Affairs of a Life – First Time Cheating

It was 5:30 at our usual bar. For quite sometime, it has been a routine that my husband and I meet here when he's been on one of his two-week business trips. We enjoy a martini and he will have a couple of cigars, all while we catch up on life. We then pick one of our favorite nearby restaurants and enjoy a nice evening, sometimes ending with some pretty good sex, other times not, depending on how his trip went. Tonight however, he just sent me a quick text that his flight has been canceled and he is running to try to make another flight, but the best case scenario is that he will not arrive back from the west coast until early tomorrow morning. Well crap, no sex tonight for Laine and Jack.

As I was sipping my drink, my mind wandered back to the past, which seems to be happening more regularly lately, wandering back to those affairs that just seem to happen in life. Remembering what they were like, the excitement of touching a new person for the first time, the thrill, and sometimes the heartbreak…….

I was 29 years old, and we had been married for 9 years, with two wonderful children. Our lives were pretty good. While certainly not what would be considered wealthy, we could afford a house, two cars and a vacation once in awhile. And of course my beloved 1965 Mustang. But I had this nagging feeling that something in our lives was not quite right, and that maybe Jack was having an affair — nothing specific, but I just felt that something was going on. Additionally, he was working longer and longer hours, seeming to avoid coming home at a normal time.

So, I confided in my sister-in-law Jill. Well, actually she was my ex-sister-in-law, having previously been married to my brother. To use the vernacular of the time, Jill got around a lot — and no wonder, with her great looks, wonderful personality, southern drawl and long blonde hair.

Jill suggested that I needed to get my mind off of our marriage situation, and said to me "Laine, we are going out this weekend, dance and have a great time." And Jill does not take no for an answer.

When Friday afternoon arrived, I was dressing as Jill had told me. To be honest, I looked pretty good — a petite 5'2", with a nice 36-23-35 shape, and long blonde hair. People often thought Jill and I were twin sisters, although her skin was milky white and I was covered with freckles. We had even gone to the trouble of purchasing matching outfits. It sounds funny now, but a cool thing to wear in those days was a pair of button front white hip hugger jeans, a triangular top with strings that tied around the neck and back, short enough to come down just below your breasts, and sandals. Jill had rather small, pointy breasts, while my larger breasts allowed the top to hang very nicely on me.

Looking in the mirror, I thought "Wow Laine, you look pretty darn good for a 29 year old mother!"

So we headed off to the hot club in the city to have a great time, with Jill driving since my Mustang was in the shop. As soon as we walked in, I wanted to leave. Night clubs, dancing, just the whole thing was not what I was about. But, Jill insisted we grab a nearby table and have one drink. Yeah, one drink.

Jill was on the dance floor immediately, and I finally relented to a dance with a guy who just would not give up. And I must admit — damn, he was good looking. I am a terrible dancer, and he was quite the gentleman, helping me get by so that I would not look like a fool. During one slow dance, his hands slid down my back, resting on my butt cheeks, his eyes on mine, and I could feel his cock pressing strongly against me, and I kind of froze. Interesting that at that point in my life, just saying "cock" was nothing I could even imagine.

Just then, Jill came by to tell me that she was taking some guy home (gee, who would have imagined that), but she was sure I would be able to get a ride home. My new "friend" George, said he would be glad to see that I would get home safely, so all was settled.

After the previous dance and the feeling I got when George's cock pressed against me, I realized that I was getting into much more than intended. I told George that if he were going to give me a ride home, we should probably be going. Of course, he said we would have to run upstairs to his hotel room to grab his car keys.

I probably should explain now that my sexual experiences had been rather basic. I was a virgin when married at the age of twenty. The wedding night was not quite what I had expected…. the sex lasting maybe three minutes and leaving me wondering "this is what I waited for?"

Through the years, our sex life improved, but was still a basic missionary position, over quickly, leaving me in a somewhat frustrated state knowing I wanted more of something but not really sure what. Almost every Saturday night, from 10:00 to 10:05 — that was the routine.

So here I am in George's hotel room. His room was apparently above the lounge, because I could still hear the music playing. He took my hands, saying "well since we can hear the music, let's have one last dance."

For reasons I still do not understand, I said yes. We danced, danced and danced some more. I felt like I was in a dream world….his large hands on my butt cheeks, my face pressing against his chest….dancing the night away.

Slowly, he stepped away and sat on a sofa. Looking at me he said, "Laine, you are stunningly beautiful. Will you take your clothes off for me?"

