The Daily Grind: Bull Market[MF]

The Daily Grind: Bull Market

    Richard took off his reading glasses and set them in front of him on the desk. He rubbed his eyes and exhaled as he leaned back. It was just after two in the afternoon but he had spent all day so far pouring over reports and fund details. The noise of traffic bustled outside his office providing a soothing background drone that helped dampen the silence. Spinning around in his chair Richard looked through the glass wall out into the city. The view always made him smirk. The idea of Wall St. and the real Wall St. never seemed to quite line up. After walking it everyday and having an office overlook the icon it just starts to look like any other road in DC. A sudden rap of knuckles against wood behind him snapped him out of his reverie.

    “Come in,” he called out without turning to greet the door or the individual thereafter. The nostalgic view was beguiling. The desired to linger in the moment was almost too much, but he took a deep breath and steeled himself.

    “Hello Richard.” It was a females voice punctuated by the click of heel studs against the floor.

    “Ms. Penny,” the familiar voice could belong to none other.

    She stepped up beside him at the window taking a moment herself to gaze upon the view. “I didn’t know that being a fund manager was such a leisurely lifestyle.”

    “Almost too leisurely. People have grown bored of looking out of their own windows.” Richard turned his swiveling desk chair to face her. “So Ms. Penny what brings you here?”

    She towered over him in her heels. Her demeanor strong and determined she shot him a look through the rectangular rims of her glasses. “What makes you think I came all this way to talk to you? Look at this view? I am rather partial to it. Now if you would kindly stop ruining the moment.”

    Richard chuckled, “It is a rather nice view.” He rolled back to his desk and continued, “Have a seat.”

    “I would rather stand. You’d mar the view from straight on.” She had turned away from him staring out the window.

    “Rather petulant, alright then I’ll meet you halfway. Ms. Penny what is it that I can do for you today?” He turned his chair to face her yet again.

    “I thought you would never ask Richard, and since you have been so kind as to allow free reign of your office, I’ll ask nicely.” A smile alighted her face as she walked to the edge of his desk. Leaning forward she set down a thick manilla folder on his desk, “What does this mean to you?”

    Richard reached out for the folder and his reading glasses. The folder had some heft to it for paper. Adjusting the glasses on the bridge of his nose the words came into sharp focus. He recognized it immediately. It was the Vasco Fund quarterly earnings report. He had read it this morning before the report had be published internally. Rather than let on he flipped through some of the more relevant pages of the report. He might be busy, but he was enjoying himself.

    She was growing impatient next to Richard, as if even she was getting tired of the charades, while staring out the window. Leaning back against the desk, she finally interjected a tad petulant, “So?”

    “It looks like this quarters Vasco Fund report. What of it?” he waited.

    “Just the Vasco Fund? I know Roberts talked with you and confirmed the fund distribution numbers.” she quipped back at him. She apparently came well informed. Richard pretended to not to notice her comment as he glanced back at the report. “Don’t play coy with me my dear Dick.”

    “Penny!” he said a little more excitedly than he desired rising instantly to his feet. He stood over her the report forgotten on the desk. “I don’t know what your aim is here, but I will not stand here and…”

    “Finally,” she cut him off. “I was beginning to run out of patience.”

    “What?” Richard’s ire stalled by the arbitrary statement.

    “You addressed me by my name versus ‘Ms.’ Penny.” she smirked at him. “If you can’t address me how I’ve asked then why should I?”

    With his fault laid bare before him, his anger began to fizzle out. He suddenly realized how close to Penny he was standing. Her perfume was intoxicating, and her eyes piercing as they looked up at him. He began to shift his weight to create space when he felt his tie pulling taut stopping him.

    “I do believe you owe me an apology,” Penny had his tie in hand pulling him towards her. Her lips press against his, and within moments the initial shock and hesitation faded from his mind. Supple yet firm her lips did not waiver in passion which, he realized, he returned with zeal. After a short eternity she pulled away and whispered. “I begrudgingly accepted your apology.”

    Thoughts whirled around his head as he stood stunned in silence. Before he could muster a response she began to laugh quietly, and flashed him a dazzling smile. “Richard you really are a true gentleman. I think that is what I might like the most about you. It’s what makes you so much fun.”

