“My best friend who is straight just made me cum.” That’s interesting I thought to myself [f/f] Part Two

If you haven’t read part one read it here http://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/3bcwh8/my_best_friend_who_is_straight_just_made_me_cum/

Sorry for being a tease! And here we go

As Chloe went to her room I went into the bathroom and gave myself a pep talk in the mirror. I’m confident in my vagina pleasuring abilities but I was still nervous as fuck. I took a deep breath and put my game face on.

I walked into the bedroom and there was Chloe standing just as I had instructed her to. “You are stunning Chloe” I told her breathing her in. “It’s taking everything I have right now not to put my hands all over you.” Seeming to come out of the trance I had her in she rushed out the words “No, No that’s good you should do that.” I lifted my finger to her lips “ Shhh there will be plenty of that but 1st I’m going to tell you exactly what I’m going to do to you.” “You see,” bringing my forehead to hers so that our lips were so close that when I made certain sounds they would touch, “the real trick to foreplay is the moment before you kiss for that first time.” Moving up to her ear I ask her “I’m going to tell you now how I’m going to make you cum first.” She sighs deeply “Yes “

“First I’ll start by taking my index finger and tracing the outline of your collarbone down your shoulder around to you breasts, hmmm you seem like a pincher.” I proceed to pinch her left breast and a throaty moan emerges from Chloe begging me to continue. “Hmmm so that’s a yes then babe?” I playfully tease her. A girl can only hold out for so long and soon my mouth is licking and nibbling on her supple breast. “Hmm we must not forget about the other side, that wouldn’t be very fair?” I growl looking up at her. Her eyes were closed in this moment and I became worried it was because she was nervous so I moved over to her right breast and begin my dance as I had with the left. This time though I watch my Chloe as I went to work and it’s clear that it’s not nervousness on her face but pleasure.

“I do believe it’s time to move on in our story Chloe, maybe something more tropical, somewhere wet perhaps?” I breathe as I bring my face back to hers. Chloe pushes her lips into mine and with one swift motion I spank her bodacious booty. “Chloe you’re going to need to keep your lips to yourself until I say so or our other cheek will match. Understood?” She paused looking like she might try to tempt me again with another kiss but reluctantly gave in. “Yes Kennedy.” I keep my face with hers as I took my index finger and traced her body downward. I stopped just above her wetness “Hmm shaved have we? Was someone expecting to cum this evening?” I playfully banter at her. Chloe didn’t respond with words just a deep inhale and I knew it was time. “Now Chloe “I say as I just brush over her swollen lips “before we proceed I need you to know how wet I make you and how good you taste.” After one final teasing brush, I parted her lips and entered her for the first time. “My my my you dirty girl, do you get this wet for all the boys or just for the lesbians?” I quipped while I extracted my finger. “Just you K.” she moaned “Now I want you to taste how wet I make you.” I said bringing my finger up to her mouth. On que, Chloe opened her mouth and took my finger. “See how good you taste I whispered in her ear”

As I was acquiring my finger back Chloe’s head tilted to the side and she took in what sounded like a reassuring breath to her. “Chloe I don’t know what you’re thinking but…..” Before I could finish I was thrown onto the bed, my dress has been torn down the front (she broke a $120 dress she’d pay for it later) and Chloe is straddling me and kissing me like she had too, like her life depended on it. Being in extreme shock that Chloe who is 5’5 on a good day and managed to throw me (I’m a healthy 6’0) on the bed and take control I decided to roll with the situation. I started to break away from her lips and kiss down her neck but was pulled back by Chloe “ No No No I want you up here for a good long while, I’ve waited long enough to kiss so I’m going to get my fill” That’s what we did it’s not too sexy but we made out like horny 8th graders for 20 minutes or so. With any good make out there is always some dry humping that starts at some point, near the end it was becoming intense so I got rid of whatever remains of clothing I had left and was finally naked with my best friend. “You’re so beautiful “I purred at her taking her in my hands and kissing her. Our kiss continued and we found ourselves intertwined with each other.

Now having been around the old lesbian block a few times I have found tribbing, scissoring whatever you want to call it, not all that fantastic. I’ve had maybe three good times but I’ve never cum from it until that night. I’m not sure if it was the way our bodies lined up or because of the intensity of the night but my fucking god. I was lost in spine-tingling pleasure soon after we started. I reached up and played with Chloe’s breast to try and get her to slow down. I managed to mutter in between pants “Chloe slow down or I’m going to cum” What does she do? Grab onto my leg so she can grind even harder into me. At this point I just needed to cum. I wrapped my arms around her in the small of her back and added even more pressure her to her rhythmic glides. Shortly thereafter I felt waves rush over me far more intense than usual. I came to again and said “Holy shit Chloe.” To which she replied “Yeah I know I’m a pretty big deal” and started to laugh, not like a hehe but like an uncontrollable laugh/snort combo. “What is so funny?” I inquired “It’s just that I made the big bad lesbian cum first.” She said through her laughing fit.

