My [F]irst (failed) fingering with my best [F]riend

This story takes place a few years ago, and doesn't exactly have the happiest ending, But it's still a series of events I recall with bittersweet nostelgia.

When I was in 12th form I was friends with a girl who I was infatuated with. She was one of the many reasons I knew I wasn't straight. We'd been friends since primary school and we were pretty much like sisters. Only sisters probably don't fantasise about each other naked. Together we got a summer cash-in-hand job stacking boxes in a warehouse. I was a tank back then but she was slight and not very strong, so each day she came home with muscle knots in her back. I offered to give her a back rub, and it became a regular thing, her sitting down in front of me watching TV, shirtless and the silhouette of her pale breasts craftily reflected on the old CRT screen. I would feel the warmth coming off her back as I ran my hands along her back, shoulders, and neck. I could tell she really liked her neck touched.

After a few days of this, her complaining of a sore back, me, drooling over her soft skin and supple body. She must have felt my desperation. As my hands curled over her shoulders towards her chest, my fingers testing the boundaries of our friendship, she reached up to take hold of my hands, and redirected them to her breasts.Other than my own, these were the first breasts I had ever touched. They were heavier than mine, and felt more feminine somehow. Her nipples were hard and I wished she was facing me so I could run my tongue along them.

After a few minutes of firmly caressing her breasts, she announced she was going to take a shower, and suggested I go home. Confused, but aroused, I did as suggested.

A few days later a mutual friend of ours was having a sleep over. As a child to born again Christians, her sleep over parties were good company, but otherwise quite dull. We talked in her bedroom for a few hours, where we listened to terrible mid 2000s pop songs and danced. My crush was wearing the black shirt I had seen her in so often, it clung to her skin and highlighted her every curve. As she danced, I became mesmerised by her body.

We moved our sleeping bags and pillows into the lounge room. At 10pm, after a family friendly Disney movie, our Christian friends mother forced us to turn the lights out. But like any normal 18 year old, I wasn't tired. Neither was my crush.The other girls appeared to be asleep, I moved my sleeping bag closer to my crush, asking softly if she wanted to be held. She did not answer, but instead moved her body into my space, and rested her weight on me. I hesitated and questioned what I should do with my hands, and ultimately decided to rest them on her hip. Spooning her, I rested my head into the nape of her neck, trying my best to soften my breathing, which was impossible considering how nervous I was.

She draped her arm over mine and held my hand for only a few seconds before tilting her hips and driving her bottom into my crotch. She grabbed my hand and once again directed it to her breasts. This time I knew what I was doing, and this time I was in a better position to feel her, all of her. As I kissed her breasts and lightly teased her nipples between my thumb and forefinger. I wondered how far we were about to go, what was it she wanted or expected? I was soon answered when she once again grabbed my hand, but this time, she moved my hand toward the waistband of her panties. I toyed with the elastic, gently tickling her pelvis and naval as I went. I wondered what to expect, I'd read so much online that girls are hard to please and clots are hard to find, My own body made sense but this was new territory. Was I about to make a fool of myself? I nervously slid my fingers into her panties, trying to stay centred. I remember taking note of how she had hardly any public hair, just a thin strip, I mentally compared it to my own, and probably for the first time felt self conscious of my own grooming. But I didn't have time to focus on that.

She was wetter than I had imagined. Was I doing that good a job, I didn't even know girls got that wet, I certainly never had, was I wet now? I definitely felt aroused. I had a sensation in my groin that made me feel empty, a desire to be filled with something. I massaged my fingers around, feeling the sensitive skin and listening to the sound of her breathing changing as I found more and more places she liked to be touched. I explored slowly, but with determination. Her body was nothing like my own, I wondered if I might be totally lost, but her soft, stifled moans of pleasure suggested I was not. She grabbed onto my hand once more, this time, vocalising her desire, she breathlessly moaned "inside, please." and I'm not one to disobey.

I had never fingered myself, let alone another girl, and I had never been exposed to porn or stories of girls being fingered. I clumsily attempted to find a way to bring her the same pleasure as before. Everything felt tight and unforgiving, I didn't want to hurt her. I resumed kissing her breasts, doing my best to multitask two tasks I'd never taken on before .I can't remember how long it lasted, I just remember the sensation of her hot breath in my ear and she muttered "that's enough". The tone left much to be desired. I had wanted to make her shiver in pleasure instead, we lay there in silence, my hand, sticky and cramping, her clothes, disheveled and off place. Breakfast was uncomfortable. She never complained of a sore back again.



  1. Thank you for sharing your story, you have a very honest way of writing, I hope you post more

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