    “You are incorrigible aren’t you?” Richard whispered.

    “Says the pot calling the kettle black,” her hands wandered across his back. “Being so professional and distant. ‘Ms. Penny’ you are the only one who refuses to call me by my given name. Besides what’s the rush? Your numbers aren’t going anywhere.”

    “It seems my sins are grievous,” Richard’s eyes gazed into hers, his hands resting on her hips. “I’ll have to see my lawyer though, as my loose tongue has been rather self incriminating as of late.”

    “I’ll give you a plea deal since you are so desperate. The plaintiff is gracious, and would drop all charges if you henceforth address her by her given name ‘Penny’. Secondly I motion to mix business and pleasure.” her eyebrows raised she looked at Richard expectantly.

    “Hmmm,” he postured as if in deep contemplation then he pulled her close. “ Motion granted. Consider me at your disposal Penny.”

    “I love it when I win,” Penny leaned into him kissing him excitedly. Her hands splayed out across his back grasping at his suit jacket. Leaning back she did not even miss a beat, “So about this Vasco Fund matter. I don’t agree with Robert’s numbers. I think it is foolish that he invests so heavily in oil. It exposes the fund to unnecessary risk.”

    “Why don’t you bring this up to Robert or the board?”

    “I plan to, I want to check my numbers against the company calculator first. Lucky me he is just my type.” She leaned in once again for a soft kiss and then another.

    “How am I supposed to crunch numbers,” he whispered between pecks. “If I can’t get a word in edgewise?”

    She hesitated for a second, pouting, “I don’t like this. I want to have my cake and eat it too. Wait…” A devilish grin alighted her face. “I have an idea.”

    Penny pushed herself up onto Richard's mahogany desk, and began hiking up her professionally short grey skirt revealing a pair of light blue lacey panties. She reached out to Richard with one hand, and pulled him over to her. She leaned in as close as she might to alite a kiss upon his lips. “Business demands we skip some of the pleasantries, as saddened as that makes me.”

    “I’ll make an IOU,” he quipped.

    “Would you? I would really appreciate that.” She took his hand in hers and kissed it. She pressed it against her bosom, and guided his hands down her lithe torso. Finally coming to rest with her gently holding his hand against her soft panties. Richard could feel the warmth of her womanhood pressing into the palm of his hand. “Now where was I? Ah yes Robert, and his love of the oil industry.”

    “The oil industry has traditionally been a solid performer,” Richard interjected.

    “This is not church Richard this is Wall St. Tradition has no place in our work.” she groaned audibly as Richard’s fingers massaged her mound. “I think Robert is blinded to important market data because of his bias.”

    “You are an incredibly attractive woman and then you talk business, and it’s all I can do to not take you right now,” Richard’s hand never once stopping gently yet firmly massaged her vulva.

    “Stop it Richard you’re making me blush.” she couldn’t stop herself from smiling. “But you can’t talk yourself out of this exchange.”

    “What sources do you have to back up this claim?” he retorted back on topic.

    “What sources?” her voice quivered for a second, and she held onto him for support. Taking a breath she tried again, “What sources? Have you seen the headlines. The controversial fracking that people are up in arms about? Oh, you are good at this. Yes just like that,” a moan escaped her lips, and then she continued. “Or does the Keystone pipeline ring any bells? What about the unrest in some of the Russian satellite countries?”

    “Yes I have read them, though they are exactly what you say they are, headlines.” Richard grunted when he felt her hand press against his swollen member through his pants. He in turn slipped his hand beneath her panties deftly and stimulated her clitoris, “The devil makes work for idle hands.”

    She moaned in response and hooked her arms around his neck.

    Richard continued, “I need data and numbers. The news is sensational and though it does affect many sectors energy funds are where people run to for security in the face of said sensationalism.”

    “What you don’t trust me?” She looked up at him with her big brown eyes.

    “Penny you came to me. I am not going make wild speculation based off hearsay. If you want my opinion I need sources.”

