[F/F] maybe the most insane situation of my life, could use some advice

I tried to stick to the facts but I got super turned on writing this. I actually didn't mean to write erotica but here it is. Originally I was going to post this on one of the advice subs, but I think now it might be inappropriate. Maybe I will cross post there later.

Aaron is one of my best friends. He's been dating Beth for about two years, and they now live together. I never had any strong feelings about Beth one way or the other except that she seemed kind of uptight. She's always been a little cold towards me, but I did my best to be friendly and inclusive towards her. I've always encouraged Aaron to bring Beth along when we hang out, etc. I figured if he liked her so much she must be all right.

I went over to their place the other day to drop off something Aaron needed for an event we're planning together. He wasn't there but Beth was. We were standing in their living room and I was trying to make a little small talk, not just drop it off and go. But she seemed colder than usual and even kind of angry so I asked her if something was wrong.

That's when she started saying all kinds of crazy things about me trying to steal Aaron away from her. This came out of nowhere for me. Aaron and I have always been platonic.

What I eventually understood from her yelling at me was that at some point Aaron had confessed to her that he was attracted to me. I don't know why he would do that and I had NO idea he felt that way, but as much as I tried to tell her that, and that the feeling wasn't mutual, she wouldn't listen.

She kept getting more upset until suddenly she slapped me. Holy shit. I grabbed her wrist and we started fighting, her trying to push me and hit me again, me just trying to stop her and defend myself. I lost my balance and I fell on the sofa. I was face down and she ended up on top of me. She was able to hold me down so I couldn't get away. Suddenly she started SPANKING me, HARD. I've never been spanked before, not even as a child. I just kept thinking "wtf is happening." I almost wanted to laugh at how absurd it was.

I was begging her to stop and kept trying to get away. She kept spanking harder and harder, calling me a slut and a whore. Finally I gave up and just laid there. She started saying, "say you're a slut", and so I did, hoping it would make her stop. She kept making me say "I'm a slut" over and over while she spanked me, until I was practically shouting it.

At some point my dress had gotten pushed up to my waist. When she finally stopped spanking me I felt her hand on my underwear. That's when I realized how wet I was. I was so embarrassed that I just froze. She left her hand there for the longest time. Finally I think I just said "yes" or "please." She put her fingers inside me. She was feeling my pussy and clit and she kept saying how disgusting I was for liking it. I tried to hide it but I had a really strong, really loud orgasm.

She told me again I was disgusting and got up off of me. She pushed me on to the floor and sat on the sofa herself. I was on my knees in front of her and she grabbed my head and shoved it under her skirt and said something like "you probably want to eat my pussy, don't you?" And so I did. I had no idea what I was doing but I licked her until she came. Afterward she just said "good job," then she made me leave. I was completely confused.

I went home and masturbated, and cried a little. I think just because the whole thing had been so intense and overwhelming? The next day at work I realized I was having some discomfort sitting and I started to get turned on again. She spanked me! That really happened!

I've been fantasizing about it a LOT since then. All that was about a week ago. Last night Beth texted me and just said "come over." Aaron wasn't there. She made me take off my clothes and go down on her. She pushed me around, pulled my hair, called me a slut and so on, but didn't touch me or anything. There was no spanking this time. But while I was going down on her I came without touching myself. That was neat.

The rush I got when she texted "come over"… I can't explain how good that felt. I don't want to have to wait a week or more to see her again, but I feel like I'm at her mercy. I feel like I stumbled through the door into Narnia and I don't know if it will open for me again.

I also don't know if she told Aaron what happened, but I'm too afraid to ask either of them. I talked to him since and there MIGHT have been a knowing look, but that might have just been my imagination, too. I don't want to be the other woman, especially not to such a good friend. I don't know how to feel. Everything about this situation is so far outside of my experience.

TLDR: My friend's girlfriend spanked me and I liked it. Lesbian stuff happened.

So…advice? Should I let this continue? What do I do?

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/3ky5ez/ff_maybe_the_most_insane_situation_of_my_life


  1. Nothing wrong with enjoying being spanked, nothing wrong with f/f action, but going behind the back of one of your best friends to have sexy times with his partner is probably not good for your long-term friendship…

  2. Honestly? That first encounter sounded pretty non-consensual. Even though you were begging her to stop, she kept on assaulting you until you basically stopped struggling and complied to make it stop. Even if you ultimately liked it, this is still rooted in some pretty uncomfortable beginnings, and at the very least you need to have a serious talk with all involved before going any further. I’m not saying it’s wrong to like this, or to be aroused by the situation, but you need to clear the air and actually talk about things before there are any misunderstandings. Don’t fuck over Aaron by keeping this a secret, and make sure you and Beth are on the same page as far as consensualness goes. Keep it safe and sane, and if everyone agrees that this is how it works–you want this to happen, for instance–then have fun.

  3. Thank you! I have to admit the consent issue occurred to me. But there was a point where it felt like we were both exactly on the same wavelength about what was happening. I don’t know if that excuses anything. I think you’re right that we need to have a serious conversation.

  4. Vey iffy on the consent issue. Don’t let your fetish for being abused lead to you being actually abused. This also could hurt your relationship with your friend. Don’t be ashamed in what you enjoy, but try to enjoy it in a healthy way.

  5. Definitely agree with most people, you need to talk with her and try to get an answer as to what exactly is going on. Does he know, is he OK with it, etc. etc. If he doesn’t know, or he isn’t OK with it, you need to stop it right there. Going behind his back is not OK. If he is OK with it though, I see no reason to stop, unless you want to stop. You shouldn’t keep doing it if you’re not into it, but if you are into it, then as long as he knows and he’s OK with it, there’s nothing wrong with it.

  6. well, you certainly got dominated. This could have been her plan from the beginning, or it could have just happened and she decided to run with it. The bigger question is: Do you like it? and if so, what do you want to do about it?

  7. Well if it isn’t, then big whoop nothing happens but if it is real atleast she got some advice. I guess it’s a better safe than sorry type of thing.

  8. Ummm well if this is real this is super fucked up, but in terms of pure fantasy I am so fucking aroused by this. Can anyone recommend a similar erotic story on literotica or something?

  9. I don’t know if you need to have a talk with **her** since it might ruin the vibe of what’s going on between you two (which, despite how it started, sounds pretty hot and fun), but you definitely need to confess to *him* and see how he feels about it. Also keep in mind that if he doesn’t react badly he is likely going to be thinking about this leading to a threesome so you might want to think about how you’d feel about that. Best of luck. Thanks for sharing your sexy-as-fuck story!

  10. Great story. Unfortunately it is definitely in the to good to b true category. Anyway not on this planet.

  11. In all likelihood your friend probably knows, but yeah you may want to make sure he’s cool with his gf doing stuff like that as it would ruin both your and their relationships if that came out the wrong way. I’m not in your shoes but I’d definitely explore that more, lean into it some, but set up some ground rules (safe words et cetera). I know my gf has threatened to fuck/establish dominance any girl that I was attracted to and I’m okay with that :)

  12. First of all, hot story. If it’s true. Which it probably isn’t. Second of all, you’ve discovered you like being submissive and BDSM play — great! Lastly, I think you should explore it with someone other than her. Stay away from her. That totally doesn’t sound consensual — which is what makes it hot, I understand. But she doesn’t sound trustworthy at all. I would not trust her with your well-being. Then there’s the sneaking around behind the friend’s back thing too. She sounds like trouble.

  13. So hot. So wrong. I’m not going to tell you to do more of this, but if you do, please post.

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