I could not believe what I had just heard. But then I thought back to my Saturday night, five minute, missionary routine, and thought what the heck, I'll see what happens. Wow, I was not ready for what happened!

I untied the string on my top that was tied around my back, then untied the string tied around my neck, letting the top fall to the floor. I think with amazement to those days when my 36C breasts stood out perfectly straight. No bra needed then! I unbuttoned the four buttons on my white hip huger jeans and pulled them down over my hips, stepping out. Two strings and 4 buttons, and that was it. Jill had convinced me earlier that I should not wear underwear because it made panty lines.

Not knowing what to do next, George sensed my nervousness. He got up, walked over to me, raised my chin and kissed me. My God I almost melted! While his lips never left mine, he somehow managed to slip out of all his clothes. He kissed me hard, and I began returning his kisses, strong, urgent, tongues probing. His lips slid down my neck, he got to his knees and took one nipple in his mouth — and I felt fire shoot through my body! Nobody had ever done that before! One, then the other, continuing to burn me up! We slid down to the bed, and he stopped and looked me in the eyes. Oh no I thought! He knows I have no experience in this!

He took my hand, and simply said, "Laine, I know this is all new to you, but I want you to know that I am going to fuck you, unless you tell me no right now."

I paused, as I realized that here I am, an attractive, 29 year old woman — and I have never really been fucked. I quickly said "please, please fuck me!"

As he lifted me all the way onto the bed, I realized that his cock was very strong and large, or at least by my standards. I could not believe any of this was happening, as I also realized that I was very, very wet "down there."

George slowly entered me, the large head of his cock just barely inside me, almost teasing me. I raised my hips to him, moaning for him to please fuck me, when he just buried himself. I screamed as I could not believe the feeling! Then he began to get rougher, pounding and pounding — saying "stay with me Laine" for what seemed an eternity! Suddenly, I felt his cock grow and then release into me — amazingly at the same time I came. My God, I had never felt anything like this!!!

Afterward, I just wanted to lay there forever, him still inside me. He was brushing my hair from my eyes, me rubbing my hand on his back, feeling so content. I thought" so this is what it is like!"

A short time later, as I was wishing we could just lay here all night like this, I realized that he was not only still inside me, but I could feel him growing. This had never happened before! He stood up, pulled me to the edge of the bed and held up my legs by the ankles, sliding back into me. As I turned my head to the side, I realized the sliding closet doors were mirrors. I was transfixed as I watched myself fully exposed to this stranger, his cock coming almost all the way out, them slamming back into me. I moved a little to the side and put a pillow under my head, so that I could watch him fucking me. I came two, three times — I'm not sure, before he filled me again and collapsed on me.

Finally, he said "Laine, I promised to get you home, but I think it would be a good idea to shower first."

We got in his car, stopped and grabbed a soft drink, and I gave him directions for the 30 minute drive home. We chatted nonstop all the way, then he pulled into our drive. Our house is in a wooded area, and the driveway curves through the trees, and I asked him to stop short of the garage — I did not want my husband to see the car as he still thought I was with Jill.

We got out of the car and walked behind it, and George gave me a little peck on the cheek, hesitated then kissed me on the lips. I grabbed his face, and kissed him, getting wet again between my legs. He quickly untied the two strings holding my top on and began kissing my breasts, my nipples, once again sending fire through my body. As he pressed against me I could again feel his hard cock through his pants, and I pressed harder against him. Suddenly he turned me around, bending me over the back of his car, and slowly began unbuttoning my pants, pulling them down. I lifted my legs to allow them to slide off easily as he quickly stepped out of his pants, lifted me on my toes and slid his hard cock into me.

I was aware enough to realize that here I was in my driveway, while this man I had met a few hours ago had me bent over the rear of his car, fucking me. I might say fucking me really, really hard, like never before.

I could see the light on in the library where my husband always read before bed; saw the light go out and the stairway light come on as he made his way upstairs, until that light went out and the bedroom light came on. George seemed to have even more stamina, continuing to fuck me harder and harder, his balls slapping against me in rhythm, until we both came as he filled me again and again. Ironically, the bedroom light went out.

George and I continued to see each other for several weeks when he was in town on business. I started taking more initiative with my husband, trying different positions with him for as long as he could last. And Jack's affair? Well, I still suspected him, until one day he surprised me with a first class vacation to Hawaii to celebrate out 10 year anniversary, apologizing for all the hours he had spent working to save up the money.



  1. Beautifully told. Very sexy, especially because you let us know what you were thinking.

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