A straight girl’s (f 22) sneaky first time with me (f 22) in a tent. (Long and detailed)

So I created a throwaway just to post this story because I thought it was just too good not to share with you guys. For all you pervs out there who care nothing for the back-story; the dirty bit begins after the *****.

Let me start with a little about myself; I'm 22, 5 ft 5 with DD's, shoulder-length brown hair, curvy hips, and what some would call a 'bubble butt'. I have been described as "a feminine tom-boy who wears red lipstick and tight ripped jeans".

I've only recently come out in my social circle as a lesbian and I discovered very quickly just how many 'straight' girls are down to use me as their guinea pig to experiment. It's an exciting time you guys.

Recently my friends and I went to a 4-day-camping music festival, one of those ones where theres a horny drug-and-alcohol-charged atmosphere. A day or two before we were set to leave my friend Martin (who is also gay) informed me that we would be sharing our tent with two other girls Sam and Lily. I knew Lily fairly well, but Sam I had only met a handful of times and it was always while we were both drunk at mutual friends' parties. Sam was probably about the same height as me, but much more petite with a great tight ass, a short platinum blonde bob, lovely DD tits, and huge bright blue eyes. She had a very deliberate and quirky way in which she both dressed and held herself, and I vaguely recall her once mentioning she was a dabbling musician.

The festival rolled around and as expected we're all getting tanked at the campsite, indulging in some cheeky doobies and also a little bit of molly to get the ball rolling. A group of about 6 or so of us sat around drinking, smoking, and chatting until we were ready to head into the festival ground.

I was interested in getting to know Sam a little better, as on a few previous occaisions I could have sworn she was flirting with me. Nothing ever outrageous but it was enough to make me sit up and pay attention; a lingering hand on the leg, or a quick wink while no one else was looking.

After seeing a couple bands Sam, Lily, and I wandered around sharing a cigarette, all of us were reasonably high enough so that any pre-existing social awkwardness no longer existed. Sam was being very handsy and flirty with me, and I had noticed she wasn't really like that with anyone else that I was aware of on any other occaisions (even her boyfriend). Sam put her arm around my hips and pulled me in close beside her before whispering into my ear, "I'm so glad you're staying in our tent. This is going to be fun." I will be the first to admit that my flirting game with girls is still very, VERY rusty so often I was afraid that I was actually just mis-reading an innocent social cue when I flirted back. (Self-doubt's never a good thing.) I was also having a lot of fun watching her make herself more and more obvious to me, while I pretended I wasn't catching any of her flirty advances. (Okay I'm a little bit of a sadist). She upped her game more and more until she was almost throwing herself at me any chance she got. I assume she was testing my sexuality out, I was most likely giving off a "curious-but-straight" vibe, and I do believe for a time she thought she'd have the upper hand in this flirting game. Perhaps for a while she did, until I'd had enough drinks to turn the tables that is. I was going to make her my little play-thing tonight.

I made a point of getting really close to Sam's face and whispering in her ear whenever I spoke to her in the crowd, and this was clearly something that was turning her on. It was clear my stubborn reluctance was pushing her to the edge, and I was becoming more and more confident that this was infact 'on'. I was careful not to push it, however because I knew that she had a boyfriend at the time.

This playful behaviour continued throughout the night until one by one the people in our campsite began dropping off to sleep until it was just me and Sam left sitting up, smoking cigarettes and talking shit while maintaining sexually charged eye-contact.

The topic of sexuality came up, (as it was always going to), and I noticed Sam slowly over a few minutes moving her chair to be closer to mine. Eventually our arms were brushing and the tension between was an elephant in the room.

We began talking about sexual fluidity, my sexuality (which she was surprised at, she had aparently no idea that I was "into girls", this also seemed to excite her a lot.) She mentioned that a few days prior she had broken up with her boyfriend. (DING DING DING!!!) We talked briefly about that and established a lack of sexual connection was the cause and that she was indeed entertaining the idea of sleeping with women. Sam had these captivating bedroom eyes that I just cannot resist and by this time I was already becoming quite turned on. She looked at me with her face half-down, her electric blue eyes pointed directly at me and said through pursed lips, "You know, a boy's never made me cum before, but I was thinking maybe a girl would be able to do the trick." I kid you not that actually happened. I required no more encouragement so I moved forward to initiate a kiss.

