I [F/19] get to have an amazing boyfriend [M/20] and hot single guys!

I've always been a faithful girlfriend to my boyfriend of 2 years just to get that out of the way. He's also been pretty much my only real boyfriend ever, and as of right now the only person I've ever had sex with. He told me a few months ago that for the longest time he's had a fantasy of me "cheating" on him. Not like outright cheating, but he loves the idea of me flirting and talking dirty to other guys. He also told me how he wants other people to see my naked body because other then him no one else has. He specifically told me he doesn't want me to have sex with anyone, but if I get played with a little he wouldn't mind at all. Now I was kind of shocked when he was telling me all this and we kind of got in a fight for a little, but he got me to come around. I honestly thought he was really weird for saying all of that, but once he assured me how much he loves me and it's only about how much it turns him on I forgave him. He even said he just wanted to get it all off his chest because of how long he's had this fantasy.

We hadn't talked about it since… well just until a few weeks ago when I brought it up. I told him I thought it would be kind of fun to flirt with other guys and asked what he thought about it. He loved the idea and couldn't believe I was serious about it. Reason being is I'm kind of a prude and this is totally out of my element. But deep down inside I feel like I'm a little wild too, I just never show it. So I started texting a classmate that I thought was kinda cute about homework (I really didn't care about the homework I was just looking for an excuse), and we talked for a while. He talked the most and kept telling me that I was really pretty and had nice eyes and stuff like that. I felt a little guilty because I was letting this happen knowing I had a boyfriend of 2 years, but it was actually exciting. I didn't flirt back very much, but at the end of our conversation I quickly mentioned that I thought he was pretty hot and when we said bye I "accidentally" gave him a wink face. I probably sound so dumb right now, but this is exactly what I mean when I say I'm very prudish.

I showed my boyfriend our texts immediately and he said he loved reading it. He encouraged me to keep it up as long as I wanted to and I did. He even asked me a bunch of questions about this guy. I think I really surprised him when he asked me if I thought the guy was good looking and I quickly responded with an, "Omg yes so hot!" He laughed and said that was an amazing response. I asked if he was jealous or anything, and he told me he didn't need to be because he knew how much I loved him and this was all for pleasure. Him letting me know that gave me even more confidence to push on. So as the days went by I texted him and a few more guys I knew more and more. At one point the first guy and me started to ask each other really personal questions. Stuff like how many people we slept with, where was the craziest place we had sex, what turns us on, etc. My boyfriend loved reading all of those messages, and I was happy I could turn him on so much and also have fun myself too!

For a few days after that I would give my boyfriend handjobs while talking about all the personal details I've shared with the other guys, and he could only last a few minutes he was so horny. Out of nowhere I asked him if he wants me to take it a little farther, and he didn't even hesitate to say yes. I was actually really happy to hear that because I was ecstatic with my new found confidence. I was talking to like 3 guys at this point, and they were all learning more and more really intimate details about me. They asked me questions like how big was my bra size, what type of underwear do I prefer, what color underwear I was wearing at the time, and one of them kept asking me to describe what color and shape my nipples were. You wouldn't believe the expression on my boyfriend's face when he was reading all of this. He was in heaven, and I was so happy to please him!

Just like we said though I wanted to go farther, but even with all my new confidence inside me, deep down I was still that shy prudish girl who's really only ever been with one guy. I wanted to use this opportunity to not only give my boyfriend everything he wanted, but to also get over how shy and scared I was! The best way to do that I thought was for the first time in my life let someone other then my long term boyfriend see me fully undressed. For me this was a big thing because I don't even let my mom see me naked. I even hate going for check ups at the doctor because of it. This was my chance though, and I was set on doing it as a surprise for my boyfriend without even telling him beforehand!

I waited for the perfect chance, and it came just a week later. One of the guys in my class invited me over for a study group. It was him, myself, and 3 other guys from the morning class before ours that he was friends with. I really only knew him, and the rest were strangers. My boyfriend was at his house alone and knew I was just studying for an upcoming exam. After about 2 hours we got bored and were all talking until one of them suggested we drink a little. We all took a few shots and me being a light weight got pretty drunk. Not blackout or stumbling drunk, but enough to where I felt like I could do anything! This was my chance, I thought to myself. I was drinking a mixed drink and spilled a good amount of it all over my clothes by "accident". All of the guys rushed to my aid and started to pat down my clothes with wet towels, but to no avail it wasn't coming out and I was all sticky. I didn't really know what my plan was at the time, but I just kept going with it on the spot. I asked the guy if he had a change of clothes I could borrow and he immediately went to find me something.

