Chilling with my GWS peeps.

Hi guys,

Recently I've had a run of awesome sexual experiences as my wife and I are stepping up our game in terms of having adventures. I've shared our heart pounding moment of revealing our kink to a vanilla friend, an adventure put together with a little help from my friends and the unexpected aftermath it had on my friend Laura. It has been awesome to share all this with you and I have recently been more compelled to do so because there seems to be more true stories going up here than fantasy. It makes me feel that my un-porned up account of real events will be appreciated and add to the experience.


Sex has always been my drug of choice. Okay coffee and the occasional drinking session sometimes but if you commit to it nothing pays you back more than a good sex life. I know how lucky I am. I'm in a fantastic marriage and my wife's secondary partner is so chilled out he is fast becoming a permanent fixture. I have a small cadre of trusted fuck buddies to make life even more interesting and enough imagination between us all to keep things fresh and different.


I'm writing this currently in bed alone. It's 11:30pm GMT the kids are in bed and Haley is at Ians. Instead of feeling like I'm missing out and contacting my fwbs I am enjoying the me time. I don't want to burn out. We will probably have sex when Haley gets home (especially if she and Ian has sex because she likes being reclaimed) but it'll be loving and personal and nothing I would write about.


I notice that a lot of things that are written about in GWS are to do with pseudo-taboo subjects or they are one night stands. Nothing wrong with this but I would like to hear more about couples coming up with an awesome night and how they pulled it off. If you are reading the stories and thinking "man I which hubby/wife and I would do something like this" then talk to them. Chances are they have desires that can be catered for too but find it difficult to talk about them. The single most exciting night of our lives was when Haley and I confessed all of our kinks and curiosities to each other.


I have spoken with Haley about writing about some of our/my previous experiences. I don't know which ones to concentrate on first. There's my dabbling with group sex activities with friends, my bisexual experiences with other men, roleplaying and BDSM (mild) or my time being a +1 for other couples as they fulfil curiosities of their own. For Haley it's a look at her oppressive school and parents and the little rebellions she would hold under her covers. If any of this appeals please tell me.


I'm also considering writing a few pieces about how horny I get and focus on a warts-and-all honest description of how it feels for a guy. What goes through my mind and how bad it gets etc. I wonder if any women would be interested about hearing about that? I'd be interested in reading the same from a womans point of view. I have heard only one story from a friend at that level before and it got shocking at one point about how much she wanted him to pound her and how much she wanted to completely lose control and be at the mercy of this guy and completely overwhelmed.


I look forward to your thoughts.



  1. I’m trying to figure out which way is best. Start from a stressful day in work and being tempted by certain women who flirt with me (especially with them wearing what they are in the hot weather) then going into detail about seeing my wife undressing and then dressing and being hugely honest about what I like and what efforts of hers may be lost on me then a high-def under the skin perception of how she feels and what it’s like to be inside her?

  2. Honestly, as a guy, I want to read what you just described briefly in greater detail.

  3. Any other reasons than getting details of me having sex with my wife? :) I’m genuinely asking. It’ll be a writing challenge. Trying to describe how powerful it is when a guy gets horny in a way that doesn’t freak a female reader out is one challenge. We are the sex initiator of the species in nature and the primal drives we have can sound terrible on paper. . I wrote exactly how I felt about Laura when she first started flirting with me on paper once and I went into great detail about what my body was telling me. When I read it back it was like I was some sex predator stalker. I showed it to Laura before deleting it (much later into our fwb-ship) and she said "this is what was underneath the surface! You were so cool about it!" It was a turn on for her that she was able to provoke it in me but that’s because she knows I’m a safe and controlled guy able to control those urges. If she ever thought things would become non-optional that thrill would quickly turn to fear. . The other writing challenge would be describing tactile sensations. I have ideas but there’s softness of breasts compared to mens leathery skin, what it feels like to get hard, the feeling of a womans pussy as you slip inside, the sensation of ejaculating to name but a few.

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