My sister, Veronica, visits with me and Danny

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote here about my first date with Danny. At that time I was still a virgin and quite inexperienced. Danny and I became exclusive and saw each other regularly for several months (I spent most nights of the week at his apartment and in his bed), and while I was still a virgin in the most technical sense, Danny and I had tried pretty much everything else there was in realm of lovemaking.

This is recollection of the weekend my sister, Veronica, came for a visit. Veronica (or as she is mostly called, "Roni"), is two years younger than me, and at 5'6", two inches taller than me. Her hair is the same light brown as my own (but a few inches longer), she has blue eyes to my green, and she wears a 34C bra, a size smaller than my 34D. While I was the good daughter, Roni was far more adventuresome and risk taking. She was frequently busted by our parents for underage drinking, and she was on the Pill and sleeping with her boyfriends starting at 17. The only thing that you could reliably count on her to do was surprise you.

Roni had a break from school and came to southern California to visit family and friends. I had told her all about Danny, and she was eager to meet him. On Friday evening she arrived and the three of us had a wonderful evening together. Danny barbecued while we prepared the veggies and salad. After dinner, we all spent time in the spa, drinking a couple bottles of red wine along the way.

Later in the evening we were sitting in Danny's living room just talking when the liquor made its effects known, and it seems we were all yawning at once. Roni asked if she could crash on Danny's couch rather than in my apartment alone. However, Danny was too much of a gentleman for that, and insisted that Roni and I share his bed, and he would take the couch. He claimed it was one of the best couches ever to sleep on. Danny took a blanket and a spare pillow and said he would see us in the morning.

Roni and I undressed to our panties and then each took one of Danny's t-shirts as a nightie. We spoke in hushed tones for quite a while about all manner of things, but mostly about Danny. Then Roni said she didn't feel right about banishing Danny from his own bed, and suggested that I ask him to take his regular place, and that I could sleep in the middle between the two of them. The bed really was plenty large, and I was missing his presence. I padded down the hall to see if he was still awake. He was. He told me he was having a tough time drifting off and when I told him of Roni's suggestion, he asked if I was OK with it. I said, "Sure", that I would sleep in the middle and everything would be fine. So that's how I found myself under Danny's arm with my knee thrown over both of his outstretched legs and peacefully fell asleep.

It was early in the morning, I would guess around 1:00 AM when I woke up to Danny's kisses. As soon as I was awake enough to remember the circumstances, I hissed to him to cut it out, I didn't want to wake Roni. Danny just continued to kiss me, and then I felt his hand creep up under my shirt. He was brushing his fingers across my nipples and continuing to kiss my lips. He whispered in my ear that Roni was dead to the world and that he was very excited as the prospect of fooling around together where we might get caught. This happened to also be one of my fantasies and I told him that under no circumstances could we do anything that might wake Roni. He silently nodded, and a moment later I felt his hand pushing down into the front of my panties. I moved my legs apart ever so slowly. He was taking his time with every movement, not jiggling the bed or making any noise. As he rubbed and kissed me I started to get very aroused and tried to kiss him back without too much movement. I could feel how hard his penis was under his shorts and was really wondering how we were going to pull this off.

Danny now allowed himself to gently slip out of the bed and onto the floor, again with hardly any shaking of the bed, and crouched by the side. He reached into the bed and slipped my panties off in one gentle motion. I knew he was going to go down on me, but I couldn't figure out how he was going to manage it without waking Roni. He reached in and took a hold of me by my calves, and slowly pulled me so that one leg was completely off of the bed, and the other was hanging off at the knee. I bent the other leg and brought my heel to rest on the back of his neck. Sure enough, while crouching on the floor beside the bed, Danny slowly leaned in and started to lick my inner thighs and then my lips and clitoris. It felt so good and so wrong! The worst part was that I couldn't make a sound, and that seemed to be all I wanted to do! Danny was very gentle, but also very consistent, and by now he knew exactly how to please me. Rather than pick up the pace as he would normally do, he kept at it for some time, very slow and very regular. He must have noticed how wet I had become, but didn't change a thing. Finally I could feel myself starting to come. I had my hands in his hair holding him in place, and doing everything I could not to moan out loud! When the climax hit I kept breathing through my nose, but I must have sounded like a charging bull! The intense feeling of an orgasm and being unable to express it is not one I would recommend. For once Danny let me down gently and he remained on the floor while I recovered my composure.

