The Sex Student – Part 19 (m/f)

I'm back… finally…

I was asked to not post due to some… well say issues in our little circle, so until that was worked out I've stayed off sorry…

But now that everything IS sorted…

Part 19

The next week was a very boring one for me. Lectures were mostly dry, and I had gotten so far ahead that there was no real lab work for me to do. I basically sat around thinking, and getting horny.

I could only think about what I wanted from Frank… my mind was stuck on the decision of should I jump fully into being his submissive, or should I back off and probably end our relationship? I could only think of one answer…

I texted Frank that i wanted to talk. So that Saturday Frank asked me to come over earlier than normal. I got to his place just before 11 and he let me in. I asked to talk to him before he left me to go get ready. We went down to the kitchen and sat down. My heart was fluttering I was so nervous…

"Frank I… errrm… oh geez how do I say this"

"Relax Lilly, just take a couple deep breaths and try to just say what you need to"

I slowed my breathing down and tried again "I want to be your sub…" and my heart sank to my toes.

Frank just smiled "I'm glad Lilly, but nothing needs to change quickly. All I want you to be comfortable with is that "I don't know" isn't a response you should give ok? If I ask you to try something now it's either you consent or it's no and we stop, does that make sense?"

I thought for a moment and realised what he was asking. I hadn't thought of it that way, but it made perfect sense. "Yes, it's clear like that, thank you"

"Good, otherwise we need to discuss a few things, like safe words and your limits… and do you want to be lent our within the circle, do you want to talk about that now?"

I nodded and we spent the next hour or so going over things. We worked out that the 3 color system would be the best for me, yellow three times would mean stop and find out whats wrong. Red three times would mean stop, get off and give me space, undo all bondage. And black three times would be I need immediate help, something is dreadfully wrong. We agreed to decide on safe actions when I was ready to be gagged for long periods, but we would wait for that.

We agreed that he would never even ask me to try cutting, to get my body modified in any way unless I suggested it first or to play with suffocation. We agreed that electric shocks and anything involving piercing would be done by him alone and only with my agreement at the time. Otherwise I agreed that my schedule would stay more or less the same with him, my schooling and family would always come first and that should I decline a meeting for those reasons there would be no "unfriendly" effects on our relationship, though he could punish me… though as he put it there will always be reasons to punish and discipline me if he wants to. As for the question of being lent out to other doms, we agreed to be lent out with prior warning and only to those I'd met already, introductions would need to be done by him in a group setting… this is apparently the common condition for all the arrangements in his circle.

That all done Frank said there was only one condition from the circle, I could not get personally involved beyond anything directed by him with another member, dom or sub, without his permission and the consent of at least 2 other doms in the circle.

We made a gesture of shakeing hands and then Frank said he needed to make a phone call. I waited for him in the kitchen, I could hear a few words but couldn't really piece together what he was talking about. He came back a few minutes later and told me to shower, but to get dressed again after and we would be going out.

I went and showered, wondering the whole time where we were going and who we would be meeting. I dried myself and put my clothes back on. Frank was waiting outside and we went to his car. He told me to sit in the back this time. We drove only a few minutes before pulling up to what seemed to be a doctors office in a converted house. We went to a back door and Frank rang the bell. A short very bald very well built man opened the door and hugged Frank.

"So this is Lilly?" he asked.

Frank nodded.

"Lilly, I'm Justin, nice to meet you" he took my hand and kissed it, then led us inside. He showed us into a room with a nice sofa, and Frank sat down. Justin motioned me into an armchair instead, so I sat there. Frank just relaxed while Justin tried to explain what was going on…

I've been told not to get into exactly what the next hour or so entailed, but after that I was led to a bedroom by Justin where Frank was waiting.

When I got to the room Frank was sitting in a chair, still dressed, he motioned me to the center of the open area of the floor. "Undress Lilly"

Justin sat on the bed looking at me, I stripped off and put all my clothes carefully on a table. I then stood there naked as both men looked at me.

