Meeting for the First Time in a Year [M/F] Part 1

Prelude here.

So we're in the pool, still entangled and kissing. We're starting to elicit a few amused glances from the people around us. I break the kiss and tell her we should go back up to my place, to which she agrees enthusiastically. After waiting a few minutes to let the cold water work its magic on my hard member, we towel off and briskly walk to the elevators. Now, the elevator situation in my building can be less than ideal during peak hours. We waited agonizing minutes for one to arrive. By the time it showed up, a small group of fellow passengers had queued up.

Sarah and I step in first, press the button for my floor, and scoot to the back. She stands in front of me, a damp towel around her waist. I grab her hips and pull her back into me as the rest of the people file in and select their floor. Shit, I think. I live on the 20th floor, and it seems everyone else lives on a lower floor. This was going to take forever. Finally, the elevator is moving up, torturously slow toward our destination. I grip her waist urgently as we make our ascent, squeezing my hands each time a passenger disembarks. Closer and closer to 20 we go, and I can see the excitement gleaming from her eyes in the door's reflection.

Ding. Finally, we hit 20. I push her through and doors and she's practically jogging (in the wrong direction. Sarah still doesn't know her way around my building. It's adorable). I grab her hand and pull her down the correct hallway. Her feet are barely touching the ground as I drag her to my doorstep. I fling the door open and whisk her inside. Before the door can even close, I am on her. I lean down and press my lips to hers, desperate to taste her kiss. My hands tug at her waist, drawing her nearer to me; I couldn't be close enough to her. Her towel loosens and drops to the floor. I kick it away and draw her up into my arms. I cradle my arms under her and she wraps her legs around me as she had in the pool. Only now, I can feel her weight against me, her body pressing into mine.

She moans softly as my tongue plays against her lips. She runs her hands through my hair, down my neck and across my shoulders. She shoots her tongue into my mouth, eliciting a surprised moan from men. I've forgotten how aggressive she can be. I pull my head back, biting her lip playfully. I drop her onto my kitchen counter, her face level with mine. We stare at each other – a wonderfully serene moment amid chaotic passion. I tell Sarah that she's fucking sexy, and she giggles – then shoots me a deadly look that can only mean one thing.

I pick her up and carry her to the couch as quickly as I can, dropping her on her back. I'm on top of her in a flash, kissing every inch of her. I start with her lips, soft and sweet. Before long, I turn her head to the side so my mouth can work on her neck; I feel her breathing deepen and slow as I nibble up and down. I find her shoulder, bare save for the thin strap of her bikini top. I lay gentle kisses upon it before biting down hard, which is met with a sharp gasp. I move my lips across her chest – just under her collarbones – kissing my way to her other shoulder. I tease her skin with bared teeth and I can feel the anticipation building in her body. She runs her hand up my neck and through my hair. Her back arches when I bite down and a deep moan escapes her lips. To simply call her reaction "sexy" would be an injustice. I don't have the words to describe it – to feel her back contort involuntarily underneath me, to hear the moan just inches from my ear. I felt intoxicated by her.

I lean back on my knees to take her in for moment, surveying the beautiful young woman laying before me. Sarah was sprawled out, the skin on her chest and neck flushed and red. She was taking quick but deep breaths, her breasts heaving each time she inhaled. It was a sight to behold. She looks up at me expectedly, her eyes bright and alluring. I smile back and reached down to caress her stomach. My hands trail down her hips to her legs. I rub her inner thighs with my thumbs as I slowly parted her legs. Looking up, I can see anguish and anticipation written plainly on her face. She's biting her lip, her eyes practically begging for me to move quicker. Now and then her eyes dart to the bulge in my swim trunks and she squirms with desire.

I lay down between her parted thighs, my cock pressing against her. I rock back and forth, slowly thrusting my hips. I want her to feel me, to feel how turned on I am. I give her a rough, sloppy kiss before moving my mouth next to her ear. I tell her that I missed her, how badly I've wanted this. She can only murmur a response as my cock rubs against her. I ask her if she's been thinking about my cock – "All summer long," is her breathy reply. I don't know if I've ever heard anything sexier in all my life. I sit up to look at her. I'm gazing directly in her eyes and tell her – "I need to taste you." I see a smile start to creep onto her face as I sink towards her waiting pussy.

