An Innocent’s Gradual Descent: Interrupting Sum[m]er’s [F]amily Dinner

This is part 2 of my true stories relating to Summer. Names have been changed. Sorry this was a little shoddily written.

Since our clandestine blowjob incident as counselors planning a Summer camp, Summer could not get enough of me. She texted me constantly. Every time she was horny she would call and beg me to tell the story as I remember it. We exchanged pictures and grainy videos via email of us naked, posing for one another.

Summer lived two states over but her family and Ashley's family were close and would get together once every 2 or 3 months. Three months after I had seen her I received a text from Summer that simply read: "Be Excited this weekend"

I saw Ashley the next day (her cousin and my close friend who we thought still didn't know about our sexcapades) and asked her what her plans were this weekend. She expressed that she was excited because Summer and her family were coming over for dinner, but was really mad because her and Summer were to share a room on the same night that Ashley was planning on sneaking out. Summer had a reputation of being the "good girl" amongst her family. I however knew that not to be the most accurate description of her anymore.

I excitedly texted Summer, our fantasies growing wilder and wilder. Dreaming and anticipating what was to come. On the day of, I was extremely nervous. The plan was for me to go and pick her up outside the house after she found a way to get outside.

The time came, and I was parked across the street from Ashley's house and Summer came bounding out of the house walking at a slightly faster than normal pace until the door closed and she sprinted to my car across the street.

She gave me a lopsided grin and told me to drive. We drove down a few blocks and found a little cul-de-sac to park in that was dark.

"I only have thirty or forty-five minutes to be gone. I told them I was going for a walk before dessert."

"Oh" I eloquently replied. I was nervous and my blood flow was having issues! She looked beautiful. Round face with chocolate brown doe-eyes. She was in a simple white dress, white shoes, and her huge boobs (or breasts/girls as she called them) were fit snugly into her unfortunately not very revealing dress. I could not wait to get my hands on those boobs.

We unbuckled and I pulled her over to me. She straddled me and i worked her shoulders out of the dress she was in. We kissed. Hard. She reached behind her back and unlatched her bra slowly taking it off in front of me letting her breasts bounce free. They. Were. Glorious. Perfectly round small nipples, pink and standing at attention practically screaming at me to suck and play with them.

I obliged.

She leaned back to give me some room, rubbing her chest in my face, and then pulled my head up looking me straight in the eyes. "I don't want to lose my virginity yet. Ok?"

I gave a small grunt as I wasn't quite capable of speech yet, and continued kissing her body in the front seat of my car.

My hands begin to wander testing and teasing the bottom hem of her dress. My hands make their way up and her hands rest on top of mine. She starts moving my hands to her mound and start showing me what to do. I moan at feeling her soaked panties against my fingers. We awkwardly play with each other for a little then decide to make our way to the back of the car (mini SUV so had room).

I am immediately on top of her. I try to maneuver her panties off but they were giving me trouble and it was the heat of the moment. So I did what any other guy in that position would do…I ripped them clear off. One hand grabbed a fist full of her panties at the hem and the other at the crotch area and I ripped them apart.


She had worked her hand down my shorts around my cock and was awkwardly giving me a hand job as my face was buried in her chest with my hands at her now glistening pussy.

I wanted to be inside of her. Some dam just broke inside of me or something because I needed her. I scooted my hips forward so that the head of my dick was king of rubbing against her as she stroked it.

She gasped at the intense heat source that just placed itself near her entrance. "No! I told you no remember?!"

"I know I know I wasn't doing anything. Just wanted to see what it felt like." I replied.

"Ok, I guess but NO GOING IN" she said as she slowly bucked her hips closer to me, moving them in a small circular motion.

I was dying. She had grasped my penis and was rubbing the tip against her wet entrance getting her juices all over me. I made a promise, but I wasn't going to finish at this rate and I could not see or think clearly.

"What if I go in the other way?" I asked semi-innocently. " That doesn't really count as losing your virginity, right?" I was desperate.

After a few minutes of discussion and back and forth she agreed as long as we went slow. We did. At first. I adjusted behind her and slowly worked my member inside of her. It must have taken us at least 15 minutes or so to work myself fully inside of her.

I slowly began to move my hips back and forth and she slowly went from gasping in pain to actually moaning in pleasure.

I began to take her from behind and I instructed her to play with herself as I thrust into her. It was an unreal feeling. I had never done anything remotely similar before so it really was quite amazing.

Summer furiously began playing with herself underneath me. She quickly finished and begged me to finish as well. With a few large thrusts and a loud moan I filled her up with my seed.

Looking at the clock we sort of freaked out. We had been gone almost 1.5 hours…

We hurriedly got dressed and drove back to Summer's house. Her parents were sitting on the porch and saw us pull up.

Well Fuck. Ashley had told me all about how strict Summer's parents were. Summer leapt out of the car and half ran toward her parents. I followed though much slower as if walking to my doom. She spun a tale about how she had gotten lost and I found her and drove her home.

Ashley's parents knew me so it wasn't as weird as it could have been had I been a complete stranger but it was still hella weird.

After a brief hello and a handshake I noticed a small liquid trail down Summer's leg. I turned bright red and told everyone I had to head home.

I said goodbye and gave Summer a hug. She whispered "until next time" in my ear. As I knew what was happening down her legs.

I said nothing and hightailed it out of there.

Turns out that Ashley had left to look for Summer. Thank god she wasn't home because if she had been…She would have been able to tell something happened from the look on my face.

Summer and I continued to stay in touch and have crazy sexual experiences with one another.



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