An alternate timeline where where “getting off” is a matter of life and death. [Alternate world]

It took a few years to really get used to the quite literal "maintenance" puberty causes. It happens at different times for everyone, as though it's a ticking time bomb that someone else has the control over. It's not necessarily at the beginning of puberty either, and for some it comes before that transition even occurs & for others like myself, it comes fairly late.

My clock started when I was sixteen. I know, real late, right? Anyways, I was in third period, math to be specific. It's not a weak subject, but I never had much interest in it. It bored me in fact, but I did my best to keep up and stay attentive. It helped in other areas too. Like keeping my more erotic thoughts in check. I had this weird idea that if I just avoided it altogether, it would never happen to me. A life without sex of any kind wasn't so bad. At least you didn't die spontaneously. Still, I was a teen with raging hormones, and even without thinking about it, I'd get a hard-on for no reason at all, at any time of day, no matter the situation. My dad warned me it wouldn't help to avoid it altogether, it would actually make it worse. Hed say "Jo, you've at least got to do it yourself, otherwise, it will make your life hell before your clock even begins. Besides, it will be good practice! So, you know, think about it." I still haven't ever tried it. I guess I'm too afraid of breaking my long absence of the subject, and accidentally starting my "clock".

That was an awkward day, but I'm getting off topic. Math class. Third period. Miss Thompson. Good god did I have a crush on her. Every day I had to be subjected to this thirty something, 5'7, bombshell brunette. She had this way of smiling that seemed to look one part confused, one part sarcastic. Perfect olive skin, deep brown eyes, never any make-up, and to this day, one of the most beautiful laughs I have ever heard. Not to mention her other charms! She was a petite woman, but I'd swear she was sculpted by the hands of more than one god before a goddess gave the final touches. Gorgeous.

My teenage male mind swirled in fiery encounters with this woman, as did many others I'm sure. Girls included. She caught me day dreaming that day, though I doubt she knew that it was her I was dwelling on. I may have never touched myself before, but I have seen videos. Sex-ed was a veritable sexual motivation class. Birth rates were low, as women only ovulated twice a year and male/female birth control was both safe and 100% effective, but the looming danger of instant death from letting yourself go too long without release led to the suggestive course. Sex drives tended to be quite low as it is commonly deemed a chore, but the hormones would have their way eventually. They always have their way. Last year a girl in Gym class had apparently not noticed that her "second puberty" had hit a month earlier, and simply dropped in the middle of a basketball game. It's rare, but sometimes people just don't show the signs.

Anyways, I was imagining that she found me lying on the floor, keeled over in pain. My groin was tightening like a vice, and my heart beat faster and faster, threatening to rip out of my chest at any moment. She rushes to my side and immediately knows what the problem is, probably having seen it, or experienced it herself. "Jo! Jo, I need you to roll over! Right now, Jo!" She says panic on the edge of her voice, but never losing her composure.

"It hurts!" I manage to say, before the waves of pain take me over again.

"I know, but I need you to roll over so I can help, now trust me! It's going to be okay." She says calmly as she helps me to my back. "We need to get these off so please move your hands, I won't hurt you."

"Yeah, ungh, okay, sure." I say that's more a grunt than anything.

Just as she is removing my pants I hear my name being called.

"Jo. Mr Anderson! Are you day dreaming in my class again?" I finally come to my senses and realize what was going on. I see Miss Thompson staring a hole through me and I can't help, but feel as though she caught me red handed. Though I knew that was impossible, I simply wasn't paying attention and she called me out on it.

"Sorry miss Thompson, I uh, just have a lot on my mind." I say

"Well having a working mind is a good first step in my class, but do pay attention. Now can you please focus on the lesson." She says sternly, but softly. Like a mother to her small child when he does something only slightly mischievous.

"Yes ma'am, sorry ma'am. It won't happen again." I say looking quite obviously embarrassed.

"See me after class Mr Anderson."

"Yes ma'm."

She goes on with the lesson and I'm left feeling something I never noticed before. The "need". It was slow at first, but it was definitely different. Maybe this was what dad was talking about? Time seemed to slow down, and her class went on and on, I thought it would never end. I kept glancing towards her legs that shown out from her skirt and slowly worked my way up from there. Her toned legs, her fit rear end, her perky breasts. It's like I couldn't stop, or didn't want to. And then the worry kicked in. My heart felt a little faster, my skin a little warmer, I was horrified. Was this it? Was it my time? No not here, not her class. Anywhere, but here! I glanced at the clock and the bell was about to ring any moment, I thought that if I could just last that long I could go and calm myself as long as I was away from her.

"ring-ring" The bell called an end to my misery, but I couldn't move. It was as though a magnet kept me in place, or that I was frozen still. And then the pain kicked in. It started in my mid section and worked in a spiral outwards. I bent over out of instinct and gripped my stomach. It felt like I was kicked in the balls then stabbed for good measure.

Miss Thompson glanced my way when she heard my gasp. I looked up and simply said. "Ma'am, I'm, ungh, not sure whats happening, but, aggh, I think I have an idea.'

Her big brown eyes went wide with crisis, and she immediately ran to my side.

