Glad Your Home

The warm air whistled by as she walked up the concrete sidewalk to Pier 7 Berth 4 for the arrival of her husband’s ship from an 8 month deployment. The heat was blistering, a humid 94 degrees, but the wind helped cool her body down as it gusted off the water in the Chesapeake Bay. The wind and hot air did little to ease the emotions she felt inside.

She thought of 8 months prior when she watched her husband leave from this very spot, her mind raced as she took herself back there, freezing cold weather all bundled up trying to stay warm.

Her mind took her to that day, watching him leave in his dark blue coveralls, his wave goodbye made her heart flutter inside her chest, she had never had to say goodbye to him like this in their 4 years of marriage. She couldn’t believe how fast the time passed by, the 8 months went by in a flash, but raising 4 kids alone tends to make time pass faster than normal.

She looked down to verify that her children were behaving and to her surprise they were. They looked kind of anxious not knowing what to expect and nervous about seeing their daddy again.

As she glanced up and snapped out of her own mind, she saw the 500 foot warship come into view around the corner which understandably caused her heart to jump for joy. The white uniforms of the sailors against the dark gray backdrop of the ship were surreal and this caused her heart to warm with intense pride.

She heard the announcement over the ship’s announcing system, “Good Morning family and friends! We would like to thank you for your unwavering support over the past 8 months. Thank You for all you’ve done. We are grateful and happy to be back with you!”

These words caused a wave of emotions to come to the surface one after the other causing her brown eyes to mist up and a tear to stream down her left cheek. She pinched herself to make sure she wasn’t dreaming, and the pain of the pinch verified that in fact she wasn’t. The kids’ excitement was building and they were asking mom which one is daddy. Of course from this distance it was impossible to tell because the summer dress white uniform had an amazing knack of washing out everyone’s features causing everyone to look the same.

The ship finally moored to the pier and the large orange painted crane moved the heavy steel walkway over to the ship. The sound from the crane hurt everyone’s ears, BEEP, BEEP, and BEEP.

Soon there after, the walkway was attached connecting the concrete pier to the steel ship and the first of many happy sailors started to walk off, one by one they met their families with tears of joy and laughter. It was a celebration unlike any she had ever witnessed. The Navy Band played joyous music and the excitement was so thick you could have literally cut it with a knife.

She looked at her children and said, “Ok you need to look for your Daddy, he should be coming off any minute”. Both her and her children frantically searched the faces hoping to be the first to see him.

She was the first to spot him.

His warm smile caught her fixed gaze and she met his green eyes with a longing she had never felt, it was like two souls speaking only a language they knew. She said, “There he is!” and the children searched and searched finally picking him out of the crowd of white uniforms.

The children’s collective joy pushed her emotions to the limit, as more tears flowed, covering her cheeks.

Thank God for this black and white stripped maxi dress material that allowed the wind to seep through or I would be wet from head to toe from the tears and sweat, she thought to herself.

As he drew closer to her, she could see he was holding a dozen red roses and she sensed she was losing control of her emotions. Tears started to flow more forcefully and she felt a buzzing sensation inside her as her white thongs began to get wet. Wow, she thought to herself, I wasn’t expecting that to happen.

His eyes never left hers as he finally reached her, at last.

Their lips met instantly and their arms wrapped around each other and neither one of them wanted to break away. A warm sensual sensation washed through her body, and she finally felt a weight being lifted off of her shoulders.

He knelt down and the children engulfed him with kisses and hugs, it was pure joy for all of them. She knelt down to meet them all and they had a huge family hug. Their lips met again and she felt his tongue push into her mouth.

He broke his kiss and with a wry smile said, “You look freaking amazing babe”. “Let’s go home”, he said, as he grabbed his green cloth sea bag and threw it over his left shoulder.

Smiles were permanently fixed to all their faces as the walked hands locked all the way out of the gate and to the white minivan parked in the lot right outside.

He hugged the kids each one by one as he secured them into the van, saying,” I missed you”, to each of them.

She waited patiently by the passenger side door for him to get finished and as he turned around, she reached for him pulling him as close as possible, their bodies touching once again. His hands brushed against the exposed skin of her back and it made her tingle all over and his lips explored the nape of her neck causing her to pull back slightly and lock her lips to his again.

Their kiss was passionate, stirring sensual emotions and caused her to feel as if they were all alone.

She awoke from this trance and realized there were people all around.

He opened her door and let her in, closing it securely behind her and he walked around to the driver side. As he made his way into his seat, there were smiles all around and the kids were obviously excited because they were screaming aloud, whoohoo! It was pure chaos inside the vehicle which suited her just fine, this was a celebration and it was long overdue.

As she rested her head against his shoulder, they talked about how they had missed each other which resulted in soft kisses now and again.

Over the 45 minute ride home the excitement subsided which caused the children to fall asleep one by one. She dabbed her tears with a tissue from her purse and closed her eyes in pure comfort. He was finally home she thought to herself, gosh he is home.

They arrived home shortly after 12 noon and after he pulled into the driveway, she met his eyes and smiled, saying “Glad you are back”.

She could tell he was happy, honestly happier than she has seen him in a long time. They both turned to the children and realized they were all still sleeping which caused them both to kind of laugh a chuckle a bit. “Let’s get them inside quietly”, he said and she nodded in agreement.

