First time as another couple’s second male; very fulfilling first swinging experience.

For many years I (32M)had fantasized about having a threesome with two men and a woman. My partner and I (two kids, many years together) have had a handful of threesomes with another woman, and a foursome with another man and a woman, but still I was interested in the mmf/mfm variety. I have also very slowly had a growing interest in being sexual with another man for my first time, ideally in a threesome setting.

My partner and I had asked a male friend of ours to join us, but the proposition was never acted on by him. It was actually quite difficult for us to think of another man or couple who could join us in bed, and I think this is a fairly common problem. Our ideal situation would be with someone we know, like, trust, and are attracted to, but someone who we don’t see too regularly, and someone who is open to non-normative sexual encounters. Even though we live in a sex- and queer-positive community where many people are in, or have experimented with, open relationships or polyamory, it is still hard for us to find people who are into it… and we haven’t wanted to risk making friends awkward so we haven’t asked too many people. I feel like I've heard the statement before; 'It's easier to make swingers your friends than make your friends into swingers.'

Around this same time, and recognizing these challenges, I asked my partner what she’d think if I were to be another couple’s second male, arranged through the internet. She smiled and said, “Go for it, if you want.” With her blessing, I began to seek out such an arrangement.

I began to search the craigslist MW-seeking-M ads, and found a swingers website as well, primarily seeking people in nearby cities other than my own, and contacted several people who seemed like a good fit. The first time writing such an ad was very strange; I’ve never been into the online dating stuff, and it just felt weird to write about myself in such a way, and on top of that, to send a picture of myself to complete strangers. It felt vulnerable at first, but I got used to it.

After getting turned down a couple times for not being what the couple was looking for, I received a very nice reply from a man who was speaking for both him and his wife. They told me I was “pretty much just what they were looking for,” that his wife thought I was hot, and they proposed meeting in a bar; if we clicked, we’d head back to their place. I was excited, and the plan was made.

Anticipating our rendezvous was lots of fun. I had never really been on a date like this; all my times with lovers and partners came about rather organically, and I never needed to go on anything normally thought of as a ‘date’. I was excited, because unlike on a normal date, where you might be lucky to click well and share a kiss, or perhaps more, I knew this date would end in a hot, uninhibited threesome. There was something so fun about looking forward to it, with a mix of nervousness, mystery, and sexual excitement. I kept thinking how fortunate I was to have a loving partner who I love so much, who would support me being sexually explorative like this with people we’ve never even met. I think what helped with that is that she knew I had fantasized about being another couple’s second male, and that I would finally get to experience being with another man, and break through that socialized boundary that I had not yet crossed.

I cleaned myself up, dressed up a bit, and drove the hour and a half to the bar where we would meet. I was there maybe ten minutes before them, and was waiting at a table near the entrance with a beer. It was a hip place, lots of local beer, and dimly lit. When they walked in, I recognized them right away from their pictures. Ryan was tall, well built, attractive, wearing punkish yet classy clothes, with some piercings and tattoos. Vivian was shorter, beautiful, also well dressed. It turned me on to know they had taken time to prepare for our meeting, it made me know they took it seriously and were also excited to meet me.

We found a spot to sit together, they got themselves some drinks, and we started talking. It was as one would expect; we talked about what our lives are like, what we do, what our kids are like, and so on. I was so relieved to find that I could relate to them politically, that they were people I would be friends with, and they were attractive and wanted to take me home with them. I felt like I had met exactly who I was looking for when I set out to make this happen. As it turned out, they would say the same thing later about me.

After a while of getting to know each other, I asked, “So do you want to talk about what you want out of tonight, or any expectations or anything like that?” Ryan responded, “Well I think it’s pretty self-explanatory!” Vivian slyly looked at Ryan, then at me. “I’d like to fuck both of you,” she said. “I suck great dick,” she assured me, her eyebrows raised in a knowing way, like she was letting me in on a secret. They looked at me, wondering if I had anything to say, and I said, “I just love threesomes, being surrounded by naked bodies, hands and mouths everywhere… I’m up for anything, really.” They excitedly voiced their agreement. I loved being in a busy bar, with people all around, and talking about such scandalous things, with everyone else unable to hear us. What fun.

We finished our drinks, paid our tab, and went to their home. Once in, Vivian slipped away, and came back to the kitchen/entryway wearing nothing but a short blouse. Ryan went to the bathroom, and Vivian packed some pot in a pipe for us to share. As she was about to light it up, she said, “Want to take this off me?” “I’d love to,” I replied. I took off her blouse, and beneath it she had been wearing a super-sexy one-piece lingerie, the likes of which I had never seen in real life. Ryan came back, and we shared the pipe. Vivian had a fun and spunky attitude that I really appreciated. “Do you know how fucking uncomfortable it is to wear this thing all night?! And how expensive this thing is? Honestly, guys have it easy, your underwear is so simple!” “You look so sexy, honey,” Ryan said, passing her the bowl. I smiled and laughed a bit, enjoying how comfortable I felt with these two strangers. Throughout the night I kept being struck in an incredulous way at what I was experiencing – I had just met these people a couple hours ago, and here I am in their home, smoking pot while she’s nearly naked, and we’re about to have sex together! It seemed so surreal to me for a while.

“I’ll meet you guys in the bedroom,” she said, leaving us to finish the pipe. As we finished up, I mused, “That’s one thing I’ve been thinking about, is how do we actually get started?” “We just get started,” he said, and we went to the bedroom.

Several candles were lit on a dresser, and Vivian was lying on her belly in the middle of the bed, looking back at us invitingly. Ryan immediately got naked. “You’re wasting no time,” I laughed, and I took my clothes off as well. We both started exploring Vivian with our hands and our mouths, kissing her all over, all of us softly moaning as the long-awaited physical contact began.

Part 2 to come…



  1. Looking forward to part II… being on the other end of it, the M & W looking for a third… it’s tougher than you would think!

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