My hidden sexual past.

Having never told anyone about the things I have done in past I wanted to sort of put it out there. Just for background, I didn't have a nice childhood, my parents were fucked up, dad was an alcoholic and my mum never really cared too much.

The first time I used sex was actually how I lost my virginity. At 17 I had gone to a house party hoping to hook up with a boy I liked, unfortunately the boy I was into completely ignored me all night eventually seeing him hook up with another girl. I decided to go home. My ride home had disappeared leaving me high and dry and my parents house was in a rural area some distance away. I didn't have enough money for a taxi so I decided to walk and naturally it started to rain, I saw a taxi coming along the road and thought I could maybe see how far the money I did have would get me. I flagged the taxi down and got in the front next to the driver.

Once in the car, the driver commented on the rain saying something like it’s going to be like this for the rest of the night, shame I had got caught in it. I replied with yeah tell me about it. I told him I didn't have enough money to get all the way home but if he could take me as far as he could that would be good. I remember him looking at my legs (I was wearing a short black skirt with strappy sandals) this didn't bother me much as I was used to men looking at me, I was proud of my legs and often showed them off. I gave him what money I had and we set off. The rain got heavier and was eventually a downpour as we were driving along.

About halfway home the driver pulled over and apologised as that would be as far as he could take me. I was going to be completely soaked through by the time I got home. I decided to see if I could persuade him to take me all the way. I adopted what I hoped would be a seductive manner and asked if he might be able to help a girl get home. He said he couldn't, it was against the company rules. He apologised again. I really didn't want to go out in the rain and walk all the way home.

Going on pure instinct, I looked at the driver and asked if there was maybe something I could do for him. I had given blowjobs before and although he wasn't all that attractive and much older than me (maybe 40 or something) I figured I could probably manage that much to get home. He looked at me for a while, glancing at my legs and looking me up and down a little. He asked me how old I was, I told him I was 18 and he asked if I was sure that was what I wanted to do, I said sure, I just want to get home. He said ok and started driving again.

Shortly after he turned into a lane next to a field and drove up a bit, stopping out of sight of the main road. He switched of the engine, unclipped his seatbelt and switched on the interior light, he turned to me and told me I was very pretty. I undid my own seatbelt and said thank you. He pulled out his wallet and took out a condom, I remember looking at the condom and thinking that wasn't what I had meant but felt unable to say anything. I hoped he wouldn't take too long doing it. I lifted my bum of the seat and pulled my panties down and off, putting them into a pocket of my coat.

He came over on top of me and started winding the back of the seat down, he unbuckled himself, freeing his cock and putting the condom on. He put his fingers under my skirt and gently fingered me for a moment or two. He tried to kiss me on the lips, I turned my head saying no I didn't want to kiss. He said that was fine and lowered himself onto me.

I laid back in the seat, looking at the roof of the car, my legs open as far as I could go, listening to the heavy rain drumming on the car, feeling a cock inside me for the first time. It was uncomfortable at first, not painful but uncomfortable. After a while it even started to feel nice, I could feel a build up, a sort of heat between my legs. It seemed to go on for a while and I was concentrating the nice feeling I was having eventually he came, panting and groaning. He pulled out of me and went back over to the driver’s side. He pulled off the condom, opened the window and through it out. Once he was dressed again he asked me if I was ok, I said sure I was fine. Smiling he said lets get you home.

We got back on the main road and he drove me the rest of the way home, all the time he was rubbing his hand up and down my leg occasionally pushing up under my skirt. We pulled up outside the house, as I got out I said thanks, he said no problem. Got into the house, Mum was sleeping on the couch as usual and I went up and had a bath. Lying in the bath I was thinking how naughty that had been and how nice his cock had actually felt inside me, I started rubbing my clit thinking of him thrusting into me, bringing myself to an orgasm.

