Artistic License {Part 6} [FF erotic fiction] [F, exh] [Ff, mast]

I'll put links to the rest of my story in the comments. Summary so far: I'm an artist with a special gift: I can manipulate my girlfriend's body using a clay figure, which I made for an art project on sexuality. First I experimented with her breasts, and found that she accepts the change after orgasming. Then I gave her much larger breasts and – just for fun (my fun) – a cock. This is how her day went after those changes.

People were staring. Summer was used to this – men on the street had been whistling at her since high school – but today felt different. Women were looking at her as well as men, and less of them were whistling. Mostly they were just gaping at her, wide-eyed and open-mouthed. Normally she'd get annoyed, or try to ignore it, but today she went with it. It felt nice, having people admire her so openly, like a beautiful piece of art just walking the street. She smiled at at the schoolboy on the corner, wiggled her hips just a bit, and walked into the theatre.

The directors were already waiting for her in the meeting room. The theatre liked to call it a 'creative space' rather than a 'conference room', so it didn't have any 'boundaries between human interaction' – like tables. Instead, everyone sat in a circle and stared at each other – you couldn't even cross your legs without everyone else watching. This was something else that normally annoyed Summer, but not today. She sashayed into the room, enjoying their stares. They'd all ogled her before, those three lecherous old men and the middle-aged lesbian woman, while they haggled over her salary and denied her requests for assistance with her programme. They looked at her like it wasn't enough for them to control her work and teaching, they wanted to control her body as well. Like they disapproved of her being female as much as they desired her.

Summer sat down neatly, left her legs uncrossed and leant forward with her elbows on her knees. The directors' eyes flicked up and down, focusing first on the gap between her legs, and then on her newly-impressive cleavage. One of the men opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Summer grinned and leant back, crossing her legs. Maybe today they wouldn't interrupt her every sentence to question her every decision.

She spoke first, summarising her class's progress last week, punctuating her points with arm movements that moved her breasts. She ended her report with a request for an increased budget, as she did every meeting, meeting the eyes of each director and smiling as she did. The men all gulped, and eventually it was the woman who spoke up to deny her. Summer pouted and uncrossed her legs. "Oh, Helen," she almost purred, "don't you think you could make an exception this time? For me? After all, I work so hard here – for my students. For you." She leant forward, and then even Helen couldn't look away from her cleavage. One of the men cleared his throat, still staring, and asked her to explain, again, exactly what she needed the extra money for. Summer smirked and stood up, walking over to the director's chairs.

"Where to start – there's a lot that I need, you know", she said softly, walking behind the chief director and touching his shoulder gently. "Hmm, a lot of the budget would go towards costumes. The girls need better outfits – something more revealing"- she had walked behind the next director, letting her fingers trail down his arms as she spoke – "More revealing of their characters. And we could definitely do with some more props" – Summer walked behind Helen, rested her hands on her shoulders – "We need props to better stimulate the audiences" – she paused to let her fingers uncurl down Helen's collarbone, just past the neckline of her shirt – "The audience's imagination." Helen shivered as Summer walked on to the third man's chair. "After all, my students have so much potential – I just want help them touch themselves" – she was rubbing her thumb lightly against his neck – "Get in touch with their inner potential." She turned back to the chief director, letting her hips get too close to the others as she walked by. Kneeling in front of his chair, she pouted up at him. "Please, sir, I need this." He closed his eyes and swallowed, then looked back down at her – and her beautifully displayed cleavage. Summer knew she had him, and pushed gently – "My students need this." He nodded – "Yes, yes, of course." – and the other directors nodded as well – "Whatever you need." said Helen, sounding out of breath.

Summer grinned as she told me about her victory, and I grinned in return. By this time I had removed her blouse and was gently kissing up and down her inner leg, idly stroking her cock under her skirt. Kneeling in front of her, I had a gorgeous view of her breasts – my special project. I'd made these for her, made this small victory happen for her. It pleased me, knowing that my changes were good for her as well as for me. I'd made them for me, of course, but it was nice to hear that they were serving her so well. And that other people appreciated them too. I smirked, then, thinking of her teenage students' reactions to their teacher's new body.

"Go on," I said, "Tell me about your class."

Summer was still grinning over her victory when she walked onto the stage to address her class. She had 15 students, all between the ages of 18 and 22, mostly women. They were all chatting among themselves when she walked in (they would all have been on their phones, but she had banned those incessant distractions by the third day of class). When the first guy noticed her walk in, he stopped mid-sentence to gaze at her. Within a minute her entire class was staring at her in silence.

This level of attention was unusual but gratifying and Summer took advantage of it immediately, briefing her students on today's scenes and then splitting them into groups by gender. She took her girls backstage, leaving the guys to practice their readings in front of the stage.

"You should all have your lines down by now, so today we're going to work on your expressions. Let's run through the scene first – Sky, you start with your entrance."

Her students glanced at each other hesitantly, but Summer arched an eyebrow and said "Sky?", and the girl began the scene. Summer watched them closely, noting their timings and movements. She also noticed, in the back of her mind, how hot this particular scene was and how attractive each girl was when they got into their character. She walked around as they worked, and frowned occasionally at how stiffly they moved. Once they'd finished the scene, she complimented their emotional expressions – "You really nailed the voice, Ashley, I could hear your character's passion" – but informed them all that their body language was stiff and lacked expression – "So that's what we're going to work on today. I'm going to have you run through the series of exercises we learned on the first day, and then adjust them to fit your roles."

