The Sex Student – Part 21

Had to split this into 2 parts, so part 22 will be coming…

Part 21

The coming weekend had me excited. Something about being part of an orgy had always been very arousing to me.

On Thursday I got a text from Frank saying Lady Janet would like to meet me on Friday, as early as possible. I had a lecture Friday I could skip, so I said I would be available from 1pm on. I was told to wait outside my apartment at 2pm, sharp.

Friday I was waiting on the steps to my apartment when a black car pulled up and Lady Janet beckoned me over. I got in and we drove off.

"Lilly, thank you for agreeing to meet me early… I need help for tomorrow night. I normally have Candace to help me but she won't be available until tomorrow, and I didn't want to delay again. Do you think you can help me tonight?"

"Yes Lady Janet" I assumed she meant doing things like cleaning or setting stuff up or something… I was in for a surprise.

We did do some shopping, wine and bubbly, some premade fingerfoods and the like. After that we were off to Lady Janet's place in the country. When we got there her male sub Travis was there waiting and helped us unload.

After that we spent most of the afternoon cleaning the main rooms of the house.

After 6 we ate a quick dinner, then Lady Janet sent Travis off and made the 2 of us coffee. Then she filled me in…

"Lilly, to be blunt, it is VERY important we stay awake until after dawn tomorrow. It is not acceptable for me to fall asleep during the Mabon festival. I also need most importantly for you and Travis to keep me, well, horny. But there must be no penetration for me… no sex no toys… I must keep the energy in my chalice pure."

I had no clue what she was on about but I just nodded and smiled…

"I will need you to play a part tomorrow… you will not need to do much, but I would like you to be the living altar, it is only for the beginning of tomorrow, and you will be well rewarded, will you do that for me?"

I had no idea what it would mean, but I nodded.

"Thank you Lilly… alright, take some time to remember when everything is, you will be spending your sleep in my bed tomorrow so no need to worry about that, and tomorrow you will not need clothes so once you take them off today just make sure you remember where you put them. Now go on, take your time, when you are ready please come to my bedroom naked, and if you see Travis tell him to come with you, alright?"

"Yes Lady Janet"

She smiled and started to clean up the coffee. I wandered down the back bedroom hall. I went into one, stripped off and put my clothes in the bottom drawer. I searched around and found Travis in a room that could only be described as a gym using a treadmill. He was naked as I was. I could see his ass ripple as he ran. I finally decided to make my presence known and coughed. He stopped and turned around to see me.

"Hey you"

"Hey yourself… good run?"

"Daily workout, I like doing it before sex, gets my hormones up."

"I see, well Lady Janet said to bring you to her bedroom when I was ready"

"Oh I know… you have no idea how crazy tonight is going to be… I've done this night three times with Candace, it's… well I can't believe you and Lady Janet have more sex tomorrow night."

I shrugged "I just kind of fell into this…"

"I know, Candace is away till tomorrow. Originally this was supposed to be 2 weeks ago, Lady Janet had to delay it because she was away… oh well it's just a load of pagan hogwash as an excuse for a bunch of women to get sexytime on together"

"Pagan hogwash? you mean that energy stuff?"

"Yea she believes it though so don't make fun of it too much… now let me shower so we can go give Lady Janet her night of stimulation"

And he went into a bathroom down the hall. I waited for him, he was fairly quick. We made our way to the other end of the house to the master bedroom. The doors were wide open, Lady Janet was sitting on a chair naked playing with herself.

"Oh good, you're here… alright you two, get on the bed, fuck each other silly, make it a good show"

I looked at Travis who just smiled back and gestured me on to the bed. We got on the bed and knelt in front of each other. We kissed and he moved his hand down my body. I broke the kiss and moved my head down. As i did I glanced at Lady Janet, she was rubbing her clit quite vigorously. I put Travis' cock to my lips and sucked it in. He was big even soft, and he started to get hard really fast.