It dawned on me just then when they were all patting me down with the towels they were also feeling me up a little too. Just then he returned with an oversized t-shirt and really baggy basketball shorts. He said it was the best he could find. I thanked him and went to the bathroom to change. I wanted to keep the "show" going so I let them all know my entire body felt sticky and I needed to shower. The guy quickly set me up with a fresh bar of soap, turned on the shower for me, and gave me a towel. I thanked him again and proceeded to shut the bathroom door… except I didn't close it all the way. It was one of those sliding doors, and the bathroom and living room's line of sight was perfect. I left about a foot wide opening in the doorway. Before I even did anything I quickly glanced at the opening trying not to make eye contact with anyone and could see all of the guys in the living room staring directly at the partly open doorway. I pretended not to notice at all, but was so nervous to finally undress in front of people for the first time.

I was standing there back towards the door for what felt like hours before I slowly started to remove my sticky shirt. I knew by now they were looking at the back of my black bra strap and I was questioning what to remove next. I was wearing regular panties that day so I decided the next best thing would be my pants. Still with my back towards the guys, who's eyes I could feel glued to me, I slowly unbuttoned and lowered my pants. At the point I hesitated and felt like I was making a huge mistake, I felt really guilty. Here I was in my bra and underwear letting all these guys look at me when I had an amazing boyfriend. Then I remembered though how much my boyfriend would love what I'm doing. Still thinking of that thought of please my boyfriend, I unclasped my bra from behind and it fell to the floor. All I had to do was move to either side just a little and my boobs would be in plain sight of the guys. I stood there contemplating my next move though. It was either turn and expose my boobs or lower my panties and reveal my very pale butt. I felt so excited, yet also so scared about being seen. In an almost zombie-like mode I put my fingers around my panty line and slid them down and they too dropped to the floor. I knew at this very minute all of them were staring at my bare butt. I felt like a deer frozen in headlights!

I was finally completely naked, yet my back was still towards them. They weren't very subtle as I could hear faint whispers and laughs from afar. I was wondering what exactly were they saying. I even felt embarrassed that they might have been laughing at how pale my bare butt must have been. This was the moment of truth though. Once I turned even a little to the side they would see me completely. With a deep breath I turned and quickly opened the shower door and went in. They couldn't really see me in the shower, as the doors were made of that weird foggy material. Once they heard the shower stop though I heard one of them say to be quiet. As I stepped out of the shower I was in nothing but a towel. I put on my brave face again and decided I should walk out to talk to them in it. Pretending to not know that they saw me undress I walked out and began talking to them. They jokingly kept saying like to watch out for my towel falling off. Without even thinking I proclaimed I could do jumping jacks and it wouldn't fall off. As soon as I jumped right into the air… boom! Completely naked just a few feet away from all of their gaping mouths. I genuinely was afraid and quickly tried to wrap myself up in the fallen towel, but they all just had a good laugh and told me it was no big deal.

Them all saying that eased me even further and I decided to stay in the towel for longer as we sat on the couch and talked. I can't believe what happened next but the drunkest of them told me to stop fidgeting with the towel and to just take it off because it was nothing they hadn't all just seen. I looked around at the other guys, and they were shaking there heads agreeing saying it wasn't a big deal either. Hesitantly, I removed my towel and was now sitting on the couch without anything to cover me. I couldn't last more then a few minutes though and insisted I put on the clothes one of the guys let me borrow. Right before I got dressed again though, I asked if they wanted to take a funny picture with me. This was something I wanted to give to my boyfriend as the surprise, I thought to myself. I stood in the middle as the guys were all around me, and I pretended to have a "shocked" face as I was standing there without any clothes. One of the guys even had a hand on my butt cheek. We all laughed again as I began to get dressed. I actually felt like the biggest cheater and slut, but it also felt so exciting and amazing to do that. I knew I could have probably pulled the guys hand off my butt cheek but in that moment I loved that feeling too.

Next time I saw my boyfriend I brought up the topic of letting other people see me naked and flirting with them, and everything else he fantasized about. Then I secretly texted him the picture I took with the guys and he almost had a heart attack with how much he loved it. He asked when in the world this happened, and I told him during my study group for the test. I let him know my whole plan and how the day went, and I swear he's still horny over it all! Not only did I love pleasing my boyfriend and making his fantasy a reality, but I honestly loved the excitement and adventure of having hot single guys all over me! He still loves for me to flirt and talk to other guys as well, so if any of you want to chat about anything just message me! I still think I'm very shy, but maybe you can help me out too!

Tl;Dr: I got to please my boyfriend by flirting and undressing for other guys, and I loved every second of it!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/3ited4/i_f19_get_to_have_an_amazing_boyfriend_m20_and