Giving myself to Danny (M/F)

A while back I posted a couple of times about my first date with Danny, the time my sister visited with Danny and me, and once about hooking up with Danny after he had been married for about five years (we were lovers for many years, until I also married). I was asked for the details about losing my virginity to Danny, and I pointed out that it was pretty vanilla sex. I was then told that vanilla could still be pretty hot, so why not let the reader decide? So, this is an account of the weekend where Danny and I finally got down to business. Readers of my sister's visit will know that I had changed my mind about being a virgin on my wedding day, and when my annual checkup came around a few weeks before this trip, I asked my doctor for oral contraceptives, which she was happy to prescribe. This was to be my big surprise for Danny.

My sister, Veronica (called "Roni"), had a new boyfriend, Skip, and they seemed to be very much in love. Skip owned his own sailboat and when summer approached Danny and I were invited to spend a weekend with them, sailing to Catalina Island, about 25 miles off the Southern California coast. We all met at the marina early on Saturday morning, and it was a perfect day for sailing. We cast off and made good time, arriving in Avalon after a little more than five hours. Skip had reserved a mooring and we were settled in quickly.

I was feeling pretty frisky on the sail over and couldn't wait to get Danny alone. For most of the voyage I was wearing my bikini top and a short denim skirt that just covered my butt. And nothing else. Skip and Roni wanted to go into town immediately, do a little window shopping and get some provisions for dinner that evening. Danny and I were below when I heard Roni call my name. I climbed about three steps up the companionway so that my head and shoulders were out of the hatch and I could see them in the cockpit, with Roni sitting behind Skip as they faced me. I knew that Danny was somewhere behind me, but I couldn't tell where. As Roni and I discussed plans to take the dinghy into town I decided to lift the back of my skirt and flash Danny if he happened to be looking in the right direction.

As it turned out, he was. As I continued to talk with Skip and Roni, I felt a hand run up the inside of my legs. I took the smallest steps to the outside of the tread, giving Danny slightly better access. Soon I could tell that he had licked the fingers on his hand and he was gently rubbing my clitoris from below in a rhythmic manner. I was trying to stay focused as Skip was asking what I thought we should prepare for dinner? "Did steaks sound good? What about fish?" Now Danny had a couple of fingers up deep inside of me, going in and out with the same rhythm. "How about vegetables? What kind did I like?" I had invited this upon myself and now I had to deal with it. I must have looked like I was drunk. The funniest part was that Roni must have tumbled as to what was going on, because from behind Skip she raised her eyebrows and gave me a mysterious smile, then proceeded to push her index finger back and forth between a loop formed between her left thumb and finger. I nodded imperceptibly at her, and she quickly grabbed Skip and said they would go into town without us and give us some alone time. Soon the two of them were climbing down into the dinghy and I heard them motor away.

Meanwhile Danny was driving me nuts. I was about to come right there, and I all I could see were the people on the other boats moored near us. I got him to take his hand away for a second and turned around. Danny pushed my skirt up and asked me to just sit down on front edge of top step of the companionway. He made sure my skirt was up around my waist. From where he was standing his face was level with me and he immediately leaned in and started licking the insides of my thighs. I held onto the companionway railing with both hands, then lifted my legs and locked my heels behind Danny's neck. He used both hands to help support me on the step, as I was so far forward it would be very easy to fall off. While we had never had sex on a ladder, we had gone down on each other countless times in the last eight or so months. Danny knew every sensitive area on my body, and exactly how to deliver maximum pleasure. Usually when Danny is licking and flicking me with his tongue, I am holding onto his head, keeping him from stopping just before I climax (a game he loves to play). This time my hands were busy and I had to use my heels to pull him into me. I won't fib, this wasn't the most comfortable place I have ever done something like this, but it was very erotic and when I finally came it was only my grip on those railings that kept me from exploding off of those steps. Of course Danny wouldn't stop and it was impossible for me to bat his head away. He just kept on licking me over and over and over, even though I was hyper-sensitive and pleading with him to stop. Finally, I was just begging him and only then did he ease up. Oh… my… God. I was ready to collapse when Danny helped me unhook my ankles and stand up enough to step down into the saloon.

I took a while to recover. I decided that I wanted to get Danny back the same way. I was going to have him stand on the second step so that he would be right at eye level with me as I stood. Let him try to balance on steps while someone was bringing him to climax! But when I told Danny my plan, he brushed it off, using the excuse that Skip and Roni would be back soon. This was a little unlike Danny, but I let it pass. I still had a surprise for him this evening, and I did want him to be ready and fully in the mood.

Eventually Skip and Roni did return with groceries and late in the afternoon we got the barbecue fired up. Everyone pitched in and we enjoyed a simply delicious meal. We cleaned everything up and decided to spend the early part of the evening in Avalon. We all got properly dressed and after a quick dinghy ride to the dock and we were strolling along the waterfront, getting ice cream and listening to various bands playing in the live entertainment spots. Avalon comes alive during the summer and the weather is almost always perfect.

We were back on board by about 9:00 PM and Roni asked who wanted to play Hearts? We all enjoyed the card game, and were having a fun time seated around the saloon table drinking wine and trying to shoot the moon. After a couple of games, Roni suggested that we make the game more interesting, and that after each hand, the three players with the highest heart count would have to remove an article of clothing. That's right, Strip Hearts. Skip immediately seconded the motion and Danny said he was fine with it as well. I made it unanimous, but mostly so I wouldn't be perceived as stick in the mud. I suspected Roni was up to something.

