Discovering the [f]emme [f]atale inside [m]e ;)

Hello! I just wanted to reiterate that this story is totally 100% true, and I have dozens more just like it. This is what going to a UK university is actually like, and for an ugly duckling who grew up nicely it was like being cured of diabetes and being let loose in a sweet shop. Please excuse the style. I write novels, this is how I like to write. Maybe I'll put more stories later? This girl, Portia, changed my life on this night.

I didn't know Portia at all, but I recognised her as my housemate Rita's friend from across the pub. I was with a couple of people from my classes, so we got our drinks and went and joined them.

"Hello gooorgeous," Rita slurred, mock sultry, as she always was when tipsy. Portia smiled thinly, watching us all. In particular she looked at Rick, a loud, arrogant guy from my Modern American Literature class. A pretty good friend of mine. Rick had a knack for stealing the room whenever one of his approved subjects came up, including but not limited to modern fiction, classic fiction, canonical movies, blockbuster video games, and pizza. As Rita, Lottie and I gossiped about a new coupling among our extended friends, Rick asked if anyone had seen the newest Marvel film.

"Not again," I dismissed him. We had already hashed this one out after leaving the cinema together.

"I hated it," Portia declared. Rick and I looked at her with interest as she laid out her reasons. "It was stupid-looking, it was unrealistic, it was sexist, it absolutely was not my thing. Are you two a thing then? If you saw it together?"

We looked at each other and then laughed and shook our heads. "Just friends," he said, and then said it again for good measure. I struggled to stay smiling, but I did.

Drinks flowed.

"I can't get over how you hated that film," Rick kept revisiting, with a shake of his head over his cheap whiskey. Then, over the tops of our heads he spotted a group of male friends, and with an apology drifted over to join them. Lottie gave up on the night eventually, early classes she said, and with her anyone else who had joined us. Rita remained briefly, gathering up her things very slowly.

"Have you managed to have sex with Dan yet?" she asked Portia very suddenly.

"No," Portia shook her head. "I just don't think he's interested, honestly."

"Of course he is," Rita hissed, "you're beautiful."

Portia laughed, a little derisively. "I did have sex with Ed again though. This time with Monica there. It was awful. She had no idea what she was doing. Kept screaming like a porn star and pinching her own tits, I kept having to bite my lip to stop from laughing."

She spotted my incredulous stare and misinterpreted it. "It's ok, Ed thought I was biting my lip to stop from screaming." She shook her head, long curls of jet black hair shaking around her shoulders and sending the scent of berry shampoo through the air. "As if. Tiny cock. Is Rick single then? Have you fucked him? I bet he's huge."

A common assumption among my giggling female friends, based on Rick's wide shoulders, big strong hands, square jaw. I had spent a lot of time in our class together inspecting his features, I have to admit.

"He's not single," I said thickly. It was a fact that had put me off my work at least once. "Long distance thing."

"Apparently she's beautiful, the guys met her didn't they? Like, so hot," Rita contributed with a wide grin. I chewed my lip and then smiled back, but my heart wasn't in it.

"Mm, I need a good fuck," Portia stated, and pressed her teeth lightly against her straw with a sigh. Rita burst out into uncomfortable squealing giggles, but Portia's thickly lined green eyes were on me. "What's the craziest thing you've done since coming to university?" she asked. "I mean, you're actually beautiful. What do girls like you get up to behind closed doors?"

I burst out laughing to almost the exact tune of Rita's embarrassed brays, and then rested my fingertips on my lips to shush myself.

"I'm hardly beautiful," I corrected. Inside, though, I thrilled. Nobody had said that to me before. Not so matter-of-factly across a pub table like that. Gasped from underneath me, maybe. "I haven't really done stuff like that, I mean, I had a boyfriend until six months ago, so-"

Portia nodded, and then her eyes widened. "Sorry, I feel like you're saying you haven't had sex for six months."