"I haven't cum in a week… I'm not gonna last long"

I let him out of my mouth and straightened up. I lay back and spread my legs. He got the idea. He slipped his long cock into me easily and slowly started to piston in and out of me. I looked over at Lady Janet who had stopped fingering herself but was still sitting with her legs spread wide and a hand on her breast… I wondered idly if I would be servicing her tonight… then my orgasm stole my attention as i came for the first time. Travis was starting to speed up, I looked down and was again mesmerized seeing how much of his cock came out each stroke. I looked up at his face, it was obvious he was holding off. I wanted to tell him to let go but decided he would know best. Instead I took my own breasts in my hands and squeezed them. Finally Travis fully tensed and I could feel a warm flush inside myself.

After he calmed down he leaned down and kissed me, then got off the bed. Lady Janet was smiling…

"Good show… bit short but I'm sure that will get better… Lilly come over here to me"

I got off the bed, feeling a bit wobbly. I walked over to her and she pulled me right into her between her legs. She ran her hands down my body, then brought a finger to my slit. I spread my legs a little as she scooped some of the white goo up and looked at it.

"You better have alot more of this Travis?"

"Yes Lady Janet, I do"

"Good… Go shower both of you, I want you clean for the next show"

Travis led me to the bathroom and shut the door.

"I hope I can keep getting it up… she's going to want more from us"

"By more… you mean more shows?"

"Yea, and she's gonna want you to herself too just to warn you"

"I figured… well lets shower… big enough for both of us?"

"You go first, it'll take you longer to dry…"

"Ok" and I got in the shower. I was quick as i could be, but getting all the goo out took a little time. Travis helped me out and I started to towel off. When he finished Travis did the same and then we went back into the bedroom. Lady Janet wasn't there so we sat on the bed and waited. She came back with a full tea set.

"Ok you two, have some… it'll keep you awake"

She poured us all big cups. The tea was very strong and some kind of strange herbal mix. I did feel a jolt right away from it.

We each drank 2 cups and boy was i wide awake. Travis had wood again and Lady Janet motioned us to perform again. This time I got onto of Travis and rode him, making sure Lady Janet had a view of his cock sliding in and out of me. She was fingering herself again as she watched. I rode Travis slowly hopring to prolong this show enough that we might be able to keep this up all night. I looked for a clock but couldn't see one in the room, so I decided just to try and enjoy fucking Travis as much as i could.

I kept it riding until my legs were so tired they trembled and I had to get off. Travis got ontop again and fucked me hard and fast. He was too close I realised… he was going to cum…

"Cum on her face Travis, over here" came from Lady Janet. Travis quickly pulled out of me and we got into position on the floor, I knelt down with my face at his cock. He popped, but most of the cum missed and went over my shoulder. I got only a few drops on my cheek.

"Bad boy Travis…"

"Sorry Lady Janet"

"Lilly, go clean up…"

I went and washed my face, when I came back Travis was bent over a chair and Lady Janet was using a flogger on him. I'd never actually watched someone else getting disciplined before. The sound of the leather slapping against his skin and the sight of the welts forming was different from this view… and it was arousing me.

He was counting out strokes… 4… 5… 6… she stopped at 12.

"Remember, when I tell you to cum on her face, I mean her face"

"Yes Lady Janet"

She looked up and saw me. "Alright Lilly, Travis will need some time… so go get some toys, remember where they are?"

"Yyy.. Yes Lady Janet"

And I went off across the house to the toy room. The sheer number of toys made it hard to pick… I grabbed a selection of vibrators and dildos, no idea what to select, hoping they would be sufficient. I took them back to the bed room where Lady Janet had set up a table with a sheet on it, and motioned me to put the toys on it. I put them down and arranged them. She picked up a glass dildo and motioned me to the bed. I got on the bed and lay back, but she didn't give me the toy.

"Hold yourself open Lilly until I tell you different"

I did as she asked, I spread my kitty wide and held it open. She put herself at the foot of the bed between my feet and started using the toy on me, her gaze set on me. It was… well… strange watching her using the dildo on me while i spread my labia. I still couldn't fathom how it was so arousing for her. She suddenly stopped and let the toy slip out of me and drop on the bed. She shuffled herself up and lowered herself down and forward so her labia brushed on my hands holding myself open.

