First blowjob from some aggressive older girls during summer school [FMF]

I was 14 and a late bloomer, barely five feet and skinny as a fire pole. A few sprigs of pubic hair were a very recent addition to my southern hemisphere. The only time I’d ever touched a girl was during an awkward slow dance the year before. I mustered all my courage and asked Katie Lucien to dance to a Boyz II Men song. I think it was “I’ll Make Love To You.” This wasn’t intentional, I can assure you. It was one of those panicky spur of the moment decisions that I forced myself to make sometimes. All I can remember are my sweaty palms and being grateful for the half foot of air between our bodies, which safely hid my rock hard erection from her. After the dance was over, I watched her embarrassed face turn towards her friends laughing off to the side. She quickly scampered away without so much as a goodbye or a see you later. Welcome to the 8th grade in 1997.

The next week at school I couldn’t even look at her. I had almost no friends at all and was greatly looking forward to the summer. When it finally did come two weeks later, it felt like a slow moving steamroller had finally finished flattening me from foot to head, allowing me to peel myself off the asphalt and go on my way.

I had 3 months to myself before high school started. At least I thought I did. I soon learned that my parents signed me up for an advanced summer math class that meet three times a week at the high school. This allowed me to skip geometry and go right to pre-calc in the fall, which my parents assured me was essential to any future happiness I hoped to have.

This terrified me, but it wasn’t because of the math. I liked math. I didn’t mind the work, but the thought of having spend three days a week at the high school, not knowing anyone there, and being highly aware of how awkward and tragically uncool I was, filled me with tremendous anxiety.

My fears were mostly assuaged when I discovered (duh), that the high school was more or less empty during the summer. The other kids in the class were fellow nerds from the rest of the school district, some whom I knew.

About the third week in, class ended up being canceled, and since I had no way to reach my mom to get picked up, I had little choice but to wait around for 3 hours. I started wandering the empty halls, running my hands across rows of beige metal lockers, and strategizing how to survive the impending year.

I soon found myself in the basement, where I discovered something of great interest. The girl’s swim team was practicing. I heard the coach's whistle and the chattering and playful screams of the girls. A door that led down a few rows of bleachers into the pool was ajar. Already my heart started racing, and I knew that even the merest glimpse of skin would send electric waves down my body and turn my dick into a dangerous rod of plutonium. I had to take a peek.

I carefully positioned myself to the side of the door, such that I was certain I could see but no one below could see me watching. I could just barely make out the outline of pink and brown legs and blue swim suits. But it wasn’t long before I heard a door open behind me and a girl’s voice yell, “Hey, you little pervert, what are you doing?”

I turned around and saw two punkish girls standing a few feet behind me.

“Nothing,” I muttered, panicked, and started quickly walking away. I was desperately trying to reassure myself that everything was fine. I’d run out of there and never look back. These girls had no idea who I was; they wouldn’t know whom to gossip about if they wanted to.

However, it was soon apparent that this was not the end of the encounter for them. They chased after me and actually pushed me. My heavy backpack acted as a pendulum and spun me around and onto the floor. The girls crowded near me and laughed. I finally got a good look at them. They were emo but both quite pretty. Both had died blue hair and wore dark eye shadow. One was a little thicker, and shorter, but still a good three inches taller than me. She wore a low-cut, white spaghetti strap top that accentuated her large powder-white breasts. The taller one was wearing baggy skater pants, but her top was a tight Marilyn Manson concert t-shirt that hung just above her belly button.

“Oh my god, he’s got a boner,” the shorter one said.


I looked down and saw my four-inch rod of thunder stiff as ever and completely indifferent to the embarrassment I was feeling (thanks, buddy!). I quickly moved to cover it with my backpack and tried to get up.

“Dude, I dare you to touch it,” the taller one said to the shorter one.

“Ok,” she replied gamely, but I could tell she was nervous. They were both nervous, like this was some some kind of plan they had hatched the night before and were now testing their courage.

At this point I was completely panicking. “I gotta go,” I think I managed to spit out and tried to walk past them. “No, no, no” the taller one insisted. She pinned me against the wall, while the shorter one stuck her face into my neck and licked it. She licked it! I couldn’t believe it. Both girls found this action hilarious.

