Worst prostitute ever! [m/f]

He didn't actually use that phrase but he strongly implied it.

Let's call him Kevin. Kevin had been a regular of the escort agency I worked for, long before I arrived and years after I left both the agency and the glamorous world of prostitution, I'm guessing he still is.

The woman that ran the agency loved him. It wasn't just because he was a frequent customer and the amount of money he pumped into the agency, I think it was because he fulfilled her expectation on every level of what her ideal customer would be like.

He was fat (pudgy rather than obese) balding and his 50’s, every woman’s dream, and he just wanted to be our friend. He also wanted to fuck us in the arse and urinate on us, though he was still a good bloke apparently!.

From before we joined the agency we were told we had to provide all the services the agency offered. So while a woman at another agency might not want to offer say, anal sex and her agency might work around it, our agency wouldn’t. In fairness when they were always up front about it. In practice how it worked was that your first time with a new client, if he asked for something like anal, you’d say not now, but once we’ve had a few bookings we’ll do it then.

Most men didn’t even really want anal sex, they wanted the pornstar experience. So long as they were satisfied overall you could usually talk them out of asking for anything too extreme.

The rules were different for Kevin though, because he was such a favorite, as the agency manger so eloquently put it, Alex wanted everything he paid for.

My first time with Kevin was when he booked me specifically, rather than just being the girl on rotation. This wasn’t unusual, as the agency having someone new on the books usually saw increased interest from the regulars.

So he wanted a four hour booking, which was got my antenna up straight away. Long bookings were usually hard work, sometime because the client had something elaborate he wanted, and sometimes because they wanted my pet hate ‘the girlfriend experience’.

I got a phone call from the agency before the driver picked up from the manager, even though she had already told me previously she wanted to remind me that I was expected to provide all services, she was always big on Euphemisms.

He lived in a fairly nice house in a posh area only a short drive away. When we arrived he was all smiles, enveloped me in his hands and proceeded to push his tongue down my throat, while simultaneously hitching my dress up.

I mean that wasn’t entirely unusual, some clients liked to get straight down to business, but only after settling up with the driver first. As well as getting me there, the driver was meant to confirm that I was happy, and take control of the money. Usually if a client tried to do anything more elaborate than a peck on a cheek the driver would step in.

The driver were the eyes and ears of the agency, so the fact that he wasn’t doing anything signaled it was par for the course for this particular client.

He removed my dress and pushed my knickers down to my knees. I wasn’t entirely unhappy with how things were going so far, if he wanted to get off there and then it was fine by me, there was no point dragging things out.

Usually if a client is getting too adventures with his fingers, it’s because his cock is letting him down. As Kevin started to play amateur gynecologist, I could feel his erection in his pants. Getting his cock out was going to move things along.

When I reached down to unbuckle his trousers, he pulled back, and made a remark about me being ‘hungry for the cock’. Usually when a guy said something like that it was a hint about what he really wanted.

He turned to the driver, who didn’t have anything you could class as a facial expression visible, and handed him the money, with a flourish he pulled his wallet out and tipped him £40 which was I suppose a hint to me as well.

When the driver left I was standing in the hall, wearing just my bra with my knickers around my ankles. I was debating whether to be more active and try and steer what was happening, but all of a sudden there was another flurry of activity from Kevin.

He bent me over and I braced myself against the wall awkwardly while he got his cock out. Usually I prefer to put the condoms on clients, which is something a lot of clients and men in general struggle with. He had his own condom which was a good sign, and that he was putting it on unprompted was another one, as it was something that I hated arguing about with clients.

I had an opportunity to confirm the condom was on properly before he pushed into me quite roughly, though he wasn’t big enough to be particularly uncomfortable. I’d discovered early on that I usually became wet enough to make sex go easily, which was actually a surprise, as it wasn’t an attribute that always carried over to my personal sex life. I very rarely orgasmed while working, but my body seemed to understand when I was ‘working’ and usually wouldn’t let me down.

The sex was pretty perfunctory, after humping away for a few minutes, he pulled out. This was a key moment, guys sometime didn’t know what they wanted to do, whether it was to finish in me with wearing a condom, or to pull out and finish by wanking off on me. Sometimes they’d pull the condom off only to have a change of heart, or not be as close to finishing as they thought.

Pulling out he had me get on my knees, I initially position myself so he could cum on my face, but I was surprised when he moved me so my boobs were level with his cock. When I went to take my bra off he stopped me, and after wanking himself furiously for a few moments came on my bra. Which was a new experience! And also annoying, though I carried a change of undies in my bag.

So that was the first 15 minutes, I remember thinking ‘what the fuck am I meant to do for the next 3hours and 45 minutes!’.

Then it all started to go wrong.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/3azd79/worst_prostitute_ever_mf


  1. Please for the love of god and all that is holy finish this story. I want to know what happens next!

  2. Im not even turned on right now. I just really want to see how this story plays out.

  3. Yeah, this isn’t even arousing, but I’m dying to know what happened.

  4. In my head I was just going to recount briefly what happened, but once I started writing I couldn’t figure out what to leave out.

  5. oopsie can’t keep my names straight. Any more typos please let me know.

  6. It was too much like hard work writing it. It’s almost like having sex with the fat mess again.

  7. Fuck fucking Kevin. I hate him already. You gotta finish the story.

  8. That’s the part I want to know more about. Pleeeease. You’re such an excellent writer

  9. I had a moment where I went, "Wait, he’s not going to– does he have a fetish for making women launder their clothing or something? WTF??" Hope you post more, I have a sick fascination with the idea of learning how it only *started* to go wrong *after* all that.

  10. Would love more of this story, and any more stories you might have to tell. Something about your writing voice, your tone, is absolutely compelling to read. As is the content, though I can certainly understand if it’s not as fun for you to relive.

  11. It’s not some horrible traumatic memory, he was just one if those arseholes at people have to interact with on a daily basis

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