Both men took their clothes off as well. Justin gestured me to sit next to him on the bed, so I did. Frank started to slowly jerk himself in the corner. Justin didn't speak, he put a hand on my thigh, and leaned in and sucked my nipple into his mouth hard. I started to really feel hot and wet. Justin let my nipple out, put his hand on my chin and turned my face to his, then he licked my lips… he didn't kiss me he licked my lips like an ice cream cone. He slid his hand down to my breasts, squeezing each in turn. His other hand worked up and cupped my mound, then he squeezed it harshly.

"You've got a great body Lilly, I know I'm going to enjoy myself today…"

He guided me up onto the bed and had me lay on my back. He spread my legs with his hands. He fingered me, but not for very long at all, just enough to get his fingers wet. He then got up next to my face and put his cock on my lips. I sucked it in and worked him into my mouth. His cock was smaller than Franks, but still big enough. I sucked him for a few minutes. He pinched my nipples as I did, making me wince. He started smacking my breasts fairly hard, it hurt more than I liked but I kept working his cock, and soon enough the sharp pain turned into that dull arousing burn.

He pulled his cock from my mouth and moved to between my legs. I spread my legs wide. He put his cock in me without any hesitation, thrusting in hard all the way in one stroke, it hurt a bit but I didn't want him to stop. I looked at his face, and he looked back. Unlike Frank his face was right in front of mine. There was no passion, he just fucked me for want of a better term, it was pure raw sex, and it was probably the hardest fucking I'd had up to that point. It was hard rapid strokes. He lasted a few minutes then pulled out, then motioned me to turn over. I tried to get up into doggy but he shoved me down flat, spread my legs again, got right on top of me crushing me into the bed, then pushed his cock back into me. He went back to fucking me hard, now crushing me down into the mattress with each stroke as his body slammed into me. He kept it up another few minutes, I could feel his sweat dripping on my back and his breath on my neck. I felt him shove deep into me and then he just went limp onto of me. It was hard to breathe with him on me, but he rolled off before it became and issue. He got up and then I felt someone kneel next to me on the other side. It was Frank I knew. The I felt cum splash on my back. Then he was gone too.

I heard Justin say "Stay there Lilly, don't move". So i stayed still, feeling cum dripping down my side, and wetness between my legs. Finally I felt a warm towel on my back wiping the cum away, then a hand on my shoulder pulling me over. It was Frank, and he put the towel in my hand. "Clean up and get dressed."

I used the towel to wipe myself as well as I could. Frank took the towel and left, I got dressed again. Frank came back just as I finished, half dressed himself. We finished dressing and then just left. Frank didn't say much, I wasn't sure if I'd done something wrong or if he was mad at me. Frank drove us back to his place and led me up to the bathroom. "Clean yourself up fully" Frank said and he left me. I undressed and showered properly. I found Frank in the bedroom.

"Well Lilly… did you enjoy your visit to Justin?"

I nodded.

"I didn't… Justin though enjoyed himself greatly and will welcome you to visit again. He looks forward to more time with you… we shall see about that. First though, we are going to have our time together now."

I gulped at that, Frank had a strange look to him, I don't know how to describe it but I actually felt nervous because of it. Frank got me into position at the end of the bed bent over. I heard him moving around behind me, but couldn't see him… I finally felt him touch my back, it made me jump a bit.

"shhh, relax Lilly… Now did you cum yet?"


"Pity… Alright we will take care of that later. But now I'm going to spank you, remember count the strokes…"

I gulped and waited. Then it came, suddenly, that smack, that sharp pain… "one…"

Again and again… Frank stopped at 20 strokes this time, more than he had done before. My ass burned. I felt Frank move behind me, then I felt his cock between my legs. I spread my legs a little and he was inside me quickly. It made my ass sting as he thrust. Frank fucked me hard, not pounding me as hard as Justin had but still harder than he normally did, though I managed to cum finally, and it was really good for some reason. Frank came hard inside me, but pulled out right away.

