Dirty Carolyn returns

So after our first time hooking up, Carolyn and I began a semi-regular fwb arrangement. It was very casual, and usually consisted of one, or both of us being out in the city on a Friday or Saturday night and giving the other a booty text at 1am or so. Sometimes the other responded, sometimes not. I think perhaps that's why she liked coming round. Not only could I make her come hard, I also wasn't needy like her other guys.

Usually I'd be out with the lads, and feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and just know that it was her. Sometimes she'd text earlier – 7pm or so, and we'd flirt all night via text, building the tension and teasing each other. Sometimes I'd text her straight after work on Friday. If she replied within 30 mins or so, it was a given that I'd be fucking her brains out let that night. Regardless of whoever texted first, the texts more often than not ended in extremely naughty nights.

One such time, we hadn't seen each other in perhaps a month or so. A few of the lads and I were in one of the locals, having a few relatively quiet beers, and I was horny enough to shag the first munter I laid eyes on. I'd resolved that if Carolyn hadn't texted by 9pm, I'd send her a text. 9pm came and went and there was nothing, so I sent a quick text: 'Carolyn! Why have you not texted me in a month? Do you have another man? You know how jealous I get.'

I set the phone down on the table and pretended to join in the conversation but I was focussed on the phone, willing her to reply, worried that this would be one of those nights where she wouldn't reply. My fears were allayed however, when the screen brightened with a 'message received' alert within a minute. I snatched it off the table triumphantly and opened the message:

'Excuse me nerd. I DO have a life outside of you, you know. I don't have any other men though, what kind of girl do you take me for? You know your pathetic efforts to please me keep me amused enough without having to find someone else'.

Game. Fucking. On.

'I'm glad to hear it Carolyn. I'd be bitterly disappointed if another man was ravaging you. You know you're reserved only for me.'

Another minute or so until the reply:

'I'm no-one's possession nerd. But it's cute how you think flopping wildly on top of me for 30 seconds before spasming awkwardly equates to 'ravaging'. Clearly I haven't taught you enough of the ways I like to be pleased.'

I could feel my boner growing in my pants as I read the text. I bashed out a hurried reply:

'I was just going to say, I haven't had a lesson in a while. What are you doing tonight?'

I didn't even bother setting the phone down. I just looked at it in my hands while the rest of the lads carried on their conversation, oblivious to the semi I had and the thoughts going through my mind. The screen lit up again:

'You. I'm doing you.'

Boner alert!

I replied quickly:

'Come to mine. Now.'

A few seconds later, her reply popped up: '5 minutes. Don't disappoint me nerd.'

I jerked up out of me seat. 'Right lads, I gotta go.' A couple of the lads protested, 'Aw come on man! We're only getting started!'

'Stay out dude, we'll have a few here then hit up one of the clubs for some fluff, yeah?'

My housemate looked on shrewdly. By this point, he knew the drill. 'Nah lads, I reckon Mark's sorted for the night. He flicked a mock salute, 'do me proud man.'

I gave him a sly wink, 'Don't come home early'. And with that, I had my coat on and was out the door and walking home with purpose. My flat was 5 minutes round the corner, and as I walked up to the front door of the block, I saw a familiar figure waiting there. Carolyn was wearing a long tan trench coat, (cliche I know) black fuck-me boots, and her hair shone in the light from the porch. She looked up as I approached and smiled widely. It's funny, even though we always busted each others balls via text and in person, she always looked legitimately happy to see me. As I did her. I swooped in and gave her a big hug, smelling her hair as I did so. 'Well stranger! You look beautiful as always, and you smell great as well, what is that?!'

She slapped me on the arm and laughed, tilting her head back in the way I adored. 'Has it been a while nerd? You're coming on awfully strong.'

I laughed and began nuzzling her neck in the doorway. 'What can I say? Your attire is turning me on.'

She gave a little moan as I flicked my tongue at her neck. 'Not here nerd. Can't you even wait until we get upstairs?' She playfully pushed me away and indicated the door.

