Another PM to Stacey…

Hi again gonewildstories people! :)

So…I'm posting this actually hoping it will sort of go under the radar. It's (I don't think) a typical story that you guys share here, and it's actually fairly embarrassing as I come off as a bit of a retard. But, it continues from the first story I shared with you all, and I'll be adding my final synopsis of my summer 'bucket list' progress to the weekly post on r/sex next sunday…so I wanted to post this here to be able to link to.
Anyway, for better or worse…here it is! (As the previous post I did here, it was written initially without the intention to share it…so please read it as the PM to my friend that it was intended to be).

Alright. So. Again. I thought I was about to be murdered. I truly 100% did, with every cell in my body. I promise you, as hysterically funny as it is now…at the time it was fucking horrifying!

Backing up…

So I ran into Jeff and Matt as often happens after work at my gym on wednesdays. They'd had their squash game and after a bit of mostly awkward chit chat (as best you can do with two guys who have seen you naked and taken turns cumming in your mouth), Jeff asked if he could talk to me later after his shower. I guessed that his proposal about being exclusive with him for a bit in exchange for an all-paid vacation was something he hadn't shared with Matt. But I said sure as I'd decided to agree to the idea, at least on a 'take it one day at a time' basis where I was free to back out at any time…which I know I would be regardless, but I didn't want him to have any potentially false expectations. And so…when I saw him in the lounge area they have there after I'd showered as well he started in by inviting me to dinner right away.

Which we did. REALLY nice restaurant. I was underdressed for it, just in my work clothes, but oh well. Anyway, totally nice (though awesome) dinner and fun conversation, and I explained my stance on the whole exclusive thing and that if I wanted to change the plan I would let him know and he agreed that would be that – no problem. So with that cleared up he asked what the rest of my evening plans were. I'd had a martini and a glass of wine by then so I was pretty damn wobbily, and as you know I've been a bit extra amped up on the horniness scale lately…so I said I was 'all his'. (words that would haunt me about 30 minutes later).

He said that he had an idea of how he could help continue to expand the sexual horizons that he knew I was looking for – just the two of us. But he didn't want to clear up what that meant – other than he had a 'surprise' for me.

And so we skipped dessert and headed up to his condo. Making out in the back seat of the cab and all but fucking each other in the ride up the elevator. I imagine the building security got a kick out of the camera footage that I assume is recorded in elevators…though they've probably seen worse (better?).

In we go. I freshen up in the bathroom (give my parts a bit of extra attention in anticipation of Jeff having his mouth on them soon). When I come out Jeff has made more of his killer (intentional pun) martinis and he's unrolling a plastic sheet like you'd use for painting, over the polar bear rug. Now, when I was there that weekend I had taken to calling the polar bear 'Cecil' mockingly in honour of the Lion that got killed. I wasn't clear at the time if Jeff was amused or not. So, my first thought was that he was going to wrap up the rug and put it away as a sort of way to show me how he had taken my comments to heart – and I honestly thought for a second – aww, that's so sweet. I was walking past him while he was doing this, from the bathroom/bedroom part to the dining/kitchen area where I grab one of the martini's off the counter. I'm over by the windows now and I've unconsciously put Jeff directly between myself and the door. I'm watching him carefully tuck the edges of the plastic sheeting under the edges of the rug. There's a side table at the end of the couch behind Jeff that has this weird, very large, corkscrew thing that he used last weekend. The first thing that hits me is that we're drinking martinis, there is no wine in sight.

And then…it hits me.


There is an EXPLOSION from somewhere deep inside me of whatever hormones are released when you're scared completely shitless.

He's going to murder me.

The plastic is for my blood.

He's going to do god knows what the corkscrew.

I'm about to die.

This is where I end.

I want to puke – but my chest is frozen, I can't breathe. I have goosebumps like you wouldn't believe – every hair on my body is standing up so hard that my scalp actually hurts. And then what they say about your life flashing before you is sort of true…but it was like one of those animated flip books where each page is pausing in perfect clarity, only it wasn't my life up until that point it was every thought that was hitting me right then. I've tried to list them all, but there is way too many to recall. I'm thinking things like:

Who knows I'm here? No one. No one at all.


Okay, I ran track in highschool 100m and 200m. I still work out. I can outrun him.


but outrun him to where?? If I get to the door…I don't know where the stairs are! How could I not know that!? There wouldn't be time to wait for the elevator.


besides he's halfway to the door, I've got to move now, NOW.


