The man I’ll never have. [f]

I’ve seen you around a few times. We met eyes at work events, but I was never brave enough to say hello. I heard about you through co-workers and everyone was so impressed by you. You never spoke to me, and I assumed it was just professional boundaries; we were on different teams and we were technically in competition with one another. I had heard you were a former flame of your boss, and I could see why. She was pretty, and bubbly, and successful at our company – a woman to respect. I had always wondered what happened between you two, and how you could still work so closely with her.

Years have passed since I first saw you, and now I find myself being offered a job by your boss. In speaking with her during my interview, I find that you and she are still an item. Moreover, you’re getting married in a month after a 10- year involvement. She had to hint three or four different ways before what she was saying clicked into place. Oh, I thought, getting married. Yes, of course. I’m involved as well, so it’s all for the best. Inside, I felt an odd sense of jealousy. I wrote it off to a crush being brought into reality, and she offered me the job. I was thrilled.

On my first day here, you walked by my office many times and never looked to me. Your fiancée was very welcoming, as were the rest of the staff, and she told me part of my job would be working for you. I smiled, nodding as my heart beat a little faster. What was this? Again? I pushed the little crush from my mind and talked business. She was impressed with my extensive knowledge and comfort around what she wanted and I left her office for mine. I was in heels and a tight skirt. I know you looked, and it’s okay. You’re a man, and I like the attention. I blushed as I sat back in my seat, and you came around the corner to say hello.

Your words were halted, shy, and you didn’t know how to ask for my help. You said you like control, and it would be difficult to let some of it go. You were still talking, but I couldn’t help but think of myself bent over this desk as you held my wrists, pushing my skirt up over my ass and showing me how much control you wanted. I was warm all over before my attention snapped back to you. I recovered well! I bantered and made you comfortable, exchanging jargon and laughing about common struggles. You thanked me for being so willing to assist, and I smiled. “No problem at all, James.”

I closed my office door a few moments later, sat back in my chair, and slid my skirt up my thighs. I knew I wouldn’t be able to finish myself off, not here. I’m far too loud, and my pale skin would flush too fully. I resigned myself to soft petting and stroking over my panties, and when my eyes closed I imagined you pressing your face into my neck, your neatly trimmed facial hair raking over my soft skin, your reserved demeanor melting in the face of my heat. It was too good, I had to stop. We’ve spoken many times since that first day, and I’ve squeezed my thighs together as you spoke more times than I can count. I’ll never have you, but I am still so very glad to have met you.



  1. We want more :) That was definitely hot. I love when there is a sense of inaccessible connections like this!

  2. Wow. This is honestly the best story I have ever read on gone wild stories. It just feels so pure and human. Like it took a lifetime of experience to compose. I cannot ask for more.

  3. Out of all the greay sex stories going on this subreddit, this one felt…pure. Intimate. Like, you deserve this, your little victory. Be well.

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