"Lilly finger yourself…"

I did as she asked, but she pushed herself against me hard as i did. She was crushing my hand into my pelvis and clit and grinding herself on it. I tried to keep it moving but it was a bit painful. Finally she cried out and very obviously came, then got off me. I lay there still rubbing my clit, and I came a few minutes later before she finally spoke up…

"You can stop now… lets take a break…"

We all went out to the kitchen… I finally saw the time, my heart dropped when I saw it was only 12:45… over 5 hours till dawn! Lady Janet set out some crackers and cheese. We all sat round and ate, but no one spoke. I caught Travis eyeing me a couple times… even after all the sex he was still ogling me!

After we ate Lady Janet brought out more of the tea and again we drank down 2 cups each. This time it went straight to my bladder. I excused myself and Lady Janet directed me to use the en-suite in the master.

When I came out Travis laying on the bed being jerked off by Lady Janet…

"Lilly, get a toy, lay down next to Travis and use it"

I did as she asked. I grabed a lumpy plastic vibrator and lay myself down right next to Travis. I turned it on and put it to my clit. Lady Janet started jerking Travis harder… then suddenly stopped and completely let go of his cock, letting is jump and spasm. She started jerking it again for a minute or so and repeated the sudden stop… she did this 5 more times… Travis did nothing though I could tell it wasn't pleasant for him.

"Alright, stop with the toy Lilly, Travis is going to pleasure you now, get to it Travis, eat her!"

Travis got between my legs and started to lick me. He wasn't as good as Frank but it didn't take me long to cum…

"Good Lilly, keep cumming, let the sexual energy flow…" Lady Janet was sounding more and more strange to me…

Travis kept at me for a very long time. I came 4 more times, but without fingers on my gspot they got further and further apart. Travis was starting to shake… his licking was loosing rythm… he started to pant and moan.

"Alright Travis alright, you can stop… fuck her now…"

Travis audibly groaned but jerked himself hard again and pushed his cock into me again. He pounded away hard but shallow, trying to get himself off as quickly as he could but he was fading fast. I motioned to flip over and he did, I got on top facing his feet and rode, after a few strokes I leaned back and just went crazy, bounding up and down as fast as i could, i managed another orgasm as i rode. Finally I heard him groan and he came inside me.

I got off him, I felt a little raw and drained. Lady Janet led me to the bathroom and ran me a bath.

"Take your time but do not go to sleep, understand?"

"Yes Lady Janet"

I soaked myself for a time… Lady Janet had shut the door but every so often I heard Travis yelp or moan… obviously more discipline was being administered… I was starting to feel sorry for Travis, but I guessed this wasn't new for him at all.

I finally got out of the bath when it was cold, dried off and went back to the bedroom. I found Lady Janet rubbing a fur mitten over her mound. Travis was on the bed, bound with rope and gagged…

"We won't need Travis for a bit… I'm going to take you to another room for a bit, come along"

She stood and led me to the toy room.

"Lay on the bench girl… legs as wide apart as you can with your feet on the floor"

I got into the position she wanted. She got something out of a cabinet… it was a box with tubes.

"Have you been suction cupped before Lilly?"

"No Lady Janet"

She grinned "I'm pretty sure you will enjoy this"

She put the box on the floor and plugged it in. Then she connected a cup to the end of the tube and put it over my breast.

"Hold this here Lilly"

I put my hand on the cup to keep it in place… then she turned the machine on… I felt my breast being sucked on hard, I looked down and it was filling the cup. The machine cut out before it hurt, I was amazed at the sight of my breast so big, turning pink and purple.

"Now this part will hurt for a moment, then feel very good" and she pressed something, there was a whistle sound as pressure released and the cup was loose again.

"Lift it up, put it on the other breast"

I did as she asked, she clicked something on the cup and repeated the suction and release on my other breast. They were both swollen now, red and big. She knelt down and squeezed them both, they felt strange, kind of numb, but my nipples were VERY sensitive.

"There, that will do for tonight… now… you will pleasure me"

And without any hesitation she lowered herself onto my face. I licked at her as best i could. Her juices were dribbling down my cheeks and she was playing with my engorged breasts as I worked. I kept going and going, my tongue was getting numb, and my neck sore. I could tell she came a couple times. She finally moved, but not to get off me, instead she moved forward and placed her ass on my lips. I rimmed her and she moaned hard but didn't stay there long. She got up and helped me stand.

