Ginger craziness – Pt. 1

Was in my 2nd to last semester of college (end of 4th year but I needed to go another semester to finish). Was in an elective lab and had some people from different majors in there. So got to meet some people I hadn't met before in my major. Lab groups of 5. Girl in my lab group that was a ginger – Lacey. I am a ginger too. But I mean she was WAY more gingery than me. Crazy bright red hair, green eyes, freckles galore. She was average looking in face probably 4-5/10 and her body wasn't anything special either 4-5/10 (really skinny/petite). She was super quiet. Most guys wouldn't be interested but I have a secret fetish for other gingers and she fit this bill perfectly. But I also have a rule – I would never date another redhead. It's shallow but I hate the idea of all the pointing and laughing etc.. So anyway…At this point in my college career I'm thinking I'm foreveralone virgin for the rest of my life and I screwed up all my college chances….This one could be my one last chance and it was so perfectly lined up too with her being my fetish. Well I ended up being a little bitch and putting it off constantly. I would kinda attempt to flirt with her during lab but she never really reciprocated anything — but I went out on a limb and figured it was just because she was shy. It ended up being like the 2nd to last lab and I was like screw it, time is running out. So I awkwardly ask her as we are leaving if she wants to go get something to eat at a campus dining place afterwards (it was a night lab so it ended at like 7). She says yes and we walk over there. We sit there and eat and kinda talk. She was still kinda shy but talked a lot more when we were alone versus in the group. Convo was actually really good. Mostly talked about school and broad stuff since we didn't really have any of the same interests. At some point in the conversation we got to talking about movies and idk how it happened, I didn't think through it and chicken out like I normally do, but I managed to ask her to come watch a movie at my place. She agreed — at this point I'm already losing it…Trying to figure out what is happening.

Get back to my place. I'm totally not an entertainer or anything…Other people had only been in my apt like once and I never watch movies at home. So I had to ghetto rig up a way to watch a movie which ended up being moving one of my computer monitors to the coffee table and buying/streaming it from a website…But I had crap internet (I mean, literally awful) and it just wouldn't work — the quality was crap and the screen was tiny and it kept buffering, etc….. I got really embarrassed and just that upset feeling and I told her. "Look I never have girls or people over and I don't have stuff setup for this (like a DVD player/nice TV/etc..)" and then I said I was sorry/embarrassed about it. She was smiling and told me not to worry about it…I was being really upset with myself for all this vocally and she goes 'Look I never have guys over either' and it launched us into this like deep completely open discussion sitting on my couch for an hour about how we had both not dated at all (not even once) in college and felt like we had wasted it. I again was really attracted to her and I was asking how a girl in college could have never kissed a guy or anything else. I'll spare you the details because it's just some more conversation but basically I ended up saying she was hot and she said she thought I was too. So I feel like I'm so connected with this girl now. The tension was pretty obvious and I felt like if I went to kiss her she wouldn't fight it…So I just start kissing her. At first it was just apprehensively doing it but within a few minutes we were both loving it. It continued to escalate (mostly her leading TBH) over the next 10-15 minutes or so where we were really getting into it. I mean hair grabbing, nail digging level makeout. We eventually laid down on the sofa her ontop of me, she was so small that it felt really comfortable. I'm obviously rock hard at this point, I think that triggered her to start feeling around and so now we're both up eachothers shirt/down pants/etc.. We continued this for at least 20 minutes and I was thinking hey this is already going places and is my best chance I'll ever get I'm gonna go for it.

I literally told her awkwardly 'hey so I know I basically just got to know you and this is probably weird but can I tell you my fetish?' and she seemed really interested by what it could be and wanted to know and I go 'It is to meet another ginger and have absolutely filthy(whispered this word in her ear with slow emphasis) sex all night and then just leave it at that'…Well she must have liked it because she started TEARING into me. I picked her up off me and held her hand as I led her into my bedroom, threw her on the bed and started taking her clothes off. It blew me away because while her face/legs/arms were covered in freckles the rest of her was this perfectly clear super pale white skin. Like those people on the mint commercials look. Not a hair on her body. Pretty small boobs/butt but they were nicely firm. So I decided what could be better than eating out a girl like this. I laid her down and had her putt her legs up on her chest and OH MY. I guess her having really nice fingers/toes/boobs/butt/etc.. (just small) should have been a clue but she had the most perfect looking pussy I could have imagined. I stared like a deer in the headlights for what felt like 5 minutes. Very tight looking and again completely pale and hairless (super smooth looking/feeling). I had remembered looking something up when I was a teenager about what to do with girls and someone was talking about kissing all around them to tease them and that sounded perfect. So here I go really intensely licking the creases of her thighs and right below/sides of her pussy. She was being quiet but was wiggling around and breathing heavy. Then all of a sudden she goes 'omg please' kinda quietly… I pulled my head back and again I don't really have a wide sample size but she had gotten really wet. To the point where there were drips. I got so excited that I wanted to savor the moment so I kinda tooth gauged the inside of her thigh and this also gave her a jolt of desire…she was literally begging for it with her body language. She was grabbing her own hair with both her hands. I was feeling really cocky now and I came up to her, licked her neck and whispered in her ear 'How bad do you want to feel my tongue licking up the creamy mess you made, you filthy little girl?' (Grabbing her hair powerfully but gently and doing my emphasis whispering thing again for the last part) she grabs my head back in return and pulls my ear onto her lips and goes 'PLEASE TALK TO ME LIKE THAT' in a commanding yet desperate voice…This was my sign that she wanted it like I wanted it…and I wanted it just as bad as I wanted it.



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