Risky sex with the Japanese student teacher

Skip ahead to SEXY TIMES if so inclined.


When I was in my 20s, I moved to Japan to work as an English teacher in the north. I worked in many different settings but spent most of my time in a sort of community college. Every year at our school, we would hire 6 college education majors in their senior year for some hands-on experience. They worked with us for a year at a time, learning English and American-style education while assisting us with our duties.

The Japanese academic year starts in April and essentially goes year-round. In July and August of every year, a new set of Japanese recruits would rotate through our school for one week at a time as part of the interviewing process to start working at our school the next spring. Some of the applicants were older, more experienced teachers, but most of them were juniors and seniors in college.

I would often take it upon myself to act as a tour guide for these younger students that rotated in my department. The island I lived on was sort of the Colorado of Japan, with plenty of outdoorsy things to do and a culture distinctly different from the massive cities on the mainland. These interview weeks were often a mini-vacation for the college students, and having an American tour guide to show them around was a nice bonus. I’d take them out in groups of 4-10 to hit my favorite local restaurants and tourist attractions.

Midori was 27 years old, pretty (but in a conservative way), and painfully shy and polite. She was a senior in college and was semi-fluent in English. She was uniquely bold in that she had come up for her interview by herself – many of the other students would come up as a group from their respective schools, but not Midori. This amount of independence and bravery would work in my favor, as it turns out.

She would work with me in class all day, silently taking notes in the back as I taught. Often, as I was peppering the class with questions, I would find myself gazing in her direction. She was always staring right back at me and would make eye contact for a few seconds before modestly looking in a different direction. As the week went on and these looks lasted longer each time, I came to realize just how totally beautiful she was. I found myself thinking about her after the day was over and wondering if she had a boyfriend or any interest in getting to know me better.

I would politely ask her out for meals along with the other visiting college students. She would always accept, though that week the other students would always turn down my invitations, so we had a number of pleasant lunches and dinners over the course of her week in my class. One evening after a dinner of soba noodles at a popular local restaurant, we took a walk along the coast. The sun had set and there were a few brave people scuba diving in the cold water, using lights near the shore. We sat on the concrete steps and watched their spotlights shimmer under the water, sitting very close to each other but not touching.

She was staying at a very inexpensive hotel – a sort of boarding house with rooms of bunk beds near the school where many of the students would stay. The weather was starting to get bad that time of year – we have hurricanes (called typhoons) every summer in Japan in the southern islands, and sometimes the storms track north – and I offered to let her sleep at my place if we got a bad storm as she was staying in a very old building and the roof leaked. She politely declined to take me up on the offer, but for her last night in town she decided to splurge and get a room at the luxury hotel on the beach.

During our last day in class, she thanked me for being such a gracious host and invited me for drinks with the other college kids at her hotel. I went home from work to get cleaned up then drove back down to her place. I found her room on the 4th floor with an amazing view of the ocean and nervously knocked on the door, not sure what I was walking into but certain it would be awkward given that I was now going to be outnumbered by several Japanese college kids.

She opened the door and I was caught off-guard by how attractive she was. During the week, she had been wearing the usual Japanese business outfit – button down shirt with a wide collar, dress slacks, pantyhose, and sensible dress shoes. But when she answered the door, she had on a tight-fitting fashionable tank top and a long, flowery dress which was the style that year, and on her feet she was wearing flip flops. Her toes were elaborately manicured and her fingernails matched. All of my Japanese girlfriends had smaller breasts but it was clear that hers were at least perfect B-cups – large enough to give her just the barest hint of cleavage yet still completely perky and firm.

She invited me into her room which was a suite – a flat screen TV sat across from a couch on one end of a large room, the other end taken up by a king sized bed. The second room had 2 twin beds. She was conspicuously alone.

“Where’s everybody else?” I asked as I looked around the sleek, modern appointments in the room.

“Um…I have a confession. I wanted to spend time with just you. I didn’t actually ask anyone to come over.”

Still thinking this was all relatively innocent, I played it cool. “Great!” I said, my heart pounding. “Let’s go get some food!”

We went out to an izakaiya (similar to a pub – lots of little salty food dishes designed to encourage you to drink more beer) and had a great meal. She told me she can’t handle hardly any alcohol and so she only had about half a glass of sake. I myself had a few drinks – enough to loosen up and hopefully be a little more charming. Things went well and we walked back to her hotel after paying for the meal.


We sat on the couch talking for a while and I decided I’d try to make my move. I moved closer to her and touched her hand, using the pretext that mine were much bigger than hers to initiate contact. I proceeded to massage her fingers and then slowly made my way up her arms to her shoulders. She sat silently while I did so, responding to me by pushing back against my massage like a cat.

