I had sex with Jeb Bush’s wife

I saw an ad on Craiglist, looking for a bull. I responded, because they were offering good money, as long as I was a "fertile immigrant". Well, I'm an immigrant, so I figured, whatever, I'll do this. So I mail with them, make an appointment and on the day itself walk up to their home, notice it's a nice house and get invited in by a middle aged Mexican lady.

I chat a bit with her, she tells me she wants to do a scenario where I fuck her in her bedroom, then her husband storms in while we're busy. I tell her I'm down with it, so we go to her bedroom and get busy. Halfway through, she starts moaning loud and the door opens and I see a guy standing who I recognize… Jeb-motherfucking-Bush.

He's yelling at me, yelling stuff like "Oh my God, what are you doing with my wife?" I answer, kinda nervously, cause it's Jeb after all: "Fucking her."

He becomes even more submissive "Why didn't you just ask me, I'd avoid disturbing you. I'm not racist, you can have sex with my wife when you want, I'll even raise your children, after all, we need fertile immigrants like you to grow our economy! We can't go a day without growing the economy."

He starts rambling about growing the economy and how immigrants create wealth and I find I'm going flaccid because it creeps me out and I'm really not that much into fucking an old Mexican lady while being watched by her husband. I try to think of something else and eventually get myself to ejaculate.

I sit around for a bit, watching Jeb Bush eat my "economy growing fertile immigrant semen" from his wife's vagina. Eventually we all get dressed again, they pay me and I head home. They called me later that week, but I didn't answer and haven't heard from them since.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/3gxn2a/i_had_sex_with_jeb_bushs_wife


  1. Great imagination! You never let the truth get in the way of a good story.

  2. Sounds legit to me. You should read the story where Jimmy Carter puts peanuts in his ass. So hot!

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