"Very good my dear, now lets get you fucked again…" and she led me back to the bedroom. She went over to the bed and undid Travis. "Alright you two, again please!"

Travis was totally soft, I climbed on the bed and started sucking him. It took a little work but he got hard again. I hoped up on him and rode him hard as i could. He was getting into it now, pushing his cock up. I was tired but I really wanted to cum again so just pounded on him until I did, then got off and we got into doggy. He went slow and full strokes all the way in. He kept it up a very long time. Lady Janet sat and watched, but wasn't doing anything else. Travis was tired I could feel it, his motions were rough and shakey. Finally he was getting close. Lady Janet climbed up on the bed and told us to stop.

"Flip over Lilly… Travis you are going to cum on her belly, all of it better go there, understand?"

"Yes Lady Janet"

And he got into position, still between my legs but jerking himself above my hips. He came harder than I thought he could, cum shot up my body and splashed all over my tummy, this time he didn't miss.

"Good boy… now rub it into her skin"

He put his hands on me and started to rub his cum around my belly…

"Up on her tits and down her legs too Travis"

He nodded and before long I was sticky with his cum from my neck to knees.

"Good… now go shower Travis, you stay right there Lilly"

I just lay there. I was sooo tired it was a fight to stay awake. Travis came back from his shower and sat next to me… I had to stay awake… so I talked to him.

"Keep me awake, I'm so tired, talk to me, please?"

"No problem, what about?"

"Is this how you guys are with Lady Janet?"

"Kind of… tonight it probably the most involved… and Candace doesn't respond like you do, she just obeys."

"Yea I know… think I'm going ok?"

"Oh you are doing amazing… Candace has never stayed awake all night, didn't she tell you?"

"No… wow… how much longer you think?"

"Don't know… time is so weird on a night like this"

I nodded and we talked about some local things and places. Lady Janet finally came back, with more tea and a bowl of hot water and a cloth.

"Clean Lilly up Travis, you made her all sticky with your cum"

"Yes Lady Janet" and he carefully mopped my skin with the hot water. We then shared another round of the super strong tea. I was so tired and I knew Travis was, I wondered how much more we could do. lady Janet guided me into her chair…then Lady Janet went to the toys I'd brought in and picked up a small vibrator and tossed it to me.

"Put that inside your quimm girl"

I worked it all the way in with only the cord hanging out. She turned it on and let it buzz.

"Keep that inside, understand?"

"Yes Lady Janet"

I did my best to hold the buzzing thing inside. Meanwhile she took Travis to the bed and made him eat her out. I could tell he wasn't doing very well. I came from the buzzing once, but I was getting too tired… I was almost falling over tired. I tried to keep an eye on Travis, and then Lady Janet yelled at him. He had fallen asleep eating her out.

"Bad Travis… alright go, rest, you're done… so close too."

So close? Oh please let it be almost dawn was all that I could think.

"Come with me Lilly… but keep that inside you."

And we went to the kitchen… I had to keep me legs hard together as i walked to hold the vibrator inside. We got there and I saw the clock… 6:10! I could see outside it was getting light out…

"Almost there Lilly… dawn is in 20 minutes… you've done so well."

"Thank you Lady Janet"

Come over here, I have one last act for you to do for me…

She had me sit on a kitchen chair and spread my legs. She held the vibrator inside me…

"When I take my hand away, let it out but do not touch it, understand?"

I nodded. She lifted her hand away and the toy almost jumped out and fell… into her hand. She shut it off and put it on the table, my juices made wet spots.

She cupped my mound and squeezed it. "Thank you Lilly" and she took the vibrator, put it in a cup then took it and left me there for a few minutes. I struggled to stay awake, I felt like a zombie.

Lady Janet finally came back… it was 6:28…

1 more minute… Lady Janet took my hand and we stood. She turned me to face the window and stood behind me, pulling my body into hers. She grabbed my breasts and squeezed them hard. I was too tired to feel much, but she kept pulling me into her, and holding my breasts in her hands. Finally I heard an alarm start beeping. "It's dawn… you did it… now lets sleep" and the sun was barely there, behind the trees, but it was up.

She turned me around and kissed me full on the lips. Then we went to the bed. I don't even remember laying down fully…

Index to other parts on my subreddit (