We moved closer on the couch and I took her cheeks in my hands, looked deep into her eyes, and kissed her. Like my experience with many Japanese girls, she was shy with the first kiss, barely opening her mouth. Unlike every other Japanese girl I knew, she very quickly picked up the pace, opening her mouth and sliding her tongue into mine.

We made out on the couch for 10 minutes or so. I had broken up with my girlfriend months before and hadn’t been laid in a while, so even though it was only kissing I had a massive, painful erection which I was intentionally brushing against her when the opportunity presented itself. After a few more minutes, she pulled away from me and pointed over her shoulder at the bed on the other side of the room with a questioning look on her face.

Without hesitation, I stood up, took her in my arms like a groom carrying his new bride, and walked her to the bed. She couldn’t have weighed more than 100 pounds. I proceeded to kiss her face then worked my way down to her neck, sliding my fingers underneath her tank top and rubbing her erect nipples through her bra. She let out little gasps as I did so but made no move to stop me, so I pulled her shirt over her head to reveal an elaborately laced floral printed green strapless bra. I folded it down to suck on her nipples. I had guessed right about the size – perfect, perky little handfuls with light pale nipples.

She continued to moan and squeak with each lick and suck, writhing on the bed below me and wrapping her legs around me. She had kicked off her flip flops as I was carrying her over to the bed. Her long skirt was still on and I snaked my hand up her thigh to her panties, which by that point were soaking wet. I could feel the heat radiating off her cunt as I grazed the inside of her thighs. I kissed my way from her perfect breasts down to her flat stomach until I reached her belly button, then slowly pulled her skirt over her slender, milky-white hips and legs until it was completely off. She had on a pair of matching green boy-short lacey floral print panties to go with the bra.

Starting at her toes, I kissed her slowly from her feet all the way up to the inside of her thighs, each kiss sending little shocks through her body and resulting in an involuntary gasp. I breathed in the scent of her pussy deeply – the mix of her wetness and the sweat of the day was intoxicating. I grasped her panties on either side of her waist and slowly lowered them, still thinking that this could all stop at any time. She didn’t put up any resistance, her face covered by her hair as she had been whipping her head back and forth in ecstasy.

Pulling her panties down over her hips and knees revealed the most beautiful, perfectly manicured vagina I’ve ever seen. I’d never met a Japanese girl who shaved her pubic hair and Midori was no exception, but she did take the time to trim it neatly and wax her bikini line. Her pussy lips were pink and small, just barely visible beneath her tiny bush.

I again attacked the inside of her thighs with my tongue then gave her one long, slow lick from the bottom of her pussy all the way up to her clit. She shivered throughout the entire contact and when I got to her clit, I began to slowly circle her clit with my tongue. She tensed her entire body and held her breath for several seconds as I increased the speed and the pressure. As I’d back off, she’d gasp and relax back onto the bed. I’d give her a few seconds to recover then start again with attacking her adorable little clit with my tongue, picking up the speed and the pressure as she contracted everything at once, thrusting that perfect box up against my face. After a few rounds of this I pushed forward and gave her several minutes of circles with my tongue while sliding a finger in her unbelievably tight pussy, which caused her to rocket into convulsions as she squeaked “Iku! Iku!” (Japanese for “I’m coming! I’m coming!”) She let out a satisfied moan as she came and her spasms subsided.

After a few seconds to recover, she pushed me onto my back and quickly pulled my shirt up while working on my belt. I took the shirt the rest of the way off and was met with her kissing me deeply as she was pulling my pants down. She took my boxers off on the same motion, leaving me completely naked in a matter of seconds. She grasped my cock in her hands, so big that she couldn’t completely encircle it with just one, and pushed me back down. Please don’t interpret this as me bragging about my monster dong, as it is no such thing. She was just so petite that it made me look like a porn star.

She knelt in between my legs and took the head of my cock in her mouth, holding the base with her hands. She circled my head with her tongue and attempted to take me down her throat but gagged about a third of the way down. It was awkward – my dick was too thick and long to get in her mouth – but it still felt amazing and the sight of her ass in the air and the scent of her pussy was nearly enough to make me come even thought the blowjob was terrible.

She gave up after a few minutes and crawled up to mount me. She took the base in on hand and tried to angle my cock into her cunt, slowly lowering herself down, but I was met with significant resistance.

“Wait ….Midori…is this your first time?” I asked. I didn’t want to take her virginity. I’d done that earlier in the year with another Japanese girl and it hadn’t gone well, to put it mildly.

“No,” she said, still slowly trying to lower her pussy onto me but wincing in pain. “You’re just much, much larger than my last boyfriend.”

“Oh, okay,” I said, trying to slowly thrust upward into her folds as she lowered herself again.