I went beetroot coloured at this point, and then tried an unabashed shrug. It looked more like a marionette movement.

"God." She sipped her drink. "I mean Jesus fuck. Even Rita gets more than that."

Awkward laughter bubbled out of Rita's mouth again, and excuses flowed, but Portia wasn't listening. She was smiling at me and playing with her straw.

"How into his girlfriend is Rick?"

My mouth fell open a little. "Oh," I said, "well enough to be with her. Right?"

"That's never the whole story." She shrugged, straightened up and rolled her shoulders. And then, "Hey!"

I turned to see Rick returning to us, awkward half smile, rolling a shoulder. My heart lurched as it always did, and I averted my gaze to the table to ensure nobody could see into my soul while I got myself back under control.

"You guys are much more interesting," he said, and finished the rest of his drink, ice chinking in his tumbler. He slammed it onto the table and grimaced. "Anyone else for one more?"

"This place closes soon," Portia said. If I hadn't known any better I would have thought this an innocent remark. The way her eyes were trained on Rick's biceps betrayed, to me at least, her true intentions.

"Yeah, I have such an early class tomorrow, I've been so bad, I'm gonna go home and eat some bread. See you there later, babes." Rita kissed me on the top of the head. Poor girl, never picked up on underlying signals. I watched her hitch up her tights and wave madly before leaving the pub.

"And then there were three."

I looked at Portia, trying briefly to decipher this statement. Did she want me to leave? She smiled at me so genuinely when she caught my eye. Did she…want me to stay?

"Ugh," Rick said, "I should go home too, it's late."

The bell rang, last orders had already rung. It was time for us to leave. My heartbeat quickened. Was this it? They'd leave together and she'd take advantage of his inebriated state? Why hadn't I ever had the guts to do that?

"Come back to mine," I said, for some reason.

"Hers is just around the corner." Rick had drawn himself up to full height, brushed dark hair out of his slow blinking blue eyes. He was wasted, but he would never admit that. Portia and I both watched out the corners of our eyes as he reached up and rubbed his neck. Bicep bulged, his tight shirt rode up a little. Happy trail. I felt weak at the knees.

"Yes, let's." Portia smiled at me, and together we left the pub. So I had successfully cockblocked my friend and my acquaintance. Productive evening. I sighed.

But clearly this girl was not one for defeat. With a giggle she took his arm as we walked down the dimly lit street. He laughed too at her apparent inability to carry her own weight. I started to chatter about nothing, facing straight ahead, wishing I were able to connect with other people the way Portia could. Occasionally they responded. Mostly they were laughing. I assumed still about her stumbling walk, but a reluctant look to my left told me otherwise. One arm was clinging to his thick pocketed one. Her other hand had found its way into his jean's waistband. Two knuckles deep, her fingers splayed. I swallowed. She was running her fingers through his pubic hair. On the street. They were laughing. He was shaking his head, as if to say 'oh, this crazy girl!'

I raised my eyebrows and just watched as we continued to my house. What if Rita was still up and saw this? What on earth would she say? She knew people who knew his girlfriend. I chose not to say anything.

"It's so soft, feel it," Portia said, punctuating her bizarre statement with a drunken hiccup.

"Soft?" Rick asked, feigning irritation.

"The hair." She removed her hand and gave him a playful shove. He laughed. He was laughing! I couldn't believe this. I was walking alongside them with a bright red face and a mouth that wouldn't stay shut with shock. How was she so comfortable with this?

She plunged her hand back in, making eye contact as she did so, manoeuvring around the button so she could get her whole hand in there. He laughed again, softly, looked up at the stars.

"Mm, definitely not soft."

I thought of Rita's joke sultry voice. Portia was the real thing. I looked at her, bending over a little, and I could see down her flowing shirt to the exposed pink nipples, hard from the cold air and undoubtedly also from what she could feel in my friend's boxers.