I fumbled in my pocket for the key and opened the door, guiding her in with my palm against the small of her back. It took us about 5 minutes to get from the front door of the building to the front door of my apartment, we just set about each other as soon as we were off the street. It honestly was as though we were a couple of horny teenagers.

Eventually we got into my apartment and as we stumbled our way into my room, I slid her coat off her shoulders and gasped. She was wearing nothing but a corset and suspenders. 'Holy shit! have you been wearing that all night?'

'All day'. She corrected, sitting down on the bed in front of me.

I frowned. 'Did you have plans tonight or what?'

She giggled. 'I told you, I was doing you.'

'But I only texted you, like, 20 minutes ago!'

'That doesn't matter nerd. I was going to fuck you tonight no matter what.' She reached down to the bulge in my jeans. 'Lets see what I've been missing.'

As she undid my belt, I asked her 'But what if I had been busy tonight?'

She giggled again, unclasping the belt and rolling my jeans down. My cock twitched within my boxers. If possible, it got harder. She began stroking it through my boxers. 'I would have sent you a picture of what I was wearing,' she purred, 'would that have been enough for you to cancel your plans?' Looking up at me, she rolled down my boxers and took me inside her mouth.

I put my hands on her shoulders to steady myself as she sucked hard, curling her tongue around the head. 'Ohhh fuck!!' I pivoted forward, thrusting myself even deeper into her mouth. She opened her mouth and pulled her head back, still looking at me. 'What about that nerd? Would that have been enough to make you cancel any plans?'

Without waiting for an answer, she grasped my dick with both hands and began pumping it slowly, reaching forward with her extended tongue to lick the head lightly. 'What about that? Would that be enough?'

Just something about the way she kept asking was… almost hypnotic. Staring into her eyes, I nodded, gasping 'fuck yeah. That'd be enough'.

'I'm enough to make you cancel your plans, aren't I?' Still holding my eye, and still not waiting for an answer, she took me inside her mouth again, sucking and moaning softly, the vibrations travelling up and down my shaft. I closed my eyes; sweet Jesus this felt incredible; and answered like a lovestruck slave, 'you're enough to make me cancel my plans'.

I could feel her smile in delight around my cock and she sucked more greedily, playing gently with my balls and working expertly with her tongue around every inch of me. She pulled my cock out with her hands, licking it all over and looked up at me again, 'Show me. Show me that I'm enough.'

She swallowed me again, and whether it was because I was so turned on by her, or maybe because it had been a month or so, or maybe it was because the whole scenario just felt intensely erotic, I felt myself getting ready to come within a couple of minutes. I warned her, and made as though to pull back, normally she didn't swallow. This time however, she grabbed my butt and pulled me even deeper, gulping my all.

With a final groan, I erupted, shooting God knows how many ropes of thick, sweet cum down her throat. She sucked noisily, and kept guzzling until sure there was nothing left. Letting me go, she lay backwards on the bed, wiping her mouth and smiling, satisfied

I flopped down beside her. 'My God that was fucking intense!'. We looked at the ceiling in silence together for a moment before I rolled to look at her, 'I mean. Holy fuck, wow!!'

She giggled, pleased. 'I couldn't help it. I needed you in me.' She frowned, thinking, 'I mean. Like, I needed to do that with you. I've never done that before with anyone.'

I began playing with her hair and rubbing my hands over her body. 'Swallow?'


'What'd you think?'

She frowned again, 'I think I liked it'.

I chuckled, 'Well, you'll not have to ask me to volunteer.' Amazingly, at the thought, my cock began to twitch and grow again.

Carolyn, looking down, noticed. 'Well we have all night to find out for sure, it's only 10 O' clock.'

I reached down absently and stroked my semi.

Carolyn clambered on top of me, straddling my waist, but sliding herself up my body towards my face, 'Oh no you don't', she said, 'Now it's my turn.'

I grinned as she got to my chin and rolled out my tongue.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/3j7km4/dirty_carolyn_returns