After my breathing returned to normal, I started wondering how I would be able get Danny back! How would he feel exploding in my mouth, but have to keep his own shut?! Danny stood up and slipped off his shorts. He leaned over and whispered for me to slowly turn on my side, put my head on the pillow and move my face to the edge of the bed. As soon as I did, I could see why. Right in front of me was Danny's erect penis! All I had to do was open my mouth and he pushed right in. I didn't have to do any bobbing or make any motion at all. Danny put one hand on the top of the head board to steady himself and starting slowly moving his hips back and forth while I used my tongue and lips the best way I knew how. I had to give him credit, this was ingenious! Danny had been thrusting for a couple of minutes when I heard, "Are you two gonna let me join in the fun?"

There must have been an audible "pop" as I turned to look over my shoulder and Danny came out of my mouth. There was Roni, propped up on one elbow, not looking the least bit sleepy. I had no idea how long she had been watching, or how long Danny may have been watching her watching! "Veronica! How long have you been awake?" She brushed aside my question and repeated her own, this time addressing it directly to Danny. "Are you going to let me join in the fun? How about it, Danny?" Danny immediately replied, "That's not my call, Roni. That's only for Marcy to say." Great! He had thrown the ball in my court, and if I said "no", I would be the bad guy. I had thought in the past what I might do if presented with the opportunity of a threesome, but never considered with my own sister! I assumed that Danny, like most guys, had been fantasizing about this kind of thing ever since he reached puberty. If I went along with this, at least I would know all the participants. I thought another moment and said, "If it's OK with Danny, it's OK with me".

Danny gave me a look that said, "Thankyouthankyouthankyou", and climbed into the bed between us. Roni gave a gleeful, "Yes!", then reached down with both hands across her waist and pulled her shirt off over her head. I didn't want to fall behind, and did the same. Danny laid down on his back and looked up expectantly. I didn't want to waste any time, and at this point my plan was to get Danny to come in my mouth. I grabbed him with my hand and started to stroke his still hard penis. Roni noticed and seemed to take this as a challenge. Leaning over Danny she dangled her breast right above his mouth. His tongue immediately shot out and starting licking her nipple. I'll give her this, she really does have cute boobs. During this, Roni was emitting small moans and rubbing her fingers over the front of her panties. I rolled over onto my knees and bent down to take Danny into my mouth again. From this position I could be in charge, taking as much or as little of him as I wanted into my mouth and throat. In just a few months I had gone from a total novice at giving head to really loving it, especially when he climaxed. I would always continue my thrusts, feeling his cum fill my mouth and swallow all I could! It always gave me a feeling of extreme satisfaction, and still does to this day.

Roni in the meantime was getting pretty hot and bothered herself. She pulled away from Danny long enough to slip off her panties, then threw one leg over him so that she was sitting on his stomach facing him. I wasn't sure what her game plan was here, but continued my efforts to get Danny to come. Danny slipped both of his arms under her legs, the put both hands under her butt and lifted her up and gently lowered her onto his face. He placed both of her hands on the headboard, then reached his hands up to fondle her breasts while she raised and lowered herself so his tongue could have access to her clitoris. Roni was clearly enjoying this and seemed not to notice me at all. Danny must have noticed I was there, with the way I was sucking him, but he also seemed occupied.

After a few minutes of this, Roni started to shake and tremble and almost lost her grip on the headboard. There was no doubt that she had just climaxed. She told me later that this was the most intense oral sex she had ever experienced. She took a moment still up on her knees, then swung her leg off, almost catching my head in the process. Once again I imagine there must have been a "pop" as I quickly let Danny out of my mouth to protect myself.

