“I love surprises!” said no one ever. [f/f] A Kennedy and Chloe Chronicle.

Not only did Chloe surprise visit me but my hook up buddy from the previous semester decided to stop by too, Avery. Yeah things went great! Julia is my roomie, so you all aren't like what who is that. Also also I should note that after Ava and I broke up I swore off relationships until Chloe, Ava fucked me up. So for 2 years or so in College I just slayed pussy and left a trail of lesbian destruction.

And here we go.

“Kennedy…Kennedy….” pulled me from my sleep. “Who dares disturb my slumber?” I groggily groaned “It’s Aladdin. Get up Avery is here to see you.” Julia mocked. “What?! Avery, Why did you let her in!” I asked, throwing a pillow at her. “She had beer. You were talking about Chloe is your sleep again” she said as she walked out of my room. “Fuck a dick, why do I always get the leeches?” I complained to myself, throwing on whatever clothes I could find and made my way out to the front room.

“Avery what are you doing here?” I asked. “I haven’t seen or heard from you all summer. I had to stop by and see what my favorite lady lover was up to” she flirted walking towards me. “Uh…” I said walking the opposite way around my kitchen table “Yeah sorry, this summer was crazy with work and I kinda starts seeing someone” I trailed off. “Good one Kennedy, you don’t have to make shit up. I’m a big girl you could have just told me you lost interest” she scolded me returning to the couch. “Avery, I really did start seeing someone, but I still treated you unfairly, I’m sorry about that, really” I confessed “Are you still together?” “It’s complicated Avery” I explained. “Uncomplicate it for me then Kennedy” she spat. “Are we official together, no, because she’s four hours away, am I still in love with her, yes. My eyes aren’t inclined to look elsewhere” I asserted. “Kennedy” Avery said sounding concerned “You aren’t back with Ava cause she’s bad juju and I say that as a friend, not a jealous ex-whatever” “Fuck no” I exclaimed “I might have stuck my fingers in crazy after we broke up, but I will never date crazy again. She almost broke Chloe and I up this summer” I recalled, immediately realizing how badly I wished that last sentence would be ignored. “Chloe? As in your best friend, who you never ever would make a move on because she was soooo straight” mocked Avery. “Straight things get bent along the way all the time, like a flag pole in a hurricane…” I protested before Avery interrupted “Yeah expect inanimate objects mean nothing in this conversation” For the 3rd time in my life I was speechless. Avery had dredged up all the insecurities I had about Chloe and I, in 4 minutes and 17 seconds. I searched for some witty retort that would silence her and send her on her way, but the only thing that came out of my mouth was carbon dioxide. “Holy shit, Kennedy the Queen of argument and wit is tongue tied. I wished I felt better about your silence, but I just feel sad for you. Monogamy doesn’t look good on you doll” she confessed, kissed me on the cheek and left. “Everything looks good on me” I mumbled trying to get some swagger back.

“Are you pepping yourself up after Avery put you in your place” Julia snickered coming out of her room. “No” I lied “I was saying at least she left the beer. Was the time 8:55 AM on Friday, yup, did I proceed to make Julia drink the beer and have two bloody maries with me before 11:00 am, you know me well enough by now to know the answer, yup. “Julia” I proclaimed standing on a kitchen chair “The lady of the manor is due for a nap, please send any concubines by way of my boudoir.”

“Avery back off” I warned, feeling a person slide into my bed and wrap their arm around me. Wouldn’t you know, I immediately regretted what I said after I inhaled. It was Chloe and not Avery who was trying to join me. (WHY. Why do I do this to myself you guys?!) I felt Chloe retract from me and spring herself out of my bed. “Who the fuck is Avery?” snapped Chloe standing over me. “Chloe I’m drunk it’s been a morning. What are you doing here?” I groaned putting a pillow over my head. “Drunk? It’s noon Kennedy! I was coming to surprise you but obviously you were expecting Avery” Chloe shouted at me. I responded but my voice was muffled by the pillow. “What did you say?” asked Chloe as she threw the pillow off of my face. “Avery is my lady part lover, lover from last semester. Ugh I feel like I’m on the vomit comet” I slurred. “Kennedy a little more context please” pleaded Chloe. “Why are you being so mean too me, no don’t answer I know why, I’m never drinking again. Contextually I stopped talking to Avery after finals last spring, ignored her all summer” when Chloe pipped in “So why did you think she was crawling into your bed?” “She was here this morning, wanting to know why I hadn’t talk to her and she clearly still wanted the V” I bragged. “DID YOU GIVE HER THE V” Chloe yelled breaking my eardrums. “Chloe you’re the only V getter,taker,maker,player in my life” I drunkenly stated, amused with myself. “I told her to hit the road jack and don’t come back no more no more…..” “For fuck sakes you really are hammered” I nodded smiling enthusiastically. “Come to big spoon position please” I say patting my bed. Chloe didn’t move just stared me down. “FINE, I’ll be big spoon” I conceded patting the bed again. She came and cuddled in next to me. “I’m very happy you’re here but the room won’t stop spinning so I sleep now”