I’m not sure what it was but a flip got switched. In a hurried movement I flipped our positions, so now I was on top of her, I pinned her arms above her head and growled “You’re going to regret that.” I attacked her body with my mouth, kissing everywhere and anywhere that I could find but really I only had one thing in mind I needed to taste her. Every girl tastes different they do, a lot taste similar but none are the same and Chloe, hmmm, Chloe tasted like coming home. I know that’s cheesy but seriously I just felt like I had come back to something I had been away from for a long time. I always like to start of a good pussy eating with one long lick to really get a taste of my prey and it was no different with Chloe. Pressure is a funny thing it can dictate so many situations but let me tell you the key to making women putty in your hands is pressure.

I worked my way up to her clit and started with very light flicks and rubs with my tongue. Chloe was rambling but they were breathy so I took that as a good sign and continued. After a little clit play I slipped a finger into her and she inhaled sharply. She was wet, like wet wet, so I decided two fingers should do the trick. I quickly found her spot which I could tell when she elevated her hips to counter my fingers. I started to apply a little more pressure on her clit now and this really got her going, she brought both of her hands to my hair and pushed me into her even more. Her thighs started to close in around me (also don’t do that a girl can’t fucking breath) but I powered on like a champ. At this point I took my left hand and reach up to play with breasts which had been ignored for far too long. She was close her hips rose with more force and her hands gripped the back of my head so I sped up my fingers , licked her clit with ferocity and gave her nipple a good pinch and then she came and came and came. I didn’t stop because I assumed she would be hyper sensitive so I wagered I could get her to cum again pretty quickly and I did. After the second orgasm she tried to ask “What why is it so sensitive I just keep…” and she came again. One of the prouder moments in my young lesbian life. I let her come down from her last orgasm and slowly removed my drenched fingers and face from her trembling pussy. I kissed my way back up to her face and put my pussy soaked lips on hers. “ Fuck it’s so hot to taste myself on you” groaned Chloe. (FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK) I was in love.

We were both tired and we fell asleep shortly thereafter that. She insisted on being big spoon which was weird but I actually loved it. Being 6’0 you aren’t often little spoon am I right? I do have other stories if you guys wish! My creative writing professor actually told me to find an outlet for my writing and well I’ve chosen you guys if you’ll have me! Feedback and comments are always welcomed!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/3bf5jd/my_best_friend_who_is_straight_just_made_me_cum


  1. Ahh yes, the eternal struggle I know so well, not wanting to stop going down on a lady, but not wanting to suffocate to death while doing it.

  2. A dangerous life we lead. I’m thinking about unionizing and going for hazardous pay.

  3. I usually just have them sign a binding contract agreeing to the terms and conditions of said act before I make my way. Who isn’t turned on by a contract?

  4. This is fantastic. Please write lots more! Would love a bit more description of what you and Chloe each look like.

  5. And yet here I am, with a perfectly good contract, two duplicates for each party, and yet my mouth is currently being unused…do we not see a problem with this?…

  6. Very problematic indeed! Is that mouth licensed and bonded? That may be the determining factor.

  7. This was hot! But maybe work on your grammar and punctuation to make the story easier to follow.

  8. Thank you! Noted, I’ve started putting them into word with the hopes that it will catch more mistakes. I am horrible and grammar, punctuation and all that jazz.

  9. A necessary arrangement. After all, it’s literally the only thing girls can’t do to themselves. This is why I try to give the best oral I can.

  10. I mean I read *50 Shades of Grey.* It’s literally a book about contract negotiation.

  11. Yaay second part! :) putting best friends in new boxes are probably the best and worst thing one could do haha! How long ago was it? I want you to end up as the perfect couple in the end :D

  12. I’m 23 now so 2 and a half years roughly. We are still together but there has been some ups and downs can’t pretend like it’s been a fairy tale. But I am very happy I unpacked her from that box :)

  13. It seems that writing is only one of your many gifts. Please keep sharing your stories!

  14. I’m also excellent at cribbage but that’s a talent I’m shy about unlike my others. But thank you for reading!

  15. Wow, haven’t thought of cribbage in many years. I suspect most of your friends have never even heard of it, so I can understand you keeping that talent to yourself.

  16. Indeed. My grandfather and I used to play when I was growing up. Chloe knows though, we even played strip cribbage once. I won of course.

  17. I’m sure she won too LOL. Strip cribbage – could be the basis for another story. :)

  18. Wohoo, happiness in my ears! Well…plane and straight rollercoaster are doll anyway you know. It’s getting through those ups and downs that makes you really believe and understand how much love you can feel towards someone. And that’s worth a whole damn lot :)

  19. Would definitely love to hear that strip cribbage story when you get around to it…

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