Here is the first post:
So I have gotten a few PMs so thought I would respond with an update. Crazy shit has happened and I fucked up bad. I have never felt like this before…so much shame and regret and guilt but I have a small feeling like I've done nothing wrong…but I know I have.
So the threesome was definitely at the urging of Liz and my wife gave in and wanted to try it. Two days after the threesome, I noticed by her backhanded comments that she was regretting the whole thing. So even knowing all that, Liz manages to get me over to her house Friday afternoon (day before my birthday) and seduce me. This time, no wife though. We were alone and we fuck for over two hours. I came twice. It was maybe the best sex I have ever had but I cheated on my wife. Liz is acting like it's not cheating because my wife approved of me having sex with her. But Liz knows that's bullshit which is why she is saying we don't tell my wife we fucked without her. Liz is saying that we will fuck again with my wife and everything will be fine, but I know my wife probably won't do another threesome again.
I can update this thread in the future cuz I know you want the details, but right now I feel too bad to do that. I really don't know what to do…I feel like our marriage will be over if I tell her and I feel like my wife will lose her two best friends. I don't want her to hurt like that. Are the cheating lines blurred with a threesome partner?
> So even knowing all that, Liz manages to get me over to her house Friday afternoon (day before my birthday) and seduce me. This time, no wife though. We were alone and we fuck for over two hours. I came twice. It would be great if you could tell this as a story.
Advice: Never ever ever tell your wife. If somehow you can get your wife on board or comfortable with Liz being your ‘friend with benefits’, that would be the best way to go……….i.e. I’ve already fucked her once, do you care if I fuck her every now and then going forward? There is a chance you can make this happen. Also, if you really want to open your wife up……..maybe surprise her with a MFM 3some with another attractive male? Maybe if she gets some strange cock in her then the 3somes will become a more regular thing and playing with Liz will seem like no big deal.
1. Don’t fuck Liz again if your wife isn’t there. 2. Don’t tell your wife what happened. 3.Treat you’re wife like the wonderful woman she sounds like she is.
Don’t tell the wife. Just pretend it never happened [and remember…](
Gonna say, this is likely not the best place to ask for advice, people are here for sexy stories. If you do want advice I advise you to head over to r/sex or r/relationships.
You just cheated on your wife. In no way are the lines "blurred" just because you’ve previously had a threesome with her.
Never ever tell your wife you had the best sex you’ve ever had with her bestfriend. It will be pointless. Talk to her and clarify if threesomes are over for good or if she just wants to change some things. If you love her, you will respect her decision. If you don’t and your physical thing with Liz is more important, do her the decency of telling her and not cheat behind her back. If this means you’ll separate I think you should consider it very carefully. Are you happy?
If you can live with the lie then let it go or fess up get right with the universe. Cheating is never cool or OK…trust is earned not a hand out.
You already took this to a fucking stupid place. You need to answer a simple question and act accordingly. If you can hand on heart say you’ll never cheat on her again then move on and make sure Liz is put in her place because she cheated on your wife too. If you haven’t got the willpower to prevent dishonouring the woman you love then leave her for her sake or at least beg both her forgiveness and to accept you as you are… weak. If Liz will not keep trust with your wife and refuse to play by the rules then she’s gone. Group sex/nsomes/hotwifing/cuckolding/fwbs etc isn’t complex or difficult you stick to one simple rule **No-one gets hurt.**
/r/relationships will crucify you. Hell, they are pretty against even ethical non-monogamy.
Well it can be argued he deserves it really
Seeing as how he said his wife wasn’t really happy about it, this is terrible advice.
I’m surprised more people aren’t jumping on your comment chain to agree with you. OP you just fucking cheated on your wife dude. Be a man and fess up.
Wanted to write my own comment, the three some didn’t land you in trouble, YOU did. You cheated on your wife. Plain and simple. I can’t believe you feel no remorse?
Yeah, bury it. If you get more threesomes, gold. If not, you had your fun. Just don’t do it again without her there.
>Liz manages to get me over to her house Friday afternoon Well done Liz, we know how hard that was.
His wife may just not be comfortable with it yet. From personal experience with my gf, once we had a few MFM 3somes, she was much more open and much less insecure with having FFM 3somes and me playing with other girls……..she got to see things from the ‘other side’, and realized that it was just harmless fun.
I said I feel tons of guilt and shame… I’m just saying how this actually went down is kinda insane…I need to control myself better but there was some crazy manipulation. Kinda thrown into a crazy spot.
I honestly didn’t expect anything…we are/were going to go to europe in a week and Liz had a $20 euro note that she accidentally brought back to the US when she went to France. She texted that I should come over and get the note and drop off my ladder so she could finish painting her living room and change the bulbs. She has 14 foot ceilings. I only went in to set up ladder and was actually on my way out the door before she started her shit…
[^(**Mouseover** to view the metric conversion for this comment)](#14 feet = 4.3 m "14 feet = 4.3 m Post feedback in /r/ToMetric")
There was no manipulation. You’re not a victim. Liz didn’t force you at gunpoint to do anything. You wanted it, and you chose to destroy your marriage. Sorry.