My Drunken night as a cheating whore. [F/M/M]

My (now husband "Steve") and I had only been dating for about a year or so when all this happened. He was working midnights at the time and I was still pretty deep in my "party girl" phase. One night i was invited to a house party so i called Steve at work and told him i was going to go to the party and that i just wanted him to know where i was going to be at. I knew he wasn't happy about the idea but he knew the people i was going to be with so he didn't say much else about it.

I started drinking fast and heavy and it wasn't long before i was on the line between consciousness and black out. At some point the party got out of hand and the cops came and broke it up, leaving me piss ass drunk outside at 3am with no house key (i was living with steve at the time and forgot the key at home). The next thing i know 2 friends of mine that i had known for a long time ("Glen & Mike") pulled up in a car asks offered to take me home. I explained the key situation and Glen told me I could crash at their place until Steve got off work to pick me up.

On the way there i drunkenly called Steve and explained the situation. He was concerned about me being drunk with these guys that he didn't even know but i kept telling him it was fine and that they were good friends. When we finally got to their apartment I had sobered up and suggested that we continue drinking which produced 3 shot glasses and an unopened bottle of patron.

After 6 or 7 shots i stood up and got slammed with it hard. I stumbled off to try and find the bathroom but wound up in Glenn's room. I don't know how long I was gone but it was long enough for Glen to come check up on me. He came into the room and started talking to me but i had no interest in what he was saying at all. The only thing that kept going through my mind was the fact that i was unbelievably horny and the more I thought about it the worse it got. At the time i figured that there was only one way to deal with my problem so i wobble over to Glen and grab him, pulling him to me and start kissing him. He tried to stop and say something but i cut him off, telling him to shut up and to go along with it. I pushed him backwards towards the bed until he had no choice but to sit down.

I dropped to my knees in between his legs and undid his button and zipper. He was already rock hard and his dick almost exploded out of his pants when I opened them. As he slid his pants and boxers down to his ankles i grabbed his dick and started sucking on the tip, moving my way down his shaft until i had his entire cock in my mouth. I normally didn't suck dick and even after a year with Steve i had only half heartedly sucked his a few times but that wasn't the case right then. He lied on his back moaning as I sloppily devoured him, my spit going everywhere.

All of a sudden i heard someone say "what the fuck are you doing?", and i realized it was Mike's voice. I stopped and turned my head to look at him, i responded "uh sucking dick, what's it look like I'm doing?". He just stood in silence with this dumbfounded look on his face. I got tired of waiting for him to say something so I said "look, I'm kinda in the middle of something so make up your mind if you're staying or leaving and make it quick". I turned back around and continued licking and sucking off Glen. I heard the door behind me close and i hear Mike taking off his clothes and throwing them aside. Mike came up behind me and lifted me up, tossing me on the bed. They both tore at my clothes, getting me naked within seconds. I got moved to the edge of the bed where i was met with Mike's dick, it was significantly bigger then Glenn's but i attacked it just the same, shoving as much as i could down my throat.

I had almost forgotten about Glen until i felt the tip of his dick rubbing on my pussy lips. I was so wet his dick completely slid inside me, causing me to gasp. Mike pulled his dick out of my mouth and disappeared out of view. A few seconds later i heard Mike say "get up" and i was rolled to the side.

Glen lied infront of me and Mike was behind. My legs got slightly lifted and i felt Glen start to fuck me again. That's when i felt Mike's dick as it separated my ass checks and rubbed on my ass hole. I could feel the slipperyness of the lube as he began pushing into my ass. I felt his dick slowly getting deeper in my ass. I half moaned half yelled as they fucked both my holes, "fuck I'm gonna cum" i yelled. They continued to fuck me after i came and my pussy was throbbing, every thrust made my sensitive cunt scream. Glen started to slow down when he said "where do you want me to cum?". In between gasps of air i managed to reply "anywhere, i don't care".

After i said that they both stopped fucking me and i was lifted onto my hands and knees. I heard Mike say, "fuck it, you can go first i don't care". I rested my head on the bed and put my ass in the air; i knew what they wanted. I felt Glen shove his dick inside me again as he grabbed my hips. He fucked me harder and faster then he had the whole night and when i felt his grip tighten and his breathing get heavier i knew he was going to cum. One final thrust and he shoved his cock deep inside me, shooting every last drop of cum into me. He pulled out and moved aside just in time for Mike to take his spot. Mike's dick felt enormous as he fucked me, making me cum again. Just as Glen had done he shoved himself as far inside of me as he could when he finished. I could feel his load getting dumped into me.

