My slutty years

Hi there, I suppose this is a confession of sorts, I was a complete slut in my teens. I've never really told anyone of my past before but I have recently got engaged and confessed all to my boyfriend and I decided to also write it down here for him to read.

I have always been quite adventurous and often got into to trouble when I was young, I loved (and still do) to wear make-up, short skirts, flirt with boys and what not. I lost my virginity at 15 with a boy in a garden shed, it wasn't a spectacular event, kind of just happened. I had a couple of other boyfriends afterwards had little better sex on occasion. I was afraid to be called the school slut at the time so didn't put out too often.

After turning 16 my friends and I would often hang out at a park near home, there were a group of boys older than us (18 to 20 something) that also hung out in a different area of the park, normally drinking or smoking joints. My friends and I started to speak to them on occasion and got high with them a few times.

One night after smoking a couple of joints, my friends left to go home and I stayed back as I was having a good time. I had been flirting with one boy in particular and we had kissed a couple of times. After my friends had left Dan took me by the hand and led me into an enclosed area behind some bushes, I knew what he was after and feeling pretty horny with this cute muscular 19 year old I was happy to go with it. We pretty much did as you would expect, kissing, Dan feeling and squeezing my breasts, putting his hand up my skirt and fingering me, I sucked his cock. Eventually I laid down with my knickers in my pocket and Dan fucked me hard, I had my first orgasm from having sex with Dan. I wasn't aware until it was over, but Dan's friends about 5 or 6 of them had all been watching the entire thing and were high fiving Dan when we came out of the bushes. Although I was embarrassed having been watched it was a laugh.

After this I would regularly hang out with Dan and his friends, sometimes with my friends and sometimes without. One night it was just me and Dan and about 4 of his friends, we were hanging out near the bushes smoking joints and I had a good buzz going. Dan suggested I had been teasing his friends and I should give them some something, I assumed Dan was joking but it became apparent he was serious. A guy called Tony who had been sat next to me, put his arm around me and started kissing me, I was hesitant at first but could see Dan was smiling and I decided to see what it would be like with Tony. Tony took me into the small area behind the bushes and Dan and his friends followed.

Tony pushed me down on my knees and I sucked on Tony's cock for a while, I have to admit I was feeling quite hot sucking his cock in front of Dan and his friends. I decided to go with it and pulled my knickers off and laid back for Tony who fucked me.

As soon as Tony had finished, a guy called Steve came over and fucked me next. After a while I had been fucked by all five of them including Dan. Everyone was in a good mood and we had a good laugh.

I was surprised myself how good it felt and having had a few orgasms as well, I had quite enjoyed it. I had them swear they would never tell anyone what happened.

About a week later I was alone with the guys again, Dan and I had just had sex in the small clearing and after he finished he asked me if I would fuck the guys again, I said ok and Dan went off and told them. They came into the clearing one at time this time and I had sex with 6 guys that night. This became almost a weekly thing that would happen.

Dan took my anal virginity in his bedroom which I discovered I really enjoyed and was not nearly as painful as I had heard it would be. One Saturday night shortly after I was at Dan's house with 7 of his friends, we were all drinking and smoking joints, playing music and having a good time.

They wanted to play strip poker but I didn't know how to play poker so settled on playing some kind of snap game. Where if one of the guys got snap I had to take off a piece of my clothing. Of course playing snap with 4 other guys it wasn't long before I was down to just my knickers. I playfully refused to take them off, stringing them along. Eventually they picked me up, held my arms and legs and removed my knickers for me. At this point I had hands all over me, I couldn't tell who I was kissing as they kept changing, they were taking turns fingering me, I got lost in the moment.

The guys started stripping and I figured there was no turning back now, for a while I would be sucking on one cock, wanking another, and another pounding my pussy from behind. At some point I was straddling a guy who was sat on the couch and Dan came up behind me and pushed his cock into my ass, my first experience of DP (and many more to come). The guys were cheering and saying how hot I was. After Dan had cum, one of the guys replaced him.

They all took turns with my ass, pussy and mouth, by the end of the night I was exhausted, sticky and a little sore. I had arranged to stay the night at Dan's telling my parents I was staying at a girlfriends. Dan took me up to his bedroom and let me sleep in his bed. I woke in the morning with Dan in bed with me and a couple of guys sleeping on his bedroom floor, the other guys were sleeping in the living room.

Dan and I started playing around in bed after he had fucked me got up to go make coffee, one of the guys sleeping on the bedroom floor had woken up and got in bed with me an fucked me again, by the time he had finished there was a line of guys waiting to fuck me again. Which I have always found quite funny to think about. They all fucked me again in the morning with a couple of them taking me in the ass again.

I was able to use Dan's shower and get cleaned up before going home. Lying to my mum that I had a good time staying at girlfriend's.

This pretty much went on for a good two years, Dan's friends came and went, there were new guys at times, then they would disappear, some moved, got girlfriends. I was never Dan's girlfriend and he would fuck other girls but as far as I know I was the only one that fucked Dan and his friends though. My friends had an idea what was going on but never asked and I never told.

Unfortunately after about 2 years I did fall pregnant, with no idea who the father might have been, thankfully with Dan's help I was able to get an abortion. I stopped seeing Dan when I moved away for University and I haven't seen him since.

At university I carried on having a lot of casual sex(often waking up with a guy and having no idea what is name was), including a few nights with two or three guys at the same time, lesbian sex with with my room mate and even a quick fling with a lecturer. I may confess my university stories later.

After university I graduated with a good degree and managed land a good job with a big company. My wild sex days are pretty much behind me now. My boyfriend has been really excited and horny hearing of my past and has asked if I would consider a threesome with him, which I am seriously considering.

