Wife being used at the office by management.

Michelle was 35 years old. She was married to Todd, her high school sweetheart. They had three children. Todd was not much in the looks department, but he was tall and very sexy in Michelle's eyes, and he was intelligent – he had been a attorney for a small local firm. Most importantly to Michelle, Todd was unerringly faithful and she had been the same for him. Todd was a devoted father to their three sons. He quit his job after their oldest was diagnosed with autism, as Michelle made a bit more money than him and things would be tight on a single income budget. He put a lot of time into their son's care, homeschooling him and patiently helping him to deal with the frequent violent outbursts that had him expelled from private school. It was a rough job, but Todd handled it with few complaints. Because he was home all day he was happy to support Michelle in her career. She often had to work overtime in her job, even weekends, but Todd never nagged her about neglecting their relationship or the children.

Michelle was smart and ambitious so she was disappointed when she found her new job was boring most of the time. Unfortunately, it paid better than any local alternative and the benefits were exceptional. So she plugged along, resigned to be a wage slave to the daily grind.

That Monday, Michelle had to present a proposal to the company President and Vice President. The two were good friends and basically did everything together, including major decisions about the company. On her way into the building, Michelle was caught in a downpour. Michelle had worked all weekend at home on that presentation, so she tucked the folder under her shirt and ran into the building, getting soaked in the process.

When Michelle entered the conference room, Jim, the President, and William, the VP, were waiting for him. Michelle pulled the presentation folder out from under her wet shirt, which then clung to her body and gave her a chill in the air conditioned room. She smoothed her wet hair back, glad she worked out and didn't have a big gut sticking out of her wet shirt. It was bad enough her nipples were erect, but at least her chest, shoulders, and abs were well muscled. Jim and William never stopped talking about Cross Fit. With those two, displaying a decent physique could be points on Michelle's side.

William buzzed Sara, his assistant, and asked her to bring Michelle a cup of coffee. While he was on the intercom William made a comment about Michelle winning first prize if the company ever had a wet t-shirt contest. It was more the way William said it, as he looked Michelle up and down, his eyes going from her nipples to her crotch area which had also taken a soaking in the rain. William gave a knowing smile and a barely perceptible wink. Michelle felt her face turning bright red. She took the hot mug of coffee from Sara and began her presentation.

Jim and William sat shoulder to shoulder, paying attention to Michelle but also writing down comments only the two could see. Sara, an older Latina woman, had brought a cup for herself and stood against the wall, sipping the contents. When Michelle finished, he asked, "Any questions?"

Jim looked up and said, "Yes, I have a question."

Michelle looked at Jim quizzically.

"Briefs or thong?" asked Jim. William snickered. Sara looked down at the floor, embarrassed for Michelle.

Michelle was enraged. What the hell! She had worked all weekend, struggled with incomplete data and difficult to find statistics in order to make a presentation she was sure would get her a promotion, and the owner of the company wanted to know about her fucking underwear?

Michelle began to say, "I don't really see how that has any rele…." but Jim cut her off. "When you turned around I didn't see a line for briefs on that well formed butt of yours." Tapping his pen on the pad they both had been writing on just moments before, Jim said, "William thinks you're wearing briefs but I just don't see you as the type to let it all hang loose."

The fact was, Todd liked Michelle to wear thongs. She found them less than comfortable but he said that would just remind her of him all day long. She had to admit he was right. Every time the damn thing ran up the crack in her ass she cursed her horny husband, and was happy when he brought her into the bedroom to personally remove them – with a little lick and slurp to remind him of what awaited him later that evening, when their boys were tucked into bed.

"Yeah, briefs" Michelle said, hoping to change the topic. "If you don't have any RELEVANT questions then I guess that concludes —

"Prove it" said Jim. "We wouldn't want any liars working for us, would we, William?" William agreed. He nodded towards Michelle. "Take it off. Those wet clothes can't be comfortable. Sara will help you out of them." Michelle stared at them, weighing just how much this job was worth to her.

Michelle stood up and the room tilted. She felt odd, like she had too much to drink or was… she was drugged. Damn it! She looked at Sara and for the first time noticed she seemed to be having trouble focusing on Jim and William at the table. She was holding on to the wall like she might fall over. Michelle thought, "the coffee" She had a big cup of coffee while Jim and William had full glasses of water in front of them.

"Come on, Michelle, take it off. NOW!" commanded Jim, as he motioned Sara over to Michelle's side. "If you want to keep your job after that miserable presentation, we want to see some ass."

There was a camera set up to record the presentation. William moved it from the end of the table to closer to where Michelle was standing, as Sara made her way over to her.

As she fumbled with her belt, Michelle sheepishly admitted she had lied, explaining how her husband liked to see her in a thong. William and Jim hooted. "All the better!" Sara stepped in and said, "Excuse me, Mr Michelle, I must do this." as she slid her hands into the wasteband, and down around her firm, bare buttocks. She locked eyes with her and Michelle could see Sara didn't want to do this any more than she did. Sara gently, almost imperceptibly shook her head no, and her eyes pleaded with Michelle. She could read the mortification on her face that her job had been threatened too, as she slid her hands down taking the pants with her.

