Worst prostitute ever! Part III [m/f]

Oral sex can at times be a fairly complicated process, whether it’s a man or woman you’re performing it on. It’s made harder if you were in a situation like I was, where I had a large butt plug sitting rather uncomfortably inside me.

As a prostitute there are a few key points to consider when you’ve got a client’s cock in your mouth. The key one is when to put the condom on him. It was entirely up to me when to put the condom on during oral sex. With my first few clients, I’d always put it on immediately but then quickly discovered that caused all sorts of problems. It was hard to get guys to cum, they’d lose their erection and decide they wanted to fuck you vaginally or anally instead. It was easier just to leave the condom off and either put it on towards the end, or let them finish by masturbating and ejaculating onto me.

The second point was whether to let a guy put his hands on your head to guide you. With some men (not just clients) this could be seen as an invitation to try and jam their cock down my throat. However by letting him guide me, they often ended up finishing a lot faster, and provided I kept both hands on the base of his cock I could usually stop men from getting carried away.

As I was sucking him off, Kevin made clear he still had a massive attitude with me. I was all charm, well as charming as I could be with his cock in my mouth. I was determined for him just to finish so I could then try and rescue the situation, even if that meant letting him finish in my mouth. I even let him put his hands on my head to guide me, although straight away he started trying to push the limits, though my patended two hands on the base of his cock technique kept him in line.

When I sensed he was close to finishing, I was still considering my options of what to do. However at that point he also told me to pull the butt plug out of my bum. Which I was more than happy to do.

He pulled his cock out of my mouth and watched as I started to try and get the butt plug out. The butt plug seemed to be in line with Kevin’s personality big and awkward.

As he watched me take it out, he began to wank himself furiously. The huge relief I felt with getting the butt plug out just pre empted him ejaculating onto my hair.

Which is pretty much the only place clients aren’t allowed to do it. I was absolutely furious, I climbed to my feet and gave the fat bastard, a shove which send him stumbling backwards.

I screamed at him ‘that he knew he wasn’t meant to do that’ or words to that effect, and for the first time he looked genuinely hesitant.

He apologised something which seemed to cause him pain saying it was an accident, and suggested I get a shower. I grabbed my toiletries bag and headed towards the master bathroom. I was actually thinking this might be a positive thing, he was a little off guard after his poor aim, which might make him easier to handle.

As I headed towards the bathroom, he said in a very matter of fact almost innocent way, that I shouldn’t pee, because he wanted to do ‘watersports’ next.

Which just suited my mood perfectly.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/3bcgxw/worst_prostitute_ever_part_iii_mf


  1. Ok sorry if this is a stupid question. But how hard is it to get cum out of your hair?

  2. If you have to wash your hair regularly you’re limited in how you style it. Obviously if you’ve got whatever bodily fluids drying into it, the instinct is to wash it, but then even if you have the time to blowdry it, it just looks really bad for the rest of the night.

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