"Stand up Lilly, spread yourself and let me see it"

I stood up carefully and turned to face Frank. I used my hands to open my now well fucked kitty and let his cum drip out. Frank watched it drip onto the hardwood. I looked down to see the little puddle of white goo there. I looked back up, Frank was smiling. He came over and kissed me. I was still holding myself open and Frank put a finger into me. He held it up to my lips and then before I could take it in my mouth shoved it into mine with his tongue, then rubbed it all over my tongue and his. It was oddly arousing, tasting his cum, my juices and his tongue all at once.

He finally broke the kiss and pulled my hand away from my kitty. "Lilly… have a rest… we aren't done yet" and he left. I lay down on the bed and I think i fell asleep. When i came to it was dark outside, Frank had just come into the room, he was naked. He came onto the bed and we kissed again. His hands uncovered my body and started to squeeze my breasts and tease my nipples. He broke the kiss and moved to between my legs. I spread them wide and his tongue went to work on my clit. I came within a few seconds, and Frank didn't stop.

His tongue flicked at my clit, and then the fingers slid in, and started to stroke that spot, that so good stroking. I started orgasming every few minutes. Finally Frank got me too far and I felt that feeling… that letting go up inside, and I felt liquid run out. I looked down and Frank showed me his soaked hand. "Good girl", I just smiled weakly. I was spent now. I felt Frank move over me. His cock was inside me again and this time Frank went slowly, deeply. I just enjoyed the feeling of his cock. I managed to cum another time, then Frank pulled out of me. He stroked himself off and aimed at my clit. The splash of his cum on it made me cum one last time… then I don't remember I think i fell into sleep again. When I came to Frank was next to me sleeping. It was getting light out again. I put my head back down and went to sleep again. I felt Frank moving next to me when i came to again. I opened my eyes to see him sitting up. He smiled at me and i smiled back. He sent me to shower and use the bathroom.

I needed the toilet badly, that done I got into the shower. It really felt good, I was sticky from the sex, and I could really feel the dried sweat and cum rinsing off. Frank came in as I was finishing, he motioned me to the bathtub but had me stand facing the wall, I felt him put his cock into me a bit. The warm feeling gushing into me was actually very nice, his stream was hard and strong, I could feel it pouring down my legs. I watched the golden fluid slow and finally stop pouring from between my legs. Frank had me sit and he used the hand wand to clean me off gently, more tender than usual.

He helped me back to the bedroom. He got on the bed and had me suck him. He hadn't washed after peeing and I could still taste it, but I didn't stop. He got hard very fast and I worked him hard with my mouth. It wasn't long before I felt him tense and that salty taste hit my tongue. I swallowed it all down. Frank smiled and we lay on the bed for some time.

"Lilly, you can go, shower again if you want, I'll be in touch… oh I have something for you…" He left and came back in his robe with a small envelope. It was guilded with silver. Frank motioned me to open it. It was an invitation…

"You are requested to attend the Mabon celebration of women. Lady Janet"

I looked up at Frank… "It's in 2 weeks, end of the month, Lady Janet said to give it to you as soon as you decided to be my sub, I hope you want to go?"

"I… her orgy?"

He nodded…

"Then yes?"

"Good, I'll let her know… now take your time, and see you in a week?" He kissed my forehead and left.

I got myself together, and took the bus back home. Amy was in her normal Sunday sweats.

"Another all night session with Frank?"


I didn't feel different, but knew I had made my life to come very different…

Index to other parts on my subreddit (

look for part 20 tomorrow :)



  1. Hey, you’re back! I should have been in bed a while ago, but I just had to read this through.

  2. super glad you’re writing again. this is my favorite series in gws. <3

  3. I’m so happy you’re back writing, your series is my favorite!

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