Well that was different [MM] x-post

Excuse the horrible grammar. I guess it all started about a year ago as a curiosity about men. I was texting a friend (we'll call him Phil) who's bi and a versatile bottom, and the discussion came to the topic about me experimenting. Phil was very supportive, saying that I should find a partner that wouldn't pressure me. Well fuck it, me and Phil were friends since college I figured since I'm talking to him about it I might as well try to have him "show me the ropes". An agreement was made with rules and boundaries. In the meantime I was deployed which didn't stop the questions I asked about various acts and what not. After coming home for a while with the convo's still going on, I was handed a golden opportunity. I get back into town and crash at Phil's place. Now by this time I had done a little research, browsed porn, read yaoi (don't judge), and browsed this exact subreddit. I was definitely attracted to men and women but at the same time inexperienced and nervous.

Now I could brag "military tough guy nothing phases me", but I was out of my league here. So the first night I crashed at Phil's place due to limited space we slept on a futon. Given that it was a toasty night I slept in boxers. Needless to say I was erect, really erect. Phil sensed this, and slid in close to me claiming he sleeps better when cuddling. In my head I'm thinking "Ok understandable" but downstairs I'm about to pop out like Kool-Aid man. He gets in close and I'm the big spoon. As you'd expect he feels my shaft and rubs against it. It feels good but my hearts pounding, so I try to play it cool, talk, and make the first move.

Me: Hey Phil.

Phil: Sup.

Me: Remember what we were talking about earlier (kissing another man). Well I wa-

He turned and kissed me, and how I usually made out with women reflexes took over. I cupped the back of his head and kissed him deeply. I thought "Ok this is hot, I like it", and then he slid his tongue in my mouth and my mind cleared. No more thoughts just deep kisses, tongue playing with each other, and hands gliding with Phil pushing himself closer to me. And then his dog hopped on the bed and ruined it

And this was just the first night.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/3c1k1r/well_that_was_different_mm_xpost


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