We tried for several minutes but it just wasn’t going to happen. I was so horny that I didn’t think I’d be able to last 2 seconds if I ever got inside of her, given how tight she was likely to be. This concerned me as I wasn’t wearing a condom. I had been tested regularly so I knew I was clean and HIV is virtually nonexistent in Japan, so I wasn’t worried about any disease. However, Japanese girls hardly ever use birth control and the thought of pregnancy suddenly came crashing into my head.

I squirmed up the bed, pulling the head of my cock out of her entrance.

“Are you on birth control?” I asked.

“No…” she said, reluctantly.

“Then we should stop. I’d love to keep trying, but I need to go get some condoms if we’re going to. If you want to just lay here together, that’s fine with me, too.”

Without hesitation, she said “Let’s go get some condoms. I just had my period but better to be safe.”

So at 2 AM on a Friday night/Saturday morning, I find myself at the convenience store directly across from the school where I work, picking through the condom section. They had an impressive stock and I grabbed a couple of boxes, not sure what I was getting other than protection. She looked at what was in my hand, shook her head, walked back to the rubber section and grabbed two boxes of “Big Boy” condoms, complete with a picture of a black horse on the cover. The guy behind the counter tried to not make eye contact with me as I paid.

So we went back to the hotel and quickly resumed the position. I suited up with one of the condoms and we tried again with her on top, then me on top, then me from behind…it just wasn’t happening. She was so tight that even though she was painfully hot, I just couldn’t keep it up long enough to work my way inside. I finally got the first few inches in for a couple of thrusts, which was better than nothing after three hours of foreplay on a background of months of celibacy. By that point we’d been through all of the condoms so when I felt I was near I pulled out and jacked off for a few seconds before letting loose a slow flood of what seemed like gallons of semen. I had been so aroused for so long that the orgasm wasn’t even that forceful – my cum just sort of drained out of my like piss onto her back. I cleaned her up using several towels and we went to sleep.

The next day we toured around the town, holding hands and kissing as we walked around. I took her to the airport late that night and kissed her goodbye, figuring this was the last time I’d ever see her.

We kept in touch over Facebook, e-mailing back and forth sporadically over the next several months. I thought about her all the time – how attracted I was to her despite our language barrier, how attractive she was despite the fact that we really didn’t have sex, how magic our short time together was, how lucky I was to pull a girl so hot out of the blue like that.

Then a year later I get an e-mail from her saying that she’s coming back to the island to work for 2 weeks at another school. She asked if she could stay at my house on the weekend in between week 1 and week 2. I was going to be busy with work and at the time she asked I wasn't sure if I'd be free for the weekend. She said she didn’t mind and still wanted to see me for coffee or dinner if that was okay.

I managed to rig my schedule so that I could go get coffee with her on a weeknight her first week in town. It was a little weird at first – I apologized for being an asshole (at least I thought I had been an asshole — it still seems skeevy to me that I slept with a visiting college student who was I was ostensibly supposed to be teaching) and she said she didn’t mind. She was just happy to get to see me and wanted to spend as much time together as possible.

We had a pleasant cup of coffee and some dessert and I drove her back to her hotel, about 45 minutes away. In the car, she suddenly took my hand and scooted very close to me, putting her head on my shoulder. I parked in the lot of her hotel and we we immediately started kissing. After a few minutes I laid down her seat and continued kissing her while feeling her breasts. This lasted for several minutes before we decided to stop. I hugged her goodbye and we made plans to spend time together that weekend.

Friday night I picked her up and we went out for dinner. Conversation was nervous as we were both thinking about what might happen later on. After dinner we went back to my place to park my car then go out for some fun. We played darts at the bar next to my house (she won 2 out of 3) then came back up to my apartment under the pretext of watching a movie.

I sat down at my dinner table to check my e-mail quickly and she sat on my lap and kissed me. Not hesitating, I picked her up and carried her straight to my bed, laying her on her back and undressing her as quickly as I could. In seconds she was down to just her bra and I was back in heaven, lapping at her delicious cunt. She came repeatedly and I could see her pussy quivering with each orgasm.

She had pulled my shirt off while I was going down on her and I had worked my pants off in the process, leaving my underwear on. After her third oral orgasm, I came up for breath with the intent of sucking on her perfect tits. I was fumbling with her bra, my rock hard cock brushing against her naked pussy through my underwear, when she reached down and lowered by boxers over my ass, exposing my cock, the head glistening with precum.

“I want you inside me,” she said, pulling my cock by the base and directing it straight into her pussy.

I was met with that same insanely tight resistance as before, but her pussy was so soaked with her cum and the head of my cock so slick with pre-cum that I was actually able to slowly introduce myself into her. I’ve never felt anything even remotely like it. Literally, every centimeter of movement seemed to make her cum, which in turn made her pussy even wetter and spasm in waves, sucking my cock into her just a little further…which again would seem to make her cum some more. It took a full 2 minutes to get halfway in (which at first seemed like that was a far as things were going to go) and over that time I thought I counted 5 full orgasms. Who knows if she actually went all the way over the top with each one, but she was certainly screaming like she had.