Jim and William walked to where Michelle was standing and told her to get up on the conference table. Sara helped her up. Michelle stood there, her nipples erect under the blast of the air conditioner hitting her wet shirt.

Michelle's head was swimming, reeling from the effect of whatever drug they put in her coffee.

Jim reached up and pulled Michelle's thong down from behind. William and Jim walked around the table, looking from all angles, both of them with cameras, taking pictures of Michelle standing there in all her glory, and making crude remarks about her body. "Take the shirt off, too. It's not hiding anything. We want to see it all." Michelle realized Sara was standing behind her, taking off her clothes under orders from their bosses.

Sara pressed herself against Michelle's back, the feel of her hot, large breasts. Jim reached up and stroked Michelle's pubic area while William caressed her firm ass. Michelle stood there, enduring the molestation of the two men, feeling horrid for betraying Todd for the first time in their 17 year long marriage. Sara' hand slid down the crack in her ass, coated with lube. Her fingers probed her rectum, lubricating it with so much fluid it flowed down her legs. Even though Michelle felt faint, she spun her head sharply around when she felt a large cock slip into her ass, and she found herself staring into the face of her grinning boss, Jim.

Sara moved around to the front of Michelle, helped by William's strong hands. She knelt in front of her and saying, "Sorry, Michelle", began to lick her clitoris. Michelle shuddered, the strange warm mouth caressing her while Jim was pumping his cock into Michelle's ass. Michelle hadn't cried in years, maybe decades, not since her beautiful son was diagnosed with autism. But she felt on the verge of tears now, experiencing the mixture of pain and pleasure, being sodomized by her boss and being given oral sex by a co-worker. She tried to divert her mind, to take himself away from this…think grocery shopping, think anything, just don't come in Sara mouth.

Michelle's eyes were closed and she was trying to delay cumming, when Jim shot his wad into Michelle's sore, wet ass. Jim pushed Sara away and force Michelle down to a kneeling position. William climbed up on the table and told Michelle it was his turn. Grabbing Michelle by her thick hair, William pushed his cock into Michelle's mouth, so deep she choked and gagged. William told Michelle to relax. Gagging was fine, it produced mucous that made it easier for William to shove his huge cock deep into Michelle's throat. Michelle nearly vomited, she was strangling, unable to even gasp for breath as the cock moved back and forth, sliding over her tongue and pushing against the back of her throat. On the verge of passing out from lack of air, Michelle finally felt William cum in her mouth. Michelle sputtered, flinging a mouth full of semen all over William. William still had Michelle's hair firmly in his fist. He pushed Michelle's face into his thighs and said, "You made the mess, you clean it!" making Michelle lick up every drop of cum from his shaved cock, balls, and thighs.

When they were done, they made Michelle pleasure Sara. She laid on the hard conference table and Michelle fondled her large soft breasts, licked her clit until she orgasmed. All the while Michelle thought of Todd. How disappointed he would be in her. How no job would be worth this much to him. How he would have expected her to say NO, throw down the presentation folder, and storm out of the room – no matter what the consequences to her job. Being an attorney, Todd would have wanted to sue the company and its officers for sexual harassment – which pretty much would have insured the company declaring bankruptcy to avoid any judgment and Michelle would never work another day in her life. However, Todd and his attorney friends would carefully review the videos that would show Michelle complying with every command, rather than turning around and leaving the room. This would ruin them. No. What happened in the conference room would have to stay in the conference room.

When Sara was finished Jim told her to resume licking Michelle. Michelle realized this hell she was in would not stop until she came too. The physical stimulation Michelle had felt in the last hour took its toll. Michelle's breath quickened, and she released while Sara' mouth was on her. Without looking at her, Sara wiped her lips with her hand, and got off the table. William and Jim collected their cameras and walked out without saying a word.

Michelle crumbled in a heap. She could never tell Todd about this. Never. He was her soulmate. Her confidant. She wanted to collapse in his arms and cry to him…. but tell him about her bosses sodomizing her, sucking off William, having an orgasm with Sara? No. No. She could never tell anyone.

Sara handed over her clothes, and gently, motherly, smoothed her hair. All she said was, "I am so sorry, Michelle."

As she walked back to her office, Michelle felt the eyes of all the other employees on her. She thought it must be her imagination but they all seemed sympathetic, almost as if they pitied her.

The next day, Ed, the CFO called Michelle into his office. "I hear you did an excellent job on the presentation. Jim and William were mighty impressed by your performance. They want my opinion because they're thinking about you as our next CTO."

Michelle nodded. Maybe something good will come out of this after all.

"Sit down, sit down." said Ed.

Michelle sat in one of the two leather chairs in front of Ed's big polished mahogany desk. Ed walked around to the front of the desk, and appeared to be looking through some papers. Then Michelle heard the unmistakable sound of a zipper slowly being pulled down, and noticed Ed's belt hung slack at the back of his waist. Ed turned around with his big dark cock hanging out of his pants.

He grabbed Michelle by the back of her head and forced her mouth open with the tip of his cock.

When Michelle finished sucking Ed off, Ed said, 'Congratulations, you've made the team."