Roni sat down on the bed, and started brushing Danny's nipples with her fingertips. I probably should not have told so much about him. Danny was instantly alert, and she just said, "Danny, I want you to fuck me. Now." Danny slowly looked my way. I had anticipated this and thought, "In for a penny, in for a pound." I raised my eyebrows, tipped my head, put a small smile on my lips, closed my eyes and nodded. Danny now seemed to be in his element. His erection was as big and hard as I had ever seen. He turned onto his knees, then took Roni and positioned her in front of him on her knees, with her head and shoulders down on one of the pillows. I could see him with his left hand on her hip, holding his penis in his right hand, moving the head up and down her vagina to gain some lubrication from her. On his third pass up, Roni suddenly pushed back, causing about half of his shaft to enter her. Both of them let out a little "oof". Danny pulled most of the way out, then leaned in again, this time pushing another inch of himself into her. Out came another quick exhale from Roni. She must have been very wet, because in just a few more strokes, he was burying his entire penis into her. He now had both hands on her hips and was pulling himself forward and pushing himself back. Roni was helping, moving in tandem with him. In the meanwhile, I was feeling particularly left out. And I was getting envious. This is something I now wanted for myself. It wouldn't happen tonight, but I knew at that moment that I would not be a virgin on my wedding night. After a couple of minutes of this, Roni's moans were slowly going up in pitch with each of Danny's thrusts. It seemed time to help things along. I positioned myself behind both of them and carefully leaned forward pressing my breasts into Danny's back. I reached around under his arm with my left hand and started playing with his left nipple. The effect was as if I had turned the blender up another notch. Danny's thrusts picked up and he was gently grunting with each one. It was like there was gentle applause in the bedroom. Roni's moans were getting higher and higher when she almost shouted, "Oh, God! I'm coming!!" With that Danny aggressively started slamming into her harder and harder. Roni starting shrieking into the pillow with this "Ahhhh, ahhhh" sound. At that moment Danny started grunting louder with each thrust for six or seven more times, then seemed to almost collapse. He slapped my hand away and sat back onto his heels. Roni fell over on her side and kept whispering to herself. After a minute, Danny also laid back down. I looked at the clock, it was 1:36 AM.

It took me a long while to drift off. Danny and Roni both fell asleep quickly, their regular breathing seemed to fill the room. When I woke in the morning, there was light coming in from the window. I looked at the clock, it was now 8:20 AM. I heard the shower running, and turned over to see who was in bed with me. Roni was sprawled out on the other side of the bed, the bed sheet covering about half of her butt. As I twisted in the bed to look around, her eyes opened and a smile crossed her face. "Marcy, you are one of the luckiest people I know. You get to have sex with Danny every night! Oh. My. God!" I wasn't exactly sure how I should respond when I heard the water turn off, and a few moments later Danny walked in from the bathroom toweling himself off. At least he had the modesty to hold the towel in front of himself.

"That was invigorating! Who's next? Marcy?" I didn't feel like leaving Danny alone with Roni, since neither of them was wearing a stitch. "I'm good. Roni, do you want to get cleaned up?" Roni tumbled out of the bed, as naked as the day she was born, said, "Don't mind if I do", then sashayed past Danny, giving him a swat on his bare butt as she passed by. As she disappeared into the bathroom, I could see that the front of Danny's towel was noticeably tenting! I pointed to it and said, "Well, it appears as if you have noticed Roni's ASSets!" Darned if he didn't blush! I climbed out of the bed and walked over to him, and with one hand took his towel, and the other I grabbed his penis. He was already at half mast and I decided now I would get what I was denied last night. I pushed him up against the wall and dropped to my knees. I took him into my mouth and very quickly he got really hard. As I bobbed in and out, taking his whole penis into my mouth and throat, I felt him go up on tiptoe against the wall. I knew it wouldn't be long. I reached up with one hand to brush his nipples, moving back and forth between the two. There it was, the hitch in his breathing! A moment later he came and came in my mouth! I loved it. I kept it up, swallowing everything. God, it felt good! As he dropped back onto his feet, I stood up and wiped my lips with the back of my hand. Danny blurted out, "Marcy! You have gotten so good at that! I can't believe how easily you do that to me." I gave him a smile and a peck on the lips and said, "We need to get dressed and start breakfast."

Danny and I had bacon, eggs, toast, juice and coffee going when Roni showed up wearing a robe and a towel around her hair. The rest of the day was uneventful and Roni left late in the afternoon to visit with our brother who also lived in the Los Angeles area. Interestingly enough, while visiting with our brother, she would meet Skip and fall head-over-heels in love with him (although knowing Roni it was heels-over-head). Roni and Skip started dating steadily and when summer arrived we all went sailing together on Skip's boat. It was that weekend that I finally gave myself to Danny completely. Danny and I stayed together for a little over two years. In that time, there was only one other occasion when we included a third person into our lovemaking. And that was at my sister's wedding.



  1. Damn. That story was great. Youve got to post the other threesome.

  2. I still see Danny a couple of times a year in social situations, but it has been some time since we have had a physical relationship. We are now both married to others.

  3. Perhaps. But I think to keep these in order, it would make sense to tell how Danny took me completely for the first time.

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