Meek girl watched roommate fuck a random guy, then continues to be meek. [MFF]

OK…here goes. I’m not much of a writer, in fact I’m not creative at all. I am analytical book nerd who thrives on experiments and results. Good bad…who cares! I love results…this probably makes me a shitty writer and a shitty human. Since I’m now a biologist…I’m probably a shitty scientist. But who cares, this is a quick story of how a 5’5 100 LB woman with no ass, no breasts and no personality got introduced to sex.


Though…when I was 19…I had no idea what get laid meant. I had never seen a real dick, I had never kissed a boy. I didn’t even start masturbating until I was 17.I was in every sense of the word. Boring. I had few friends…the few I had were more boring than me. Life was great!


Until I met Fanny…yes Fanny. I think it was Francesca or some shit. She was a hefty woman with a fat guy personality. She played in local plays and drama groups. Flash mobs and all that crap. I was boring…she annoyed me. We pretty much didn’t hit it off…we avoided each other for the most part and were just cordial enough when we were stuck together in the dorm rooms. As long as she didn’t steal stuff or be an outright jerk to me, I just dealt with it like everything else. Bury myself in a book or a video game. But I was self conscious of video games in front of others. I can’t explain it…so I rarely if ever played.


It was towards the end of the semester I think, Fanny and her friends had gone out and returned at the wonderful hour of 4:30…maybe later. Of course this had to be the one time I decided to break out the PS2 for some fun. I remember exactly the moment the front door opened. I had my immediate inner panic attack as 4 girls walked in completely drunk off their ass. Just shit faced. They all had on horse masks. Yep…horse masks.


Apparently a bar had been giving shit out at a local Radio show and some <insert name> club gave away branded horse heads. They got horse masks and were friggin hilarious. I tell you…friggin hilarious. Dripping sarcasm across my keyboard right now. This is a dorm, it’s 4:AM…what do you think 4 drunk women, wearing horse masks will you do. Well of course they run down the hallways banging on doors.


“Let’s go streaking in the quad” Is a fairly common squeaky chant among the drunk elite. To many movies, not enough drunks.


I can hear the yells, complaints and cheers in the hall. I noticed that Fanny left her keys and her purse near the door.


Whoops I actually said it out loud. I locked the door and went to bed. I know…that’s fucked up. Not only was I boring, but I was evil about actually being boring. Sucks to have to live with me and be social right?


It’s probably 6, maybe 7 in the morning. I hear the door lock opening and am fairly confused. Fanny walks in carrying both her high heels. Her dress had what appears to be cotton balls glued to it. She explained in no less than 10 slurs that she forgot her keys and had a spare in her car, then she asked me to drive her to Dennys.


How convenient. But wait! The surprise wasn’t done yet. After she ignored me completely whilst I laughed politely and said no friggin way. I discovered she had a partner. Mr. Carlos was in the house! He immediately groped Fanny and asked me if I could drive them to Denny's. I politely declined…again. Surprisingly, Carlos took the news well and announced he would be satisfied with cheese and crackers. More confused then ever I let him know we don’t have that.


Like a fucking wizard…he waved me off. “Don’t worry M’lady” He said in a quiet tone. He then pulled out 4 cans of Pringles and what appeared to be cheese in a tupper wear. I glanced over at Fanny who is face down on the bed. Her cotton ball skirt is riding up and you can see her thong…which also has cotton balls glued to it. Carlos apparently seeing her distress walks over to her and sits down. He pops a can of Pringles…no cheese though and gently taps her ass. “Foooooooood”. He whispers like E.T. I’m about to die from not laughing or crying at this pathetic situation. More Hilarious? It worked…she woke up and took the goddam pringle. And that was it…drunk normalcy with a can of Pringles…


I took the oppurtunity to roll over and go to bed. It was way to early to deal with this level of drunk Roommate. I will always be forever grateful for Mr. Carlos and his magical back of tube chips. They were quiet long enough that I think iI dozed off pretty quick.


I hear the squeaking first…then the rocking…then the sounds. It’s not hard to silently roll over and see what’s going on. With one eye squinty open and one I squinty close they immediately stop. They both stare intently at me. I thought I was silent…maybe it was the movement. Who knows…


I’m a boring loser. I know how to fake sleep. It took about 20 seconds before I finally saw it. Fanny in all her glory was spread eagle on the ground next to the fridge. Of course. Mr. Carlos as I call him was completely inside her. I could see them stealing glances my way, but with my squint and my tiny self. It was pretty easy to act like a rock. Her pussy was wet, I could see moisture all the way across the room. Carlos didn’t seem to care about me too much he resumed a fairly steady rhythm. He kept grabbing her tits and rubbing her clit. Trying to fuck her hard I think. But the kitchen floor was slippery, they both kept awkwardly slipping away from each other.


