How I became the proud slut I am today

It all started with my boyfriend at the time. He was average I guess you could say. A "safe" guy. Let's call him Nick. He was ok in the bedroom and that was fine but I always wanted more. Well one day while I was working on an assignment for my online class he sends me a text message. He had forgotten his wallet at home and was hungry so I went to take it by. I don't remember what I was wearing except it must've been one of my low tank tops because every guy at his workplace was looking hard at my chest. So I drop off Nick's wallet and head home. No big deal right? Or so I thought. Nick worked as an intern at an advertisement company and quickly found out that quite a few of his coworkers were interested in me after that incident. Well that night he comes home tired and exhausted. He gets mad at me saying that I shouldn't have come into his workplace dressed like that and some of the guys wouldn't stop asking about me and talking about me. Not gonna lie I was very flattered. So he's mad at me that night and we go to bed pissed off at each other. The next few days were normal until the next Monday. He comes home and gets drunk after a bad day and starts talking about how he wishes he'd get handed a permanent position after all the bulshit he goes through daily. I just said "you're right babe" and continued watching How I Met Your Mother reruns. He then starts staring at me and says "you know with how much all the guys at work like you Im sure I'd get hired permanently if you fucked a few of them" I took it as a joke and laughed it off. We joke about it some more and honestly the thought of fucking strangers turned me on. I was a bit worried to say the least. A month later I get a text from him again. This time he wanted to meet for lunch and ask me to wear something sexy for him. We'd been doing really good in our relationship at the time so I figured why not. So I wore some high heels, a short skirt and a tight halter top he liked. But when I got there he wasn't alone. He was there with three coworkers. We will call them Caleb(good looking athletic white guy), Don(Skinny nerdy white guy), and Julian(Fat but good looking Black guy). I sat down and tried to act like I normally would while actually wondering what was going on. Nick introduces me and them to each other and we had a nice lunch. During which they acting friendly while also asking a few "personal" questions. I blushed a few times only because I wasn't used to this in public. I used to be a part girl but had put that behind me. I only dressed slutty for Nick and also because I liked confortable clothes. Plus I won't lie turning guys on is always fun lol. After lunch Don asks me what I'm doing later. I said probably going back home to finish up an essay I had due in a week. He told me I should hang out with him and the guys instead. I told them I thought they had work to do. Caleb then said that it was ok they'd just have the interns do it. At this Nick scoffed but smiled when we all looked at him like nothing had happened. I told them sure I'd hang out with them since I had nothing else going on. I figured it was innocent enough. I was wrong. I followed Julian back to his place since they said they had to stop by there first. Once we got there I was told to get comfortable and so I obliged. A few minutes went by and Caleb was keeping me company while Don and Julian were getting out of their work clothes. It was harmless at first but then Caleb asked me "So have you ever cheated on Nick". I was silent for awhile and told him yes I had before but it had been a mistake. He then touched my thigh and said I was beautiful blah blah blah. Stuff I've heard before from guys trying to just sleep with me. Just when I was about to get up and leave my phone vibrates. I look at the text and it says "Good luck baby. Thanks ;)" from Nick. It all became clear. Nick was pimping me out to coworkers so he could get hired. Something snapped inside me. My old slutty self came out. Before I knew it I was making out with Caleb while he played with my pussy. Want to hear the rest? Let me know in the comments below. :)



  1. God damn it. This is not a fucking story. Super not cool to cut the story off before anything wild happens. If you don’t have a whole story, don’t post here. Multiple part stories *only* work if there are multiple encounters. This "cliffhanger before anything happens" bullshit just makes you look like an asshole.

  2. Nope, that was all the wildness we needed! Thank you for posting, but don’t worry about finishing the story. *If you want to read the rest of my reply to you, let me know in the comments!* :)

  3. Well written. Good character details. Innapropriate ending for an explicit sub reddit.

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