I let them into my house, and realised that I was now smiling too, shaking my head. No one in the living room.

"More drinks anywhere?" Rick asked me. Portia entered on her own, arms folded, not a single pinky on anyone's crotch.

"Yeah, hang on."

I fumbled for the light but I couldn't find it. Instead I marched to the kitchen in the dark, feeling my way over chairs and knocking over full glasses of drink, making the other two giggle.

"Be right back," I said.

"You don't want to miss anything, right?" Portia asked, hands now on her hips, long black hair tumbling, full filthy smile in my direction.

In response I laughed again. "He has a boyfriend," I said. They all broke into laughter, undeserved.

"A girlfriend!" she said, shoulders shaking. "A girlfriend."

I blew a raspberry at them from the kitchen and again they laughed. Drunk. Stupid. I poured three glasses of lemonade and added a spirit without checking which it was. A lot got on the counter. I'd clean it up tomorrow.

I brought them in, clamped together in my hands, and put them on the table.

I had been gone for three or four minutes. Rick was sitting on the sofa, leaning back. Portia was straddling him, kissing his neck. He was facing the ceiling with eyes shut and mouth open.

"Guys!" I hissed. "Guys, what?"

"Stop, I have to stop," Rick said, words stumbling. Portia swept her hair behind her shoulders, and went for his mouth. I watched, straightening my skirt, as this beautiful girl sensually made out with my gorgeous, taken, unattainable friend, and made eye contact with me with his bottom lip in between hers.

But I did not feel bad. I did not feel like crying, like shouting, like kicking them out.

I felt really goddamn horny.

"Guys, we'll get caught, come to my room."

Rick picked her up by the waist, making her squeal, and put her down on the sofa. He followed me closely up the stairs to my room. I heard her jump up the stairs, sniggering, right behind us.

I sat on the bed, Rick took the desk chair and sat on that, and Portia stood in the middle of my dark bedroom and pouted.

"So, uh," I tried to get a conversation started but I couldn't get my thoughts away from my classmate's erection. I couldn't see it in the dark or through his dark blue jeans, but I knew it was there. I straightened out my skirt again.

"I'm so horny." Portia was beginning to act out and say everything I was thinking.

Why couldn't I be like that?

Rick took a drink and smiled. "Feel free to have a wank."

"Girls don't wank," Portia said delicately, and bit her lip and looked at me. I had nothing. I didn't know where she was going.

"When a girl masturbates it's a beautiful, sensual, heavenly thing. Not like when a guy grabs his own flaccid cock and tugs on it til it comes." She tilted her head at me. "Am I right?"

Speaking about masturbation was not the kind of person I was. But I was in the middle of this now, I was hosting it. I was also drunk. I nodded.

"How often do you do it?" she asked me, totally casual, still standing right in the middle of my dark room. "As a girl? I've always wondered if I'm normal."

"Do you masturbate a lot?" Rick asked her. She nodded with furrowed eyebrows. They both looked at me, expecting an answer. I had no blood left to blush. Instead I shrugged.

"Not much," I said. "I…prefer someone else to do it for me." I looked at her wide, gleeful smile. I wasn't sure if what I had said counted as a lie or not.

"How hard are you right now?" she asked Rick. He took another drink and shrugged one shoulder. "Hmm? Listening to two pretty girls talk about touching themselves." She rolled her shoulders and imitated a pleasure moan as she took a step closer to him.

"Not very. I'm fine."

"I love a challenge." She said it so softly I barely heard it.

She dropped to her knees in front of him. His lips twisted in amusement. Without looking at me she thrust her hand in my direction. Without thinking, I walked over, fell to my knees beside her, and took it. She put my hand on his knee, and then her own on the other. Shivering, I copied her. His legs were hard with muscle. Still his lips were turned upwards, as if we'd told him a silly joke, but his eyes didn't match the look. His eyes glittered in the dark with something wild and barely restrained. My heart was hammering as my hand felt up the length of his thick thigh and up to the waistband of his jeans. Portia reached the same place at the same time on her side, and with one deft movement she undid the top button. Then the second.