An inch from our lips touching it seemed as though she was going to pull away. She looked behind her as if she were worried someone was watching, shook her head, said "actually you know what I don't care" and pushed her soft lips into mine.

I pulled her onto my lap and let her take the lead with the kiss, as to build up her confidence a bit.

She pulled away a few times to say things like, "wow girls are so much nicer to kiss", and "this is so hot".

Things were getting heated and I had all intentions of seeing her naked so I wasted no time with getting her back into our tent. She didn't skip a beat and sprung up, leading me by the hand.

Lily was asleep in our tent, which posed a slight problem but things were too far gone to stop now.

I lay her down and began quickly undressing her, the drawn-out night fervered an intensity that had me soaking wet already.

This was her first time with a girl, and despite the restrictive circumstances I was hell-bent on making it a great experience for her. Kissing her exposed, warm neck I slid my hand slowly down her stomach and began tracing her thighs, and then moving them back up, teasing her and seeing her becoming unbearebly horny. Goosebumps began to elegantly erupt all over her body and her breath shook when she took draws from clumsily kissing my neck.

"Your hands feel like velvet", she paused and moaned into my ear. I slipped a single finger into her underwear and began to slowly tease her already soaking pussy, still missing the clit and making her squirm and buck until she was begging me to send her into ecstacy.

I stared into her face while I flicked my finger over her silky clit, her eyes closed and her mouth in an almost surprised expression. She twitched and shook every time I lingered on her clit. It was so hot. Sam would sporadically whisper "Oh my god, wow", with an urgency that made me want to cum just hearing it, every time I increased the pressure on her tiny hot clit.

It was becoming harder and harder to stay quiet with Lily beside us and a few times I needed to take a break from touching Sam for fear she would blow our cover. She didn't miss a beat and whever I retracted from touching her she took she lead and found her way under my bra, encircling my hard nipples with her wet finger.

"This is my first time with a girl, so you'll have to show me the ropes." She said seductively looking into my face.

As we lay a little awkwardly side-by-side, it was like it was a competition who could touch the other one more. Both of our free hands were wrapped around the others' body. I moved my finger from inside her and stuck it inside my mouth, slowly and deliberately sucking on it and making her watch. She sighed in pleasure and I pushed my finger inside of her mouth, then I removed it and kissed her feverishly as I slipped it back inside of her; I could feel her whole body shudder slowly as I pushed my finger inside of her insanely wet pussy.

Sam's breathing became harder and faster until it was obvious that she would have no control of her volume if I made her cum. I brought her right up to the edge a couple times, unable to help myself before I knew I had to throw a cap on things. Lily was turning in her sleep and was bound to wake any moment.

I decided to throw things back a little and work her down, as much as I wanted to see her cum right then and there, I wanted to do it in an environment where we didn't have to be quiet. Plus I wanted to be able to look Lily in the eye the next day.

Sam frustratedly sighed at me when I said to her "Don't worry baby, you'll like the long game." I really liked making her wait for it, and I think she did too. It was clear that I was in control.

I rolled myself a joint as Sam got dressed into nothing but a fur coat over her flushed exposed skin. Her soft white breasts cheekily poking out from underneath. She looked like a goddamn pornstar. I lay back with my hand behind my head and we passed the joint while giggling about what had just happened. I took every chance to grab a handful of her stunning tits in between drawing on the doobie.

We both reluctantly agreed to continue the shenanigans the next day. She fell asleep with her arms around me, and she continued shaking right until she fell asleep.

The rest of the time at the festival we had a few flirty encounters but we weren't ever able to get alone time again. Luckily she lives less than a mile from me and I'll be seeing her later this week.

Let me know if you've enjoyed the story/ want some updates.

Thanks guys!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/3ezlzk/a_straight_girls_f_22_sneaky_first_time_with_me_f


  1. Amazing story thanks for posting. Love to hear more about your experiences.

  2. Updates, please! I need to know how things go with her, and I really want to know if she’s as loud as you think she’ll be ;P

  3. Great story, althugh you are more considerate a tentmate than I would have been. I’m pretty sure I would have just covered her mouth with a hand and hoped for the best. I’m sure you have an udpate or two, and we want to hear them.

  4. It’s so hot when a girls pounding heartbeat makes her breath shudder.

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