She started with her youngest student, a pretty blonde girl playing a dancer. "Ashley, you need to start moving like a dancer – every step is a ballet step, every reaction you have is expressed physically. Your character speaks as much through her body language as she does through her words – so, speak." She watched as Ashley started the exercises, encouraging her to sway more, to sashay when she walked.

The girl was still hesitant, still too stiff, so Summer put her hands on Ashley's waist and pushed her slightly. "Don't resist my pressure, dear, just move with my hands, that's it." And Ashley shivered slightly, embarrassed, but then got into it, swaying as she spoke her lines. Summer pushed her to twist when her character turned to speak to another, moved her fingers to the girl's back, using the light pressure to tell her student when to lean forward.

As Ashley reached her character's most passionate lines, Summer trailed her fingers down the girls hips. Her breath caught in her throat, but she kept talking, and Summer kept touching her lightly, gently, intimately. Ashley turned almost unconsciously, trying to get away from the unfamiliar, insistent touch, as her voice rose higher and higher. Summer smiled at the effect she was having – the girl was obviously new to intimate caresses, and it was fun playing with her – and at how well her reactions fit her role. Summer complimented her when she'd finished – Ashley was nearly gasping, cheeks flushed and eyes bright – and told her to keep practising.

She worked with her other students similarly, putting her hands on their waists to make them sway more, showing one girl how to stand by manipulating her legs into the correct position, kneeling in front of her with her hands on her bare upper legs, pretending to ignore the girl's shivering response.

At last she came to Sky, who still wasn't living up to her talkative and expressive character. "Sky, you need to be moving more in general, but especially your upper body – use your arms to emphasise your words, use your body language to emphasise your emotions." Summer told her to try an old theatre warm-up, acting out over-emphasised emotions. When Sky clutched her hands to her chest in mock surprise, Summer nodded vigorously. "Yes, exactly. That was what you were missing, that motion. Touching your hand to your upper chest is a very female, very expressive move. Try doing that while laughing."

Sky, still in drama-mode, let her face split in a grin and began laughing excessively, hands stretched out as if to say 'stop, you're too much'. Still laughing, she began to bring her hands in to her torso, then stopped and looked at Summer, unsure. "Sorry, Miss Summer, I guess I over-thought it, I can't get this to feel natural."

Summer smiled, then laughed gently, her hand splayed over her collarbone, lady-like. Still smiling, she raised an eyebrow at Sky, who tried to copy her before shaking her head and saying "I'm sorry, I just don't get it." Summer quickly said "Don't worry, just let me help," and walked behind her student.

Summer caught Sky's hands in her own and shook them gently, "Loosen up, dear," and stretched her arms above Sky's head. She felt the sudden tautness in the girl's body, as the movement tightened her torso and displayed her breasts to the rest of the class. Then she let Sky's hands fall to her sides, feeling Sky let out her tense breath, and said "Like this." Summer brought one of Sky's hands up to her chest, over and over, making the motion become normal, natural. Each time she took the opportunity to graze Sky's breasts, or to rub them gently with her thumb. "Now laugh, dear," and Sky began mock laughing, while Summer repeated the hand motion. This time, the movement in Sky's body allowed the older woman to do more than graze her breasts, and the girl began shaking from more than laughter. Finally Summer released her, and Sky stumbled forward a bit, no longer held in her teacher's firm and teasing grip.

"Very good, Sky. I think all of you understand what you need to practice. Why don't you run through this scene again, and then try applying what we talked about to your other appearances. I'll call you through when I'm done with the boys, okay dears?"

Summer walked out of the room, but instead of heading to where the boys were practising in front of the stage, she hurried into one of the dressing rooms. They may not be born actresses, but those girls were hot. They were pretty, and expressive, and they shivered so under her hands. Just like her cock had shivered when she held Sky against her. She almost fell into the room's only chair, and saw herself in the mirror, face flushed and chest heaving. She reached under her skirt and brought out her cock.

"It felt a bit strange, babe," Summer said, as I pushed her skirt up to fully expose her now fully erect cock. "What did?" "My penis," she giggled, "it felt like the first time I'd ever touched it. I mean, obviously I've touched it before, but it still felt new." "Mmm," I murmured agreeably, "what did you do then?"

She described how she stroked it, curiously, then more firmly, as she remembered her students' bodies. I copied each stroke, encouraging her reminiscing. "Did you imagine the girls, honey?" I asked, before licking up her shaft. "Oohh," she moaned lightly, "yes, a bit, the way Ashley swayed against my waist, and how it felt to hold them…" "Keep going," I suggested, "tell me how you thought of them when you rubbed yourself." I took her cockhead into my mouth and began working it earnestly, while my dear girlfriend fantasised about other girls' bodies.

She came into my mouth, moaning so loudly I wondered how her students hadn't heard her in the dressing room. Perhaps they had. Perhaps they knew what that meant. Perhaps they ignored her and went on working, thrilling inside at how much their gorgeous teacher liked their bodies, smiling secretly to themselves while the woman in the dressing room cleaned herself up.