When he pulled out let myself fall to my stomach and closed my eyes. The last thing i remember before falling asleep was the warmth of their cum as it made its way out of me. I woke up hours later to an alarm i forgot i set and took a minute to go over everything that had happened. I cleaned myself up and met Steve downstairs. For the next few weeks i was on edge because i wasn't on any kind of birth control and knew i would have to come clean if i was pregnant. When my period finally came i felt at ease and made my decision that i would never speak of that night to him.

*i hope you all enjoyed my experience as much as i did having it and if you want more I have a second night of slutty drunkenness I would love to share ;)



  1. I sure will! It might not be up until later tonight (my time lol) but ill be sure to get more up :)

  2. scum like you are the reason people have trust issues with women being around male friends drunk saying there just friends

  3. Idk either, the first thing that came to mind when i saw fedora was the mens hat lol

  4. Don’t just call people scum bro. Especially when you’re in a place that caters to glorification of the sluttiest actions. Oh, and, it’s not because of people like OP. It’s because of human nature. What OP did is what happens when you tempt fate. If you really don’t want things like this to happen, you set up boundaries to guard against.

  5. White knighting. Same dudes who get pissed when a girl doesn’t bang them just cause they’re super nice/chivalrous with them. You’re on a forum for posting sex stories and come in judging people. Cool off.

  6. I’m inclined to say: bullshit. The guy who is particularly large, Mike, just decides to fuck her ass, no questions; he also spontaneously has lube (but no mention of that being applied), even though he’s just waltzed into Glenn’s room and shut the door behind him; Mike finishes inside her pussy having fucked her ass, which is a classic no-no. Sounds to me like bad fiction.

  7. Great story. Thank you for sharing. The story sounds like something my girlfriend did and something my wife would love! ;-)

  8. It’s people like you that make it harder for people to forgive themselves for their mistakes. She had a couple nights of drunken sex whoohoo, a guy does the same thing, he’s not harshed as much. Great story, loved it, at least it’s not something that continued after marriage.

  9. > hemselves for their mistakes. She had a couple nights of drunken sex whoohoo, a guy does the same thing, he’s not harshed as much. > > > > Great story, loved it, at least it’s not something that continued aft she still cheated on her husband and never said a word mistakes has consequences she avoided hers and i give men and women the same shit bottom line she cheated and is not planning on owning up that makes her scum

  10. > ople like OP. It’s because of human nature. What OP did is what happens when you tempt fate. If you really don’t want things like t scum people cheat and don’t face up to what they have done

  11. People don’t have to own up to mistakes to try and forgive themselves. Sometimes owning up on stuff that happened years ago just makes situations worse.

  12. I agree, this was bad but it isn’t unforgivable by any stretch of the imagination. It depends on whether or not her husband would be willing to forgive her and how strong their marriage is. My point is, the least you should do is tell him OP. Edit: Story was nice by the way. I don’t think your scum, you’re a human who made a mistake. It fucking happens people, we’re not all made of iron will.

  13. the husband deserved to know honesty and making his own decisions she cheated and did not tell him make excuses say it wont do any good but he deserves to know

  14. Best part of the story is where she went from almost black out drunk to sober in a couple hours

  15. Gobbles up two random dudes dicks while rarely blowing you’re husband? You’re a keeper! …or just yet another woman married to a man she is not attracted to

  16. Not really, you’re advocating cheating on your SO, that’s a shitty thing to do, and makes you a shitty person. Also, I got here through browsing rising, and for some reason I guess I felt like being pissed off.

  17. Yeah the writer really pulled out the tropes here "I don’t usually suck dick but I really wanted to suck this one" I’m heavily inclined to say bullshit as well.

  18. Haha sure thing bud. This story is such a load of shit. And you, OP, are a complete piece of trash.

  19. Bullshit story but still a good one. This is gonna be a roleplay story with my wife later on.

  20. To be fair, some people have a serious oral fixation when intoxicated. I’ve dated a couple girls that hated oral sober but went down like a fat girl on a hot dog when drunk.

  21. This story is fake, sure. But what the FUCK is up with the morality police in here all the sudden? Fuck off with the downvote army and up votes on every comment vilifying OP

  22. Why is it that you don’t make comments like this on the posts men write about cheating on their wives?

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