She grabbed the baby and a toddler and he grabbed a toddler and the 8 year old.

Amazingly they got them all inside and up the stairs, softly placing them all in bed. No doubt they would be up soon since they rarely took naps during the day, but she was glad they were asleep giving her time alone with him at last.

Downstairs in the kitchen, she asked him if he was hungry to which not surprisingly he answered, “Yes”. She grabbed the ham, cheese, mayo and bread and set it on the kitchen table and then proceeded to make his food.

She felt him come up behind her, his strong arms wrapped around her midsection and his lips against the back of her neck.

His breath was light against her right ear and she heard him whisper, “I’ve missed you”. His voice sent a shock wave through her body and she gave in to what she was feeling.

Turning her head slightly towards his, their eyes met and she whispered, “Take me right here, right now”.

He didn’t say a word, but his actions proved he understood the message and would do as she commanded.

She felt his hands sliding under her breasts cupping them through the thin black and white stripped dress and white strapless bra underneath. She could feel his manhood swelling and pressing against her ass as he caressed her body.

Reaching back behind her with her right hand she searched finding his cock and rubbing it to provoke him further. Her move worked and she felt his hands slide from her chest to the sides of her long striped dress, working it up inch by inch.

Exposing her legs to the cool air of the house caused chill bumps to form instantly and she felt his warm fingers against her skin as they slid up her legs and wrapped around her straps of the white thong underneath.

His whole body slid downward as he worked the panties off of her body.

She could sense how wet she was as the air blew up under her dress and moved across her. Stepping out of the thong, she watched him closely and could tell that he brought them up to his face to get a whiff of her sweetness then pushed them into his pocket.

His hands slid underneath again and moved to her inner leg, up and found the wet spot between her legs.

With his fingers he started to stroke the sweet spot which caused her to moan a little with each stroke. His fingers slid inside her, pushing in and out, quicker and quicker, then slowing, then quicker, back and forth he went.

She said to him forcefully, “I want you inside me” and he removed his fingers gently and she heard the zipper of his pants unzip and the pants hit the floor.

She felt the dress sliding up again and inch by inch the air cooled her body as it had before.

She felt his warm hard cock slide between her legs rubbing against her skin creating a tingling sensation inside her.

Spreading her legs widely, she wanted him to enter her and he took the cue pushing the thick head of his cock slowly inside her. The size caused her to gasp, losing her breath momentarily as he continued to push deep inside until every inch of him was in her.

His hands caressed her breasts again and she felt his thumbs slide to the top of the dress and to the top fabric of her bra pulling it down exposing her breasts to his touch. He slowly slid his warmth in and out moving it slightly side to side with each subsequent pump in search of just the right spot. His hands continued on her breasts and his fingers slid across her nipples causing them to grow harder with each light touch.

She could feel him pushing deeper and deeper with each thrust and she leaned her head back sending her mouth open with a deep moan each time.

He squeezed her nipples between his fingers and ran his hands under her breasts cupping them softly. His searching cock found its spot and she felt the electricity surge through her body knowing instantly that she was about to cum.

He must have felt the imminent explosion and he whispered, “Cum all over my cock”. She lost herself in the wave of ecstasy that engulfed her breathing deeper, harder and finally she screamed loudly as her orgasm reached its climax. Pulling out and turning her around their lips met passionately, tongues thrashing and lips smacking as her dress fell back to the ground and she could feel the wetness dripping out of her down her legs.

She slid up onto the table, hiked her dress up and leaned back onto the hard wood.

Watching him as he moved down towards her legs she could feel his wet tongue licking up her legs and up to her pussy. His tongue felt amazing against her lips and she wanted it to touch her clit so bad she arched her back trying to steer his face to her favorite spot.

He must have known her body well because he did exactly as she wanted and landed right between her legs. The moans escaped her in perfect rhythm to the flicks of his tongue against her.

She felt another orgasm building inside her and her body begged for him to continue and she tried to force his head up and out of there. He continued his assault upon her forcefully fighting against the pull of her hands.

The battle was on inside her, one side wanting him to continue and the other wanting him to stop.

At this point, she had no idea which side would win and then suddenly he stopped his assault on her and his face slid up to find her right nipple which he sucked and sucked until he moved to the other one.

She could feel his tongue upon her chest and his warm cock between her legs again, and he slid it inside inch by inch. His lips sucked her neck and his hands gripped her ass as he pumped his hips into and out of her faster and more powerful each time.

The sensation inside her grew to a point where she didn’t know if she could take it anymore.

She could feel him growing inside of her, swelling massively as she finally orgasmed for the second time and the wash of release flowed over her entire body.

The lips of her pussy tingled with each push of his cock inside her. She could barely stand it. She wanted him to spill his strength inside her pumping into her harder and harder which pushed her body back and forth on the wooden table.

The energy that moved between their bodies was intense and she was surprised at how long he was going. He leaned back and pumped faster and faster and faster. She could feel his balls flapping against her over and over and she could sense he was about the finish. “Do it baby”, she said as she felt the release of his cum shoot inside her and he collapsed onto her naked body holding her close. She whispered in his ear, “Glad you are home”.
