Prostitution and the art of catering for the nouveau riche.

Harold has relatively recently come into quite a lot of money. I don’t know how if it’s changed him as I didn’t know him in his previous financial state.

He’s also become a major user of prostitutes. It annoys our manager that he uses other agencies as well as hers. He does 2 or 3 bookings a week with us spending up to £15000 a month, she just sees the money she’s losing to her competitors.

‘Find out what he’s doing with the other agencies’ she tells us before each booking, she suspects it’s BDSM, and has stressed to us that we’re meant to offer light BDSM as part of our regular services. She’s made sure that all the girls do outcalls with him are taking the BDSM paraphernalia with them.

He likes to watch. While we use toys on ourselves or each other he’ll wank himself. He used to be shy about doing it, but he's pretty blase about it now. He also has a fondness for spanking and anal sex, unfortunately giving rather than receiving.

He’s recently become enamored with lesbian sex, but he insists on mixing and matching women himself rather than letting us pick who we want to work with.

He’s in a bad mood tonight. Myself and another girl from the agency lets call her Kate, are dressed as Police women and rolling on the floor attempting to use dildos on each other, in a visually pleasing way.

Kate and I don’t get on. She tries to play him, by aggressively dominating me. It’s silly because both of us have been with him before and I know he likes his women to be passive and submissive. Harold doesn't feel any need to hide his misogynistic streak and I know that the Police uniform is like a red rag to a bull with him, and the best thing to do is to get out of it as soon as possible.

He has her fuck me with a strap on for a while. She seems to think that she’s joining him in fucking me, but all she’s really do is making herself the focus of his attention. Kate pulls at my clothing and I obligingly help her remove my uniform, so that she’s the only one still dressed as the figure of his obvious hate. He stand over us wanking though I suspect he’s nowhere near finishing yet.

He shift focus to Kate quite suddenly, it begins by calling her names, then he has her get over his knee for a spanking.

We’re all meant to do light spanking as part of the service. Light meaning there shouldn’t be any marks at the end of it. Harold pushes the envelope though, when he does it we feel it, and usually the next day as well. We get paid a little extra for it, but mainly put up with it because he’s a key client for the agency.

I learned early on that if a guy wants to spank me, to take my knickers off. Clients go easier on a bare arse than they do on a covered one. Usually they’ll just start fingering me after a bit and it’ll progress to sex.

Kate stupidly puts her knickers back on after taking the strap on off, which he doesn’t appreciate, she’s also still wearing that ridiculous police uniform.

Kate’s spanking is probably the worst one I’ve seen, she’s quite tough but he wants to hear her cry, and when she doesn’t make the appropriate noises he goes harder. She could end it any time she wanted to, but it’s what we’re paid for.

Eventually it’s my turn he puts Kate off his lap, and she’s obviously pissed off. Which again isn’t what Harrold wants to do.

It’s my turn, so I turn on the tears. Harold is someone that lacks imagination and wants a narrative. I’m naked when I go over his lap, doing a fair impression of crying and sobbing about how sorry I am. Saying I’m a slut, and need to be punished. I have a line about the other girls make me do stuff, which makes him twitch, he doesn’t like graphic language from women.

He spanks me a little but I keep my legs parted and eventually he starts to finger me. My vagina has always been pretty good at realising when it’s a good time to become wet. Such as when it helps avoid a spanking. It wouldn't surprise me if it's the first time he's made a woman wet, so he responds as he feels is appropriate by calling me a 'slut'

Harold hates condoms. They key is to get him off using my mouth or hands before he starts getting confused by the actual act of fucking a woman. After fingering me I beg him to let me suck his cock, which he graciously assents to.

As good as I am at oral sex, Harold is a man that needs his hand to finish. He ejaculates on my face which is handy as it gives me an excuse to run to the bathroom.

When I come back out, Kate is getting spanked again. She still has her knickers on and wearing that stupid fucking uniform, and we just do the whole thing again.



  1. Sigh… This is somebody’s daughter. She may be somebody’s sister or mother. But she is definitely someone’s child. Who failed you, dear? Did your father run off for the proverbial pack of cigarettes. Was your mother a ruthless whore and now you find yourself following in her footsteps, too weak to break free of the trashy and utterly self-destructive influences of your youth? Were you sexually abused by a trusted authority figure? Or is there something malfunctioning in your brain? Perhaps the electrical impulses in your brain are improperly routed or not firing efficiently due to some physical trauma, genetics, or drug abuse. Whatever the case may be, and notwithstanding our empathy for this poor, disturbed creature, we may never fully understand the genesis of this psychosis clusterfuck. However, what we can fully understand is just how harmful this kind of matter is. Prostitution is clearly detrimental to society and to the individual. The kind of sick fetishism engaged in by "Harold" is perverse and tantamount to spraying the human spirit in the face with dog urine that harbors the putrid stench of an infected bladder. It is anti-humanity. The whore facilitates this anti-human behavior, making her complicit in the same. I am saddened to learn that people engage in such unmitigated debauchery. I am sad for the existential being, or lack thereof, of the participants. I am sad for the culture that is degraded by this sort of thing. On a completely different level I am more deeply saddened that an individual can confess to such with no apparent shame. How does one psychologically compartmentalize such depravity in order to sleep at night when anyone with a shred of character would not only have committed suicide, but would have felt a compelling duty to do so? But I digress. I love each and every one of you. I will weep for you in the wee hours of the morning while you engage in your bizarre carnal rituals in order to quell your pain and self-loathing. I hope that you will one day find that peace you are after

  2. Not quite my cup of tea in terms of fantasy fodder, but it was *interesting!* A good read.

  3. I recommend ignoring the troll. Judging by his post history he’s either *seriously* an idiot or is just trying to get downvoted.

  4. How dare you assume to know who I am and the intentions behind my volitional acts. How dare you!! I am not even sure I know what a "troll" is, but I suspect that it is just some easily rationalized manner of avoiding responsibility for your actions. You do not care for what I have to say, so you mindlessly mentally default to concluding that I am this "troll" thing, which then alleviates the necessity of exercising your atrophied little brains to answer for your vile depravity. Rather, you say the buzzword, "troll", and poof – all is now better. Is that about the sum of it? Have I pretty much got it there, Cletus? Your intellectual fortitude is severely lacking and I find that to be appalling. Perhaps there is some connection between that and you people’s animalistic behavior? At least I could then pity you, as it would be well beyond your ability to utilize any sort of higher cognitive functioning paradigm. But, alas, you ARE humans, and over 90% of your mental abilities are being pissed away on cheap wine, fetish pornography, and Molly Hatchet cassette tapes. Am I wasting my time here? Am I just pissing into the wind with you people? Do I speak another language than you? Surely you desire an existence that consists of more than ingesting illegal narcotics and rubbing up again each other like hogs in heat? Perhaps not. Sigh……..

  5. Wow this is a really cool read. It’s nice to see something new through an intelligent perspective.

  6. Lisa, I hate to say it but it sounds like you’ve met some real charmers in your line of work. Do you have any clients you like or at least aren’t raging fuckknuckles?

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