"Stop," he said softly. "I can't really do this."

She undid the third, and without taking her eyes off his she very gently pulled out his cock, still covered by stretchy thin boxer material. My hands were shaking. It was just as big as you would imagine when you looked at him, huge, strong man that he was.

She ran a finger up and down it, curved and thick, still staring into his eyes. Without thinking I moved a hand over to join her, and soon both of our fingertips were gently moving up and down. I felt it twitch, and the sensation sent a throb of pure excitement between my legs. I swallowed.

"Really, I can't. I shouldn't."

Portia nodded, understanding, and took away her hand. I slid mine back to his thigh.

"Tell me that you want it, at least," she said.

His voice was hoarse when he replied. "Yes my fucking god I want this."

Again I twitched, bit my lip, took a deep breath and looked up at him. He looked down at me, something still crackling in his eyes, lips wet and parted, chest rising and falling. The breath caught in my throat and I moved my hands to free his rock hard cock from the boxers they'd been straining against. It sprang upwards, grateful, and I watched his Adam's apple bob.

Portia and I looked at each other. We smiled.

"Say no then, and mean it."

In a bold move that surprised me even in my haze of sexual excitement, she stuck out her little pink tongue and traced it from the base of his shaft right to the tip of the head. It twitched and he blew a breath out.


"You're stronger than me," she whispered. "Just stand up. Put your clothes on. Leave." She swirled her tongue around the head of his cock, making eye contact. His breathing was quickening and he brushed the hair out of his face and looked up at the ceiling. This felt so very borderline wrong to me, but I wasn't stopping until he did.

He said nothing.

Portia nodded at me a little. I shimmied forward to taste his dick for myself. Just the tip of my tongue, upwards like a cat, then again, then again. Portia swirled in circles on the head again. It twitched towards my mouth. I let out a soft laugh.

"Really," I said, "if you don't want to do this, you should go…"

He lowered his head, looked at me, looked at her, and then at me again. His big strong hands grasped both of us by the backs of our tops, lifted them above our heads, and then chucked them onto the bed. Then he lifted up his butt just enough to push his jeans and boxers down to his knees. His balls were exposed now, and his cock glistened from our spit.

So it was on.

We both licked him in unison, me on the left and her on the right, licking hard and wet from the balls to the head and then tracing around the head and going back to the base. After a few repetitions Portia went lower and put one of his balls in her mouth, then let go, and licked across them, bringing up a hand to give them more attention. Taking advantage of her distraction, I selfishly lifted myself up higher. Predicting what was about to happen, Rick stroked my hair and held some of it out of my face. Without my hands, I took the whole head in my mouth, sucked very gently, pulled away, and then brought it into my mouth again, listening to Portia moan as she stroked and licked his balls right by my chin. I brought more into my mouth, a couple of inches, and sucked lightly as I lifted my head and let it go free again, flopping back onto his stomach. He groaned and leaned back, pressing his hands to his face.

I pinched the base lightly above the balls with one hand and then surprised him by guiding as much of his cock as I could into my mouth, moaning as it reached the back of my tongue, my own crotch buzzing with desire.

"Jesus fuck," he panted, as I upped the suction and bobbed my head up and down. Portia lifted her head and watched me, bit her lip, and looked up at Rick.

"She's a pro," she said. "You can tell just from looking at her, can't you?"

He didn't respond. I sucked harder, bobbing my head up and down, taking more and more in, moving my hand up and down at the base to compensate for the extra inches I couldn't fit in my mouth. My own spit coated my fingers and Rick cried out in pleasure, clamping his palm to his mouth and gasping through gaps in his fingers.