    “With an attitude like that how can I not play with you?” she smiled knowingly at him. Arching her back to reach him and kissed him passionately. “You are right I did come to you,” a mischievous glint sparkled in her eyes. Freeing one hand she purused through the manilha folder still splayed out beside her from when Richard had excitedly dropped it. Her hips slowly gyrating against his hand. Tactfully her fingers pulled out a set of pages stapled together from the bottom of the pile. “So I had the foresight enough to bring my sources. I couldn’t risk having to run out halfway through now could I?”

    “If I didn’t know better I would say you planned this whole series of events.” he looked at her incredulously. Taking out his handkerchief with one hand he leaned in, “I’m afraid I need both hands for this.” he kissed her briefly as he withdrew his hand from between her thighs and wiped it off. He plucked the papers from Penny’s outstretched hand.

    “That’s okay I found a new toy,” smiling up at him she cupped the bulge showing through his slacks. Sliding off the desk and onto her knees Penny began to undo the fly of Richard’s pants. Richard felt as Penny made quick work of his clasp and zipper while he skimmed through her sources. He had to restart the paragraph he had just finished when Penny took him into her mouth.

    He must have shown a tell cause Penny noticed something. Sliding her lips up the shaft she pulled away and quipped, “What’s the matter Richard, I thought you weren’t shocked by sensational headlines or maybe you’re enjoying yourself? Though I’m not sure if that is from my oral abilities or my numbers.” Her sentence trailed off as she went back to satisfying her oral fixation.

    “Penny,” his thoughts stumbled, “If numbers did what you are doing to me I would become inept very quick. One more moment though, you aren’t making this easy by any means.” Richard went back to concentrating on reading.

    Penny took this chance to torment and pleasure the ever composed Richard. Richard could feel as she worked his shaft with gusto taking this moment of silence to concentrate her efforts. He skimmed through the documents as best he could, and double checking them against his numbers. An impressive feat considering the rather enthusiastic distraction in his pants. “Where do you find your sources? Some of this information isn’t supposed to be published until tomorrow. Look at these dates?”

    Pulling back Penny swallowed, and took a breath. Stroking his cock with both hands she retorted, “I’m good at talking to people. They always open up to me in the end. They help me I help them.” She smiled up at him on her knees, and then resumed giving him a blow job.

    “Noted,” Richard remarked. “Well your numbers check out. What are you propos…”

    Richard’s words where abruptly cut short as he felt her take him inside her mouth to the hilt. Richard gasped and grabbed the desk for support. Sliding up the girth of his manhood she paused teasing the head of his cock with her tongue. Releasing him from her mouth she licked her lips and stood to face him. “It’s no fun when you just agree with my insinuated indecency. Do you think me loose?”

(continued in comments here)