I woke up several hours later to an empty bed. Chloe’s bags were still on the floor, meaning she hadn’t left my drunk ass. Upon standing I gauged my equilibrium “Current drunkenness level: 3.5 Beers in” I thought to myself. “Are you studying” I asked upon seeing Chloe in the living room. “No shit Sherlock, you don’t miss a beat do you” she quipped clearly annoyed. I joined her on the couch, she looked adorable, fuzzy socks, my favorite leggings (dat ass), a hoodie and her glasses. “Hi” I exhaled grabbing her hand. “Hi” she responded still upset about the Avery mishap but glad to see me. “I’m sorry about earlier…..If I would have known you were coming” Chloe interrupted bringing the fucking obvious to my attention “That’s why it’s called a surprise visit Kennedy” Feeling my patience for her tude dwindling I cut to the chase “Right. Nothing happened with Avery. She had brought beer over and left it when she stormed off. I convinced Julia to indulged with me, you can ask her if you want.” “No K, I don’t need too. I trust you, I was just a little taken back when you called me Avery” she told me. “Understandable. So can you stop being mad at me and come over here and kiss me like you haven’t seen me in a month” I suggested. “Eh, I guess. I realized my eyes haven’t hurt this past month and it’s because I haven’t had to stare at your ugly mug” she teased. “Good thing you don’t have to look at me when you kiss me” I informed her, pulling her on top of me. I was tipsy, Chloe was kissing and straddling me, I was in 7th Heaven (that was my show back in the day) Things got heated real quick, Chloe had my shirt off in less than a minute. Shortly thereafter, I felt her hips starting to move on top of me “Someone is an eager beaver” I growled while I slipped my hand down the front of her leggings. “Maybe not so beaver like” I laughed.

“I would tell you to get a room but you already have one, that is of no use.” Julia remarked walking to the Kitchen. “Hey Chloe” she added reaching the fridge. “You’re such a twat block Jules” I yelled. Chloe was mortified; I had never seen such a shade of scarlet before. “Chloe it’s fine Jules doesn’t care, do you Jules?” I bellowed from the couch. “Me? Nope, this way our cable bill won’t be so high, because I won’t have to order any porn” she revealed. Chloe and I both lost it. “God laughing is so loud. How are you not hungover K” Julia complained. “I’m still intoxicated, plus I don’t really get hungover” I admitted. “Well aren’t you just the chosen one” snapped Julia. “You know better than to bad mouth Harry Potter in our house! Plus no I don’t get hung over because I am a warrior sex goddess. I thought you knew me Jules” I responded back, shaking my head. “Hangovers make me crabby. I do apologize for speaking ill about the boy who lived, ABC family marathon this weekend by the way. I’m going to go pass out now, please keep the sex to a neighborly level” she requested walking towards her bedroom.

“Hmm… where were we” I said trying to find Chloe’s lips again but I was met with a hand. “Babe” I tried to mumble “Nope moment gone. This Eleanor Roosevelt paper isn’t going to write itself” she declared. “Did I just get twat blocked by Eleanor Roosevelt” I uttered in disbelief. “Pretty sure Eleanor wouldn’t say twat but yes” Chloe retorted. “I QUIT. What is it with the vagina people today” I remarked tossing my shirt in the air as I shuffled to my room.

60 strikes of the clock later I heard my door open. I continued going about my business, trying to act indifferent to the sound. Chloe slinked up behind me and started to kiss my shoulder “Avery not now Chloe might catch us” I turned around only to be met by Chloe mounting me in my chair. (plot twist) She was pissed and she let me know it by biting my lower lip harder than it needed to be nibbled on “Ow….Chloe” I grumbled. “I know you love pussy but do you have to be such a gaping one right now” she asked. (SHOTS FIRED) Yup that little dominant shit ended right quick. I picked her up and brought her over to the bed. “Stay” I commanded. I disappeared into my closet to get ‘the tie’ emerging like a bat out of hell. I threw the tie over my shoulder and swiftly began to undress Chloe. I unbuttoned her jeans and pulled them of, making sure to rub over her sex for a little tease. As I finished, Chloe began to pull her own shirt off. “Nyet. I’m undressing you” I told her. Chloe regrew a pair apparently, because she continued on undressing . “Fine” I hissed, climbing on top of her. “I was going to wait a while because I know how you like to touch, but you forced my hand little one” I snarled binding her wrists together with my tie. (Yeah she fucking loved it) “These have to go” I told her ripping her panties off. “Kennedy I liked those” she protested “Oh shut the fuck up” I breathed as I brought my lips to hers. Chloe tried to match my kisses, but without hands she found no such luck. I dismounted and stood beside my bed. Chloe’s feet were dangling off the bed; I grabbed her ankles and flipped her over onto her stomach. I took her legs in my grasp again and swung them on to the bed. Coming out of the daze caused by my sudden movements Chloe began to lift her head “Tisk tisk my pretty. Head down” I heeded as I crawled onto the bed and onto her back. “I wouldn’t want you to look at my ugly mug while I make you cum babe” I told her.