"Isn't she just so fucking hot?" Portia whispered, creeping her hand up his legs, up his stomach, riding up his shirt and exposing abs and then nipple. I kept my eyes on them, hand working on the base, mouth wet and hot, feeling my knickers dampen. He groaned again, tightening the grip on my hair, and I moaned loudly onto his thick cock.

"Fuck, fuck," he groaned.

"Haven't you just been desperate to taste her pussy since you met her?" Portia asked, standing and leaning over so she could lick his neck, pausing to completely remove his t-shirt. I caught sight of a body toned by sport and dedication, and I moaned again, stifled by a cock that could not possibly get any harder sliding forward and back over my tongue.

He paused before saying anything. I wondered if he was considering all the consequences here. He panted and pulled my hair desperately. "Mm." Not quite a reply, maybe just a pleasure moan.

"Is that why you spend so much time with her? Is that why you go to the cinema, go to eat, go out drinking, when you have a girlfriend?" she was hissing this into his ear. He nodded, eyes shut. "Yeah? Why don't you tell her? Tell her you want to fuck her. Tell her you've been thinking about what her tits look like under her shirt. Tell her. Tell her how many times I caught you staring at her tonight. She may not notice but I did." She kissed his neck and his collarbone. "Stop." This was addressed to me.

Reluctantly I pulled away and again his soaking wet cock fell to his stomach, pointing straight upwards. His breathing slowly returned to normal, his muscles untensed.

I stared at him with a small smile until he opened his eyes, running my hands across his inner thighs.

"Nothing else is going to happen until you ask for it," I said quietly, as he looked down at me with helpless lust.

Portia had stepped behind him and was rubbing his shoulders, bending over to lick and gently bite his neck. He was quivering on my chair. He swallowed visibly, and then without breaking eye contact with me he pulled off his jeans fully and threw his boxers the same way our shirts had gone.

"Yeah," he finally said, "I'm gonna need to fuck you now."

I let out a breath and he stood up and in one swift movement picked me up by the waist and effortlessly threw me onto my bed. He pushed my skirt up to my waist, and took a second to stare at me in my underwear, skirt acting as a belt, and I wondered if Portia had been telling the truth.

Before I could think much more, he had pushed my knickers to one side. Gripping his cock in the other hand, he probed his middle finger inside me, making me cry out. He twitched his finger rapidly inside me, pounding against my g-spot and making me moan louder and louder. Portia laughed, and wriggled up to lie down beside me.

"What are you waiting for?" she asked Rick softly, propping herself up on her elbow. "How wet is she?"

"You are so fucking wet," he said, voice catching. This didn't embarrass me at all, which was surprising. I grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him towards me. Without missing a beat, he leaned in to my face and kissed me fully on the lips, hot, wet tongue tracing across mine briefly, finger still moving inside me. I arched my back, leaned back and covered my mouth with my hand.

"Fuck her, you pussy," Portia said lazily. "I can do that bit."

I didn't know what she meant, but then she put her hand on my cheek and started to kiss me instead, as Rick pulled his finger out of me and gently traced a circle around my clit, sending electricity through my entire body. Portia's lips were smaller, gentler, and tasted sweeter, like peach flavoured drinks and berry lipgloss. Her tongue was much more delicate, and her kisses were slower and lighter. I had never kissed a woman before. It was different.

I didn't have much time to consider the similarities and differences before Rick's tongue was on my collarbone, his hand pushing inside my bra to feel for my nipple, and the head of his cock pressed against me, and slid right in without any resistance in one smooth stroke. His cock was harder than any I'd ever felt, cool from my saliva. He pulled his hips back before the end of it and slid it all the way out again, teasing me mercilessly, his lips still grazing my neck, and Portia's tongue gliding across my mouth. My entire body was on fire, I was shaking; I was already close. The thought of coming in front of them did not fill me with embarrassment, but excitement. I knew it was what they wanted.