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  1.     “We are both adults, your affairs are yours just as I mine are my own,” Richard retorted mildly taking this chance to regain his composure.     “You’re either a terrible flirt or refreshingly progressive maybe I’ll let it slide this once.” Penny stood to face him. Her eyes full of hunger and mischief she went in for another kiss. All of a sudden Richard felt vibrations between them, and Penny drew back. “I’m terribly sorry Richard I need to check that.” She slipped her hand between her cleavage, and pulled out her blackberry. “Awww, I have a meeting in fifteen minutes.”     “I guess we’ll just have to move the meeting forward and skip the rest of the pleasantries.” Richard kissed her forehead, “Unless of course that would be cutting it too close for your comfort?”     “Don’t even think for a second you are getting out of this.” she slyly looked up at him. Stepping back she sat on his desk, and pulled Richard towards her by his tie. “Let’s settle this like adults.” Reaching back she closed Richards laptop; grabbing the manilla folder with it she offered them both to Richard.     “I never knew you were so considerate Penny,” Richard took the offering and set it to the side.     “You never took the chance to find out,” Penny retorted laying herself across the dark veneer of the mahogany desk. She looked expectantly up at him as she spread her legs.     “Consider me a changed man. I have learned from my mistakes,” Richard stepped up to her and slipped her panties down past her knees letting them fall off. “Even though I find this banter more than stimulating, I do believe we are short on time.” Her figure lying prone before him he reached out for her legs pinning them against his chest. Lining himself up he pressed his girth inside of her moist womanhood. Penny closed her eyes and groaned clutching at the edge of the desk.     Richard watched as she opened her eyes and looked at him. She was astounding. Her eyes were alight with a fiery hunger.     “On with business then,” her voice broke him from his muse. “So what I’m proposing is a shift out of oil markets by about fifty percent, and redistributing that amount into renewable energy sources. Such as wind farms, solar, and geothermal investments budding areas within the power markets. I already have a series of companies with returns that match the performance criteria of the Vasco Fund.” She finished her statement a little hurried, and bit her lip muffling a moan.     “It appears you already have everything in order. Don’t get me wrong I have found your company enjoyable much to my chagrin.” Richard smiled down at her as he pressed his way deeper and deeper inside of her.     “Rich…” her voice caught as he felt her warmth contracting around his member. Her back arched, and her hands clutched at his desk. His pace measured and punctuated it took her a moment to regain her bearings and retort. “Richard, don’t play with me. If all I wanted was someone to nod their head and say yes there are plenty of people around this office I could have asked.” She adjusted herself on the desk and gave him an emphatic glare.     “Haha, Penny you’re an item.” Richard could feel himself growing even more excited. “The board will not agree to a fund redistribution of that size. Especially for a low risk low reward fund. They will agree to a removing twenty percent from the oil allocation.”     Penny though enjoying herself did not look amused, “Twenty percent! That’s it?”     “If you high ball them first with thirty percent you might be able to get them to settle for twenty two percent. They are not going to budge more than that.” Penny moaned interrupting him briefly, “Have you ever thought about doing international stock funds? I think they would suite you much better.”     Penny laid her head back on his desk softly moaning with her eyes closed. Richard could only guess at what she was scheming. Then her eyes snapped open, and propping herself up with her arms she pushed herself up towards Richard. “Is that all you’ve got?” Her eyes searched his face for some reaction.     “Are you questioning my estimates or my performance?” Richard chuckled at her forwardness. “My abilities either way are what they are. It is up to you to decide if they are good enough for you.” Wrapping his arms around her hips he lifted her off the wooden surface. She threw her arms around his frame to catch her balance at her sudden change in center of gravity.     Giving in to the moment she kissed him passionately locking her legs around his. Using him as a foundation she raised and lowered herself onto him as his hands firmly gripped her buttocks supporting her weight. Penny pulled herself close to him. Biting at his neck she groaned softly.     Richard’s muscles constricted and stretched in quick succession as she slid up and down the girth of his shaft. With gravity to aid he effortlessly penetrated deep inside of her. Each time Penny sunk to the nadir she groaned ever so quietly in his ear. Richard could feel as he pressed up against her uterus. His breath growing haggard at the straining of his muscles and the growing arousal inside him. In response to his subtle ticks she started to undulate her hips with more exaggerated motions.     “Richard,” her voice hushed, but her intentions pronounced. Richard grunted and gave into his own passion.     Richard could feel the air from her nostrils rush past his neck as she bit her lips containing her moans. She whimpered, and Richard felt as her body began to spasm and cling to him. It was more than he could withstand. Endorphins rushing through his system he braced himself. Endeavouring to hold onto Penny through the rush. Her weight hanging on his frame as she was lost within her own pleasure.     As the sensations faded he could feel his muscles strain. Taking a step forward he shifted his weight to lower her back onto the desk. Understanding his intentions she shifting her own weight to help him ease her down. Her fingers traced across his back and down his sides as he pulled back. Her face flush, and her eyes glowing. Relief washed across his muscles.     They were both silent for a moment as they recomposed themselves. Richard adjusting himself sheathed his implement, and zipped up his pants. Penny straightened her skirt and then fixing her blouse. Retrieving her panties from the floor she flashed him a smile, and tucked them into her bra right next the blackberry.     Leaning in Penny gave him a peck on the cheek, “I hate to rush out but I have to freshen up a tad before my meeting.” She could not resist, and kissed him again. This time on the lips effervescent yet brief. Tearing herself away she walked to the door.     Richard remembering, “Wait. Penny, you never told me your decision.”     “Oh I didn’t, well I guess we’ll have to discuss it some other time then.” she flashed him a mischievous look closing the door behind herself.     Richard usually composed plopped down in his chair exasperated. He turned to look back out the window. Wall St was never what he expected as a kid.

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