I'm 165cm 56kg (5foot 5inches / 125pounds) he's at least 180 / 80 – (6 feet/180lbs) and he's into martial arts. I can't let him catch me. He and matt offered to show me martial arts moves last weekend – why didn't I say yes?


where is my cellphone? Why do I never keep track of where I put my fucking cellphone?


The last thing I said to my mother was 'I'm busy just now can I'll call you later?'.





My pulse has gone haywire, it's roaring in my ears. My vision is blurred sort of, everything has gone soft in the middle but super sharp along the edges – just outlines really. I'm just thinking all this shit and doing nothing. I'm totally frozen, I probably haven't taken a breath in what feels like minutes.

Somewhere I become vaguely aware that Jeff is speaking, and then moving towards me – he's finished with the plastic. I still can't move. It's like I'm waiting tensed in the blocks for the gun to go so I can launch down the track…I've heard the 'on your marks' and the 'set' but the gun still hasn't gone.

Jeff comes closer…and then goes right past me to the kitchen. The corkscrew is still way over there on the table. He's still talking. The words are starting to get past the rush of blood in my ears. He's on about how Cecil has a heating carpet underneath. He's blabbering something about Japan. A client brought him a bunch of something called Nuru. He wants to give me a full body massage.

Fuck me. FUCK. I'm such an idiot….

I take a breath and I start giggling. I'm usually not a big giggler…but I just start going and can't stop for probably a full minute. Jeff is kind of smiling along with me, clearly not sure if I'm so on board with the plan that I've been overcome with glee or there's some other joke he's missing. Eventually I manage to say something like “that's great” and wobble over to a chair and collapse into it. He asks if I'm okay. And I giggle some more and notice the martini glass is empty. I assume I spilled it because I don't remember taking a sip. Jeff takes it from me and lowers down to give me a kiss.

I'm kind of numb, and still giving the odd totally random giggle, but he helps me get undressed and lays me down on the plastic over the rug. It's crinkles and it's cold at first but as I lie on it I can feel the heat. Jeff kisses me some more and then kisses his way down my body, pausing to spend a bit of time licking each nipple until it's hard and then moving on down over my abs to my mound. My heart rate is still abnormally high and my legs don't seem to want to spread for him. He kisses his way over my hips and thighs for a bit and then gets up and goes to the kitchen. I'm still half expecting him to return with a kitchen knife. And I'm not sure why I'm even still there. But I hear the microwave going and then he comes back with a tupperware type container full of goo. He undresses and starts to spread the stuff over me with his hands. Despite my still freaked out state it feels amazing. Unbelievably slippery and comfortingly warm. I close my eyes and let him rub me all over.

Eventually he takes a break and then he's coated his front with the stuff as well and he lies on me. The giggles are back, but in a more controlled way. I'm starting to have fun.

Were sliding all over each other, flipping around, trying to kiss. His cock is fully hard and I straddle him on top – grinding a bit as I slide my pussy over his length, real long strokes – all the way back until I can feel the hairs on his balls faintly scratching my lips to all the way forward so the head of his cock just teasingly pushes up – almost going inside. Over and over. I can tell I'm getting to him by the look in his eyes but rather than force his way in he reaches down to my ass and slides me up his chest to his mouth. As presses his tongue over me I can tell that something is a bit off. Typically in a situation like that, with normal foreplay, the touch on my clit would jump start me well on the way – but instead it's more like he's touching me through a pillow…it still feels nice but in a muted, distant sort of way.

I let him continue for good while before reaching back to take his hands off my ass and sliding back down. I was hoping to get his cock inside me on the way down but Jeff had other plans and slid out from under me. He massaged me all over for a bit more, mostly with just his hands and then dragged me over the rug until my hips rode up over Cecil's head (I know it's weird, and probably contributed to the continued delay in me going off, but still…). So with my hips elevated, Jeff moved around until he was kneeling on the other side. I only realize now his cock was probably dangerously close to Cecil's plastic covered mouth…ewww…sorry I'm killing the mood here).

ANYWAY, Jeff has clearly decided that he is going to make me cum, and who am I to dissuade him! The problem is that the whole 'fuck me I'm about to die' thing has played havoc with my usual hormone balance and while I'd like to think I'm on board with the plan my body is lagging far behind.