He drew a circle with his cock against me and then pushed himself inside again, still not quite getting to the end before pulling back again, but this time he didn't pull out completely, but pushed in again, a little harder, and then back, and then forward. He was doing it, he was fucking me. The thought alone made me gasp and tilt my head back. With one hand and a smile, Portia unclipped my bra and pulled it off, and leant down to lick and suck on my nipple. Rick bit hard on my collarbone as his strokes became more desperate, urgent, and finally he put his entire length inside me.

The bed shook from his strength as he grabbed my butt hard, pulled my pelvis up and drew himself up to full height, arched back slightly and watched me with heavy lidded eyes. I wrapped my legs around his waist, my butt totally off the bed but my head back on a pillow. Portia sucked tightly on my nipple and I moaned, totally lost in ecstasy. Her hand crept over my hip, and found my swollen clit. Rick leant back slightly so she could reach me fully with her fingers, and continued to hold my butt hard as he pounded his cock deep inside me again and again, occasionally letting a grunt escape his throat. As she moved her fingers to touch me, I moved my own hand to find her thigh, finding her to be without underwear at all, and started to feel around inside her as I liked to have it done to me, and she squealed and bucked her hips to fuck my fingers hard, just as hot and wet as I was. At the same time she used my own wetness and rubbed her forefinger up and down me, and I totally lost it, I bundled covers over my face and screamed as the hot ball of pure pleasure exploded, sending white hot electricity through my entire body.

"Oh, Jesus, shit," he panted, screwing his eyes shut tight as my muscles contracted sharply and twitched and twitched against his diamond cutter hard cock. He drove in as deep as he could as I loudly came, and just as I thought I might finish, I felt the unmistakable feeling of his dick jerking inside me as boiling cum exploded, filling me up so much that it dripped straight out and onto the bedsheets. This drove me over the edge all over again and I arched my back, and screamed for a god, any god, through my fingers as Portia bucked and writhed against my hand, continuing to work my clit with enthusiasm and Rick cried out.

He pulled out, cock still twitching visibly and almost still at full hardness, cum still dribbling out of the head and down his shaft, as it also slid down my buttcheeks, and he stared at us both in disbelief as we both collapsed together in a fog.

We rolled away from each other to allow Rick to lie down in the middle, and then both turned to kiss him. He kissed us both back, made a happy grumble noise, and sighed.

We quickly fell asleep like that, drunk and delighted with each other. Early in the morning Rick got up and sleepily we watched his perfectly toned back as he pulled his clothes on, swore under his breath and left as quietly as he could.

Portia looked at me, eye makeup slightly smudged but still gorgeous.

"Mm, do you have bacon? I could really do with a bacon sandwich."

I snorted with laughter a little, and then nodded.

This would prove to be just the beginning of my adventures with this beautiful hurricane. This real life manic-pixie sex goddess. I'll have another drink and then I'll tell you the rest, shall I?



  1. This is by far the best erotic story, told with absolute mastery of human sensitivity that I ever have read. Thank you for delivering it with such style and developed perspective. That drink is well deserved, and you shall.

  2. *pours three fingers of whiskey, pushes it towards you, eyeing your cleavage appreciatively*

  3. Love this! Please continue. Or shoot, make a blog. I will subscribe to that ish.

  4. A really, really hot read. I have to assume you’re an exchange student?

  5. Holy crap! Sitting at my desk in my office with an erection right now. About to go into the bathroom and relieve myself. Thanks!

  6. One of the best I’ve seen in this sub. I’d love to read more! This was brilliant and sexy!

  7. This is the best story I’ve ever read in this group! Keep them coming!

  8. >"They’d leave together and she’d take advantage of his inebriated state? Why hadn’t I ever had the guts to do that?" Because that’s fuckin’ rape, damnit. … On another note, keep writing! I love your style!

  9. I was sort of expecting a twist at the end, like Portia being a Tyler Durden-esque version of herself. Holy hell, that was a wonderfully written novel.

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