As I make my way down her gorgeous body, I plant small kisses on her stomach. I can feel her react to each one with my face pressed into her soft skin. Sarah puts her hands on my head, gently encouraging me to move faster, but I just smile and continue to tease her with kisses and nibbles. I grip each of her thighs and pull her to the edge of the couch. Her bikini bottoms are inches from my face and I can make out the curves of her mound. I lick the crease where her leg meets her hip. She whimpers. I'm tantalizingly close but agonizingly far. I kiss and bite and lick her inner thighs and she starts shaking – "Please, please, please" is all she can say, barely whispering her desire. With one finger, I graze her bikini feeling the heat of her pussy beneath the fabric. I trail my finger up and Sarah lets out a low, sexy moan. Then, I take my finger and deftly lift her bikini and slide it to the side. The cold air of the room hitting her wet pussy is enough to make her quiver. And she is certainly wet. Her smooth, shaved pussy is practically dripping. The sweet smell fills me and I'm intoxicated; I want to dive right in. But I manage to control myself – I want to take my time and savor this girl I thought I'd lost. Still holding her bikini to the side, I position my mouth right over her. And I wait. I just hover over her, breathing warm air over her wet lips. It's too much for her. She starts thrusting her hips up, desperate to feel my mouth and tongue. I hold her down with my free hand and she whines like a wounded puppy.

"Please, Jack," she pleads.

"Please what?" I ask back.

"Please eat my pussy". I can hear the desperation in her voice.

"Is that what you want? For me to lick your pussy?" I'm just being mean at this point.

"Yes! Please lick me, please."

I decide that I've denied her (and myself) for long enough. Without warning, I take my tongue, flat and wide, and run it from the bottom to the top of her dripping wet pussy. Her voice catches and she moans loudly as I take my time with this one lap. It takes me several seconds before I flick the tip of my tongue across her clit, causing a mini spasm to jolt through Sarah's body. I give her a second to recollect herself before diving back in for more. And I do mean dive; I pull her bikini off and then bury my face in her pussy. My tongue, thin and rigid now, finds the opening to her vagina. It's warm and soft and impossibly wet. First I run my tongue around the edges, circling her hole. Then I press my face further, penetrating her with my tongue. Her hands are on my head, combing and grabbing at my hair. My hands are on her thighs, squeezing tightly to keep her from squirming away. I can feel her wetness coating my face from my nose to my chin. My world is filled with her scent, a sweet perfume that's fueling my passion. I can't get enough of her.

After tongue-fucking her for a bit, my interests move up to her lips. I lap and suck and nibble her outer lips. I flick my tongue against her velvety inner lips. All the while, Sarah is moaning and gasping and encouraging me with hushed cries of "Yes! Yes! Yes!". Eventually, I reach my favorite destination: her very sensitive clit. First I probe, flicking my tongue this way and that, looking for the spot that makes her shudder. I smile when I find it and then get to work. Which way does she like again?

I run my tongue in small circles. "Mmmmmmmm," she moans deeply.

I move my tongue up and down. "Oh," she gasps again and again.

I flick my tongue from side to side. "Fuck, oh god!" she exclaims, suddenly unable to stifle her cries. I think we have a winner.

Sarah continues to throw obscenities as I find the right pace. She's really squirming around and I'm finding it difficult to stay on track. I grab her thighs tightly and hold her down. I find her clit once more and, while the rest of her body is writhing in pleasure, her pussy remains stable. I can feel and see her body starting to tense up – she must be getting close. I don't dare break stride with my tongue. I start to moan into her pussy, which works on two levels. One, the vibration feels amazing on her clit. And two, it's my way of telling her that she tastes amazing, and I would love nothing more than for her to cum on mouth and tongue right now.

She tells me she's about to cum. I don't stop. She yells out my name and her body convulses – I stop licking and simply hold my tongue against her as the orgasm washes over her body. Her back arches and she moans with each spasm. She eventually collapses, sighing loudly. I lap up the wetness dripping from her pussy, a most welcome prize for my efforts. I look up at her and she's practically glowing. She gives me that wry smile and I know things are only getting started.

(To Be Continued)