"Now Jo, this is perfectly normal, but we need to take care of this before it progresses too far. Now I need you to lie down on the floor, I'll be right back." she says

"Okay, sure." I manage to say

She helps me down to the ground and rushes to lock the door, I guess for privacy reasons, though in cases like this, privacy is rarely a possibility. She calmly walks back and removes her blouse, which I thought was weird, but later I would find out why, though even in an extraordinary amount of pain, I took full notice of her breasts. Perfect, I knew it. She kneels beside me and gently takes my hands that are now cemented to my midsection.

"Now Jo, I know this will be embarrassing, and I know this isn't the most ideal of circumstances, but i need you to trust me to help you. Can you move your hands so that I can remove your pants? We have to give you release or you could die very quickly. Can you do that for me?" She says in that angelic tone of voice. I uncork my eyes to glance at hers and all I see is concern, and it's beautiful.

"Yes ma'am, agh,sure, please. Ughh,god this hurts!"

"It's okay sweet heart, I know. Now I'm going to remove your pants, I'll try to be gentle." She says as she unbuttons my pants, my hard-on now trying fiercely to rise, but is kept at bay by my jeans.

"Now raise up a little please, there we go,okay now lie back and just try to relax, it'll be over before you know it." Was the last thing I heard before something wet and warm engulfed my cock. I'm immediately beset by relief, but the pain is still there. Up and down, a tongue wrapping here and there, it's heavenly. This is what I've been avoiding this whole time? Man, dad sold it short! But the pain isn't gone entirely, and I'm having trouble just keeping my eyes open.

The warmth is gone and I feel her hand on my shaft stroking up and down, up and down near the head. I open my eyes finally and see that shes staring intently at me. I manage a weak smile that doesn't hide my pain entirely.

"it's okay, Jo, it'll be over before you know it. How are you feeling." Up and down, up and down.

"It hurts still miss Thompson, but this feels really good, I've never done it myself before. I feel kind of dumb now." I say, moaning in between pain spasms.

"Really? Well then you are in for a nice surprise here soon Mr Anderson, just focus on me, I know you day dream about me sometimes. Shus, don't ask how I know. I'm flattered, but right now it will help if you focus on the real thing." Beaming that warm, tender, sarcastic smile of hers. I couldn't look away if I tried.

"This might help a bit." With her free hand she reaches towards her back and lets her bra loose, without skipping a beat she switches hands to pull her other arm through. Topless, bra-less, Miss Thompson. Good god.

Up and down, up and down.

"There, how does it compare to the day dreams, Mr Anderson?" Obviously being sarcastic now, but still smiling.

"Gorgeous, Miss Thompson, just gorgeous. You didn't have to do that though." I say with a smirk.

"Think nothing of it, just enjoy the view, I think we are almost finished!"

She goes back to using her mouth and this time playing with my testicles, man, I was quite literally on the verge of..something. Hopefully not death, but the pain had begun to subside so that I thought was as good sign at least. She began going further down and I could start to feel my head touching her throat with slight suction sounds accompanying the sensations I was feeling.

"Ungh miss thompson, something is happening!" I feel my testicles rise, and my shaft feels as though it's turning to steel. She doesn't stop, she just keeps on licking, and bobbing, and groping. All of a sudden my ass raises off the floor & my vision goes white and my eyes clench shut without command. I feel a "shooting" down my shaft, in the way you feel water flowing through a garden hose when it's kinked slightly. Pulse after pulse sends waves of ecstasy through my body and the pain subsides immediately, as though it never happened. One, two, three, four, five, six massive spurts and a few more slightly smaller ones and my body eases into a motionless heap on the floor. I finally come to my senses and open my eyes to see the sexiest sight of my entire teenage life, and most of my adult one.

"Well Mr Anderson, welcome to adult hood." She says matter-of-factly, smiling away with semen covering her hands and rolling from her mouth, a few strands covering her cheek and breasts. My slightly deflated shaft began to stir again, immediately addicted to this new experience.

"That was quite a lot more than I expected from you. This really was your very first time wasn't it, Mr Anderson?" She asks grinning.

"Yeah, um, wow, yeah. I never tried it myself because I was afraid of, well, you know." I say looking down awkwardly.

"That's alright, it happens to all of us sometime. I'm just glad we caught it before the worst happened. aren't you Mr Anderson?" There's the sarcasm again, but her grin and the way her gaze seemed to say more set me at ease. And excited me at the same time.

"Yes ma'am, in more ways than one, yes ma'am." Is all I could say with my pants around my ankles and my recently satisfied cock returning to life.

"Well now, it seems you're quite the performer, eh? Now, now, time to go, so pull your pants up and let me get dressed before you head out. And if this ever happens again in my class, please let me know so it doesn't scare the life from me, okay?" She says tenderly, as she tidies herself up.

"Yes ma'am." With a smile and a hard-on, I had every intention of letting her know when it happened again.

So this is my first attempt at this sort of thing. I really only did it because this is a long running fantasy of mine, but I have never written it down anywhere & saw the opportunity so I took it. Hope you like it!



  1. Awesome story! Fantastic idea and certainly kept my attention. Would love to see this as a base for future stories, you could do a lot with it and especially revealing little parts of the world as they are. Keep it up!

  2. Thanks! I never actually thought about turning it in a series, but that is worth considering. I really enjoyed writing it!

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