The measure of 2 lovers is how they respond when you… | Part 2 [MFM with DP, Squirting]

Part One

So now I have Andrew underneath me and Jason behind me. They start muttering about lube to each other and I know what will happen next. Even with my body being totally relaxed from the multiple orgasms I've now had, my brain is a little nervous.

Just before, I'd managed to have two cocks in my pussy (which, for the record, I'm told is generally pretty tight). But this is again new. After a bit of pressure, I was being double penetrated.

I wasn't sure what to expect – it was an amazing feeling of fullness. The guys got their rhythm and I just let myself go into the sensation of it all. I have no idea how long it is before Jason cums in my ass and he pulls out. Andrew tells me he wants my ass so he can feel Jason's cum inside of me.

Okay, sure. I don't want to stop any of that.

Jason goes to my bathroom to clean up. Andrew does his thing. It feels damn good. He is smacking my ass and telling me how much he loves my hips and ass and tells me to please never lose weight. He doesn't cum and then as Jason is coming back into my room, he asks him where there is a washcloth and towel since he wants my pussy again.

I'm just letting this all happen around me. Andrew leaves me for a moment and Jason lays down beside me…I'm panting and still twitching and cumming…and I rest my head on his shoulder. He winks and grins and asks me if I'm having fun. I thank him. Next thing I know, I get flipped over on my back. Andrew is over me, asking if I squirt. I have, I tell him, but not very often.

With Jason next to me and Andrew on top of me, I get fucked again. Hard. Really hard. I think Andrew is the one holding my hands above my head but when I open my eyes I realize it's Jason.

I keep cumming and then I feel that familiar sensation and realize I'm squirting.

I squirt so hard I spray myself in the face. More than once. I'm drenched.

I'm even more lost than I was before. I've completely and totally let go. I barely know what's going on. I manage to squeak out a question – "how did you do that?" – since I've never squirted on my back from penetration. He says it's his thing. Okay, sure. I'll take it.

He keeps going and I'm aware of Jason coming back into the room (I didn't even know he had left) and he looks down at us and laughs and says:

"Um, hey Ann, you kinda…um…you had an accident. You're gonna need to wash your sheets when we leave."

You know that term "lose your shit"? Yup. I literally lost my shit.

My ass opened up from two different large cocks pounding away at me. When I squirted and totally let go, two little pieces of shit also escaped. LITERALLY. I wish this was a euphemism. It is not. Worst of all, I was in no mental or physical condition to even respond.

Should I pause while you clean up the drink you just spit on to your screen?

So what happened?

Andrew didn't care – I don't think he really saw – and he just kept going. He moved me around a bit more with various positions. At one point he had me on my stomach, he was fucking me from behind, and he ended up putting his legs above my hips – it was quite the pounding. This guy knows his sex!

We finished with Jason laying on the (non shitty!) side of my bed, me on my side with my head on his chest, and Andrew taking me slowly from behind.

Andrew went to get cleaned up while Jason finished getting dressed. I saw the damage and was appropriately horrified – pulling the top sheet over the mess just so none of us had to look at it (and especially Andrew, who if he hadn't seen, I certainly didn't want him to).

I pulled on a nightgown and Jason and I wandered downstairs. He started teasing me and I told him it was the most mortifying thing that had ever happened to me.

I thanked him again for setting this up for me. He said he also had a great time. He asked if I wanted Andrew's number so I could see him again. I said yes.

Then Andrew came downstairs and there was some embarrassing discussion between the two of them about how awesome I was to fuck and whether Andrew would like to see me again (he said absolutely).

It was time for them to leave. Jason gave me a long lingering kiss and went to get his shoes and coat. Then I turned to Andrew, not really sure what to do, and he grabbed me and also gave me a long, deep, kiss. Kissing two men goodbye struck me as very funny and I started to giggle.

The door shut. I spent the next few minutes wandering around my place in a daze. I had the wherewithal to send Jason and Andrew thank you texts.

Then I remembered those damn sheets.

Ann St.Vincent



  1. Thanks for keeping in the mortifying part. I actually find it really sexy because it means you just totally let go.

  2. I was super impressed with how relaxed these two guys were about it. One said to me later that when you’re doing stuff like that, it just happens and it’s no big deal. I glad they were so awesome (in so many ways).

  3. That’s awesome! My accident was that I ended up "squeezing" the wrong muscle and it actually ended up on him. And it was gross and I get everything you felt. It was ok with it too surprisingly

  4. So good! I wish I could meet open-minded guys like this in my life

  5. Lol! This was hilarious! Thank you Ann! Also super hot in the non- shit related parts. :)

  6. Thank you! It was definitely one of the hottest sexual experiences I’ve had!!

  7. It’s great when you can be with guys who just roll with stuff like that. Shit happens!! ;)

  8. Great stuff. Love thehonesty. Keeping it real. Stuff happens. Always a possibility with anal.

  9. Thank you! I’ve learned that men with lots of anal experience think exactly that way – they just aren’t fussed at all.

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