The second time I used sex, I was at university and had started smoking weed quite a lot, I couldn't really afford it and was known for hanging out just to get a smoke with friends. I had met a couple of dealers on campus and even bought some myself when I could. The first time I didn't have any money and friends were busying doing something else I went to one of the dealers I had bought from, hoping I could maybe get some and pay later. Of course he wasn't up for that at all, so I offered to trade something for it. He told me to meet him in the toilets at the old block of the university which was round the back (quiet area known for guys to meet). I sucked his cock and swallowed his load for a small bag of weed. This happened a few times over the year, until I decided to give up as the weed was affecting my tests and grading.

The third time, it was my final year at university and I had fucked up my accommodation due to stress at home (my asshole father had died and my mother was causing issues as usual) so I didn't have anywhere to live for my final year. I managed to get a small attic flat with a private landlord, although not ideal and not very nice would do for the university term or at least until I could get better. The landlord was a short bald guy about 50 or 60, he was polite but came off a bit creepy.

Money was really tight, I hadn't got the part time job I had hoped for and had been declined a grant for assistance through the university. I managed the first three months rent but started coming up short after that. Eventually I could only afford to pay half of what was due. The landlord “Robert” was threatening to throw me out if I didn't pay what was due. The first time he was in the flat looking at what I owned (which wasn't much) probably looking to see if there was anything valuable he could take.

I had already made the decision I would fuck him, if that was what it took to stay, accommodation for students was scarce in the city and this flat was really close to the university library and I needed to stay. I told him I couldn't afford the rent and I didn't have anything else. He looked at me and asked what Intended to do about it. I stood there and told him I would have sex with him if he let me stay. Robert looked at me for a while and then told me to get undressed. I removed my clothes and stood in front of him. He came to me and started pawing at me, squeezing my breasts, rubbing my stomach, fingering me for a while. He told me to get on the bed and took his clothes off. He fucked me roughly for an hour before leaving, saying he would see me next month.

This went of for a further six months, he would arrange to meet me in the flat. I would pay him what I could, strip, suck him and then he would fuck me quite aggressively and then leave. I never really enjoyed it although I did orgasm a couple of times, I was doing what I need to do. And was glad when university finished.

I eventually got a job at an office firm in a different city, far away from home and far away from university. I now have a nice job and a nice flat and even a boyfriend. I will never tell him what I have done.

Sorry, didn't realise this would be quite so long.



  1. Wow. Um, I’m glad you’re in a safe position now, but all of these men took serious advantage of you. Consent where your options are constrained isn’t really consent in my book. I’m sorry you were exploited like this, but I hope you don’t feel any shame for it (you mentioned not telling your boyfriend). I’m glad you’re in a better situation now. Some folks get off on being used, which is totally cool. But that didn’t really seem the case here; it seemed like you were legitimately getting used and wouldn’t have done any of this if you’d had more options.

  2. How do you look back on those experiences? It seems like you made an informed decision each time, but do you regret either situation?

  3. A girl’s gotta do what she’s gotta do. Btw, your bf may find it hot. Thanks for sharing.

  4. > your bf may find it hot No. Finding out your girlfriend prostituted herself over and over again would not be hot for most guys.

  5. No I probably wouldn’t have done it if I had more options at the time. But I did get some kind of pleasure and excitement as well. I know they were taking advantage but I didn’t have to make the offer.

  6. You can kind of gauge it as you go. He may be a complete freak but afraid to let you know. Anyway, glad you are finding success in your life now :-)

  7. There are tons of movies, shows, stories, etc about this kind of thing. You can always tell from their initial response what people think. Shit, you could make up the story "My friend Jenny just told me the craziest story…"

  8. Yea but this is GWS, which is filled with judgy, self-loathing Red Pillers for some reason.

  9. Look (and i say this with the scepticism inherent of anyone posting on a non-verification GW subreddit) don’t do that. Chances are you have a very normal boyfriend. He’s probably not a redpiller, but he’s also probably not a hyper pervert either. While this story is hot and entertaining in its own fucked up way he’ll probably find the idea at the very least off putting. Your sexual history is no concern to anyone else but you. Im mostly writing this for the other commenters, but seriously, he would probably be happier not knowing.

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