I paused at that point and just reveled in the amazing sensation of her cunt as it pulsed and undulated against my cock. She was so sensitive any little touch on her body would set her off. I took the chance to suck on her nipples, and the combination of this with the slight repositioning of my cock set her cunt off on a whole new set of waves, drawing me further inside.

Finally, I was buried balls deep in her pussy. No condom, certain she wasn’t on the pill, and not giving a fuck. I tried to withdraw and thrust again but her cunt was like a vaccum, pulling me back in the second I would try to move backwards. She came twice more like this before she had finally relaxed enough to let me try to fuck her.

She was still too tight to really enjoy – as many times as she got off, it was also clearly painful for her and the intermittent look of shock and terror on her face when I did something that hurt was a turnoff. So I slowly pulled out and rolled onto my back. She immediately took me in her mouth, making circles with her tongue while jacking me off for a few minutes, then crawled back up to mount me.

Centimeter by centimeter, she slowly impaled herself on me. I reached up and finally removed her bra, liberating the best pair of tits I have ever seen. Truly perky and yet big enough to cast a shadow, they were close enough together that she nearly had cleavage even without a bra. I marveled at how hot she was and how lucky I was to be fucking somebody this perfect without a condom. By the time I came to my senses, she had finally worked her perfect little body the rest of the way down onto my cock and began riding me.

My bedroom has a large sliding glass door leading out to a balcony, and when the lights are on a night the glass acts like a mirror. She looked over at herself as she fucked me and her moans turned into screams as she came again. I was getting close myself but still wise enough to pull out. I grabbed her by the hips and lifted her off my cock, her cunt juice dripping down on me.

Laying her down next to me, we had a brief birth control talk again. She said she was due to get her period the next day, and I glanced down at my cock, realizing that it may have already started as their was a small ring of dark brown blood at the base of my cock. I mounted her again, slowly sliding myself into her, and did my best to fuck her gently but fast enough to make me cum.

Within seconds I was on the edge and I pulled out. This time, it was a real orgasm. I sprayed a lake of cum on her, hitting her face, hair, neck, both tits, and leaving a massive pile of it on her stomach. It seemed to go on for ever – spurt after spurt roping out of my cock onto her body as she came herself, her tight stomach tensing and relaxing as the thick liquid spattered onto her in a mess. I nearly blacked out from the pleasure, falling to the bed next to her and kissing her face.

We cleaned up and of course went right back at it three more times that night and again in the morning. With each subsequent time, as I was getting close she would pull me into her and tell me to cum inside her. Neither one of us ever said the word “condom”, though I knew there was a box full of them directly underneath the bed on which we were fucking.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/3ba8b3/risky_sex_with_the_japanese_student_teacher


  1. Those fucking horse condoms. My wife still cracks up into a giggle fit when we have to buy those damn things. Great story, man!

  2. as someone working in Japan currently this story was really well-written and realistic. the white knight in me wishes you had left out your girlfriend, it didnt really add to the story and is a turn off (for me at least) when I read about cheaters on GWS, but I can still look past it when a story is this well-written. editing: you wrote sent instead of scent once, if you care at all about fixing grammar ;)

  3. They should be good for you. I’m 7 and a half on a good day and honestly they can seem a bit short, but it’s not a huge issue. On a related note, the next size up has, I shit you not, a fucking elephant on the box. I’ve only had luck finding them on Amazon. They’re great on the length, but just a tiny bit loose for me (I’m about 5 and a half inches around, for reference), so I stick with the reasonably ego-boosting horse box,

  4. So…ego boost for her choosing the "big boy" condoms? I’m assuming the cashier thought: "Damn it! A black horse condom, he is getting laid tonight!"

  5. Shit! I found another typo toward the end, too. Thank you for the compliment. And honestly, I don’t like the cheater stories on here either, and I still feel like shit about this. I think I’ll take that section out when I go back to clean it up.

  6. So, as I’m reading this story, I’m trying to figure out: is the risk the pregnancy or the cheating on your girlfriend?

  7. I got a box of those elephant ones with another girl. The Japanese take their condoms seriously.

  8. This is my fetish, apparently. Any of the women I’ve been with that I remember well enough to write about have made similar demands. It’s so fucking hot in the moment. So bad, but soooooooo hot.

  9. The risk of pregnancy, I guess. More just that the first girlfriend I had insisted I wore a condom AND pull out, despite the fact that she was on the pill. But eventually we started going bareback and it was like fucking another person. She’d tell me to cum inside on special occasions and it was always the best as a 16 year old moron.

  10. I actually have an Asian women fetish because they are known to be tight, and well, I have a really small dick. So maybe if I get an Asian GF, it wouldn’t be that bad…time to go to Japan.

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