Things I’ve literally f*cked myself with | Or why I should always travel with a cucumber [F40 Masturbation]

In the last several months I've gone on a few trips without any sex toys. Once because I rented a holiday property and it was going to be my Mom, son, a close friend and her kids, and it just seemed weird to pack a vibrator. Another time I was travelling just with my Mom and we were sharing a room. Recently I went to a family member's house and the walls are super thin.

I've subsequently learned that not having a toy is a big mistake. It leads to some pretty raunchy behaviour on my part.

I guess I should clarify that I need assistance to cum through masturbation. Not sure why but my own hands just don't do it for me. Perhaps I could find a lover who could educate me. But until that happens and I'm master of my own domain, I need a toy.

So… at the holiday property one day I found myself alone and desperately horny. I'd been on the naughty online dating site and having some great sexting exchanges and was all worked up. I rummaged around the kitchen, as it held the most promise. One washed cucumber later, I was fixing myself up quite nicely. Except the cucumber was cold. Microwaving it seemed wrong and potentially could end badly. Do they explode in the microwave? I didn't want to have to explain that one.

Regardless, it got the job done. And no, I didn't put it back so that we'd eat it. I couldn't bring myself to do that.

At my family member's house, again I found myself alone and horny. I'd been talking to a boyfriend and thinking about sex and I was going all squirrelly with desire. I found two different things this time…a big flashlight which I put in a big baggie (I mean really, otherwise that would just be gross) and a crazy cat toy that shot lasers that the cats will chase. It had this nice rounded ball on the top and then a tapered cone. Perfect. The flashlight worked great. I tried the cat toy but ended up turning it on when it was inside me. I'm not sure how I did that but I always suspected I was ultra talented. I got a little warm. So far, there doesn't seem to be any long-lasting damage from lasering my insides.

This week, I've enjoyed the pleasures of a TV remote (put in the bag they give you for ice..again, since everyone knows there are a million germs on a remote control – ugh). I got the inspiration for the remote from a book I saw online where the author created pencil drawings showing various ways women masturbate. Also, I used a banana, which has a way better shape to it, but doesn't hold up so well. Yes, straight to the garbage it went afterwards. Sorry for anyone offended by wasting food.

Not that I haven't enjoyed the scavenging of items from houses and hotel rooms, but next time I think I'll just bring my beautiful Form 6 vibrator from JimmyJane and not worry about picking the right banana out of the buffet fruit bowl.

Ann St. Vincent



  1. Can you tell us which artist drawn masturbating women? It’s for research purposes ? I like your stories, keep posting!

  2. I got asked in an interview once what was the strangest thing I masturbated with… I wish I read this and said a cucumber so my answer could’ve been more interesting. :D

  3. I assume "drown" is a typo because otherwise, I can’t help you with that! I will see if I can find the link and if their art is still up.

  4. It’s a good tip but hot water takes a while! I have microwaved them before on a low setting – takes the edge off ;) Glad you liked that story!

  5. Is it bad that it happened to me once and I was mad since it was my only cucumber??

  6. Totally understand :) I just read it the first time without espresso!

  7. Hmm. Quite true…reversed that Seinfeld reference – whoops! I’m never master of my domain, then.

  8. I edited ? – I – was lacking espresso. Or sweet lady juices.. Can’t say ?

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