily, all the while matching your gaze.

His expression turns from an exhausted, focused and passionate trance to a smile, and then gentle laughter. After a moment the madness of what happened sinks in and you too are laughing at the absurdity. Perfectly timed, the gondola lurches forward and it is his turn to fall onto you with the sudden motion. His strong arms catch the railing just before he topples onto you and his face is suspended above your reclined chest. He looks up at you intently then leans forward and kisses you deeply and passionately, silently thanking you for sharing yourself.

Each of you hurriedly dress again but you keep your thong in your hand. It is a cold, soggy mess and is better suited for his pocket. Just before the gondola slides into the station, you grab him, slide your tongue into his mouth and kiss him aggressively while subtly sliding your used panties into his pocket as a memento. He kisses back, tongue dancing with yours for a moment, and then the doors swing open. You each collect your things and step off, quickly pushed aside by the workers collecting up the boxes you just fucked on. Looking over your shoulder you can see faint sweat marks from your back and ass on the topmost box. That makes you smile. A resort employee hands you a coupon for a free coffee as apology for the wait and you thank her, a little irritated that a $5 coupon is all that you get for losing 2 hours of a powder day. When you turn around Ian is gone. This saddens you but at the same is a fitting end to a nearly anonymous encounter. After strapping your board on you pull your helmet on and notice a crinkly lump inside. On closer inspection you find a scrap of paper and a phone number… which will definitely be called again in the near future!

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/3l4sj4/mf_a_ski_bunny_gets_stuck