I started kissing her back, stopping to admiring and nibble on her tattoo briefly. As I traveled southward, I took my right hand and lifted her hips, while my left hand slid by her belly button over her pubic bone to her wetness. I stopped at her button quickly which yield some heavy breathing and moans. Satisfied at her arousal level I made my way inside of her. A gasp escaped her lips “It’s only been a month Chloe, have you really forgotten how good you feel when I’m inside of you” I whispered in her ear. “No” Chloe breathlessly reassured me. “Good girl” I purred as I brought my face towards her, when she turned her head and met me halfway. I break our kiss and head to a spot on her right shoulder blade that makes her shudder every time it’s licked. One lick, two lick, three lick “Stop Kennedy” she begged “Stop? Okay” I responded, starting to remove my fingers from her “No, don’t” she pleaded as she drove her hips down onto the bed, essentially trapping me inside of her. I reached my right arm around her and brought her vertical, like a swivel her head turned over her shoulder and she hungrily snacked on my lips. ‘The tie’ still binding her hands, so that she had her forearms resting on top of her head. I broke our kiss and brought my right hand to her mouth, she greeted my digits kindly and nipped at them on their way out. “You really shouldn’t bite Chloe” I gritted through my teeth, flicking her nipple. “Fuck you” she moaned. “Contra mi amor you’re the only one getting fucked” Chloe was close, her body moving up and down with my fingers, while I played with her breasts. “I’m…..I’m…..” she panted “You’re what? Say it Chloe” I instructed “Estou gozando” she finished. (I’m cumming in Portuguese, hot af am I right) as she leaned back into me recovering from her orgasm. “Go sit against the head board” she didn’t move; “Now” I ordered giving her a push with my shoulder. I stood up off the bed and peeled off any remaining fabrics I had left on. “Spread your legs” I told her.

I climbed back onto the bed and scooted myself back until I could feel Chloe’s cum rub against me. I leaned back so my head was on her shoulder. “What are you doing K” she questioned. “You’ve waited a month to touch me so I thought you could wait a little longer” I said tasting her delicious lips again. While our tongues tumbled my hands found my clit and nipple respectively. I was horned up, I knew I wouldn’t last long. “Do you want to touch me right now Chloe” “Yes” she growled “Do you wish it was you who was about to make me cum Chloe” I asked breathless. “Yes Kennedy” she whispered as she grazed her lips over my neck. “Fuck” I moaned. My body had begun to match my flicks on my clit in movement. “Chloe kiss me” that was the straw that broke the camel’s back. I came.

“Fuck you don’t even have to be fucking me, you just need to be in the same room to make me cum the hardest I have ever cum” I panted. “Bring your hands here” I told her, holding up my mine. I untied them and her hands immediately descended to my breasts. “A month is too long without these in my life” she said nibbling on my neck. “I would be devastated if I had to go without my boobs for a month, I feel your pain babe” I responded. “Kennedy it terrifies me how much I love you” Chloe confessed. “It shouldn’t I’m not going anywhere, laying on your boobs is extremely comfortable” I laughed. “Seriously Kennedy…” she said. “It’s good to be scared. It means you still have something to loose” I remarked. “Did you seriously just try to use a Grey’s Anatomy quote on me?” she asked pushing me off of her. “Yes, sorry I’m not sorry that Shonda gets me” I told her standing up off of the bed. “Moving on, I need nourishment this sex goddess doesn’t just run on orgasms. So what are you cooking for me wench?”

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/3d68w4/i_love_surprises_said_no_one_ever_ff_a_kennedy


  1. Great story again its great to have a story too not just the sexy stuff which is tops too:)

  2. Thank you! I’m not so sure, I would need a fantastic editor. My dyslexia does not help, praise the lord for spell check though.

  3. It’s 1am here in the UK and I have to be up early but there’s no way I was waiting til the morning to read this! You two are the cutest, horniest and most SAF couple, and I’ve got to try and sleep now….at least I won’t be able to roll over in the night! Lol

  4. Do you think Julia could hear you? Or did she ever comment on the sounds?

  5. You definitely have a way with words! Don’t neglect your studies, but please keep writing!

  6. Thank you! I graduated in may 2014. This stories take place 2ish years ago!

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