Naturally they moved to the bed next to mine. 4 feet away from my sleeping self, Mr. Carlos roughly shoved Fannys head into the mattress. Standing up he entered her from behind. In what seemed like 2 seconds he was just fucking the poor crap out of Fanny. I hear her juices getting squeezed around as Carlos fucked her. I could see his dick just blasting in and out of her pussy. It wasn’t long, but it looked like it would hurt it was so thick. His balls were smacking her ass the whole time. That was mesmerizing in itself and just added to the noises the noises. Every few pumps or so Mr. Carlos would pull out and spread her pussy lips, gently slapping her clit. Then he would grab her, jam his dick back inside and continue on his fucking way.


It’s 75 degrees in here, not hot and not warm. But with one ceiling fan and no real circulation, it was getting hot. Mr. Carlos was soaked in sweat and I could see it running down his ass crack. Fanny was doing an incredibly poor job of being quiet. Her moans were getting the best of her.


“Talk dirty to me” she whispered rather loudly in between moans.


“Shut up you dumb Slut” He whispered back. Then grabbed her hair and started fucking her harder. Torn between the urge to laugh or the urge to touch myself…well I just chose myself. I had never even been on the same planet as a man who wanted to fuck me. All I had was my fingers and my imagination…infused with porn of course. and here now presented to me was Mr. Carlos.


I realized that I was already soaked in sweat…my night gown was sticking to my side. But I couldn’t let them know I was awake. So I did what came natural, I reached around from behind and started rubbing my clit. I didn’t know it at the time, but I enjoyed rough sex. I often found myself flicking my clit or smacking it pretty hard. I’d experiment with large household items. I was boring…but still an experimental kid. But those stories are for another time. I was having a hard time not moving faster or harder. I was wet, and I wanted more than a finger inside of me. I was sweating like it was a sauna. I had to get off my side. With the grace of a beached whale I rolled onto my back. Watching them the whole time they didn’t even glance in my direction.


I was free! I Jammed three fingers in to my pussy and started furiously rocking my clit with the other hand. I wager to say it was less than ten seconds before my first Orgasm. It actually hurt not to buck my hips and cry out loud. Knowing what I know now about orgasms. I should have shattered glass with that one.


I could hear Carlos getting close, he had a grip on her hips that was turning her skin white where he grabbed it and he was pounding almost as fast as I was rubbing.


“Where do I come” he announced.


Without missing a beat she pulled away from his dick and turned around deftly grabbing it and furiously pumping it. “Not in my pussy’ she grinned. Immediately after that she started sucking his dick. Now let it be known at this point, I have had at least3 orgasms and I am out of my mind. I have dreamed of sucking a man's cock so many times that I lost count 2 days after I discovered masturbation. She reached around him and grabbed his ass pulling him closer. I could hear her gagging with each thrust. Then Carlos let loose. He said something first, but then I just heard “Oh god” fuck” and a few other things…Then it happened…The thrusts slowed down the experience was over.


Fanny poked her head around Carlos’s torso and looked directly at me. Cum dripping from her mouth, her hair, her eyelids. It was disgusting. We made eye contact. I forgot to be asleep…




She mouthed the words “Hello there” and raised her eye brows at me. I panicked like a mouse near a snake. My pussy dried up like a prune and Immediately closed my eyes and acted like I was asleep. I could hear them moving about and doing the things we do after fucking. Footsteps here footsteps life was a living in hell. I was beyond mortified, beyond embarrassed. After what seemed like forever. They packed up and left, not sure if they were embarrassed as well?


Now I would like to state the obvious…nothing happened after that with Fanny or Mr. Carlos. I saw her twice after that and the subject was never brought up. I cried over and over for whatever reason. Embarrassment, fear, anger. It was not easy living in my brain. After the semester ended I did nothing but work. I left the dorms and moved back with my parents. Work kept me busy for the summer, but I was a mental patient for half of it.


But…where ever you are Fanny…you dumb slut. Thanks! While it may have fucked me up mentally over the sheer shame…It pretty much goes with saying that the memory is burned into my brain like no other encounter. I still masturbated to the thought of Mr. Carlos and you about 200 times that summer . It would be another 8 months before I had my first actual sexual encounter. I never even got to find out what the deal with the cotton balls was. I would soon find out that I was born to be a slut…I'm not proud nor ashamed. I love every single thing about sex, sexuality and random nakedness! I was just a very later bloomer!


Writing this took longer than I thought! Hopefully I can write the next installment. My first sexual encounter was at 21…and it was horrifyingly bad. I can't wait to share it with you!



  1. Oh man this story captures that whole innocence of a nerd in college. I’m on board as well. Write to your hearts desire!

  2. This might be the funniest or possibly best story I’ve read here so far. I don’t know which one yet.

  3. Haha, oh lord if you’re this entertaining about someone elses sexual experience, I can’t wait to hear about yours.

  4. This is oh so good! Nice writing and eagerly awaiting your next installment! Thanks.

  5. I am ridiculously happy you folks enjoyed my story! It was a long time before I knew what I was doing! I’ve got a lot more! Thank you all so much for the compliments!

  6. Honestly, one of the best stories I have read on here. Looking forward to the next one.

  7. That was hilarious. Probably the best story I’ve read without the author actually getting laid.

  8. Fantastic story! Very sexy and hot. I look forward to your next one slutty girl!

  9. OMG I was praying that you’d joined in… but now I’m just left wanting more!

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