“Do you want to be my boyfriend?” the taller one asked mockingly.

“No!” I said, trying to sound tough.

“Good, 'cause you’re ugly.”

I tried to get away but it was no use. The taller one used all her force to hold my shoulders against the wall, while the shorter one started pinching my arms.

“I want to see it,” the taller one said. “I bet it’s fucking tiny.”

The shorter one laughed and reached for my crotch. I tried to cover myself, but she quickly pulled my hands away. “What’s your problem, kid? Don’t you know she’s going to make you a man?”

“Yeah, you’re going to like this,” the shorter one said, grabbing my dick over my jeans. "I can already tell.”

That first squeeze must have caused my face to contort in some way, because both of them noticed it and immediately started imitating it.

“Oh my God, he’s all like –” said the taller one, opening her mouth and scrunching her nose like she’s in pain.

“I know his face is all like, what is happening”

“He’s gonna bust in like one second. I know it”

“Is that right? Are you gonna bust right away, kid?”

I just stood their dumbfounded. I’ll be honest, I had no idea what they were talking about. Full disclosure, I had never cum before. I knew that men “ejaculated” during sex, but I didn’t really have any conception of what that meant. Nor did I think I could do it myself by just by masturbating. I’d play with myself, and it felt good, obviously, but I didn’t really know how to bring myself to orgasm.

The shorter one started to unbutton me. The taller one asked me if I knew how to kiss, and I soon felt something soft and wiggly in my mouth, which seconds later I realized was her tongue.

The only thing I could think about was that they’re going to laugh at my penis, which wasn't terribly large and had very little pubic hair around it. I feared they were going to be grossed out and leave me here alone with my pants around my ankles, which seemed far worse an outcome than whatever dirty business they had in mind for me.

The shorter one finally managed to pull my pants and underwear down and out it came, sticking nearly straight up in all its pinkish glory

“Aw, it’s so cute. I bet I can easily get this all in my mouth,” said the shorter one. And with that I felt a warmth around my penis, which at first seemed totally unrelated to the fact that my penis was inside her mouth, but it soon dawned on me: I was getting a blow job.

She easily fit my entire dick in her mouth, expertly moving in and out. My entire body felt both warm and light, but also chaotic, like I was filled with some manic bubbles. The taller one was now just watching with the reverence of witnessing a master at work. But she was also getting worried.

“You better cum soon,” she said to me, somewhat threatening. "We don’t want to get caught.” The shorter one, however, didn’t mind taking her time. She pulled away and asked the taller one if she wanted to try. She shook her head no.

The shorter one returned to my penis. She looked up at me. “Just come, alright?” I nodded. I still had no idea what she was talking about, but I was soon about to find out.

Within a few moments of the shorter one taking my whole dick inside her mouth again, I started to feel my pelvis contract. The stirring inside me grew in intensity, and I stayed with it. With one last squeeze from her lips, the orgasm hit. Needless to say, it was like nothing I had ever felt before. Take ice cream, concentrate it x1000, and eat it on a water slide. My vision became like static, and I pumped out of my penis a white sticky fluid that I immediately realized was what everyone called cum. The girl took some in her mouth but let the rest spray onto the hallway floor.

I was feeling weak and had to sit down.

“Come on,” the taller one implored the shorter, “Let’s go.”

“See ya around” The shorter one said to me.

“Yeah, see ya.” I said, trying to sound nonchalant.

I buttoned myself back up, and immediately went to the bathroom and started masturbating. Honestly, I must have came four or five more times that night. The floodgates were open.

EDIT: Paragraphs, typos



  1. I kinda want to call bullshit..the first time I came, it wasn’t an amazing feel like it is now, it sorta hurt a little bit. As I think it should the first time any male cums. That’s just me.

  2. I dunno man. First time i came was amazing. It was years before i had an orgasm that intense again

  3. Being sexually abused like this would have MADE my teenage years, dream come true! Imagine if you switched the genders though… Weird thing sexuality eh.

  4. "dangerous rod of plutonium" a rod that when seen would cause people to run screaming and die?

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