Hope you enjoyed reading sweetie.



  1. Yes, knickers are british, I’ve always called my undies knickers or panties.

  2. That was really hot to read. Did you have any preference to the guys, any of them you didn’t like fucking. Did your parents ever suspect? If your British, where about?, would love to chat.

  3. Thanks, I always preferred Dan, we had sex regularly on our own as well. There were a couple of the guys I enjoyed in particular too. One guy I didn’t really enjoy, he was quite fat and sweaty. My parents suspected I was dating an older boy and asked me a few questions. I got lectured on drinking (I never drank much anyway) and my Mum made sure I was taking my pill. Most of the guys used condoms most of the time. I’ve messaged you re chat. :)

  4. Jesus fucking Christ! That was some read! I’ve got to say though that you are not just a horny chick. You really have a few screws loose! Habitual gang banging is NOT normal behavior! Not at all, for ANYONE! Don’t get me wrong – you sound like a totally fun chick. But, goddammit! You are a fucking slut! If your significant other still wants to marry you after reading this then either he is completely nuts, your pimp, your dealer, or so emotionally crippled that even a spastic corpse would not have him! So unless you are marrying him for money or drugs he is probably not worth having. He is defective. Let’s face it: you are going to cheat on this schmuck. Nobody goes from full throttle to driving in the slow lane… FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIVES!!!!! You are not marriage material, at least not in the traditional sense. Your "relationship" can be absolutely NOTHING but a case study in clusterfucked psychosis! I mean this in the best possible way, really! If you really want a long term, committed relationship – like your significant other probably wants – then you need psychological counseling. You need A LOT of it. Even then you will probably fail at a long term committed relationship. Look, I am not passing judgment on you. I love sluts! They get me laid without commitment, which is exactly what I want. I have been married and divorced. It is not for me, just like it is not for you. But you are about to fuck up this guy’s life. To be into you – especially after reading THIS little confession – he is screwed up. Hell, marriage and breakup may make him snap & go completely sideways! And what if you get pregnant?!? Ha ha ha!!!!! What a fucking disaster THAT would be!!!! Don’t be encouraged by these nimrods posting on here. They are just looking for jack material. I think I know your type and I care. Just slow down and use your head before you do anything wacky. Marriage for you? That is just about as fucking wacky as it gets. I apologize if this offends you.

  5. Got to say, reading this & trying to drive almost got me killed lol. Great story, would love to hear more stories or maybe a quick chat. As an American some of these words go above my head so just need some clarification.

  6. Why all the down votes? I am just trying to help out this chick. Fuck knows that you people are nothing but enablers – and perverts!!!

  7. Wow that’s a hell of a story.. Wish I knew a girl like you in my area growing up!

  8. You gotta love a good old British slut. Reminds me of my younger days at the local chicken factory

  9. Oh look, a judgemental Neanderthal with no understanding of modern sexuality and morality.

  10. Please ignore that idiot at the bottom. This is super hot. My gf has done a few gb’s in the past and her stories are just amazing. Any girl proud of her past sexual exploits is the hottest thing ever. You should try posting to r/hotpast They will love you there

  11. A mild-mannered young woman in her teens with a weekly gangbang habit. Good god, how incredibly wonderful.

  12. This is r/gonewildstories not Dr Fucking Oz. Get the Fuck outta here with that shit.

  13. The true stories of my wife’s past sexual exploits always arouse me…but her stories are no where near yours! Sounds like your fiancĂ© is a lucky guy to have such an adventurous woman such as yourself :) Very much looking forward to reading about your past – and future adventures!

  14. Woooww this is so hot and well-written! How many times do you think you had sex with each of Dan’s friends over the years? Can’t wait for more of your stories!

  15. Hey, I am as open minded as they come. But the fact remains that this chick is screwed up. She certainly is not fit for a long-term commitment. "Modern sexuality" is a mere rationalization, an attempt to normalize the abnormal, presumably so certain perverts came escape the inevitable shame they feel from their actions. No, I am no bible thumper. I am an atheist, in fact. But in terms of normalized human sexuality, this woman has emotionally malfunctioned in her teens, which will clearly affect her behavior for the balance of her life without psychological intervention. Encouraging and enabling her conduct is doing her a disservice. There is much more to life than immediate carnal gratification. Without intervention this chick will end up committing serial marriage and producing emotionally defective children that will no doubt perpetuate such deviancy in our culture.

  16. "Driving and reading" It’s a shame you didn’t crash into a tree so you’d stop endangering other people’s lives

  17. "Open minded as they come" – proceeds to say that others are "deviants" for having different perspectives on society – sounds right! And who defines what is "abnormal" and "perverted"? You? And what, just because she enjoys sex, she is somehow screwed up in the head? And "nobody goes from full throttle to the slow lane" is just patently untrue. It’s blatantly obvious you don’t understand how sexuality and the human psyche works. Oh don’t worry, I didn’t assume you were "a bible thumper", I am fully aware that your intolerance exists away from religion, too. Honestly, your entire comment is so wrong and illogical, it would take a very long text to correct it all and prove it wrong, and I can’t bothered to give a shit.

  18. Hey now, he can be a judgemental idiot and not be religious. Let’s not insult everyone who believes in the bible because some people are intolerant.

  19. I would love to fuck 16 year old but I don’t want to catch a case. Fuck that. (U.S.)

  20. I thought it must have hurt to have sex with so many boys at once, great story!

  21. It did get uncomfortable at times, they didn’t push me to have sex with all of them if I wasn’t up to it.

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