I was lucky and won a couple of early hands, but soon most of us were down to their underwear. Skip had the worst luck, his score was steadily climbing and after catching the queen he was the first one to go completely au natural. He made a big deal about it, turning his body around to present his butt as he slid his boxers off. When he faced front again, it was pretty obvious, at least partially, why Roni was attracted to him. His penis was considerably longer and bigger than Danny's (the only one I had personally handled and could compare to). Without a tape measure, I would have to say it was well over six inches, and probably over seven inches. I even saw Danny's jaw drop slightly when Skip whipped that around. It would be many years before I would catch a glimpse of that again.

Soon Roni and I were seated at the table topless, along with Danny, only in our panties and shorts. Danny won the next hand, and it was time for Roni and me to join the onboard nudist club. I simply slipped my panties off, but Roni, of course, made a big deal out of it. The only thing she was missing was a stripper pole. After that, we didn't play any more hands, Danny simply joined us by standing and pushing his tighty-whities down and kicking them off of his ankles. This was now getting pretty awkward. People had enough to drink to play this game, but not enough to feel totally comfortable. I drifted over next to Danny and suggested it was time for bed. He agreed, and after gathering our clothes off the floor we said good night to Roni and Skip, and retired forward to the v-berth.

We got ready for bed. I had made up the berth on the sail over with fresh sheets and blankets, but it was warm enough that unless you opened the hatch, you would not need the blankets. Sliding into the sheets next to Danny I started brushing his nipples with my fingertips. This was guaranteed to get him in the mood 100% of the time, and it certainly did not fail now. We started kissing and I felt his hand steal down my belly and between my legs. In just a couple of minutes I was very wet and ready to climax. But I caught myself and grabbed his hand and told him to stop, that I needed to tell him something. Danny stopped and looked at me expectantly. I told him that I no longer wished to be a virgin on my wedding night, and that I wanted to give myself to him right now. Danny hemmed and hawed a moment, and said he had not brought a condom. I then told him about my visit with my doctor and that I was now on the Pill. Danny was clearly surprised, I don't think he had imagined that this would ever happen.

Danny started kissing me again, then moved down to kiss my breasts, all in a very slow, very methodical manner. Ever so slowly he moved down between my legs and started licking me, gently, but steadily. He was so good at this! A true artist. It didn't take too long (I was already pretty warmed up), when I felt the orgasm coming on. As soon as Danny sensed it too, he stopped and moved back up to my face, resting on top of me, but with most of his weight supported by his elbows.

Danny looked at me and in a low voice said, "Marcy, are you certain you want to go ahead with this? I know how important this has been to you, and there's no going back." I'm sure if I had changed my mind at that moment, he would have gone back down and finished me off with his tongue. His ear was very close to my mouth, and I whispered my reply, "You are a dear, Danny, but tonight I want you inside of me. I want to look at your face as you come inside of me. I want to feel what I have been desiring since our first night together in your bed." Danny simply smiled, then reached back with his right hand and pulled my leg up by the knee, then switched to the other hand and did it again. He then held himself up like doing a pushup and I could feel his erection brushing around on me, taking on some of my wetness. He told me to take a hold and help guide him in. I did and could feel the pressure as he started to enter me. Danny pulled out slightly, then drove in again, a little further. After four or five more strokes, he was all the way inside of me. I locked my heels over his back and just concentrated on the whole experience. One thing I didn't notice at first, there was a lose panel in the v-berth, and each time Danny pushed into me it would let out a tiny squeak. It seemed very loud to me, but there was no way I was going to try and fix it at this moment. There actually wasn't much for me to do at all except feel him filling me and it didn't take long before I felt the first orgasm sweep over me. It almost caught me by surprise, I was listening to the squeaks. When it hit me, I tightened down on him and let out a muffled moan. Danny was certainly experienced enough to know what had happened, and I was eagerly awaiting his own climax. But he just kept on going, showing no sign of slowing down. In fact, if the squeaks were accurate, he was picking up the pace slightly. Now I felt it…, another orgasm was coming on! This time I just grabbed him and pulled his face down to mine and clinched my legs around him as tightly as I could while I let out a series of moans. But he still was not stopping. I was wondering how long he could keep this up when he slowed slightly. He looked at me and whispered, "Here… I… come!", then started hitting me harder and harder. His face had the most exquisite grimace! His breathing turned into a series of gasps and I finally had what I really wanted. Feeling him come inside of me was even better in some ways than my own climaxes!

Danny collapsed on top of me, and after a minute or so rolled off beside me. He reached up to open the hatch and allow some cool air in, the v-berth was like a sauna by this point. We spooned together and slept through the night, to be awakened in the morning by Roni banging pots and pans around in the galley. I told Danny that was the most wonderful time of my life. He said it was something definitely worth waiting for. We pulled on some clothes and staggered out of our berth. Danny went up above to join Skip, leaving me and Roni down below. Roni waited until we were alone, then looked at me and said, "Eeee, eeee, eeee, eeee, eeee…" and then started busting up laughing. I must have blushed, but wasn't really ashamed. I told Roni what we had been up to, and she was happy for me, only chastising me for being so late to the party.

The rest of the day was fun. We went back into Avalon and rented bicycles and rode all around, visiting the Casino and other sights. We sailed back to the mainland later that afternoon. Back home I spent the night in Danny's bed and we tried all sorts of stuff. I think we probably could have used the Kama Sutra for a check list. It may not be right for everyone, but giving myself to Danny was certainly the right decision for me.

Danny and I stayed together for another year or so. We spent almost all of our time together. Roni married Skip, and I was in the wedding party as maid of honor. Danny was there, of course. The night of the rehearsal dinner was one I will never forget. Even after we broke up and Danny married, we were still on-and-off again lovers for another 14 years. I still see him a couple of times a year is social situations, but we haven't had a physical relationship in some time. I still think of him frequently.