But Jeff knows what he's doing down there I must say. What that is exactly, I actually don't know. He likes to use his tongue and mouth on my lips and clit, but then he has two (three?) fingers inside me doing alternatingly interesting things. While his other hand roams here and there from my boobs, or my stomach, or pressing down sometimes just above my mound. The other weekend he was doing stuff like that I was cumming like clockwork. Last night…it was all wonderful but it was building to something so slowly that I eventually decided it was never going to happen. And then…he changed the angle a bit, or something shifted in my head a bit, but suddenly I was close….so close….even closer…and…and…and….nope!

'Fuck Me' I said aloud without realizing it. Jeff misinterpreted that as an order, not the swear of frustration it actually was.

And scootched himself forward to slide his cock into me. My hips were still hoisted up on Cecil which is not a position I've ever been in before.

WOW. Jeff sank all the way in with one easy stroke owing to how stupidly wet I was from my own lube, never mind the massage goo. And the angle was fucking awesome. He started to stroke in and out and it felt so good that I – who usually don't talk a whole lot during sex – repeated the suggestion “Fuck me”. Jeff, bless his heart, began to pound me like his life depended on it. This time I could feel the orgasm building in the distance with an unstoppable momentum. Each full length pounding stroke brought me closer and then when it finally arrived it was like a tidal wave….it just kept going and going and going and going.

When I cum I tend to spasm out like an idiot – and in that respect this was no different. I think Jeff probably thought I was a seizure or something. But thankfully if he did it wasn't worrying enough to him to stop. Never have I cum so long before. I actually tried to get away at one point but Jeff had me solidly by the hips and just kept driving. Finally the full body racks slowed to one every few seconds and Jeff took that as a sign to slow down, but still kept a rythym going. When he came himself maybe a minute later I was already half asleep.

I vaguely remember him helping me into the shower to get cleaned up and then carrying me to bed.
I'm guessing I slept about 10 hrs straight through. Still feeling kind of numb and spacey right now almost twenty hours later!

As orgasms go it was awesome…but if the price is that you have to get scared shitless first…it's so NOT worth it! Lol.



  1. Oh God that is one of the best ones I’ve read on here. You seem so much fun. I hope you’ll post more

  2. Really!!?? It seems so different from the type that you guys seem to like here. But…cool! Thanks! :) Not sure I’ll be posting again though, at least I have no more plans for anything that was on my summer ‘todo’ list. Haha.

  3. I’m quite enjoying the commentary … It makes the story… More personal? Yes. So, woah. Back up, girl. Tell us about this exclusive thing in exchange for a vacation? Looking forward to any more stories that you have :)

  4. Hi! Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it. Ummm…I didn’t mention the exclusive thing? Sorry. I get confused because this – and my only other previous post – are just PM’s from a long line of PM’s and I guess some details I’ve left out. Okay so…in brief…Jeff proposed that he would take me off for a 10 day all expense paid luxury (I’m assuming) vacation to somewhere nice in Mexico (I actually never asked exactly where). The price for this? Obviously I would make myself available for all the sexy times that 10 days together would allow…but also the condition was I would abandon my ‘todo list’ of sexploits and be essentially faithful to just him between now and the proposed Mexico trip (October…sometime). I mulled it over and decided…sure, maybe! Which meant I told him that I would stay ‘faithful’ to him on a day by day basis but that if I strayed then the deal would either be officially off…or I’d have to get retested to be cootie-free before continuing. For his part he also agreed to only have sex with me…though his work keeps him insanely busy so for him it’s not a huge deal. Which is also why I think he’s pushing the idea. He wants someone he can call at a moment’s notice to help him find a bit of safe sexual release. And so far I must say we’ve been quite compatible sex partners. BUT…as last wednesday happened as outlined above (which was the last time I’ve been with him)…and I know I’m an idiot and over reacted…I’m still a bit freaked by the experience. Anyway, he’s gone to Toronto or somewhere for the week for work…so I don’t have any decisions to make right away.

  5. And…you’re 7 years too late! ;P (your username). Unless….Steve? Is that you?!?

  6. Haha that sounds like real fun to me. Honestly, you seem to type and ‘speak’ like the type of girls of I usually date, and everything just felt familiar and funny and nice to me, the way you wrote it all up. Also, the way you describe your orgasm building literally made me breathless hahah. You did describe yourself but I bet that doesn’t do you justice lol. So yeah, I would totally love to have a look at whatever you write, actually, I can’t wait to read more lol. Cheers! xx

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