Meeting my Reddit crush…second cross-country tryst with /u/highavailability. Picture of us! (f/m)

If you're interested in some background, here's the story of our first irl meetup:

This is going to be a quick, stream of consciousness post while we’re rehydrating and coming up for air.

Exactly one month after meeting for the first time and completely and irreversibly rocking each others’ worlds, /u/highavailability and I are together again. We both happened to be travelling to the same part of the country, so we’re shacked up in a hotel room in an unfamiliar city…and all I want to do is capture this weekend in a bottle because it doesn’t get any more perfect than this.

I was waiting for him at the airport when he arrived, but he spotted me first. We melted together just like the first time and held each other so tight and kissed so deeply that I’m still not completely sure how we pulled apart long enough to make it to the hotel.

Somehow, we found our way to the hotel shuttle, and it took HA about a second and a half to run his hand up my thigh and realize I wasn’t wearing panties under my sundress. The driver was trying to be chatty with us, and I couldn’t even remember my own name as HA’s fingers found their way around my clit and deep inside of me. What was only probably a 10 minute ride felt like it took years. We finally made it to our room and the door hadn’t even closed behind us when we started ripping clothes off and grasping onto either other like our lives depended on it. He effortlessly scooped me up, and we crashed onto the bed and in complete sync, my legs were around him and he was inside of me with the first glorious penetration. We both sighed with a mixture of euphoria and relief after waiting so long for this moment. It had only been a month since our first tryst, but it felt like so much longer. In the space of a month, we’d gone from being two independent hard-asses to proclaiming our love for each other and being in literally constant contact with each other. In a month, I’d fallen in love with this man who’d changed my entire world view. We both have a history of being…frequently sexually active…but we had both decided to abstain from sex with anybody else until we could be together again. The physical expression of that was even more incredible than my daydreams could have imagined. We literally made love for 3 hours, nonstop. I don’t expect anybody to believe it because it’s the stuff of urban legends, but HA has this incredible ability to cum and just keep going without ever getting soft. Actually, he just seemed to get harder and harder. During those first 3 hours together, he came 3 times, and I came 5. I was the one who tapped out first.

We left our sex lair long enough to get dinner and coffee. Once we got back, I stole his shirt and wore nothing else the rest of the afternoon and evening. Pic of us:

What followed was HA making me cum from oral for my first time ever, and about 5 more orgasms between us before we both passed out, watching shark week and tangled up in each other. I thought it couldn’t possibly get anymore perfect. To be continued…



  1. Indeed…there’s lots more to write, but I figured I’d break it up…and maybe let him write about some of it from his perspective too.

  2. lol, I’m not sure if r/aww was what I was going for, but we are kindof nauseatingly cute.

  3. SO happy you two met up again! Yay!!! Sexy times from you both are always something I look forward to here. :D

  4. I’ll be sure to post a "save the date" to r/gonewildstories

  5. Congrats to you both! Really great modern love story. Post some more pics! I’m sure we’d all love to see them! :)

  6. I’d say meeting on Reddit is about as modern as it gets!

  7. Wow you are a babe! He had a condom during your first encounter… how quickly were they ditched?

  8. Between our two meetups, I think we’ve fucked a total of about 30 times…we’ve used exactly 1 condom…

  9. 2 attractive people. too bad the video is bad angles and makes you both look far less sezy than you are. Would love to see more

  10. Really hard to take an unidentifiable sex video. We need to work on our skillz in that dept. got caught up in the fun this time and forgot to make any videos.

  11. Earlier you said that receiving oral was off the table. What made you change your mind?

  12. Never said it was off the table just that it was something I’ve never particularly enjoyed or been into. Didn’t hate it but had never gotten all that turned on from it, much less gotten off…. but since he had been the exception to pretty much all of my other rules and he said he really loves giving oral, I told him to go for it. And it was amazing….especially after fucking so hard for so many days that penetration hurt.

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